Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Male to female transsexual talk (MTF) => Topic started by: HappyMoni on July 08, 2018, 09:36:05 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 08, 2018, 09:36:05 PM
No, in no way am I complaining. I have wanted  boobs all my life. In two days, I get my wish. I am very lucky. So why do I feel anxious tonight? I have this sense that this is really going to change my life. I have been  very light hearted about it up until tonight. I am not worried about surgery. I have had a lot of that, and it doesn't bother me. No it isn't the surgery. It is a big mental milestone for me. I have a lot riding on this. My self image, my relationship, will all be impacted by how this goes. It is scaring me some. I have said to others, this is a point of no return unlike even GCS. This is highly visible to everyone. I keep rolling around in my head the 'what ifs.' I guess  I didn't expect this pressure with such a wonderful opportunity.
Kendra, hope you are doing well. Thinking of you.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 08, 2018, 10:14:22 PM
Dear Moni:  I am very excited for you.  In my opinion it is completely normal to be nervous and of course you might be considering second thoughts... as you said this is a big step and the result will be a very obvious to all... 
you are already passing without failing so the BA is just an enhancement of your already very feminine presentation.
Of course it is entirely your decision... it's your body and your choice.
Your followers and friends here will rejoice with you and support you no matter what you do.
Please keep us updated.
Hugs and well wishes.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: LizK on July 09, 2018, 01:49:22 AM
I hope it goes well and I understand your trepidation...I am sure you will be fine....The thought of having nice boobs is driving me to reconsider my previous position. I suspect I will be following you in looking for an augmentation....and will have the same concerns... I think its healthy to be concerned.

There are always horror stories but on the whole this operation is now done frequently and I am sure you have picked a surgeon who knows what they are will be in capable hands...

Take care


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: emma-f on July 09, 2018, 03:07:05 AM
Good luck. Its the best thing I've ever done. Thing is they're not always as obvious as you'd think. After mine I even lived for a few weeks as a man! Even now I can dress in the week where I don't look like I have much chest, and then on the weekend wear a low cut top and have had random strangers comment on my boobs!

Spend a few days resting afterwards and the recovery is fine. I'm sure that you have loads of tips already but here are a few:

1. Make sure you have lots of zip up tops and the type of vests that you can pull up from below
2. Take out lots of cups and glasses and have everything in the kitchen at less than shoulder height
3. Sort out your bed with an incline before you go to hospital. I just created a wedge using spare quilt and some cushions
4. Get in a lot of shopping including long life milk - you won't fancy carrying shopping bags for a few weeks at least!

Once again, good luck x
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on July 09, 2018, 10:15:18 AM
Take a deep breath Monica!  It's scaring you because of the perceived visible change, but look in the mirror and see the woman you are now.  It will be shocking to see them at first but then you'll settle into normal life, and a new bra size. 

PONR?  Not that I've heard of having them removed but it can be done.  Try that with GRS.

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: islandgirl on July 09, 2018, 10:58:44 AM
All the Best with your surgery, Monica! Feelings of doubt or questioning your decision are normal! You have done the work to get this far along your path! Even the best actors or athletes have butterflies before their next performance! I have submitted a request for a BA and am excited to get there. On the other hand, I question my decision. Am I too old?  Will I get the results I want? Sending positive thoughts! I am sure things will go smoothly for you! Look forward to hearing from you after your surgery!

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: KathyLauren on July 09, 2018, 11:11:21 AM
Good luck with your surgery, Moni!  May the results be everything you wanted.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 09, 2018, 12:33:31 PM
Thanks friends, as always, you are awesome. I am feeling calmer today. There is no doubt that this is right for me. There is no real thought of going backward. I love being a woman. I have some baggage from being male those many years. It is my hope that this surgery will help dismiss this baggage. I don't know if you can relate but having something off in the future with the promise that it will help things is comforting. When the time comes where that thing actually is happening, it can cause stress. Thoughts of, will it really help, what if it doesn't help, what then, are what bother me. I've been around this game long enough to know that surgeries don't cure all life's problems. I have never had that thought. I'm just hoping that this changes things in a way similar to what I need.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: davina61 on July 09, 2018, 02:09:49 PM
Wishing you well, bit late time zones and all that, hope you get what you want XXXXXX
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Kendra on July 09, 2018, 02:18:32 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on July 08, 2018, 09:36:05 PM
Kendra, hope you are doing well. Thinking of you.

Awww - thank you!  I am actually on the rollaway thingie right now (probably not the technical term) about to get wheeled into surgery.  And Moni I wish the best for you!  I know you researched and made decisions carefully, you will do great. 

I have followed many of your experiences and admire everything you have done. 
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Tatiana 79 on July 09, 2018, 03:30:47 PM
Baby this is something you have wanted your entire life and now it comes down to crunch time so who wouldn't be excited and nervous about it unless your Vulcan or something.  we're only humans with emotions and feelings and this has been building up in you for so long and now it's thrown on you right now.
If your excitement anxiety and anticipation wouldn't be high I don't think you would be alive so use it girl.
I'm sure everything will go fine and I can't wait to hear how you feel when you come back after it.
best wishes and hugs and love  to you my friend Tatiana
Oh and one more thing sorry about the Vulcan bit I'm just an old treki
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 09, 2018, 03:32:24 PM
Quote from: Kendra on July 09, 2018, 02:18:32 PM
Awww - thank you!  I am actually on the rollaway thingie right now (probably not the technical term) about to get wheeled into surgery.  And Moni I wish the best for you!  I know you researched and made decisions carefully, you will do great. 

I have followed many of your experiences and admire everything you have done.

Thank you Davina and Kendra,
   Can't believe you are posting on the gurney going in, Kendra. Now put it down like a good girl, and let the good doctors folks do their thing.   ;D

   I waited for a call as to when to go tomorrow. I called at 4 and they were closed. Moment of panic before they called and said 9:45 AM for surgery. I plan on posting as they have me counting backwards from 100. Not!

    Davina, I am not smart enough to know what time that is your time. My guess is Sunday at 5:22AM give or take a week.  :P
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Jessica on July 09, 2018, 03:38:13 PM
Good luck Moni!  As you have said, this is what you have always wanted.

Hugs and smiles, Jess
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Charlie Nicki on July 09, 2018, 04:28:51 PM
Good luck! You will probably be very happy with the results :)
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Rachel on July 09, 2018, 06:36:20 PM
Kendra, you are awesome, posting on the way to surgery, good luck.

Monica, a BA makes a huge difference. My self confidence went up after my BA. How people treated me changed. I had guys I know blush when they saw me the first time. Tops look very good after the BA and more importantly I did not dwell on the if I had xxxxxx. Breasts can be a bother some times. When I eat if a crumb falls it always goes into my bra. I need to wear a bra now. Tight tops look awesome.

Do things change, yes and no. We are genetically programmed to view breasts a certain way. When you have breasts you are viewed in a group, just like the rest. So you will be associated in the group with breasts.

Good luck.

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: MissyMay2.0 on July 09, 2018, 07:04:07 PM
Congratulations and best wishes for amazing results!😊

I had mine done in 2011, and it was so validating to me, especially since I only got an A cup after several years of HRT, so I was ecstatic to finally have breasts, and they definitely make me feel a lot more feminine😊

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 09, 2018, 07:29:15 PM
Thank you friends, very much. You have made me feel much better. More feminine is the key here for me.

Rach, the upside of the things finding their way in there, you can hide your money there if there is any left after  the doctor bills.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: davina61 on July 10, 2018, 12:49:49 PM
You are almost right but its PM , waiting for the after post---------
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Harley Quinn on July 10, 2018, 02:38:11 PM
Speedy recovery!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Kendra on July 11, 2018, 12:05:47 AM
Moni I hope you're doing well!  I'm sure you are.  Mine are sore day one post-op but sooo worth it.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 11, 2018, 02:54:58 AM
Quote from: davina61 on July 10, 2018, 12:49:49 PM
You are almost right but its PM , waiting for the after post---------
Will update soon. I did a major course change right before surgery but too uncomfortable to go into it at 4 in morning. Drugs wore off and cant sleep yet. Kendra, glad it went well, talk later.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 11, 2018, 06:39:36 PM
   So I was all set to have my C cup with 470 cc implants that would, in my head, be practical to living actively and not change up my wardrobe too much. The surgeon has done some trans patients before but mostly has a cis gender clientele. Dr. Basner was highly recommended by two cis friends of a friend and one trans woman from Susan's (Thank you, Dani.) The thought was in my head that maybe when opening up the pocket for the under the muscle implant, that there might be some discretion in where to place the implant. Then I figured, well if the implant is placed off center of the nipple, things would look odd. All the time I was thinking about my larger chest cavity and the tendency of trans woman's boobs to appear pointing outward. I wear a 38 band with an A cup from HRT. I figured what do I have to lose, I'll mention this to the doctor. His response verified the need to center the implant on the nipple. He then described the look that he tried to attain when doing implants and that was to have a bit of a curvy appearance both on the inside and outside of the breast. He never pushed me into any specific size but did say he thought a bigger implant would do that for me. He said we have one chance to get this  right, so if you want, we can do a resizing with a few larger implants so you can see the curviness that a larger implant would bring. I said great. So an assistant, Colleen, came in and she gave me a few different bigger sizes to look at. She said, "I don't want to let a number in your head decide what is right, so I won't tell you the implant size until you pick what looks best." She was dead right as that would have been in my head. The doctor also made a point of showing me that the projection outward between the bigger and the smaller implants was very close to the same. In other words, bigger implant did not mean having bullet boobs like Madonna. Also, he did give an upper limit as to when he thought I might be going too big for me. All this was gentle guidance, not pushing for any certain size. He does it all the time, knows the best looks from experience, and has no financial benefit to me picking one size over another, so I thought it wise to listen to his experience. The first size was not a huge difference from what I had picked before, but the size up from that started to show the curve more. That curve on the inside directly related to being able to see and have some cleavage. I finally reached my upper limit where it just felt too big. Of the two I had in the  bra at the end, I was thinking about the bigger size and kind of expressed that and then Collen expressed  her opinion that she thought that was the look she would pick for me. She then told me that the size I picked was 640 cc.  Now if I had known the number, I would have been guided by that number instead of the look. As she was leaving, I asked what cup size this would be. She said Double D. I was like, "Are you serious?" I never imagined going that large. It wasn't til she left that I wondered what that would do to my clothing selection. The next person I saw, I asked about this who stated that she thought it would not change that much. Sizing of  beasts for clothes is such an inexact science, no guessing game. So that will be left to be determined.
   I also asked how hard it would be for a lay person to remove stitches. My partner was going to do it rather than go back to North Carolina to see Dr. Cooley. I have about 80 stitches in my head from my hair transplant. He looked at them and  said we can do it on your follow up. I said great, how much? "Oh, no charge, Collen can do it." Wow, that really impressed me.
   So, I will have a double D cup. I don't think it will make me look top heavy as they will  not stick out further. The  change in look should be more in the front view than the side. This is something I wanted, not to look  top heavy. It seems  proportional to my body in theory and with the try on. This experience made me realize that the size of the implant is unimportant. It is the proportion of the implant to the size of the body that counts. Plus, I will have cleavage now! (I am 5'7 1/2'" and 166 pounds plus the three they added yesterday lol.)
   My report on my progress past my insomnia last night is good. The boobs are high on my chest as they are supposed to be at this time. I had no nausea and not much pain. I am off my pain pills now. May take some Tylenol later! I look down and see swelling and cleavage, wow! We went out to eat and did some shopping today. Then a 2 hour nap! :)
   Mentally, I have a real sense of calmness. I was proud to be out in public even if the boobs haven't settled. I haven't seen my body yet, but being trans means being patient (or impatient training to be patient more likely.) I think this is going to have a big impact on my self image, my confidence. I shower tomorrow so it will be interesting to see my new babies.
   Since Kendra is one  day ahead of me I would like to hear her perspective if she is willing. And anyone else. :)

1 Day post-op.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: LizK on July 11, 2018, 06:46:50 PM
What a great point Moni about the size. I have decided that I will be having an augmentation if I can get the $$ together. its going to take me until this time next year to get the $$ together but I cannot keep going the way I am. I am like you I don't want huge breasts just what suits me. If that happens to be DD then so be it but like you as a first point I would not have even thought about being that big.

