General Discussions => Health => Topic started by: jaybutterfly on January 12, 2018, 07:10:26 PM Return to Full Version

Title: finding a healthier life by not being so strict
Post by: jaybutterfly on January 12, 2018, 07:10:26 PM
Ok so for the last few years, Ive devoted myself tirelessly to weightlifting, martial arts, competitive judo and a strict diet. I was in good shape but anxiety and life satisfaction have been awful. This last week or so since the new year I decided to try something new. Ive given up on planning my meals on macros, in fact I eat less now and feel better. I can enjoy a bit of alcohol after a hard day (and my god my sleep quality is divine now) I train for fun, not with the intention of being an unbreachable defense system who needs to protect themselves all the time. I dont feel to, and I also feel I can go out with friends to the pub or for a coffee and enjoy myself.

Ive not felt this well in a long time, and above all, I enjoy running again, something I havent in a long time. Im happy to lose muscle and put on a bit of weight because I feel better for it. Im not getting obese like, but I look more like a normal person now, and thinner too, which will no doubt help since ive lost upper body muscle :)
Title: Re: finding a healthier life by not being so strict
Post by: elkie-t on January 12, 2018, 09:51:38 PM
You train to have a good life, not live to have good training. Enjoinment of life / happiness is so essential...

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Title: Re: finding a healthier life by not being so strict
Post by: Violet10Dencies on January 13, 2018, 06:42:55 AM
I've been working hard to get healthier since last April. It started with just being more active and eating healthier but I got progressively more intense with time.

About 4 months in I started getting really serious. Biking all the way across town,  tracking every meal and every step I took. It worked for a while but my weightloss stalled out almost completely for a couple months. It wasn't until I started being more casual with my exercise routine that I started seeing results again. Diet has stayed about the same, except now I cut-down on certain foods instead of cutting them out entirely. I've also found I can get away with more than one cheat day a week  :) just can't get too crazy too often.

New view going into 2018: positive in = positive out. No more beating myself up!

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Title: Re: finding a healthier life by not being so strict
Post by: Kylo on February 12, 2018, 01:07:48 PM
Yeah, I wasn't keen on overdoing it after I read about all the stress joints and bones are put under in runners and martial artists and other athletes. I didn't want to get to a point and find myself with arthritis and have to give it up. Strict anything doesn't work well for me as I've not got the most disciplined mind for matters of the body. It works better if I just try doing stuff that's fun, but exhaustive, and not all the time... and just try to eat till satisfied but not stuffed. Works ok.