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The "Does my voice pass?" thread

Started by Isabelle, September 19, 2012, 02:14:55 AM

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Noah we go! I made a clip if anyone would be willing to listen...thank you so much


Paige: yes I think the cadence is working for you, has a nice sing-song feel to it.

Eloij: Pitch is good, but, listening to your voice, it's a higher version of your male voice which is not enough to be fully female. In most circumstances, in the Mall, etc it would get you by without outing you.

Noah: On the vowels (particularly O), your producing  a lot of low tones. Maybe speak with the analyzer on  to try and minimise those. You could speak with those tones and still come over as female. Don't know if this will work in your territory but I was listening to Martha Stewart this morning and she has a similar tone to you.


If you do not agree to my demands... TOO LATE


Well that was an experiance Sound Cloud needs a tutorial.......

Anywho I thought I'd give it a twirl


Quote from: eloij on October 05, 2012, 09:29:55 AM
Hi there
So i have been going to a voice therapist for some time now and this is what se recomend me to talk like. I have no problem at talkning like this but I don't know if it sounds feminine or just like a guy trying to talk like a woman but fails. Also put a short version of my male voice in there for reference... ???

I'd like to hear your voice in french as compared to english. That is if I am not mistaken a cute Quebecois accent.
I personally have much more facility articulating in my mother tongue so it makes it easier. I decided to get it where I would like in english hoping that it will be easier to apply it in french afterwards.

Noah : You have the voice of a mature woman. I like it even if it is low.
I get what you mean by wanting your voice and not having the impression of using a fake voice.
I think that no matter what voice that we end up with that sounds truly 'passable' it still comes from us, even if it sounds wrong in our heads or feels awkward. We will probably make it our own and feel comfortable in the end. Can any one that is happy with their new voice confirm this?

Thanks Sandrauk. I really appreciate you taking the time : )


Quote from: PaigeMtl on October 05, 2012, 06:07:56 PM
I'd like to hear your voice in french as compared to english. That is if I am not mistaken a cute Quebecois accent.
I personally have much more facility articulating in my mother tongue so it makes it easier. I decided to get it where I would like in english hoping that it will be easier to apply it in french afterwards.

Actually that cute accent is swedish. But I uploaded a clip of me talking in swedish...


Eloij : I hate to write this but your voice still needs some more work. I can here the male in the undertone. Im still knew at learning my voice and it is far from having a decent sound so I can't help on giving cues for exactly what needs to be done but it is what I am hearing.


Wow, thank you all so much for the response. I got inspired after hearing your voices and making my own, so I worked on my voice a little and was surpised by how it was coming I made a new clip. please if you have  a minute listen to this and tell me how it is sounding at this stage! Thank you...


Here's mine. I think I'm pretty happy with it. I'm sick at the moment, so I sound a little off:

I feel okay with coughing, sneezing, giggling, and using conversational sounds like "hmm." I still can't burst into laughter - that one is really tough to work around!

Anyhow, I'd love to hear what other people think. I look forward to anyone's input, thanks!
Why do I always write such incredibly long posts?


Sybil: I wish I sounded like that when I'm not sick...sounds great to me.

Tristan: Either the audio compression or your mic is influencing the result (electronic sounding) so it's difficult to say.

Jamie D

Quote from: Isabelle on September 19, 2012, 02:14:55 AM
Hi all, I thought I'd start a thread where people can upload audio clips of their voices and get feedback, in the hope we can all help each other out :)
Anyway, I'll go first... I should point out this is from my first day training my voice.. It's not great but, my "male" voice was pretty andro to begin with.. Anyway take a listen and Id love to hear what people think

Please feel free to comment, and upload your own clips !
(I use for a free account, and there is an app for smartphones that's easy to use and simple to share sounds on :) )

I like it!

Kelly J. P.

 I suppose I'm asking if my voice passes, but since I'm rather under the impression that it does, I am also looking for some feedback.

Background: This morning I was feeling insecure. I felt like I sounded and looked like a guy, and while I realize those unhappy thoughts about myself are usually inaccurate, I had to record myself anyway to see for sure. The recording was done in such a way that no effort was put in - if anything, I was almost trying to sound like a guy. My pitch was low, and no special attention was put toward vocal mannerisms. The result? Well, that's up to you to judge.
(Note: Turn your volume down a little. Soundcloud makes things loud.)