I am glad it went well for you and that you have had minimal pain and are recovering well.

Look forward to see your results

Take Care

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on July 11, 2018, 08:12:51 PM
Thanks Monica for a complete and honest appraisal.  I can see that size is inconsequential to obtaining the look you desire.  I never thought of the "curvy appearance" aspect, only that larger means more protrusion which it doesn't always mean.  ??? 
I hope you heal well and sleep comes easy tonight. 
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Harley Quinn on July 11, 2018, 09:42:36 PM
Glad to hear the recovery is going well! Can't wait to see how everything came out.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Kendra on July 11, 2018, 10:04:33 PM
I had 350cc implants installed Monday evening - a few hours before Moni.  I'm 5'7" (170cm), 150 pounds (70kg), 36" (92cm) ribcage/band size.  Moni and I are similar build, although genetic and other differences affect overall shape and proportions. 

I have heard from several sources the most common complaint is going too small.  My surgeon said the same during our pre-op meeting - she has happy campers but has also seen a few who regretted not going larger, and one patient who wishes they were smaller.

Bra cup sizing is baffling and I won't have a clue until things settle and I go shopping in a few weeks.  You might be surprised to hear sizing samples were not brought in for my pre-op meeting, and I wasn't hesitant because we had set the goals for what I wanted - and I think pretty much all of Dr. Ley's patients are transgender.  I was asked about expectations, and that combined with measurements (mainly the distance between nipples) resulted in a 425cc - 575cc range recommendation.  I told her I definitely wanted something in the smaller end of the range, and why:

  • I'm half Japanese.  (And half Welsh).  Not really a cultural thing but I'm factoring characteristics of what are common genetic traits.
  • I've only been on HRT one year.  Breast growth accelerated when I switched from patches to injections making this a bit tricky to estimate - but I'm certain mine will continue to grow for awhile. 
  • Personal goals.  I run and do other things, willing to accommodate a bit but I don't want to completely give up these activities. 
After talking to Dr. Ley some more I told her - let's definitely stay in the smaller end of size range for my frame.  And I told her "you're the expert" and I am not.  She does this all the time and I don't. 

I was concerned before my pre-op meeting: was I making a mistake not waiting for additional HRT time?  Before surgery I wondered and had many friends say I looked fine - but I was always wearing a padded push-up bra and could only find one brand of bathing suit that looked right.  I'd take my bra off and then hated my chest - it was improving but wasn't gonna get there without help.  A postponement would involve an additional anesthesia since I was already scheduled for GCS-2 (Labiaplasty).  My worries vanished during the pre-op meeting because I was with a surgeon who does this frequently and has seen how these decisions impact her patients.  After communicating my expectations and other details, I trusted her and I am glad I did.

I woke up from surgery with 350cc implants and they are exactly what I want even though we didn't pre-select this specific size.  During surgery she made some comparisons, considered our conversations and went below the estimated range.  For my particular case I believe this was the right decision. 

I realize the way I look right now doesn't indicate my final shape in a few weeks - these puppies need to settle and form into chest pockets and swelling will decline.  On the other hand mine will probably increase in the next year or two due to my particular HRT schedule and patterns.

Details on mine are at GCS & BA with Dr. Ley at Meltzer Clinic (,230213.240.html)
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Laurie on July 11, 2018, 11:01:33 PM
  Congrats Monica and heal well.  I just now saw this thread. As per usual I have been suffering from another case of head up the ass syndrome and missed all the fun. Nothing I can talk about so it isn't important. In fact apparently it was only important to me anyway. I am glad that you have received the size you feel are the pair you want. Your concerns and change of mind are reasonable and besides changing your mind is your prerogative as a woman. Good for you Hun.

Love ya and Ann too.

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 12, 2018, 11:39:27 AM
   Thank you all for well wishes and thoughts. This is day 2 post-op and I slept better last night. I am getting itchy which in my mind indicates healing. Well, and a need for my first shower today. They want to wait til day two for shower. I took my first peek today as I lifted up the compression bra. I will now report that Dr. McGinn recommending Progesterone cream for my nipples was a great idea. With the stretching from the implant from inside my nipples look very much female and not like smaller male nipples. Good call on this, Dr. McGinn. My implants are a ways from dropping all the way but they have moved down some. I have a very high cleavage at this point. I believe with the smaller original implants, there probably would have been no chance for cleavage. I am thinking of another positive with going bigger. Since my implant was bigger, my incision was best done under the breast. When they drop and round out more, the bigger size will hide the scar better. I already see a curvature to the outside of the breast. My partner just got home so I can go get help with my shower (Yea)! I am not supposed to raise my hands so  washing my head stitches must be done by someone else. If I have any revelations, I'll post later.
Kendra, I agree with matching the boobs  to the body is important. You have much more trust than I have in surgeons. Well that goes back to my botched FFS surgery.
I'll try to drop a picture in here if you want to see.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: PurpleWolf on July 12, 2018, 02:42:20 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on July 11, 2018, 06:39:36 PM
This experience made me realize that the size of the implant is unimportant. It is the proportion of the implant to the size of the body that counts.

Yeah, well, ofc...  ;)

Congrats on the boobs then!!!

Any of you girls wanna have natural breasts?? Free donation - highest bid wins  ;D!
(Okay some lame humor there....  ;D but reading all this breast stuff makes me kinda think about my own situation.........) Anyone xD?! Just take at least one away from me please xDDD!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 12, 2018, 03:34:17 PM
It's funny that the information that I got from the doctor describes the emotions post surgery, day by day. It had today listed as crazy emotion day. Well, if I am to report truthfully on this experience, I would say this is correct. I got exercise this morning, got some extra sleep, took a shower everything I should do. I must admit to feeling a good bit lost though. It's too hot to go out now. I can't lift anything. I am tired of everything hurting, my head where the stitches are and my chest. Nothing seems to feel right to me. My shower  was mixed emotions. It is great to have boobs after being so flat for so long. It is also something very new and different. Parts are numb. Everything is tight and much is high on the chest. I feel the boobs touching my arms and feel like I don't want to touch anything for fear of hurting anything. My mind says they are not real yet. I also like the size in one way and worry if I have gone too big for my clothes. My partner calmed me down, telling me to remember there is still a lot of swelling going on. I did not hear the post op directions myself as I was in lala  land. As far as I know, I am not to message them yet. I may need to clarify this tomorrow. Girls, if you get boobs done, expect a crazy emotion day or two. I am heading to the beach at some point and now am stressing about my bathing suit being too small and I'll have nothing to wear. I also started back on E after the surgery and we know how that messes with emotion. I feel ready to jump in the recycle bin and have the boys take me out to the street!. I only really have a right to feel bad about one thing to be honest. My sister in law is having a rough time after her last chemo. She is the one who deserves to feel bad, not me. 
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 12, 2018, 03:36:21 PM
Wolfie, I would  have taken them but you said, "Noooooo!"
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: davina61 on July 12, 2018, 03:46:50 PM
congrats , heal quick love . Makes me think of the game show double your money or in this case double d your Moni !!!!!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: PurpleWolf on July 12, 2018, 04:54:17 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on July 12, 2018, 03:36:21 PM
Wolfie, I would  have taken them but you said, "Noooooo!"
Haha, what  ;D?! I'm sure I said NO such thing  ;)
You are still free to have them haha xD...! You need a spare pair, ;)? xDDD
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Tatiana 79 on July 12, 2018, 05:06:20 PM
Hello Moni
I was actually getting a little excited reading your previous stuff.
Congratulations and well-wishes for your speedy recovery.
And all the very best for your new experiences.
love Tatiana
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: LizK on July 12, 2018, 05:24:31 PM
Duly emotional crazy day allowed after your BA  ; many do you get for GCS...a week LOL Great to hear you are feeling better...go on get down to that beach and strut your stuff!!

Take care

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 12, 2018, 07:01:03 PM
Realized I had taken no pain meds all day which didn't help my frame of mind. Finally took some Tylenol. Decided to go out to eat with my sons and be positive, but had energy crash right after. Not a great day but it will get better tomorrow. Still feels like someone sitting on my chest. Looking forward to stitch removal from my head Tuesday. Liz, didn't have much of a rough time with GCS. YMMV
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: islandgirl on July 12, 2018, 07:59:55 PM
Thanks Moni for your updates on your BA! I am very interested in your journey as I am considering having the surgery in the new year. I would have it earlier but need to be out of the country later this year. My biggest concerns are size/proportion, medication as I don't deal well with pain killers, and length of recovery. You are covering many of these topics. I know that everyone will deal with things differently, but it is good for me to have this info! All the Best with the remainder of your recovery!

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: pamelatransuk on July 13, 2018, 04:25:55 AM
Congratulations Moni on the BA and I am glad you are on the road to recovery.

Wishing you a speedy full recovery.


Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 13, 2018, 04:54:22 AM
I seem to gain about a half hour sleep back a night, but I am still up too early for me when on vacation. Thank you Pamela and Kelly. Kelly, for me the pain has not been too bad. I quickly changed to Tylenol from the harder stuff. I get too foggy headed on the heavier stuff and it isn't needed. How  can I describe how it feels? I feel like I have a construction site roped off on the front top of my chest. It has a big sign that says, "Not normal activity." It feels like I look real big  in the upper chest, but the boobs don't look that big yet. In my head I know the boobs need to 'drop and fluff', but emotionally, it is hard not to worry about how things are going. Swelling will go down too. I have some cute   clothes, I think I have developed a style for myself, but did I go too big to stay with that style? Not sure yet. The size thing is difficult. I tried to address one aspect, the lack of cleavage/trans tendency for boobs to look outward, and did I fall into a trap of  being too big and hence top heavy? I honestly won't know until things settle. I have a set of butt enhancer panties and I like wearing them for proportion help. The thing is, will I need to wear them all the time. I don't know if I am just babbling here, but these are the emotions  that at least one woman goes through  with this. Hope it helps out with someone else's experience of surgery, size, or emotion.

Day 3 post-op
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 13, 2018, 11:05:21 AM
Well Harley, I hope my mass confusion is helping. lol The stress over size doesn't stop with the surgery. I guess I will go through a series of emotions before I adjust for good. I think there is a desire for the boobs to be noticed but not NOTICED!
So, I have more information now as I spoke to Colleen at the surgeon's. It is not recommended that I massage my breasts at all. I will ask about why this is so on Tuesday. I asked about the stitches in my head (which they had said they would remove for me) and she thought I was asking about breast stitches. She said that I don't have any stitches there. This made me kind of excited because I think the use of the surgical tape instead of stitches will give a much less noticeable scar. It may be that less motion in the breast area will also cause less movement in that scar area and thus a smaller scar.
Also, it has been rolling around in my head that maybe I went so big that I won't be able to wear my clothes. So, I tried on a cute top and the boobs don't seem too big. It is still hard to tell as so much is still high up and also swollen. I may have to be more selective in what I wear now though because of cleavage showing. Can't be doing that going to work! But that would be a good problem to have, show them only when I want to. I am thus feeling a little calmer about things.
Harley, I think I made a mistake in not selecting a good blouse for the fitting. I should have brought a shirt that I saw as a cute top that I didn't want to go too big or too small to use after surgery. Seeing the sizes in only the tryout bra makes it hard to picture how it will look later.
One more thing I learned was getting up without pain. If you use your arms to push up from a sitting position it hurts. If you shift weight back and forth to the edge of the seat and use your legs, it doesn't hurt.
I will try to get some pictures up here as you can probably  tell better about how high the implants are and why it is hard to judge how big they will be.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: islandgirl on July 13, 2018, 11:11:09 AM
Thanks Moni for your thoughtful response! I look forward to your thoughts as your recovery progresses. I is great to hear from both you and Kendra as you both go through recovery.

