General Discussions => Beauty => Fashion => Topic started by: Kendall on June 24, 2006, 11:34:17 PM Return to Full Version

Title: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: Kendall on June 24, 2006, 11:34:17 PM
I just received 2 5 inch heels that I ordered online. I had ordered it since it seemed like the highest, most common type heel. I didnt really want any platforms. I think my highest regular heel is 2 or 3 inch.

Stepping into these really got me wobbling about. And sore ankles. Tendons stretch where they have never been stretched before lol. Well, my second day is better. Not as weak nor painful so far.

My GF gasped and said " I'm not bringing you to the hospital if you break your leg in those."
Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: Melissa on June 24, 2006, 11:45:04 PM
Why would anyone want to wear 5-inch heels?  The biggest I plan to ever wear are 3-inch heels.

Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: stephanie_craxford on June 24, 2006, 11:54:16 PM
Hey there Kendra.

5" heels that is a stretch.  I'm comfortable in 3" heels and have been wearing them daily now for quite a while, but wow 5".  How long can you wear them, and I could see where driving would be a challenge.

Chat later.

Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: Kendall on June 25, 2006, 12:04:08 AM
Ya ,
I got them on a small splurge to try a few things new.

My first attempt could only move like 15 feet, lol. Right now I can ....let me check, sec.

About 50 steps.

Gonna try to follow the tips from this page and see how it goes

Here is what one looks like, that I got.

I guess I try some unusual things sometimes. Bare with me if I do some weird things sometimes, lol. Curiosity sometimes gets the best of me. Its my inner Barbie acting up. She is fearless sometimes lol.
Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: Jillieann Rose on June 25, 2006, 12:07:39 AM
Becareful Kendra you could do really damage if you fall off them. :'(
3 inch heels are as high as I will go. I'm already 5' 8" and don't want to seem any taller.  And it would be just my luck that I would fall off of 5" heels and break something. Most likely I'd hurt my back too.  :o
5" heels, Good luck, ;D
Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: Kendall on June 25, 2006, 01:35:26 AM
Yes careful is the word.

Definately not for most ladies, I do like the shape and arch it gives me when wearing them. I like what it does to my lower body, and the sway it gives in my walk.
Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: Chaunte on June 25, 2006, 10:12:41 AM
Five inch heels...!?  Ouch!  My feet hurt wearing 4" heels, which I do only for the camera!  Of course, I DO have a little extra mass that has to be supported by the balls of my feet...

Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: Sandi on June 25, 2006, 02:10:07 PM
Two or three inch heels is plenty unless you seldom have to be on your feet. I did wear 4 inch heels to work just once because a couple of girls in the office didn't believe I could walk in them. However even then I switched to my 2 in open sandal style soon after my point was made.

Four inch or higher heels—like my girlfriend Cindy says—are just for sitting and looking pretty.

But in a large heel I could have fun with this one.


Sandi (
Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: stephanie_craxford on June 25, 2006, 03:25:06 PM
Now that is the type of ruby red slipper that I would return to Kansas in :)

Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: Kendall on June 25, 2006, 06:57:47 PM
Yes my GF also said only thing they are good for is taking pictures in. I dont see myself using them to walk far. Is more for show. Well if just for pictures is what they end up being, I am sure I can find plenty use for them. In contrast of course I have my fluffy pink ankle high house slippers, which are the ultimate in comfort.
Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: MaryEllen on June 25, 2006, 07:20:39 PM
Five inch heels ??  Whoa, I have enough trouble navigating in the standard flat heel. I'd probably fall over and break my neck if I attemped something like that.
(HMMMM. There are probably some people who would love to see that happen. LOL)
Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: HelenW on June 25, 2006, 07:33:17 PM
Oh I just LOVE the trike!

Is there a passenger seat in the heel?  I'd love to tool that thing down Main street in my burg just once.

I think I'd use 5 inch heels (that's 126mm for the metric folks) just for the muscle stretching that wearing them and standing up would cause.  Like, say, for istance, a yoga aid?

Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: Kendall on June 26, 2006, 07:39:23 AM
Yes speaking of breaking neck and falling over, MaryEllen if I ever get a gift of ones any higher than these, I will be sure to get suspicious that they just want me dead, lol.

These do stretch the muscles and puts the weight on the front part of the foot.


