Community Conversation => Crossdresser talk => Topic started by: Carli on July 30, 2005, 05:01:43 AM Return to Full Version

Title: help to spend more time as a girl
Post by: Carli on July 30, 2005, 05:01:43 AM
I have always wanted to be a girl and wear girl's clothes.  Within the last couple of months I have realized that I need to get out and be a girl.  As I am writing this I am dressed in a dress with panties and bra on.  I would love to have help in transformation to spend at least a week-end as a girl.
Title: Re: help to spend more time as a girl
Post by: stephanie_craxford on July 30, 2005, 06:05:30 AM
Quote from: Carli on July 30, 2005, 05:01:43 AM
I have always wanted to be a girl and wear girl's clothes. Within the last couple of months I have realized that I need to get out and be a girl. As I am writing this I am dressed in a dress with panties and bra on. I would love to have help in transformation to spend at least a week-end as a girl.

Hello Carli.

Can you be a little more spcific, I mean, what is stopping you from spending a weekend as a girl now?  You mentioned in your last post that you were weearing womens cloths when you wrote it.  What is your present situation.

Chat later

Title: Re: help to spend more time as a girl
Post by: Carli on July 30, 2005, 06:37:54 AM
My male job.  If I did not have to worry about money coming in and had some extra money to purchase more for my female wardrode then things would be easier.  Also I am involved with family maters.  Maybe to I am shy and do not have enough courage.  I really would like to be a girl more.
Thanks hugs
Title: Re: help to spend more time as a girl
Post by: Celia on July 30, 2005, 04:31:41 PM
The question is not whether or how you can be girl, Carli; it is whether you are a girl.  Once you've determined the answer to that, your course should be clearer.  Are you a girl?

Title: Re: help to spend more time as a girl
Post by: Kendall on July 30, 2005, 09:40:39 PM

Save some money up buy some clothes, try going out in femme, and try that weekend in girl's clothing. Sounds like fun. Buy some used clothing or borrow some. Raid old stashes of unused stuff in closets or attics (stuff being thrown out).
Title: Re: help to spend more time as a girl
Post by: Leigh on July 30, 2005, 10:08:42 PM
Welll eeexxxcccuuussseee me!
Title: Re: help to spend more time as a girl
Post by: Celia on July 31, 2005, 12:05:54 AM
Quote from: Terri-Gene on July 30, 2005, 04:49:11 PM
I would still hold to the view that there is a vast difference in Self Identification   and community identification.  I am sorry what this may mean to some, but to me, the significance is of utmost importance.

Terri, to whom many in the most imortant circles still refer to respectfully as Female Identified  regardless of Self Identification. :icon_censored:


Care to elaborate on the distinction, Terri?  I can't speak for Carli, but I've never really been a student of political philophy. ;D

Title: Re: help to spend more time as a girl
Post by: Leigh on July 31, 2005, 01:49:06 AM
Terri, this is the CD forum.  Presentation rather than identification.
Title: Re: help to spend more time as a girl
Post by: Terri-Gene on July 31, 2005, 01:52:06 AM
understood Leigh ...

Edited for the following:

I have deleted all prior messages of mine from this thread as being inappropriate to the CD environment.  This is not ment as any comment about CD's or the material I posted other then the fact that it was better suited to topic forums aimed at full time women and has little relation to those who arn't.

Title: Re: help to spend more time as a girl
Post by: Debtv on July 31, 2005, 11:13:44 AM
Well, as a cd, I feel like a girl...and I don't care what anyone thinks about it.

Carli came here and said she would like to spend the weekend as a girl and now we have jumped to how lesbians don't accept us? LOL oh my. Wanting to step out of the closet and go out more really has nothing to do with "Self Identification and community identification." my my.....

Back to the subject Carli...For some reason to go out in public dressed enfemm is a big part of being a cd. It is where the saying "All dressed up with no where to go" came from. Going out and spending more time enfemme is a step a cd has to go through to be happy and find self-acceptance.

I remmember being deep in the closet and wishing I had someone to help me dress better so I could dress and look better to maybe go out too Carli.

One of 1st weekends I spent enfemm took a lot of preperation for me. I was so deep in the closet no one knew but me. I went to the biggest city near me (Kansas City) and got a hotel room. I then dressed enfemme and went out to the gay & lebian bars. The outfits I had, I had bought over time, at thrift stores and yard sales. A big hurtle for me was buying a wig. So that weekend the 1st thing I did was buy me a nice wig...then I was ready!

I found excellent acceptance at the gay and lesbian bars. Gay dudes are very cool about it and I never met one who would not take no for an answer. Lesbians where accepting although could not understand it at all.

I had a great time and on Sun evening I did not want to stop. It was a bummer going back to my man life....but I did it.

Carli, just go slow and start planning on your weekend. It would be a good idea to tell someone who could help you. I mean "help" by telling you how you look in your help you pick what looks best on you, as we cannot always tell just looking in a mirror. Also to 'help' you by going with you are not alone.

I told a few good straight men friends...and asked them to go with be my 'bodyguard" LOL funny how fast they where willing to go to a lesbian bar with me! LOL They also would tell me "You look alot better in the brown outfit than you do in that pink one!"

Maybe you could find a woman friend to help you....sadly the only way to find a cool one is by telling some women that you are cd. I know how hard that can be.

Well good luck to you and please feel free to ask more about it and let us know how you are doing with you "weekend plan"


Title: Re: help to spend more time as a girl
Post by: Celia on July 31, 2005, 12:42:38 PM
Sorry about my misunderstanding. :-[  I just took "I have always wanted to be a girl . . . " and ran with it, I guess.  Out of context, it seems to suggest something of a TS nature.  But the post as a whole suggested something more along the lines of "I need some girl time".  I wager most CD's can relate to that. :)

Title: Re: help to spend more time as a girl
Post by: stephanie_craxford on July 31, 2005, 07:21:06 PM
Quote from: Carli on July 30, 2005, 06:37:54 AM
My male job.  If I did not have to worry about money coming in and had some extra money to purchase more for my female wardrode then things would be easier.  Also I am involved with family maters.  Maybe to I am shy and do not have enough courage.  I really would like to be a girl more.
Thanks hugs

Hello Carli

I just got back from a short trip, finished reading the unread posts, and rememberd this thread that you started.  I feel I owe you an appology for not replying to the above post that resulted from our initial exchange.  While replying to this, I lost my telephone conection, and it still had not been restored by the time my wife and I had to leave for the weekend.  An unfortunate thing but I just wanted to let you know that I wasn't ignoring you and it wasn't intentional.  So again I apologise...

I reviewed the thread and it seems that it was quite active  :) and of course DebTV gave you wonderfully advice on your concerns take the advice and run with it, and as DebTV said, let us know how you are doing.

Chat later,

Title: Re: help to spend more time as a girl
Post by: Carli on July 31, 2005, 09:02:08 PM
Thanks.  The thing to do is to do as I feel   To begin I will go on a trip without male clothes and only female clothes and enjoy being the girl I want to be.