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Kendra on July 13, 2018, 12:01:30 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on July 13, 2018, 11:05:21 AM
> One more thing I learned was getting up without pain. If you use your arms to push up from a sitting position it hurts. If you shift weight back and forth to the edge of the seat and use your legs, it doesn't hurt.

I found what works to get out of bed without relying on arms ...looks funny but eliminates most of the pain.  On my back I position my legs straight up in the air so I'm in an "L" shape, and then swing my legs down while maintaining that "L" shape.  When I swing my legs down the momentum lifts my back upright without using arms.  I do something similar to get out of a chair: set my legs straight out, stiffen stomach muscles and then swing legs down gives me the momentum to stand up without using arms to lift. 
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Sojourn on July 13, 2018, 12:59:24 PM
Hope you're recovering quickly, and your life and mental health have been positively impacted!!! I just had my first surgery a week ago (Orchiectomy) and I was concerned by how calm I was going on! I just thought that was funny. After the surgery, I was ecstatic! I still am actually! I never expected it to feel so amazing. I just looked at it as a sort of half-measure, you know? I'll probably get a BA (and tracheal shave and finish electrolysis and SRS) later this year or early next year since my insurance is going to start covering BA, trach shave, and hair removal in September. I'm so happy I'm finally making progress in my transition!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Rachel on July 13, 2018, 07:36:14 PM
Congratulations Monica, I am very happy for you.

I think you will be very happy with your choice and having boobies.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 14, 2018, 08:25:18 PM
Hi All,
   First of all, congratulations to @Sojourn on your Orchiectomy. I was calm like you going into my GCS. I was stressed that something would stop the surgery, but I was totally calm with the surgery itself. I would even call that experience fun. I know I'm weird. lol Good luck with your plans, it sounds very exciting. Looking forward to the life changes we need to make, well, they don't happen soon enough. When you get down to the later things in transition, I think there is a certain fatigue that sets in with being uncomfortable and recovery, again. But, I am happy to be able  to live this  dream, and will try not to complain too much. There is a personal aspect to this particular surgery that stresses me. It affects people I love, not just me. Sorry for being cryptic here, but it is not something I care to get into. I only mention this stress because it affects how patient I am as I report on what this surgery is like.
   Today, I showered and ended up with water under the tape. I think I need to be more careful as they say don't soak the area. The bras that you wear all the time seem to rub the same areas and they get sore. I fear an ulcer forming so I have taken pads and inserted them under the bra near the incision. This helped. Half the trick  to recovery is being proactive and stopping some things before they really get started. I also noticed if I try to sleep kind of propped up on the couch, the bra raises up under the breast and rubs. I slept in my bed so I could lay flatter. It helped.
   I thought my boobs needed  some entertainment today so I took them out to a birthday party. It was fun except everyone stood up so long, things started to ache. I guess they don't look too big because someone who I told about the surgery guessed I was going for a B maybe C cup. I will admit they don't look big especially with a large part of them still hanging up above the bra and the compression of the bra.  I think before I get done, I am gonna really hate  these bras. No pain,no gain! I did notice they seemed a little softer today. I think day 3 is supposed to be peak for swelling.
   It is funny to me, but is the truth. What could make this time even more fun? Monday I go to doc's to see about scheduling my  colonoscopy. I'm a lucky girl.
Kendra, were you on the gymnastics team. I am picturing you 'getting up from a sitting position' with you sticking the landing, both hands in the air, chest boldly forward. Maybe we could make this an Olympic Thanks Kelly and Rach too. Harley, did you disappear?

Day 4 post-op
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Harley Quinn on July 14, 2018, 08:34:01 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on July 14, 2018, 08:25:18 PM
Harley, did you disappear?

Day 4 post-op
Nope, I'm haunting your post. Learning all I can, and keeping mental notes for my own upcoming surgery. I check this one regularly so I don't miss anything. 🙂  I sometimes re-read my posts and question if I say something that could be taken wrong, and delete them if there's any doubt in my mind.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 14, 2018, 08:40:22 PM
Harley, I can tell from your avatar that you are a real pussy cat. I think it very, very unlikely you will offend me.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Harley Quinn on July 14, 2018, 08:46:38 PM
LOL, yeah... I get along famously with animals, they read between the lines and overlook poorly worded sentences. 😂
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Kendra on July 14, 2018, 09:58:18 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on July 14, 2018, 08:25:18 PM
> I thought my boobs needed  some entertainment today so I took them out to a birthday party

I can't stop laughing.  Ouch mine hurt briefly when I laugh.  Damn it Moni...  :D
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 15, 2018, 10:30:58 AM
So I promised some pictures! (Danielle's influence.) I will give  a before body shot which is the bikini picture with no head. I have definitely gained softness (the kind word for fat) through HRT and GCS. As you can see, I am in the middle of the spectrum. My doctor thought that a bigger implant would go well with this. The top was not really filled with my A cup boobs. Maybe there is hope to wear this again, at home at least. I also included some post op pictures. If you look at the one in the white bra from the side on the outside, you can see how high the implants  are. Going to that party yesterday, I felt like all the ribs of the bra showed and it looked like my boobs were more on top of  the bra then in it. I really don't care though, it's temporary. Hey I'm showing a bikini shot on here so why not, I got no judgement! lol





Hope this worked. 
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 15, 2018, 10:40:52 AM
One distance Dr. Basner measured was from collarbone to nipple. It my case it was large, meaning a large area of flatness visible in my  upper chest. If you think of an implant as a Hershey kiss, a small one would still leave this flat area flat. A big wide Hershey kiss of the same height would have a better time breaking up that flatness without being any taller. Of course when you come up with a boob measurement and it says 'double D' you include the extra width of the fat Hershey kiss in that measurement, not extra projection outward. I hope this makes sense. I am starting to feel like this is a good  size for my headless bikini picture, maybe!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: SadieBlake on July 15, 2018, 11:26:03 AM
Quote from: HappyMoni on July 13, 2018, 11:05:21 AM
more thing I learned was getting up without pain. If you use your arms to push up from a sitting position it hurts. If you shift weight back and forth to the edge of the seat and use your legs, it doesn't hurt.
I will try to get some pictures up here as you can probably  tell better about how high the implants are and why it is hard to judge how big they will be.

Ouch Moni, I can relate! I've learned from the three times I've had cracked ribs how to sit up without using or flexing upper body muscles. Hope that's improved.

Great photos! So glad for your getting to this important step! :-)
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Laurie on July 15, 2018, 01:27:18 PM
  That figures ! Both you (Moanie) and that Kendra getting bigger boobs just to make me jealous. Heck girls can't you slow down some? I mean I haven't even done a thing toward GCS except to debate with myself if I should or not. My gosh even Michelle is racing ahead of me. And now that Harley girl is doing it too. Sheesh! I know you all are doing it to goad me into action and no doubt you are the ring leader in this insipid (rhymes with bicuspid sorta) conspiracy. Any what Does Harvey think of all these modifications? Does he still recognize you. I think Clyde is upset... ether that or the top of the preserve jar is loose I can see some fuzziness growing in there. ( It could mean I need to clean my glasses too I suppose)
  Oh heck, Moineeka, I'm glad you are happy with your new profile. And an updated bikini picture is a must (with head included). Does ya heared me woman? A full on bikini picture, head to toes.

Luvs ya and Hugs,
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Kendra on July 15, 2018, 04:14:00 PM
Moni your post-BA photos look great!  Already very nice just 5 days post-op and after a couple weeks they will literally settle in. 
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Harley Quinn on July 16, 2018, 11:47:27 AM
Wow! That's a change. I like the bikini a lot. You'll fill it out well.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: LizK on July 17, 2018, 03:57:52 AM
Thanks for the update Moni

The pics are great...I am sure things will settle in after a few more weeks and they will feel more like yours.

Take care

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Kendra on July 17, 2018, 08:27:26 AM
Quote from: Laurie on July 15, 2018, 01:27:18 PM
>  That figures ! Both you (Moanie) and

Did Laurie just sneak a pun in?  I'm gonna tell on her.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 17, 2018, 04:24:05 PM
Quote from: Laurie on July 15, 2018, 01:27:18 PM
  That figures ! Both you (Moanie) and that Kendra getting bigger boobs just to make me jealous. Heck girls can't you slow down some? I mean I haven't even done a thing toward GCS except to debate with myself if I should or not. My gosh even Michelle is racing ahead of me. And now that Harley girl is doing it too. Sheesh! I know you all are doing it to goad me into action and no doubt you are the ring leader in this insipid (rhymes with bicuspid sorta) conspiracy. Any what Does Harvey think of all these modifications? Does he still recognize you. I think Clyde is upset... ether that or the top of the preserve jar is loose I can see some fuzziness growing in there. ( It could mean I need to clean my glasses too I suppose)
  Oh heck, Moineeka, I'm glad you are happy with your new profile. And an updated bikini picture is a must (with head included). Does ya heared me woman? A full on bikini picture, head to toes.

Luvs ya and Hugs,

Quote from: Kendra on July 17, 2018, 08:27:26 AM
Did Laurie just sneak a pun in?  I'm gonna tell on her.

Yeah, I think we should just be glad she didn't call us a couple of 'boobs.'

So, today was my one week post-op visit to Dr. Basner. I finally got the stitches out of my head from my hair transplant. Yea, that made it so hard to lay on my back. Lesson learned, more time between stitches in head and boob augmentation.
The doctor said everything looks good. I still have a lot of swelling. Now the surprise, he said I didn't have to wear the support bra anymore. In fact, he said I didn't have to wear one ever again. This made my partner and I laugh. I was ready for two more weeks of wearing that support bra. It had gotten so sore, I was cushioning the bra with sanity pads between the bra and under my boobs. I can sleep on my side now. I can go in the water. The only thing I have is a small strip of tape over my incision. My incisions look so small and so inconspicuous. He was pleased, as was I. He said they write the length of time for the support bra in the post op directions like that because healing is so individual from patient to patient. I asked about massage. He said there was no data to support the idea that massage would prevent capsular contracture. My follow up is in three weeks. It was a very good visit. I feel happy that the restrictions are off. As I look at myself in the mirror, I think that if they get a little bigger when they drop and fluff that would be good. If everything that is high on my chest now comes down, I am gonna be real big. I think 50% reduction in swelling and 50% drop  and fluff would be best. I am now wondering how I will fit into that bikini top. Don't know if I will have to 'pack another bag' to carry all my junk with me. Oh, restrictions I still have are for running and exercise using my shoulders. Everything else is green lighted. I went without a bra from the office. I have found that wearing black does tend to hide the collarbone boobs that I have, pretty good. I hope a little no bra action will help them drop.
One more doctor visit this week to see Dr. McGinn for steroid shots for scar repair. Yeah, and I scheduled a colonoscopy next week. I am nuts. Yikes, promise no pictures on that one though.
Thanks for posting everyone. Harley the bikini was from Amazon.

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Laurie on July 17, 2018, 04:38:03 PM
  Now would I call you two the Busting Boobs? You know I love you both and wouldn't ever do that. :eusa_liar: :eusa_whistle: :icon_lol: :icon_suspicious: Nooooo not me.

  Wow it's great you don't have to wear that cropped straitjacket anymore though it sure would look funny seeing you wear those sanitary napkins in the wrong place. LMAO. Perhaps you will demonstrate it for me the next time we see each other. Now you be a good girl (I know that is hard for you) and follow the nice doctor's orders. You wouldn't want to lose one of those expensive jugs would you?

Hugs booby baby,
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Northern Star Girl on July 17, 2018, 04:59:09 PM
Dear Moni:   Wowzers!  Your recent posted pictures are a treat for all of us to see.... and you look absolutely wonderful... 
Your new boobs look very natural on you, you and your doctors did indeed pic the right implant size for your body.