My conclusion was that I always sound the same. I can certainly remove a lot of the "body" from the voice featured in the above link, as I added resonance on purpose to give my voice a more masculine sound, in theory, but even then I didn't sound all that different. In fact, if anything, the added resonance only improved the general sound of the voice - at least, over the microphone. I can only hope to assume that the recorded sound is similar or, at best, equivalent to my voice heard live.

I'm not sure where my pitch is at in the recording, because I haven't checked where I stand on the Hz scale in months. I don't really keep track of my voice, and its progression; perhaps that is a mistake on my part, however, I shall see if I have actually suffered for it.

Your thoughts?


Verdict=pretty! Doesn't sound guyish to me at all, I'd place you at the 200HZ at the least.
I can see me
I can see you
Are you me?
Or am I you?


Here is my sort of effort. There are times I am more relaxed and tend to sound smoother and all, but with my back tensed up and a little annoyed at the puppy, this is what it is now.

edit: removed link


Quote from: Kelly J. P. on October 08, 2012, 11:27:16 AM
I suppose I'm asking if my voice passes, but since I'm rather under the impression that it does, I am also looking for some feedback.

Background: This morning I was feeling insecure. I felt like I sounded and looked like a guy, and while I realize those unhappy thoughts about myself are usually inaccurate, I had to record myself anyway to see for sure. The recording was done in such a way that no effort was put in - if anything, I was almost trying to sound like a guy. My pitch was low, and no special attention was put toward vocal mannerisms. The result? Well, that's up to you to judge.
(Note: Turn your volume down a little. Soundcloud makes things loud.)

My conclusion was that I always sound the same. I can certainly remove a lot of the "body" from the voice featured in the above link, as I added resonance on purpose to give my voice a more masculine sound, in theory, but even then I didn't sound all that different. In fact, if anything, the added resonance only improved the general sound of the voice - at least, over the microphone. I can only hope to assume that the recorded sound is similar or, at best, equivalent to my voice heard live.

I'm not sure where my pitch is at in the recording, because I haven't checked where I stand on the Hz scale in months. I don't really keep track of my voice, and its progression; perhaps that is a mistake on my part, however, I shall see if I have actually suffered for it.

Your thoughts?

Your voice passes, all I have to say is that beyond passing issues, there's a small nasally quality to it that maybe you could work on.  Basically, your voice is all in the front of your mouth and it is kind of muted in the sinus where it would normally resonate, like when you have a stuffy nose or a cold. It's subtle but I think if you try to move the (perceived) center of the voice near the roof of the mouth you will get a fuller and better sounding voice. Good luck  :)


Quote from: twit on October 08, 2012, 12:13:09 PM
Here is my sort of effort. There are times I am more relaxed and tend to sound smoother and all, but with my back tensed up and a little annoyed at the puppy, this is what it is now.

Probably pass but, well the main problem that I hear is the very falsetto-y quality to the voice. My advice would be to work on extending your head voice so you don't have to use falsetto. You could think of head voice as like a rich, trained and supported falsetto.


Quote from: Kelly J. P. on October 08, 2012, 11:27:16 AM
I suppose I'm asking if my voice passes

Totally. I've listened to most of the clips in this thread and you sound about as girlish as any I've heard.
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs

Kelly J. P.

Quote from: pretty on October 08, 2012, 12:17:44 PM
Your voice passes, all I have to say is that beyond passing issues, there's a small nasally quality to it that maybe you could work on.  Basically, your voice is all in the front of your mouth and it is kind of muted in the sinus where it would normally resonate, like when you have a stuffy nose or a cold. It's subtle but I think if you try to move the (perceived) center of the voice near the roof of the mouth you will get a fuller and better sounding voice. Good luck  :)

I have definitely noticed this, though people don't comment on it - you're actually the first. :P Altogether, I don't really know how to deal with it, since, as far as I know, I haven't really ever spoken any other way.

It could be the mic, or it might just be how I speak, because doing my guy-voice reveals a pretty similar effect.

Guyvoice for reference:

It's possible that my guy-voice is actually more of a butch-lesbian voice. I dare not try harder than this to produce a guy-voice, because I'd be pretty happy with being unable to do a proper male voice - and disuse is the number one way to put an end to being able to do things!

Quote from: Ave on October 08, 2012, 11:34:35 AM
Verdict=pretty! Doesn't sound guyish to me at all, I'd place you at the 200HZ at the least.


Quote from: Lyric on October 08, 2012, 12:25:36 PM
Totally. I've listened to most of the clips in this thread and you sound about as girlish as any I've heard.

I appreciate the input. :3