Here is a comparison of my heels that I have.

Here is how they fit wearing them

Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: MarcosGirl on June 26, 2006, 08:59:39 AM
I love those one's all the way to the left.  They remind me of a pair I had "back in the day".  I used to wear shoes that high (and I'm already 5' 8 1/2")!  I'm 40 now, and I can barely handle 3 inch heels. The balls of my feet really hurt.  I guess my feet are used to wearing steel-toed safety work boots for work now.  Besides, Marco is 4 inches shorter than I am, so we look for guys boots with higher heels and flatsies for me.

:) :)
Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: Kendall on June 27, 2006, 08:37:05 AM
I like those two. Not good to practice in though since they strap in. The others ones are easy to slip off and on in. They look nice though, for the price I got them, is why I got them. Yes they do add some height. Guys look great in boots and cowboy boots with some heels. Havent seen many in supper high ones, besides goth and KISS type metal/glam rockers.
Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: Jennifer72 on June 27, 2006, 05:56:41 PM
I really like the ones all the way on the left too! Super Sexy! My fav, though are cowboy boots with a more slender heel, High heel boots anything with a wedge heel, (ok,ok, I'll admit it... Hi, I'm Jennifer and I'm a shoe slut!) LOL!

Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: Robyn on June 27, 2006, 06:42:11 PM

Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: angelsgirl on June 27, 2006, 07:17:10 PM
Based on that picture, I could only wear the ones from the middle to the right.  Even though I'm only 5 feet tall, I just don't have the ankles (or the gracefulness) to walk in those tall ones!  I can only pull off 3" heels, tops! 

I wish you the best of luck, and if you can manage them, I will be forced to admit that you are a better woman (and less clumsy) than I!  ;D
Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: Kendall on June 27, 2006, 09:34:15 PM
Quote from: reikirobyn on June 27, 2006, 06:42:11 PM


Lol made me laugh reading that.

Quote from: Jennifer72 on June 27, 2006, 05:56:41 PM
I really like the ones all the way on the left too! Super Sexy! My fav, though are cowboy boots with a more slender heel, High heel boots anything with a wedge heel, (ok,ok, I'll admit it... Hi, I'm Jennifer and I'm a shoe slut!) LOL!

I dont have a lot of shoes but I am liking them more and more.

Quote from: angelsgirl on June 27, 2006, 07:17:10 PM
Based on that picture, I could only wear the ones from the middle to the right.  Even though I'm only 5 feet tall, I just don't have the ankles (or the gracefulness) to walk in those tall ones!  I can only pull off 3" heels, tops! 

I wish you the best of luck, and if you can manage them, I will be forced to admit that you are a better woman (and less clumsy) than I!  ;D

I am not there yet. Might not ever get there. Just is something interesting to me I wanted to try =)
Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: sheila18 on June 29, 2006, 03:32:54 PM
I loved the topic.
I couldn't help noticing how you arranged them, sort of likee th Cingular bars!
Defenitely the ones on hte left. I can only wear them for 15 minutes when I first try them, but slowly my tendons stretch and my muscles relax. I need electrolytes though or I get cramps. The sad story is that by the time am all ready and feeling great my skin peels where the leather touches my skin. I have 5 inch sandals, that might be the reason dah! Practice practice practice.
love sheila
Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: Chynna on June 29, 2006, 07:46:12 PM
I'm a girl who will wear a 6inch stilletoe out to the club in a Newyork minute I can walk about 3-4 hours comfortable before my arch begins to hurt.
but when i take them off........thank the gods for flat surfaces

At work (When I'm not casual in jeans and sneakers) meeting business clients I usually go with a 3 inch heel and can wear that for 14 hours straight!