You sound so bubbly and happy now in the way you have posted... true to your name "HappyMoni"

Thank you for letting us all follow along with your happiness.

Hugs and well wishes as always,
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: AprilJeane on July 17, 2018, 05:56:34 PM
First I want to wish you the best of luck with your surgery. I'm just starting out in my transition and I'm still terrified of doing little things that no one will notice but me, so I can only imagine what you are going through right now. I wish I had some great advice to give you but don't. I'll I can give is support and say everything will be ok. Stay strong and think positive.

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 17, 2018, 07:55:11 PM
Thank you Laurie and Danielle, I've been wanting to thank you for being so supportive to me recently. I have really been lifted by it.
Danielle, the high parts of the roller coaster are definitely nicer. Other parts are unavoidable , well, you know!

AprilJeane, thank you so much for posting your well wishes  and support. It is pretty cool that you are  moving forward. I know it is scary at first but it will get easier and easier. The payoff, getting to be yourself is so worth the things you go through. You have the key, staying positive. Take it a bit at a time and you will do great things.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 20, 2018, 09:59:00 PM
10 days post op.

Am definitely doing more normal activity with movement. I cut the grass. My bruising is half way gone. The breasts are still tight and sore. They feel kind of like when you have a bee sting and everything swells up.They itch a little but they are so sensitive (except under the nipple which  is still numb.) I have gone braless a lot because it feels the best. I think I picked the right size for my body. I don't look top heavy because they don't  shoot out a lot (moderate profile implants.) I found a good analogy on the size. A giant statue (statue of liberty or something) might have normal to small looking breasts from afar but get up close and they seem really huge. That is how I feel. The double d's look small because they are proportional to my body, but touching them, they seem way big. Can't wait til they drop, soften, and round out. Still will be high on my chest for some time but I feel more like I can touch them.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: LizK on July 21, 2018, 03:46:17 AM
Hi Moni

Thankyou...Each one of your reports helps me understand your recovery and the kinds of things you are experiencing. Its great to hear that things are starting slowly settle for you but I guess its early days. You documenting this has certainly helped me make my decision about having a BA or not and I think if I am ever going to really be happy with my body shape then I agree with you about them being proportional to your body.

Hope they start to ease-up for you

Take care

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: islandgirl on July 21, 2018, 10:33:55 AM
Thanks Moni for the update! Following your journey has encouraged me to follow up on my wish to get a BA! Yesterday I started the process and had the papers sent to my surgeons office for consultation! The actual surgery will be a few months away, but at least I am started on this path! I chose the most senior and experienced surgeon on the coast! Hopefully I will like what I hear when I meet with him. I look forward to following your story!

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 21, 2018, 03:30:08 PM
Thanks Liz and Kelly, it is really nice to know this is useful to you. I haven't seen the full benefit of the boobs yet, but already my confidence and body image have greatly improved. I feel a last chunk of dysphoria dropping off my plate. It is amazing the improvement I have seen, physically, in the last day. I am less sore and much more free to do normal activities today. Also, I am much less sensitive in my skin around the nipples. I feel good about my size and even think the boobs have dropped a little, either that or the swelling is down.
I have discovered tank tops with a 'shelf bra.' They are very comfortable, as a regular bra really rubs the scar area. I go braless as much as possible right now.
I highly recommend a bra sizing session where you don't know the sizes of the implant right away. It let's you judge by look instead of preconceived ideas of some cup size. Just a thought.

Post op day 11
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 23, 2018, 11:41:14 AM
After the very good day two days ago, yesterday was very sore and sensitive to the point of not even wanting clothes to touch the skin. I noticed I looked really big (in the lower part) also this morning and may be slowly seeing some dropping. My theory is that the skin is so stretched to accommodate the implant that it gets really sensitive. As the implant drops more, maybe the stress of the skin causes this burning type of sensitive feeling. I think I am past any pain from any muscle disturbance. All I am experiencing seems related to the skin and surface discomfort. Funny how I don't look big with clothes on, but look humongous with my  shirt off. Going out today, black shirt and no  bra. Black tends to hide what's going on.

Post op Day 13.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Harley Quinn on July 23, 2018, 12:15:39 PM
So day 12 the muscle pain stopped, but skin pain started to become more notable?  How difficult would driving stick be at this point?  Or a long car ride?
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 23, 2018, 04:24:19 PM
Harley, the muscle pain has been gone since day 9 I would say. The skin pain was there to start, day 1, and seems to vary. I thought it was getting better and then it came back. I do think it is related to skin stretch and maybe the trauma from the incisions.  My bruising is almost gone now. I could drive a stick or do a long trip now for sure. I do get more tired and hence more sore later in the day. I suspect you being much younger, you would recover  much quicker than I. If you go smaller implants, recovery would go quicker. (I wouldn't go smaller for this reason though, recovery isn't that bad either way.)
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Laurie on July 23, 2018, 05:11:08 PM
Hi Ms Monica,

  Glad to read things are somewhat better for you physically and that your self image has gotten a big boob oops I meant boost of course. I do hope I can see the finished vastly improved Monica soon after the new boobs additions have healed and settled into their rightful positions.

   I mentioned to a Kaiser customer help desk person today that I will probably be looking for GCS and a BA myself. I cannot believe I am even talking about that possibility for myself at this point. But as I have said elsewhere that door has been opened and they are now possibilities instead of just idle thoughts.

  Please give Ann a hug for me and tell her thank you for her last talk with me. I think it has made a difference. I hope it helped her to understand a little too.

Love ya & hugs,
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: kaitylynn on July 23, 2018, 06:09:22 PM
Hey Laurie, pretty amazing where we realize we are in our journeys!  One foot in front of the other and eventually that first mile is behind :)

Hey Moni, thank you for sharing.  I have my BA scheduled for the 27th of next month and the wait is grueling!!!  Just had my friend who recommended my surgeon stop by last night and she showed me his it is even MORE GRUELING!!!  It is awesome to see you all that are just ahead.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: SallyChoasAura on July 23, 2018, 06:19:28 PM
Well think about it as a rollercoaster, you're super excited because you waited in line forever, but then as you're starting up that first hill... dread and second thoughts hit you. Your brain is screaming at you because 'how the heck could you do this to me?! I gave you the ability to do almost everything and this is how you repay me?!'
But then... you shoot down that steep hill the ride just keeps going and it's just the most amazing thing ever!!!!
And the rides ends and you're so happy you did it.😊
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Harley Quinn on July 23, 2018, 06:29:24 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on July 23, 2018, 04:24:19 PM
Harley, the muscle pain has been gone since day 9 I would say. The skin pain was there to start, day 1, and seems to vary. I thought it was getting better and then it came back. I do think it is related to skin stretch and maybe the trauma from the incisions.  My bruising is almost gone now. I could drive a stick or do a long trip now for sure. I do get more tired and hence more sore later in the day. I suspect you being much younger, you would recover  much quicker than I. If you go smaller implants, recovery would go quicker. (I wouldn't go smaller for this reason though, recovery isn't that bad either way.)
whew...  load off my mind.  I will be in a hotel for 2 weeks post op from GRS/BA.  I'll just have to worry about the GRS portion.  I'm currently fitted for "smaller" 450cc mod+ round silicone (under the muscle/through the armpit).  Being a 36A (according to the surgeon), I would venture to say that they're fairly sizable.  I'm 38, so not exactly "young", but I guess you could say "younger-ish".

I was at an engagement party Saturday and it was brought up that I should "prep" for breast augmentation by using cocoa butter to prevent stretch marks.  I am curious if you've heard or were advised of such a thing.  It kind of sounds like a bit of overkill, but then again... there might be some validity to it.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: SallyChoasAura on July 23, 2018, 06:34:55 PM
Hey @Harley Quinn this is off topic but I LOVE your profile pic~♥️
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Harley Quinn on July 23, 2018, 06:38:35 PM
Quote from: SallyChoasAura on July 23, 2018, 06:34:55 PM
Hey @Harley Quinn this is off topic but I LOVE your profile pic~♥️
:icon_cool:  Thank you.  A friend of mine found it online and said it reminded her of me.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 23, 2018, 09:43:53 PM
Hi all,

Laurie, that is indeed exciting news. Go for it Girl! I highly recommend it for those who want it for peace of mind. I only have the voice left to bother me. I look down there now and it just feels so awesome, well besides the discomfort. Hugs, my good friend. You were so nice, I won't even boob boo you tonight. lol

Kaitylynn, you are spot on, the wait is horrible. I hate to tell you this but even after the surgery you still have to wait for the 'sponge bob square boobs' part to be over til they are nice and soft and round. Waiting for my round boobs is kind of a distraction from my waiting for my transplanted hair to grow.  :P

Sally, thanks to you, I am going to dream about how my boobs act on a roller coaster tonight. I have this cartoon image of them pulling down the safety bar and my eyes and boobs bulge out. Heehee

Harley, yes you are young, I have bras older than you. You are brave doing both at the same time. That would have been a lot for me. Then again you get it all done at once. I get it. No, no signs of stretch marks. I think that is more when you expand then contract or am I wrong on that. My partner who was pregnant twice (she's a girl) said it was on contraction where the stretch marks form. Like I said previously, the only prep I did was the progesterone cream. It was very helpful in giving me larger, fuller areolas. They don't look like tiny guy nipples with the stretch from the implants.

One more report. I am starting to get the lightening strikes that happen with the nerves reconnecting. It was the same feeling I had healing from GCS. Quick sharp pains!

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Jessica on July 23, 2018, 10:15:01 PM
Quote from: Laurie on July 23, 2018, 05:11:08 PM
Hi Ms Monica,

  Glad to read things are somewhat better for you physically and that your self image has gotten a big boob oops I meant boost of course. I do hope I can see the finished vastly improved Monica soon after the new boobs additions have healed and settled into their rightful positions.

   I mentioned to a Kaiser customer help desk person today that I will probably be looking for GCS and a BA myself. I cannot believe I am even talking about that possibility for myself at this point. But as I have said elsewhere that door has been opened and they are now possibilities instead of just idle thoughts.

  Please give Ann a hug for me and tell her thank you for her last talk with me. I think it has made a difference. I hope it helped her to understand a little too.

Love ya & hugs,

@Laurie this is the closest to a plan that I've ever seen you make!!

I feel a slap coming on!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Laurie on July 23, 2018, 10:23:33 PM
Quote from: Jessica on July 23, 2018, 10:15:01 PM
@Laurie this is the closest to a plan that I've ever seen you make!!

I feel a slap coming on!

  You know better... and since you asked for one.....  ((((SLAP))))
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 23, 2018, 10:33:43 PM
Jessica, Laurie, don't you go acting like a couple of boobs on my...agh...boob thread? Okay, now slapping myself!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Jessica on July 23, 2018, 10:43:26 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on July 23, 2018, 10:33:43 PM
Jessica, Laurie, don't you go acting like a couple of boobs on my...agh...boob thread? Okay, now slapping myself!

I'm sorry for being a boob on your boob thread!
I should mention I saw over the weekend a blue footed booby buoyantly bouncing on its ......boobies!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Laurie on July 24, 2018, 04:55:19 PM

  I understand that you want to keep your boob thread held together. I'm sure a good bra could help with that.
I'm also sorry for Jessica being a boob on your boob thread! I try give her support, but hers are getting to large for the weight factor of her straps. Her cup runneth over so to speak. She is beyond my control.

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Dena on July 24, 2018, 05:40:09 PM
Quote from: Laurie on July 24, 2018, 04:55:19 PM

  I understand that you want to keep your boob thread held together. I'm sure a good bra could help with that.
I'm also sorry for Jessica being a boob on your boob thread! I try give her support, but hers are getting to large for the weight factor of her straps. Her cup runneth over so to speak. She is beyond my control.


That does it, time to let lose with the heavy artillery.

