General Discussions => General discussions => Topic started by: Maddie86 on January 09, 2018, 08:31:42 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Sleep Walking/Sleep Talking
Post by: Maddie86 on January 09, 2018, 08:31:42 PM
So the sleep positions thread got me thinking about a few things. I used to have issues sleeping, and I think it's because I was in the closet. One reason why I used to drink every night is because if I didn't drink then I couldn't sleep, and I couldn't sleep because of what's been in the back of my head for a very long time. I swear there were times where I would wake up mid thought and there was a voice inside me saying "I want to be a girl", and sometimes I feel like I was yelling at myself in my sleep. My dad told me I've talked in my sleep since I was young, and I know I sleepwalked a few times over the years but it got worse over time.

I used to work out of town a lot so one sunday I packed up my suitcase and then in the middle of the night I woke up and didn't see my alarm clock. I got up and turned on the light and it was unplugged and wrapped up and sitting on top of my suitcase. Another time I woke up and couldn't find my phone. I got up to look and it was in the living room on a table I never use. One time I got up and couldn't find the remote for my TV. the next morning my mom told me that I got up shortly after I went to bed and walked out into the livingroom and threw it at her and yelled "Here's the clicker!" and then I walked off into the bathroom. One time in a hotel I woke up in the middle of sleepwalking, I found myself about to take a painting down off the wall. a couple years ago when I stayed with my dad in a hotel for work he said I would talk a lot in my sleep (one night he said it sounded like I was talking to a dog, and I definitely had a dream that night about my old dog paying me a visit), and I guess my sister's boyfriend said he's heard me actually yelling in my sleep before too.

Then about a year ago it stopped. I did stop drinking, but then a month later I started coming out to some friends and that really started to ease my mind, so I don't know which it was that cured me, but I'm almost leaning towards the sobriety lol. It's so weird though, I feel like I did actually used to try and tell myself stuff in my sleep, it's almost feels like I was being possessed, and now that I'm on my journey to being a woman I've been exorcised! I swear, the night I came out to my first friend I went to bed and an hour later I woke up and it looked like there was a mist floating around my room, almost like something bad was leaving me and I was being relieved. I'm not a spiritual person at all really, so I found this interesting.

Has anyone else had any issues like this before? Do you think it was trans related? Someone tell me I'm not crazy!
Title: Re: Sleep Walking/Sleep Talking
Post by: Sephirah on January 09, 2018, 08:53:44 PM
You're not crazy. :)

I'm not sure it's directly trans related, but maybe indirectly. According to this (, stress, anxiety, depression and alcohol can be factors in causing it. Remove those, and you remove some of the possible causes.