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The before and after thread.

Started by Mahsa Tezani, October 01, 2011, 05:34:29 PM

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Quote from: harmonic_dissonance on October 25, 2012, 05:34:04 AM

I started hormones regularly when I was 21 years old.

Very pretty, delicate, feminine features, don't bite your tongue dear!


Quote from: harmonic_dissonance on October 25, 2012, 05:34:04 AM
Hi!  Burning to death would be really nice right now since it's super freezing outside, LOL.

I started hormones regularly when I was 21 years old.
Yeaaaah, I reaaaaaad.

*Typical "I'm not jealous, really!" face*
A's Transition Journal
Last update: June 11th, 2012
No more updates


I haven't done one of these for a while, so here's an updated version, 18 months of transition - the last 13 on hormones (I'm looking forward to photo 12!)



       Changes a-plenty! Your first photo looks really masculine and your facial features were much fuller, I don't see those cute dimples there and would imagine that you were probably a bit heavier then. Now you look night and day different from that fellow, quite feminine and possibly much happier.


Yes, quite a difference Padma  :)  You've been coming along rather nicely
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


Ta :). Actually, I weigh more now that I have ever done in my life - but since it's on my thighs, hips, and boobs, I don't begrudge it house-room :). I'm certainly not overweight for my height, just, erm, rounder all over.


@yasuko 14,

Oh Heaven, you are adorable, a Beauty!

@ Padma,

The last pic Beauty is showing through, I'm with Tessa and you can't wait for #12!

We are made of star stuff - Carl Sagan
Express Yourself
Own your zone

Kevin Peña

harmonic_dissonance --> Did you have anything else besides HRT? I'm just curious, because we look about the same in terms of body composition//bone structure. (I'm just bigger.  :()


Nothing else, yet. 

Working toward FFS at the present.  :o


Quote from: harmonic_dissonance on October 29, 2012, 06:41:31 AM
Nothing else, yet. 

Working toward FFS at the present.  :o

Judging from your pic, I dont think you need it. You look really good right now.


Quote from: harmonic_dissonance on October 29, 2012, 06:41:31 AM
Nothing else, yet. 

Working toward FFS at the present.  :o

What for sweet face? You are as pretty as it gets already!


Quote from: harmonic_dissonance on October 29, 2012, 06:41:31 AM
Nothing else, yet. 

Working toward FFS at the present.  :o

In my opinion, you don't need all. But, you need to do what you feel will make you happy ;D


Thank you everyone, you're all very kind to say that!

Unfortunately there are some issues with my face that nag me very strongly of my once masculine days.

Michelle G

Quote from: harmonic_dissonance on October 29, 2012, 10:03:03 AM
Thank you everyone, you're all very kind to say that!

Unfortunately there are some issues with my face that nag me very strongly of my once masculine days.

I sure see all girl in that pic! Your eyes are so pretty, and what a cute expression :)
Just a "California Girl" trying to enjoy each sunny day


Here's me from January of this year. It's one of the first pics that I posted here.

And here is me today.


Quote from: harmonic_dissonance on October 29, 2012, 06:41:31 AM
Nothing else, yet. 

Working toward FFS at the present.  :o
If you have other important expenses coming up, I'd suggest to wait for FFS. Unless your pictures are misleading, I don't think you need it, really. I'm not saying you shouldn't get it ever - many don't need it objectively but do to feel good about themselves, and I might be included in that - but be really sure of your decision. Because FFS is really expensive. Annoyingly, even if you just want a little bit off, say, your chin, well, a chin reduction is a chin reduction, and you pay the full price. Bleh.

I myself, even though my face isn't - from the looks of it, eh, pictures are pictures - nearly as feminine-looking as yours, I'm not sure I'll be getting FFS. Well, our situations aren't really the same since my estradiol dose is way too low and even if it weren't, I've only started HRT this year, but I definitely know what you mean by masculine features that don't look so bad to others but annoy you a ton. But still, I'm telling myself that maybe after a while being full-time, I'll stop caring so much about it and will want to spend that almost-two-years' income's worth of money on something else. But well, I have all the time I need to make a decision. With tons of clothes to buy and electrolysis to have done from next year on, I seriously doubt I can even start saving up for anything else before 2014 at least.
A's Transition Journal
Last update: June 11th, 2012
No more updates


Thank you for the advice.

I've been on HRT for four years and I love my results, but I didn't start early enough to effect the outcome of some prominent bone structures.  I allowed hormones to work their magic before deciding fully that I wanted to undergo any cosmetic alterations.  I'm well aware of the costs of FFS and have talked about assessments with everyone from Spiegel to Suporn (lots and lots!)  Finances aren't too big of a concern at the present and I am looking forward to scheduling next year with Bensimon, it's something I have always wanted and dreamed of getting and is peace-of-mind for me.  All the requested procedures are small alterations (I don't need/want a new face).  Not sure what else to say, I am glad everyone thinks I look pleasing however I want to look pleasing to myself first!  If that makes sense.  :x



Uh-huh another beautiful girl as Shantel eats her androgynous heart out! :'(

Kevin Peña

Quote from: harmonic_dissonance on October 29, 2012, 06:30:36 PM
Not sure what else to say, I am glad everyone thinks I look pleasing however I want to look pleasing to myself first!  If that makes sense.  :x

Well, that does make sense. You're with yourself 24/7/365 until you die. You might as well enjoy that time.  :P


Quote from: harmonic_dissonance on October 29, 2012, 06:30:36 PM
Thank you for the advice.

I've been on HRT for four years and I love my results, but I didn't start early enough to effect the outcome of some prominent bone structures.  I allowed hormones to work their magic before deciding fully that I wanted to undergo any cosmetic alterations.  I'm well aware of the costs of FFS and have talked about assessments with everyone from Spiegel to Suporn (lots and lots!)  Finances aren't too big of a concern at the present

Seriously, everything about you makes me jealous. xD

and I am looking forward to scheduling next year with Bensimon, it's something I have always wanted and dreamed of getting and is peace-of-mind for me.  All the requested procedures are small alterations (I don't need/want a new face).  Not sure what else to say, I am glad everyone thinks I look pleasing however I want to look pleasing to myself first!  If that makes sense.  :x

Of course it does. I feel the exact same, and you shouldn't feel guilty about it at all.
Oh, by the way. My girlfriend shopped around surgeons quite a bit too, and she said a lot of good things about these, mainly the first one:

She got a quote from the first (Belgian) one. She asked for all the procedures she thought she might maybe want, so it comes up expensive, but naturally, you can substract the stuff you don't want and get an idea of his prices. According to her (and she's pretty awesome at searching), he's pretty expensive but has amongst the best results.

Here's an ugly version of it. I saved the PDF as a Word file to remove private info, and it ended up that way. :p
A's Transition Journal
Last update: June 11th, 2012
No more updates