Stress Analysis of a Strapless Evening Gown (
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: kaitylynn on July 24, 2018, 06:07:08 PM
Oh my, there is totally science behind a dress!!!  :D
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Rachel on July 24, 2018, 07:10:48 PM
Hi Monica,

So now for some serious questions.

How do your existing tops fit now?

When in the company of guys have you noticed you no longer have a face?

Have you brushed them while going through a doorway yet?

Would you recommend your surgeon to others?

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 24, 2018, 10:05:48 PM
OMG, Dena as I read your contribution to the thread, I suddenly came upon the realization that my hair should, in fact, be blond. I do therefore have one question. Is there gonna be a test on this? Oh, and are you grading on a curve.  (I love it!)

Laurie, we here at the 'boob factory outlet' have a non discrimination policy, and your boobs, Jessica's boobs, all boobs are welcome.

Rachel, my existing tops will be fine, I am quite sure. I am wearing a lot of black now to hide the fact that everything is  out of place. The top of the boob (below the collarbone) is still swollen, the bottom not rounded out as they  will be. So, the end result is, they don't look that big with clothes on yet. I am amazed how I can look so small with my clothes on and look huge with my clothes off. If I do say so myself, with my clothes off, they are really pretty impressive and will only get more so as they take shape. I am right at the limit of not looking top heavy. I am pleased beyond words.
Yes I hit one coming out of the shower and I engineered a few choice words to match that marvelous experience. Ouchie!
I am glad I stayed with the classic profile and that they don't extend out too far. Oh course, extending them out with a higher profile implant would get more attention, but in my opinion, it would look less natural.
Dr. Basner has been wonderful. I don't  have my final result yet, but I am very happy for his advice, his respectful attitude and  his skill.

I got Mentor implants and they have a warranty for rupture that is free. (Ten years) I also  decided to purchase the protection to cover part of the costs in case of capsular contraction causing a need for replacement.

Oh, one more thing, I bought two new  bathing suits for next  week at the beach. I also (hold on to your hat Dena) got a strapless shirt that I can wear as soon as the skin is less sensitive.


2 weeks post op today!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: LizK on July 25, 2018, 01:53:15 AM
Thanks Moni for updating us on your girls. It would seem you are well on your way to healing fully. It is obviously going to take some time before you are able to really see how they will sit as there is till a fair amount of swelling. You took your time in picking out which was right for you and I am sure once it all settles you will get the right result. Everything so far seems to be going to plan I hope it is!!

Take care

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: SadieBlake on July 25, 2018, 03:06:26 AM
Moni, I have such boob envy now <sigh>. My medium Bs look so tiny on my frame. Maybe someday I'll follow suit, probably not but nice to know it's an option and I've really enjoyed reading your thoughts and experience.

❤️❤️, Wishing you fun at the beach!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 25, 2018, 07:05:52 AM
Liz, sometimes I feel like a kid who wants to wake up early to see what is under the Christmas tree. I look at my chest each morning to see if they have changed. On the other hand, after just two weeks, I can't remember how things used to look. The mind adjusts quickly.
Sadie, I hope you don't feel bad. The last thing I want to do in writing about this experience is make anyone feel bad. I get it though, I saw a young woman with a nice female behind yesterday and I was so envious.The beach will be nice. I hope it finally stops raining.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Dena on July 25, 2018, 07:46:45 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on July 24, 2018, 10:05:48 PM
OMG, Dena as I read your contribution to the thread, I suddenly came upon the realization that my hair should, in fact, be blond. I do therefore have one question. Is there gonna be a test on this? Oh, and are you grading on a curve.  (I love it!)
There is no test because I wasn't tested on the subject matter when I was first exposed to it. I probably owe you the back story on where I first learned about it. In 8th grade, we left our home room for our science class. The teacher was quite a character. Everybody knew he had a thing for art teacher as he married two and was working on our third. How we knew is in those day couples weren't allowed to teach in the same school so when we had a new art teacher, we had a pretty good idea where the old one went. I helped him pick olive after school one day which he was going to process as his family did in the old country, silkscreen covers for school events and then there was the monkey gun which challenged the class.

Anyway, one spring afternoon where the temperature was just right to open the doors and leave the cooler off, he took his place in front of the class and produced the bookA Stress Analysis of a Strapless Evening Gown ( and started reading from it. Needless to say, he had to pause multiple times because in the moral restrictive environment of the mid 1960s, the subject was somewhat  risqué to students who had their first exposure to sex eduction just a couple of years before that. The book made quite an impression on me and much latter I purchased a copy mostly because of that memory.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 25, 2018, 10:04:50 PM
Oh Dena, yes the times have changed! Thank you for sharing that. Have you experienced the wearing of the strapless evening gown?  And, what about this monkey gun?
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Dena on July 26, 2018, 12:26:21 AM
With my shoulders, a strapless evening gown would be a big no no. Everything I own has sleeves.

The monkey gun - yes.
Our intrepid professor is moving through the jungle with is trusty monkey gun by his side when he spots a monkey hanging from a branch. He sets up the tripod and mounts the gun on it. Looking through the bore he bore sights the monkey dead center. He then fires off the shot however just as the bullet leaves the barrel, the monkey lets lose of the branch. Did our professor get the monkey?

In our case, the monkey was suspended by a magnet and the monkey gun was a pipe just the right size to be used as a blow gun with a marble. There was a switch at the end of the pipe that would break the connection to the magnet the moment the marble left the barrel.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: SadieBlake on July 26, 2018, 06:44:41 AM
Moni, not the least sad! Simply happy for your happiness :-). Our parameters are different and I ruled out a BA a long time ago, on the other hand I can always rule it back in and hearing your experience informs those possibilities. Thing is for now I'm so happy with my breasts as they stand (and how my nipples stand out) and I'm quite content. I suspect I'd enjoy a bit larger, however I've always been most attracted to smaller busts and so what I'm sporting now feels close to ideal.

I think a full C cup would be nice on my frame so it's not out of consideration, neither am I far.from my ideal :-).
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 26, 2018, 10:11:33 AM
So, will the Society for the Preservation of Magnet Monkey's be happy or sad, Dena? My guess is on slight injuries from the fall.

Sadie, I am glad to hear of your happiness. I, in no way, encourage anyone to do what I have done with the BA, but I do explain most of my reasons for what I've done. Then people could say, "Hmmm, I like what she did, kind of." Or, "That crazy Moni, what the heck would I want what that happy nut did?"  Personnally, I would really like "Air Jordan" boobs! You know the old sneakers! You could pump them up or down depending on your mood. Are there any doctors out there who can do that? Happy, my horny friend is doing well, Sadie! lol
   I was writing this to a friend and thought it was a good description of what my 'boob' thoughts were so I copied it here.
   I am floored that I have double D's now. With clothes on, they look like nothing, well, pretty small, little change from what I had before with my little helpers. They are pretty large with my clothes off. I guess with clothes on, projection is what people see. These don't project any further than the C cup boobs I had thought to get.  The thing is, with the bigger implant these boobs look pretty proportional to my body, they don't point out towards the sides of my body, and I have enough, once they soften, to get cleavage with a decent bra. If I had gone smaller, I don't think I would have these points. I just have to get used to washing my hands and having something pushing against my arms coming together. Everyone has a different look in mind. I really can't tell what my final look will be at Day 16. I am seeing a size difference now. The left has always been a bit bigger but now it is more pronounced from swelling. The implant seems a bit higher too. All this is covered in the literature as things to be expected. I got two one piece bathing suits yesterday and decided to keep both. I don't look top heavy (big relief) and the only weird thing is the implants being high. Still skin sensitive especially at night!

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Harley Quinn on July 29, 2018, 08:11:14 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on July 26, 2018, 10:11:33 AM
Personnally, I would really like "Air Jordan" boobs! You know the old sneakers! You could pump them up or down depending on your mood. Are there any doctors out there who can do that?
I believe that they do that with Saline and leave the filler tube under the armpit so that they can inflate them as the breasts "fluff"...  but I could be mistaken.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on July 30, 2018, 08:23:37 AM
Harley, I didn't want the saline because they ripple too much and they say the cohesive gel feels more natural. I do have a picture in my head of stopping at the gas station and saying, "Fill them em up!"

I am 20 days post op and headed to the beach for the week. (No wi-fi yikes) The skin sensitivity/soreness is about half of what it was. I am still going braless when possible. I am putting lotion on to help with skin stretching and soreness. The right looks  very nice, the left looks really big still. They say to expect this unevenness. I gained 8 pounds since the surgery. Don't know why, the boobs should only weight about 3 pounds or less. Sleeping on the right is more comfortable than sleeping on the big boob side. That makes sense if the left is still swollen. Oh, they are                      s   l   o   w   l   y    dropping from being so high on my chest but it is like watching grass grow. I think smaller boobs would probably act very different, being less skin sensitive and maybe dropping faster. Still happy with things. They are a little softer, a sign that the swelling is down. That's the story and I'm sticking to it.
So much for my beach debut, its supposed to rain all week.  :(
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Harley Quinn on July 30, 2018, 09:33:53 AM
aww... sorry to hear about the rain.   :( Hopefully it'll clear up during your vacation!

I was sold on the silicone as well.  Saline was appealing until I spoke to the surgeon and he laid out the pros and cons of both.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Kendra on July 30, 2018, 12:33:19 PM
There's a name for our cleavage.  Silicone Valley. 
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on August 04, 2018, 01:14:23 PM
Quote from: Kendra on July 30, 2018, 12:33:19 PM
There's a name for our cleavage.  Silicone Valley.

It has a better ring to it than 'Saline Valley.'  I hear the new saline implants with baffles is a much improved technology over the old saline. Kind of like a waveless waterbed compared to the one without baffles.

The ocean ended up with better weather than inland. I spent 2 days on the beach in my one piece. I found I could actually wear a butt enhancement under my suit and that gave me more confidence in my curves. The suit was perfect in that it made my still higher boobs look very natural. I felt very comfortable in the water, walking, or laying in my chair reading. I am 18 days post op and the tenderness/soreness is down to just my nipple areas. They are still dropping a bit at a time and lefty is a fair amount bigger than her sister. I did walk the boardwalk in my shelf bra, tank top and saw at least two guys staring at them. One guy, while I was sitting on a bench, walked by and turned his head to keep looking as he went by. Not real obvious, right? At some point, I might not like that, but for now I'm eating it up. It really helped my confidence.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Harley Quinn on August 04, 2018, 04:14:03 PM
Glad to hear your recovery is progressing, and your fabulous time at the beach!  I'm off to a concert, but I had to jump on here for a quick minute to see if there were any updates.  :)
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: islandgirl on August 04, 2018, 07:21:20 PM
So good to hear that your recovery is going well! I had news this week that my consult for my BA is in two weeks! I was initially told that I would wait from one to two months for the consult!

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on August 04, 2018, 08:50:24 PM
Great  news Kelly! Hope you get to try on some implants. It makes it real. Let us know how it goes.

Harley, enjoy your concert.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Harley Quinn on August 08, 2018, 09:43:43 AM
Quote from: HappyMoni on August 04, 2018, 08:50:24 PM
Harley, enjoy your concert.
Concert was amazing!  3 compliments on my hair.  😂  Now just impatiently waiting on your next update!   ;D
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on August 08, 2018, 04:05:51 PM
Hi Harley,
   Glad you enjoyed the concert. Anyone I would know? You should show your hair off in an avatar pic. I am short on updates since change is so slow now. I was 3 weeks post op yesterday. I am still sore around the nipples, but a bit better.  I have decided to keep using the progesterone creme on the nipples while they are still stretching. I would be okay if they stayed the same or grew a little. They have a female look for sure. I had my shirt off going past the mirror a while ago and I saw my first bouncing as I walked. That was cool. That is a sign of them loosening up. With the cohesive gel they are firm at this point. They will get softer. I won't know for months if they feel squishey enough for me.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: kaitylynn on August 08, 2018, 07:31:56 PM
Pre op appt Tuesday, BA on the 27th looks like a go!  Pretty close behind everyone!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on August 08, 2018, 08:39:42 PM
Quote from: kaitylynn on August 08, 2018, 07:31:56 PM
Pre op appt Tuesday, BA on the 27th looks like a go!  Pretty close behind everyone!

