General Discussions => Entertainment => Books => Topic started by: Natasha on February 17, 2008, 09:49:04 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Her ghosts, his phantoms
Post by: Natasha on February 17, 2008, 09:49:04 AM
Her ghosts, his phantoms,0,2192815.story

'How is it," Jennifer Finney Boylan wonders early in her flabbergasting book, "that some people manage to integrate their lives, and live in the moment, while others become stuck, become Exes, haunting their own lives like ghosts? How do we learn to Be Here Now (in the words of Ram Dass, the former Richard Alpert)? How do we let go of the past, when its joys and injustices are such a large part of making us whoever it is we've become?"