The only thing my mother ever taught me was how a woman should be able to walk in a heel for at least 8hrs......

nice topic

Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: Kendall on June 30, 2006, 05:41:42 PM
Quote from: sheila18 on June 29, 2006, 03:32:54 PM
you are the best! I loved the topic.
I couldn't help noticing how you arranged them, sort of likee th Cingular bars!
Defenitely the ones on hte left. I can only wear them for 15 minutes when I first try them, but slowly my tendons stretch and my muscles relax. I need electrolytes though or I get cramps. The sad story is that by the time am all ready and feeling great my skin peels where the leather touches my skin. I have 5 inch sandals, that might be the reason dah! Practice practice practice. genetic woman or trans is all practice.
When I show up at work with them for the first time, the next week all the women show up dressing up better in newr and better outfits, raise the bar baby! yes
I live your pics, love sheila
Nice visual tool ( the bars). I was sort of thinking of the Primate to Human Evolution series.
Quote from: Chynna on June 29, 2006, 07:46:12 PM
I'm a girl who will wear a 6inch stilletoe out to the club in a Newyork minute I can walk about 3-4 hours comfortable before my arch begins to hurt.
but when i take them off........thank the gods for flat surfaces

At work (When I'm not casual in jeans and sneakers) meeting business clients I usually go with a 3 inch heel and can wear that for 14 hours straight!

The only thing my mother ever taught me was how a woman should be able to walk in a heel for at least 8hrs......

nice topic

Your much better than me. Would love to see a pic of the 6 inch ones.
Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: Chynna on July 01, 2006, 09:18:05 AM
Consider it done...I have a serious shoe problem I own like 300+ pairs (good thing I have 2 walkin closets one just for shoes!)

Hey I got two pairs of heels that I only wore once (they hurt my baby toe! :( )
Ill post the pics (whenever I get back home!!) there identical
ones black, the other is pink
real urban thou anyone want them ?

I believe there eatiher 10 or 11 I can't remember but if i get them out the closet that means I can find 2 other pair to replace them with!!!!!! ;D

Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: Jennifer72 on July 02, 2006, 03:41:14 AM
I humbly bow to the goddess of shoes, Chynna! Of course, I'm rather new at all this and don't have too many shoes yet, but I plan to give you some compition in the near future! LOL  ;D

Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: Chynna on July 02, 2006, 03:42:14 AM
want a pair?
Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: Kendall on July 02, 2006, 07:19:30 AM
Mine are size 12s so 10 and 11 are too small for me.
Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: beatrix on July 16, 2006, 07:03:04 PM
Unfortunately, I need a slightly larger size than I would have hoped for (13 guys).  Fortunately, the style I like (yeah, I want to be a goth rock star, sorry) makes that a tad easier, but still, for a more traditional look, I'm stumped for shoes pretty much across the board (heels or not) unless I go specialty.  I'd love to get up on some 5 in heels, but then I'd surely be far too tall (6'1" barefoot).  This is unfortunate; but who says I have to be perfect? 

Does anyone know where I could look on-line?  Or in the Chicagoland area?  Private Messages are probably prudent.


Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: stephanie_craxford on July 16, 2006, 07:19:10 PM
Quote from: beatrix on July 16, 2006, 07:03:04 PM
Unfortunately, I need a slightly larger size than I would have hoped for (13 guys).  Fortunately, the style I like (yeah, I want to be a goth rock star, sorry) makes that a tad easier, but still, for a more traditional look, I'm stumped for shoes pretty much across the board (heels or not) unless I go specialty.  I'd love to get up on some 5 in heels, but then I'd surely be far too tall (6'1" barefoot).  This is unfortunate; but who says I have to be perfect? 

Does anyone know where I could look on-line?  Or in the Chicagoland area?  Private Messages are probably prudent.



Did you check out the Links section on the main page?  Do a google, I found this site site but I have no idea if it's any good. (

Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: beatrix on July 16, 2006, 07:36:14 PM
Quote from: Steph on July 16, 2006, 07:19:10 PM
Did you check out the Links section on the main page?  Do a google, I found this site site but I have no idea if it's any good. (


I'm looking through them now . . . but I was hoping for a little experience to go along with them . . . but thank you for the link!
Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: Kendall on July 16, 2006, 09:54:13 PM
Mine came from not sure if they have the goth style your after.
Title: Re: 5 inch heels... now thats a task and a half
Post by: LynnER on July 16, 2006, 10:26:05 PM
5 inch heels.... those allmost sound comfortable.  I have extreemly high arches and have to put two tons of incerts into my flat shoes just to be able to walk for more than an hour... 2 or 3 inch heels are far more comfortable but my arch still isnt properly supported.

If it wernt for being 6ft tall (maby 5ft 11" I can never get a straight answer LoL) liveing in a town of 5ft nothings Id try them.... and as an added bonus Id allmost be able to look my best friend in the eyes with out him having to sit down :P