That's great Kaitylynn! Stop back and tell your experience okay?
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: islandgirl on August 08, 2018, 08:53:45 PM
Quote from: kaitylynn on August 08, 2018, 07:31:56 PM
Pre op appt Tuesday, BA on the 27th looks like a go!  Pretty close behind everyone!

Congrats Kaitylynn! That is exciting! I have my surgery consult next Thursday!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: kaitylynn on August 08, 2018, 10:14:05 PM
Thank you both!  Exciting time, and will definitely share!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on August 08, 2018, 10:37:57 PM
The best thing about boob surgery is no bowel prep. Unfortunately I have a colonoscopy Friday and a half hour to eat before no food tomorrow. I will spare you the details. I gained like 9 pounds since my boob surgery so this might be a good thing. Pants starting to get tight.

Kelly, we want to hear from you too.

Time to go eat!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Harley Quinn on August 08, 2018, 11:48:57 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on August 08, 2018, 04:05:51 PM
Hi Harley,
   Glad you enjoyed the concert. Anyone I would know? You should show your hair off in an avatar pic.

I wasn't too awful proud of my makeup job... too soon after electrolysis. But I'll share.


Hell's Belles (AC/DC cover band), and a bunch of local bands. My friend's band Ripple Effect was also performing (like a Janis Joplin/Jefferson Airplane influenced band).  It was a lot of fun. 🙂
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: BrianaJ on August 09, 2018, 09:56:20 AM
Harley your hair is so darn cute to me.  I really like it. 

Moni, it can take a while for things to really settle in.  I'm pretty sure you're gonna be really please as time moves on.  On one of the units I used to have we did BAs and reductions.  I will say that surgeons are always a little optimistic on how soon things will heal etc.  While some people see fading of the surgical incisions after a few moths, it can take a year or in some cases years for them to really fade as to not be noticeable.  That's regardless of which kind of incision is used.  They're also pretty optimistic on how soon things settle in.  It tended to go quicker or "settle in" faster with  submammary vs. submuscular augmentations.  And be sure to follow those post op instructions.  Not doing so was one of the main reasons we had repeat visitors wanting redos.    LOL
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: LizK on August 10, 2018, 12:13:45 AM
Quote from: kaitylynn on August 08, 2018, 07:31:56 PM
Pre op appt Tuesday, BA on the 27th looks like a go!  Pretty close behind everyone!

YAY Congrats!! Hope it goes really well for ya!!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on August 10, 2018, 08:40:19 AM
Quote from: BrianaJ on August 09, 2018, 09:56:20 AM
Harley your hair is so darn cute to me.  I really like it. 

Moni, it can take a while for things to really settle in.  I'm pretty sure you're gonna be really please as time moves on.  On one of the units I used to have we did BAs and reductions.  I will say that surgeons are always a little optimistic on how soon things will heal etc.  While some people see fading of the surgical incisions after a few moths, it can take a year or in some cases years for them to really fade as to not be noticeable.  That's regardless of which kind of incision is used.  They're also pretty optimistic on how soon things settle in.  It tended to go quicker or "settle in" faster with  submammary vs. submuscular augmentations.  And be sure to follow those post op instructions.  Not doing so was one of the main reasons we had repeat visitors wanting redos.    LOL

Thank you Briana, appreciate the wise words. I don't worry about the incisions, I have plenty of experience there. I worry more about the size difference and them dropping. I am one month out today. My doctor doesn't say massage and doesn't talk about a band to make them drop. I guess I always feel better if I can take an active role in getting the final result. I know it is still early yet. Have plenty of time to worry if they stay as they are. Will go see him next week.
Right now I can't wait to get colonoscopy done in a few hours so I can eat and stop running to the toilet. What sucks is I haven't even lost much weight with this. How did I gain 9 pounds with only 3 pound boob implants? I'm sorry I don't have 6 pounds of swelling. Yikes!

Harley, love the picture! That sounds like old people music, you know, the kind I would like. lol
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: BrianaJ on August 10, 2018, 09:22:17 AM
Quote from: HappyMoni on August 10, 2018, 08:40:19 AM
Harley, love the picture! That sounds like old people music, you know, the kind I would like. lol

Bahaha...ain't that the truth.  "Old people music"  Yet, it's amazing to me how many younger people know the music from the 60's, 70' and 80's so well.  Sometimes when talking to someone younger about music I think, "wait...that was 20 years before you were born!" 

Good luck with that colonoscopy.  I have many many "crappy" stories from when I worked GI many moons ago.  And bad jokes too.  Anyway, may the force be with you and your day flow smoothly and let music begin. 
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: steph2.0 on August 10, 2018, 09:39:43 AM
Quote from: HappyMoni on August 10, 2018, 08:40:19 AM
Right now I can't wait to get colonoscopy done in a few hours so I can eat and stop running to the toilet. What sucks is I haven't even lost much weight with this.

Have fun today, Moni! Here's some light reading to help you out. (


PS: Have you checked your mail lately?
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on August 10, 2018, 03:22:43 PM
Of my last two procedures, I have to say the one where I woke up with boobs was definitely my fav. I am thankful that everything seemed to be okay, non-cancerous. I would certainly urge those of you who haven't done it to do it. I have a co-worker who has been through hell with colon cancer. I was having trouble with food getting stuck going down so this is why I did the upper endoscopy at the same time. So far they have given me pills for that, but things look good.

I did get tired of the oldies rock and roll. How many times can you hear 'Stairway to Heaven?' I do like 90's alternative which is cool cause I could actually listen to the same music as my sons. Unfortunately, these tunes are now the new oldies! lol

Oh Stephanieeeeee! Yes I did get a really cute, mysterious delivery in the mail today. I will not be home next week. Should I bring it with me? (@Steph2.0)

Briana, I am trying to picture what a roast of a surgeon who does colonoscopies would look like. Guess the jokes would really stink.

For anyone looking for a boob report on a boob thread today, here goes. They are still here, still on my chest, and as far as I know very happy. I am thinking about whether or not I can teach them tricks. Maybe sit up and beg! Roll over might be nice (or to the middle.) I draw the line at barking though! lol
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Harley Quinn on August 10, 2018, 05:19:11 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on August 10, 2018, 03:22:43 PM

For anyone looking for a boob report on a boob thread today, here goes. They are still here, still on my chest, and as far as I know very happy. I am thinking about whether or not I can teach them tricks. Maybe sit up and beg! Roll over might be nice (or to the middle.) I draw the line at barking though! lol

LOL! Sit up shouldn't be too hard... but Beg may be difficult. They pretty much just command what they want. 😉
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on August 10, 2018, 08:02:24 PM
Quote from: Harley Quinn on August 10, 2018, 05:19:11 PM
LOL! Sit up shouldn't be too hard... but Beg may be difficult. They pretty much just command what they want. 😉

When they stare at me with the soulful look, I  can't help but feed them, hence the nine pounds I guess.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Denise on August 18, 2018, 08:18:14 AM
Quote from: HappyMoni on August 10, 2018, 03:22:43 PM
Of my last two procedures, I have to say the one where I woke up with boobs was definitely my fav. I am thankful that everything seemed to be okay, non-cancerous. I would certainly urge those of you who haven't done it to do it. I have a co-worker who has been through hell with colon cancer. I was having trouble with food getting stuck going down so this is why I did the upper endoscopy at the same time. So far they have given me pills for that, but things look good.

I did get tired of the oldies rock and roll. How many times can you hear 'Stairway to Heaven?' I do like 90's alternative which is cool cause I could actually listen to the same music as my sons. Unfortunately, these tunes are now the new oldies! lol

Oh Stephanieeeeee! Yes I did get a really cute, mysterious delivery in the mail today. I will not be home next week. Should I bring it with me? (@Steph2.0)

Briana, I am trying to picture what a roast of a surgeon who does colonoscopies would look like. Guess the jokes would really stink.

For anyone looking for a boob report on a boob thread today, here goes. They are still here, still on my chest, and as far as I know very happy. I am thinking about whether or not I can teach them tricks. Maybe sit up and beg! Roll over might be nice (or to the middle.) I draw the line at barking though! lol
One trick you don't want to teach them is how to bump into things!! Ouchy!

Sent from my LG-H910 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Kendra on August 19, 2018, 08:16:57 PM
Yeah I've experienced bump-OUCH after having mine installed.  I suppose that's inevitable, need more space to maneuver than before and I'm not used to it.


Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: kaitylynn on August 19, 2018, 08:55:06 PM
With mine only a week away, you girls are scaring me with all this talk of bumping in to things!! 
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on August 20, 2018, 06:50:50 AM
Quote from: Kendra on August 19, 2018, 08:16:57 PM
Yeah I've experienced bump-OUCH after having mine installed.  I suppose that's inevitable, need more space to maneuver than before and I'm not used to it.



Wow Kendra, the before has a bit of a Madonna look. Kaitylynn, since I moved my back up camera to the front, I haven't run into anything.
Going for follow up this morning. I'll update the thread later today. They have started moving down, but still somewhat high.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Kendra on August 20, 2018, 11:00:36 AM
Quote from: kaitylynn on August 19, 2018, 08:55:06 PM
With mine only a week away, you girls are scaring me with all this talk of bumping in to things!!

I found this waaay worth it.  We probably all experience bump-ouch after starting HRT but this is a sudden change in math. 

If you have a shower door instead of a curtain you'll learn to not hurry.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on August 20, 2018, 05:02:24 PM
Shower doors, yup!

40 days post op update. I went to Dr. Basner today and he said everything is as it should be. He checked for capsular contracture which I did not have. He said if it is going to happen it will usually happen by 3 months, so I scheduled a follow up. He asked about pain, numbness, and sensitivity. The sensitivity he explained was from the nerves stretching. The nerves come from the spine and with a big implant he said they are tender because they must stretch. That is mostly gone now. The numbness under my nipples happened because they cut a nerve during the procedure. This will take a year or so to have feeling return. He said I will still have more dropping and softening over the next 6 months to a year. They are still a bit high for my taste. I asked about  whether I needed to assist the dropping with any exercises, but he said no, not really. The scars are now hard to find as the breasts are low enough now that the scars are in the crease and hidden. I definitely feel like they have always been there except when near those bathroom sliders.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: kaitylynn on August 20, 2018, 05:21:21 PM
Hey Kendra, we have a curtain...but my work is really physical and I am going to have to figure out how to work again. 

Moni, that is great news!  I hope to have the same result :)
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on August 22, 2018, 08:22:46 PM
First day back to work today. I kind of wore a baggy shirt because I didn't want to act like I thought I was 'all that' my first day. I got a number of comments and questions. A few closer younger women want to see. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I don't have patience for, "I'm jealous cause yours are so perky." I told someone today, "It's a package deal! If you want to have the over 50 years of living in the wrong body/gender then we'll talk about you being jealous of my perky boobs." Tomorrow I will be less covered up I think. The cohesive gel implants so far are great for going braless. Although they don't bounce at all at this point. Later boob enthusiasts!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: kaitylynn on August 22, 2018, 11:09:10 PM
Great new Moni!  I have had several of my girlfriends at work ask me to send pictures so they can see...I think I understand sort of how you are not sure about that. 
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on August 23, 2018, 06:30:20 PM
Quote from: kaitylynn on August 22, 2018, 11:09:10 PM
Great new Moni!  I have had several of my girlfriends at work ask me to send pictures so they can see...I think I understand sort of how you are not sure about that.

