General Discussions => Frequently asked questions => Forums => Topic started by: Idaliaylix on March 03, 2018, 06:58:00 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Possible to "mention" or otherwise respond to individual users in a thread?
Post by: Idaliaylix on March 03, 2018, 06:58:00 PM
Basically, what I'm wondering is, if many people have replied to a thread, is it possible to "mention" or respond to them (some forums have something like an @username system for this) in a way that they will be individually notified of?

Just for the sake of efficiency, I'd be nice to be able to reply to several people by making one post rather than many posts quoting their responses.

Does this make any sense?  Frustratingly, I can't think of a better way to articulate what I'm asking.  For an example, a post like this:

User1: (response)

User 2: (response)

so that users 1 and 2 will see that I've 'mentioned' them?
Title: Re: Possible to "mention" or otherwise respond to individual users in a thread?
Post by: Devlyn on March 03, 2018, 07:01:27 PM
Let's find out, I know there is a "Mentions" feature.


Hugs, Devlyn
Title: Re: Possible to "mention" or otherwise respond to individual users in a thread?
Post by: Idaliaylix on March 03, 2018, 07:07:06 PM
Oh, I see!  It is the '@' system then.  Thanks.   :)