Kaitylynn, pictures are forever. Lol, maybe I'll  do it the old fashioned way, flash a truck driver on the highway and see if I get a horn blow. Heehee!
I talked to my friend today. She is gonna talk to two friends who went to same surgeon earlier than I did. She said that they describe more motion than I am seeing now. I would like to have some bounce. My question is if they went under the muscle like I did. I know they did cohesive gel like I did..
I did try a shirt on from my closet and wow, if I want to show them off, this is the shirt. Maybe I'll post a picture if I get a chance.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Kendra on August 23, 2018, 09:45:51 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on August 23, 2018, 06:30:20 PM
> Lol, maybe I'll do it the old fashioned way, flash a truck driver on the highway and see if I get a horn blow. Heehee!

Now I understand why vehicle insurance companies set their rates based on gender.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on August 24, 2018, 03:19:10 PM
Quote from: Kendra on August 23, 2018, 09:45:51 PM
Now I understand why vehicle insurance companies set their rates based on gender.

I know exactly what you are saying @Kendra. Men are such terrible drivers! As for me, I can't help it if I am breasting out all over! Busted!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: kaitylynn on August 26, 2018, 08:10:44 AM
Quote from: HappyMoni on August 24, 2018, 03:19:10 PM
I know exactly what you are saying @Kendra. Men are such terrible drivers! As for me, I can't help it if I am breasting out all over! Busted!

LOL, snorted coffee!  Busted you are!!!!  :D
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: kaitylynn on August 26, 2018, 08:13:32 AM
My I ask a personal question of both of you, Kendra and Moni?  PM reply would be fine, just a curiosity on implant volume.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Kendra on August 26, 2018, 09:18:59 AM
Mine are still growing slightly (1 year HRT) so I went 350cc per side.  Numbers remind me of a mid size motorcycle, 700cc two cylinder which I think is fine for my frame.  Measured 36C/34D at Victoria's Secret yesterday - they don't use motorcycle terminology at that store.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: kaitylynn on August 26, 2018, 05:44:59 PM
Thank you Moni!

Hey Kendra, I had actually planned to have BA at 2017 as that would have been two years HRT and I thought I would be done physically developing...but that was not the case.  I chose to wait an extra year and so here it is!  I would suspect that you will continue to develop for some time more, especially considering GRS :)

I appreciate both of your answers and insights!  <3
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on August 26, 2018, 10:04:24 PM
I am over three years HRT so my growth is done especially with my genetics and age. Boob growth that is, I seem to be growing everywhere else. Good luck tomorrow. Boobs make the world  a better place.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Perry on August 27, 2018, 06:48:38 PM
Boobs make the world  a better place.

Yes they do! Unless they are mine that is!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on August 27, 2018, 07:54:54 PM
Perry I would gladly have done the "Young Frankenstein" transference thing with you on one table and me on the other. If it were only that simple.

@Perry  I'm sorry, I can't help but look at your avatar and ask if you are a Mason.  :P
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Perry on August 27, 2018, 09:55:44 PM

Ha, that would be just too much irony wouldn't it!

Sounds like yours are much better than mine ever were!

(Got my referral in the mail today, hoping they won't be mine much longer either !)
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on August 28, 2018, 07:12:55 PM
Good for you Perry! Wish you the best.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on August 29, 2018, 04:43:14 PM
7 weeks post op.

   I had a new sensation going braless today. As I walked, I could actually start to feel the weight of my breasts for the first time. I have noticed they are not nearly as high as they used to be also. I have been a little worried lately about the under the muscle, cohesive gel combination not allowing for as much motion/movement. I want to be able to feel that motion. Of course, the up side is the lack of sagging, the lack of much of a need to use a bra if I want, and the youthful firmness. No pain to report. Scars healing well. Using scar strips religiously.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Harley Quinn on August 29, 2018, 04:53:22 PM
Sounds promising!  And not even 2 months in!  Any fluffing yet?
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 29, 2018, 04:58:41 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on August 29, 2018, 04:43:14 PM
7 weeks post op.

   I had a new sensation going braless today. As I walked, I could actually start to feel the weight of my breasts for the first time. I have noticed they are not nearly as high as they used to be also. I have been a little worried lately about the under the muscle, cohesive gel combination not allowing for as much motion/movement. I want to be able to feel that motion. Of course, the up side is the lack of sagging, the lack of much of a need to use a bra if I want, and the youthful firmness. No pain to report. Scars healing well. Using scar strips religiously.

Dear Moni
YES, you indeed sound happy about the results, and as you described everything, you should be happy...

It is good that you are not experiencing any pain and that the scars are healing well...

So, how have you handled your increase in bra sizing so far???  Are you finding that different styles of bras are working better for you now?

I can attest to the fact that it is so nice to finally fill out women's clothes without the extras.  Oh and the bounce is very nice as long as it doesn't hurt.... and for me when braless there is lots of jiggling and bounce so I can't do the active stuff without a bra.  It is quite a sight in the mirror however, when braless and with a tank top on... to see my nipples protrude so much and the bouncing and jiggling when I just walk...

...and of course everyone, especially the guys take notice immediately....  I can feel their eyes boring into me!!!! boobs are quite firm but still bouncy, a perfect compromise in my opinion..  when I jog or fun, or at the gym I definitely wear a sports bra.... 

A final note: Hopefully no sagging for either of us for a very long, long time.

Again, I am so happy for HappyMoni !!!!!
Thanks for your update.

Fortuanately I did not need a BA and I am very happy with my  C cup.... big enough for my needs, still firm enough to go braless if I wish, and at the size that my boobs are now, I am not having any difficulties with my active lifestyle.... they are big enough for me!

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: kaitylynn on August 29, 2018, 07:17:42 PM
Moni, that is an awesome report!!!  I can only imagine at the moment...right now still in the compression dressing.  Keep thinking, ESCAPE...




How long did you go without direct support of a bra?
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on September 01, 2018, 02:10:42 PM
Thank you Danielle and Kaity,
   It has been busy here with my return to work. Thank you for posting. I have worn nothing but sports bras, tops with shelf bras, or no bras to this point. I am free to go shopping for bras according to my doctor, but I don't think I have stopped changing. At least, I hope I haven't. It's confusing when you hear about drop and fluff so much. When you are going through it, you really don't know where you are in the process. Am I part way, mid way, almost done? Who knows. I go for another follow up at three months. I'll maybe know more then. To be candid, I am a bit worried that I don't have much bounce. I want to experience that. If I raise my arms and kind of jump up and down, they really move a good bit. If I lower my arms, do the same thing, they move hardly at all. This makes me think it is the under the muscle aspect of the surgery rather than the cohesive gel aspect that is limiting their motion. The muscle must be limiting their movement. I know there are health benefits to doing things as I have, but hope I didn't trade that for a lack of a natural feel of motion. Anyone else done cohesives under the muscle? Kaity, glad things are progressing for you. It is hard to wait for healing after waiting for the surgery. The nice thing for me is the boob progress distracts me from looking all the time to see if my hair has started growing.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on September 21, 2018, 05:59:35 PM
I've been smiling since this happened this afternoon. I went to the facial surgeon, Dr. Papel, to follow up a repair he did to my FFS surgery done by Dr. _____. I really like this doctor. As he was working on me, he said that he dropped a piece of gauze 'down there'  roughly pointing to my frontal area. When he was done, I looked for the gauze in my lap but couldn't find it. It turns out he dropped it in my cleavage. I was so giddy.

I am 2 months and eleven days post op. I am very happy with my boobs. They have softened significantly. They are firm but soft. They are still slightly high and I am hoping for some more dropping, but they are much better position wise.

Does this mean I can start hiding my money in there like they do in the movies? lol
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: DawnOday on September 22, 2018, 12:07:41 AM
Love.. when I went to my meeting last week without my purse I used them to store my keys and cell phone. That is pretty cool.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on September 22, 2018, 08:27:37 AM
Dawn, I tried to act like "Oh, this happens all the time." Instead of, "This is so cool hee hee hee."
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Azurite92 on September 22, 2018, 09:55:28 AM
Hello Moni,

Was meaning to ask if did you lose nipple sensitivity post op with BA? And if you did, how was the nerve recovery? How long did it take for you to feel something again? And at your current recovery, do you still feel discomfort if you move/massage your boobs for quite some time? I worry once I get BA and during sex, guys would usually fondle and squeeze the boobs, I thought it might cause discomfort or worse, pain. Sorry for my rather personal questions haha, you don't have to answer it if it's quite uncomfortable for you. Thanks


Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on September 22, 2018, 02:30:41 PM
   Pretty name! Thank you for writing. No question is too personal for me. My implants were on the bigger side, so I went with incisions under the breast. I never lost sensitivity to the nipples but rather lost feeling in the lower third of the breast. I believe that is already beginning to return. At 2 months and 12 days, I really have no soreness at all. Once in a while they are a little 'sore sensitive' to the touch especially when I am tired. I haven't taken them on an extensive 'road test' yet as far as continuous squeezing, but I think they would be okay. I wear the tiniest bra in the world most times, two pieces of tape to cover the nipple pop-age. I haven't shopped for any sexy bras yet, but would like to. After so long wanting to wear a bra when I didn't really need one, I find I don't want to wear one when it might be of use. lol I think you will love having them. I get used to them being there much of the time now, but the confidence boost is really significant. Your guy friend(s) will love em.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Kendra on September 22, 2018, 07:49:20 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on September 21, 2018, 05:59:35 PM
> When he was done, I looked for the gauze in my lap but couldn't find it. It turns out he dropped it in my cleavage. I was so giddy.

I am 2 months and eleven days post op.

Had mine installed a day before you did, but now you've zoomed past me on this most important milestone.  I won't admit to being competitive, because I really am not except when I am.  Nothing has been accidentally caught between my boobs although I really want that.  Really.  Want. 

Is it called boobsketball? 
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Azurite92 on September 23, 2018, 07:35:43 AM
Quote from: HappyMoni on September 22, 2018, 02:30:41 PM
   Pretty name! Thank you for writing. No question is too personal for me. My implants were on the bigger side, so I went with incisions under the breast. I never lost sensitivity to the nipples but rather lost feeling in the lower third of the breast. I believe that is already beginning to return. At 2 months and 12 days, I really have no soreness at all. Once in a while they are a little 'sore sensitive' to the touch especially when I am tired. I haven't taken them on an extensive 'road test' yet as far as continuous squeezing, but I think they would be okay. I wear the tiniest bra in the world most times, two pieces of tape to cover the nipple pop-age. I haven't shopped for any sexy bras yet, but would like to. After so long wanting to wear a bra when I didn't really need one, I find I don't want to wear one when it might be of use. lol I think you will love having them. I get used to them being there much of the time now, but the confidence boost is really significant. Your guy friend(s) will love em.

Thank you for the compliment on my name :). Re: sensitivity, well that's very lovely to hear and glad that you're getting back your sensation on the lower part of your breast.  I'm sure you don't really need a bra #freethenipplemovement but pretty sure you'll look great in sexy bra too. How much in cc did you get btw and if the implant is too big is the incision always under the breast? I worry about scarring. How long does it usually take for the scar to disappear?  I plan to have 500cc but still not sure if I should go submuscular or subglandular. I heard subglandular would make it more natural looking and doesn't affect arm animation?


Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on September 23, 2018, 10:57:40 AM
Quote from: Kendra on September 22, 2018, 07:49:20 PM
Had mine installed a day before you did, but now you've zoomed past me on this most important milestone.  I won't admit to being competitive, because I really am not except when I am.  Nothing has been accidentally caught between my boobs although I really want that.  Really.  Want. 

Is it called boobsketball?

Guess someone wasn't reading the small print at the boob doctor's office. You have to attend classes to learn the fine skill  of being a boobsetball backboard. It takes seconds and seconds to acquire the ability to do this. I started with popcorn before I was ready for the big time, gauze pads. Pay your dues, Kendra, come on!  :P
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Harley Quinn on September 23, 2018, 11:19:34 AM
Quote from: HappyMoni on September 23, 2018, 10:57:40 AM
Guess someone wasn't reading the small print at the boob doctor's office. You have to attend classes to learn the fine skill  of being a boobsetball backboard. It takes seconds and seconds to acquire the ability to do this. I started with popcorn before I was ready for the big time, gauze pads. Pay your dues, Kendra, come on!  :P

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on September 23, 2018, 11:24:42 AM
Quote from: Azurite92 on September 23, 2018, 07:35:43 AM
Thank you for the compliment on my name :). Re: sensitivity, well that's very lovely to hear and glad that you're getting back your sensation on the lower part of your breast.  I'm sure you don't really need a bra #freethenipplemovement but pretty sure you'll look great in sexy bra too. How much in cc did you get btw and if the implant is too big is the incision always under the breast? I worry about scarring. How long does it usually take for the scar to disappear?  I plan to have 500cc but still not sure if I should go submuscular or subglandular. I heard subglandular would make it more natural looking and doesn't affect arm animation?



   Thanks for writing. My implants were 640 cc's. The best thing to do is check with what the surgeon will do and will not do. If you read early on in this thread, I went through my thought process on the size I picked. I use silicone scar strips on my scars and they are looking pretty good at this point. Besides the boobs are big enough to have the scars hidden in the 'boob sweat area.' Whatever you do, I'm convinced there are always thoughts of, "What if I had done..." Still too early to know if I might have liked subglandular for more motion. Submuscular so far makes the no bra thing easier. I didn't want capsular contracture complications, so I went as I did to minimize the risk. I would consider your chest size in figuring out how big to go. I am glad I went bigger because they are well proportioned to my body. I hope to check back on this thread once in a while for about a year. That should be time enough to give my final opinion of how things turned out for the choice I made.  Keep us updated, would love to hear your thought process as well.  :) The world is better with boobs! (The world is better without boobs! For you boys out there!)
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Kendra on September 23, 2018, 11:59:12 AM
Quote from: HappyMoni on September 23, 2018, 10:57:40 AM
Guess someone wasn't reading the small print at the boob doctor's office. You have to attend classes to learn the fine skill  of being a boobsetball backboard. It takes seconds and seconds to acquire the ability to do this. I started with popcorn before I was ready for the big time, gauze pads. Pay your dues, Kendra, come on!  :P

Yeah more skills to learn if I wanna score at boobsketball. 

Reminds me of another surgically enhanced sport that contains fine print and time-out: the penalty box of dilation. 
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Faith on September 23, 2018, 12:01:00 PM
I still want to know .. What's this 'cleavage' that people speak of?  :(
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on September 23, 2018, 02:39:02 PM
Quote from: Faith on September 23, 2018, 12:01:00 PM
I still want to know .. What's this 'cleavage' that people speak of?  :(

(This is too easy) You need to have Faith!

Kendra, how bout dilators at twenty paces at dawn? I'll see you on the field of honor. Laurie, would you be my 'second?'
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: steph2.0 on September 23, 2018, 02:48:34 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on September 23, 2018, 02:39:02 PM
(This is too easy) You need to have Faith!

Kendra, how bout dilators at twenty paces at dawn? I'll see you on the field of honor. Laurie, would you be my 'second?'

I volunteer to be Kendra's second. Can you wait about 8 months?

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Kendra on September 23, 2018, 03:02:21 PM
Or six inches.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Faith on September 23, 2018, 03:11:59 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on September 23, 2018, 02:39:02 PM
(This is too easy) You need to have Faith!
:icon_neutral:  :icon_blink:

time ..... *sigh* .....  :icon_cry:
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: steph2.0 on September 23, 2018, 03:20:47 PM
Quote from: Kendra on September 23, 2018, 03:02:21 PM
Or six inches.

Whichever occurs first.

(Whew! I almost type something that would have been censored!)
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on September 23, 2018, 03:26:34 PM
Quote from: Steph2.0 on September 23, 2018, 02:48:34 PM
I volunteer to be Kendra's second. Can you wait about 8 months?


Anything for you Steph! Good thing you stepped in when you did, I was ready with Mr. Orange.

Don't worry Faith, Kendra and I cheated to get our cleavage!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Kendra on September 23, 2018, 03:34:28 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on September 23, 2018, 02:39:02 PM
> Kendra, how bout dilators at twenty paces at dawn? I'll see you on the field of honor. Laurie, would you be my 'second?'

The fields of honor also known as Silicone Valley.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Faith on September 23, 2018, 05:12:13 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on September 23, 2018, 03:26:34 PM
Don't worry Faith, Kendra and I cheated to get our cleavage!

I keep blowing on my thumb but all it does is make my ears pop.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: KathyLauren on September 23, 2018, 05:49:47 PM
All this talk of cleavage makes me think of the term "intermammary concavity" from the "Warrior Princess" satire by Kevin Ward.  If you are a fan of the old Xena TV series and Gilbert and Sullivan, you have to check it out: (

And now I can't get the Major General song out of my head!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on September 24, 2018, 08:34:20 PM
Quote from: KathyLauren on September 23, 2018, 05:49:47 PM
All this talk of cleavage makes me think of the term "intermammary concavity" from the "Warrior Princess" satire by Kevin Ward.  If you are a fan of the old Xena TV series and Gilbert and Sullivan, you have to check it out: (

And now I can't get the Major General song out of my head!

@Kathy, I'm glad I finally do have the cleavage cause I don't have the smarts you have. My reference would be something like the 'The Simpsons.'  My quote, "Duh!!"  Maybe I should go blond. lol Thanks for posting.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Faith on September 25, 2018, 05:41:43 AM
Quote from: HappyMoni on September 24, 2018, 08:34:20 PM
@Kathy, I'm glad I finally do have the cleavage cause I don't have the smarts you have. My reference would be something like the 'The Simpsons.'  My quote, "Duh!!"  Maybe I should go blond. lol Thanks for posting.
ACK!! Don't say the B word. There's been a golden yellow coloring sneaking into my hair from somewhere .. I don't wanna be B****, I like my silvery-gray
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on September 25, 2018, 04:31:06 PM
Quote from: Faith on September 25, 2018, 05:41:43 AM
ACK!! Don't say the B word. There's been a golden yellow coloring sneaking into my hair from somewhere .. I don't wanna be B****, I like my silvery-gray

Don't worry Faith, my natural color is dyed dark brown and I have the package to prove it.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Northern Star Girl on September 25, 2018, 04:52:41 PM
Quote from: Faith on September 25, 2018, 05:41:43 AM
ACK!! Don't say the B word. There's been a golden yellow coloring sneaking into my hair from somewhere .. I don't wanna be B****, I like my silvery-gray
Dear Faith:

What's wrong with being a blonde, anyway?
I am a blonde, hopefully I won't have any life long problems because of my hair color.
I always hear all of the "blonde" jokes at my next door coffee shop....  some are not too flattering.

Be happy with the hair that we have, if we don't like the natural color, that can be easily remedied.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Northern Star Girl on September 25, 2018, 04:56:56 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on September 25, 2018, 04:31:06 PM
Don't worry Faith, my natural color is dyed dark brown and I have the package to prove it.

Dear Moni:
Now you have an excuse for how you are.... can blame the chemicals in the hair color bottle.

So, it has been quite a while now since your surgery in July, how are things going for you now that you had your BA... all healed up I presume and proudly on display in proper fitting clothes now???   You must be elated at the results and any positive comments that you receive about your appearance.

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: steph2.0 on September 25, 2018, 05:01:28 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on September 25, 2018, 04:31:06 PM
Don't worry Faith, my natural color is dyed dark brown and I have the package to prove it.

I thought Laurene was keeping your package??!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Faith on September 25, 2018, 05:35:13 PM
Nothing wrong with being blond, I never was blond .. ever. My hair was as close to black as you could get w/o actually being black, until it went gray, silvery glittery gray. I don't want it blond, that's all. It's not 'me'

Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on September 25, 2018, 04:52:41 PM
Dear Faith:[/b]
What's wrong with being a blonde, anyway?
I am a blonde, hopefully I won't have any life long problems because of my hair color.
I always hear all of the "blonde" jokes at my next door coffee shop....  some are not too flattering.

Be happy with the hair that we have, if we don't like the natural color, that can be easily remedied.

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on September 25, 2018, 06:21:48 PM
Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on September 25, 2018, 04:56:56 PM
Dear Moni:
Now you have an excuse for how you are.... can blame the chemicals in the hair color bottle.

So, it has been quite a while now since your surgery in July, how are things going for you now that you had your BA... all healed up I presume and proudly on display in proper fitting clothes now???   You must be elated at the results and any positive comments that you receive about your appearance.


There's nothing wrong with me Danielle. Those chemicals? No problem! Just because I grew a third boob on my back doesn't mean there's a problem.

@Danielle, actually everyone has been respectful and not drawn attention to the boobage at work. I have had a couple guys stare at them at the beach, and the other day this guy looked at me like I was the main course on Thanksgiving. Could have been the boobs or maybe the hair dye. Don't know!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on September 25, 2018, 06:24:28 PM
Quote from: Faith on September 25, 2018, 05:35:13 PM
Nothing wrong with being blond, I never was blond .. ever. My hair was as close to black as you could get w/o actually being black, until it went gray, silvery glittery gray. I don't want it blond, that's all. It's not 'me'

@Faith, we should photoshop a blond beehive hairdo on you and see how you look. Don't knock it til you try it?

@Steph I am still laughing at your comment. OMG
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: steph2.0 on September 25, 2018, 07:07:57 PM
Quote from: HappyMoni on September 25, 2018, 06:24:28 PM
@Faith, we should photoshop a blond beehive hairdo on you and see how you look. Don't knock it til you try it?

@Steph I am still laughing at your comment. OMG

I couldn't stop snickering as I posted it. [emoji16]

Speaking of beehives:


And speaking of blondes, I've been playing around with an app from Clairol. What do you think?



(Sorry to hijack the thread.)
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on September 25, 2018, 07:19:32 PM
In furtherance of this hijack...  I loved my silver hair but finally was worn down by my sister who colored it the first time.  I tried it myself afterwards but it was too stressful so I have it done now.  Never going back! 
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Faith on September 25, 2018, 07:24:55 PM
Quote from: JudiBlueEyes on September 25, 2018, 07:19:32 PM
In furtherance of this hijack...  I loved my silver hair but finally was worn down by my sister who colored it the first time.  I tried it myself afterwards but it was too stressful so I have it done now.  Never going back! 

What hijack? Hair color and BA are intrinsically linked. Everyone knows that you match your hair color to your bust size otherwise you get all out of proportion.
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: steph2.0 on September 25, 2018, 07:33:36 PM
Quote from: Faith on September 25, 2018, 07:24:55 PM
What hijack? Hair color and BA are intrinsically linked. Everyone knows that you match your hair color to your bust size otherwise you get all out of proportion.

So let's see... 36a? Is that auburn?

Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: HappyMoni on September 25, 2018, 09:17:21 PM
The thread has been invaded by silly people. Ain't it great?
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: steph2.0 on September 26, 2018, 12:43:05 AM
Quote from: HappyMoni on September 25, 2018, 09:17:21 PM
The thread has been invaded by silly people. Ain't it great?

Hey! I resemble that remark!
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: Faith on September 26, 2018, 05:43:29 AM
Quote from: Steph2.0 on September 25, 2018, 07:33:36 PM
So let's see... 36a? Is that auburn?

A little lighter, I think. That's a bit dark for a 36a. Maybe if you puff up?

Quote from: Steph2.0 on September 26, 2018, 12:43:05 AM
Hey! I resemble that remark!

I knew she wasn't talking about me
Title: Re: Two days before BA and a wave of emotions.
Post by: steph2.0 on September 26, 2018, 06:08:09 AM
Quote from: Faith on September 26, 2018, 05:43:29 AM
A little lighter, I think. That's a bit dark for a 36a. Maybe if you puff up?

Yes, please. Make it a double.