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The before and after thread.

Started by Mahsa Tezani, October 01, 2011, 05:34:29 PM

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So much encouragement, I cannot stop thanking you all, gah... I sound like a broken record.

Thank you for those useful links, also there is NO reason to be jealous of me.  I'm just like everyone else, plus a few screws loose!


By the way, I just looked at the file's preview on Mediafire... The resulting file is ugly, but not nearly THAT ugly. Their preview messes it up even more. Download the file if you want it readable. :p
A's Transition Journal
Last update: June 11th, 2012
No more updates


I can't seem to post my pics. What am I doing wrong.  :(

Ms. OBrien CVT

[img]http:/www.where your pictures are/picture[/img]

It does not take courage or bravery to change your gender.  It takes fear of living one more day in the wrong one.~me



Stunning change & Beautiful femme face that doesn't look like you need ffs! Your love & you so pretty in your Halloween pic.

Keep rockin' on.

We are made of star stuff - Carl Sagan
Express Yourself
Own your zone




Quote from: harmonic_dissonance on October 22, 2012, 08:23:57 AM
This looks like it could be fun!



First, you have an Awesome tummy. Your face is super cute and you could be the "spitting image " of Penelope Ann Miller! No.. seriously, compare a face pic of you and her! You could be twins!  ;)  Jus thought of another "cutie" you could be twins with, ...... Hayley Williams from Paramore!


Quote from: Carolina1983 on October 20, 2012, 06:45:37 AM
Ok so I will update my progress while I have access to internet.

This is me in March 2012 before hormones.

A pic I took yesterday night.

One more from yesterday but from the side. Here you can see why I need FFS :(.

Fixed up but yeah. 6 months on hormones the next week.

One I took a little over a week ago as blonde ;).

Body 6 months.

Same here.. 6 months.

Sorry for not having better pics.. They are all on my computer which is offline :(.

Your transition has to be one of the most DRASTIC, and totally amazing transitions I've seen! You look AWESOME!


Quote from: Mayra Viamonte on October 11, 2012, 08:55:01 PM
Here's a Before n After for you guys: =)

and here's my story:

There's a neat little translate bar on the bottom of the right sidebar.

Be my guests and, if I can help with anything, let me know =)

my facebook is


Absolutely gorgeous! In your profile pic, all I see is two CIS females!  :o


So many beautiful girls on here. Makes me think I should have posted on the CAN I PASS page first. ;p   You girls inspire me. Thanks for the kind comments. I don't think I'm there yet.

Charley Bea(EmeraldP)

So jealous but also hopeful right now, Michelle you remind me alot of Tracey from Birds Of A Feather one of my mum's favorite UK shows. I can attest to the expence of facial surgery as about 4 years ago I went to have my nose straightened(I'd had a deviated septim for about 11 years at that point) and also remove some other things from inside my nasal passages(can't recall what they were called) and all up it was about 3,500 here. My parents paid for it and got a good amount back on medicare but it is enough for me to dread the cost of getting more done like my chin for example.



Hi I finally got around to compiling a before and after video on my youtube channel.  It took me ages to put it together as I am totally rubbish at this kind of thing.  I hope you like it.

Thanks xxxx
Hey come and check me out here!!........ ;D


wow, joanna! thats absolutely great! congrats!


WOW, Joanna that was a terrific transition you are beautiful! It is just so amazing how you lost all that masculine man-bulk and femmed down to such girly proportions. I felt a twinge of envy at those bushy dark eyebrows you had to work with in the first place. I barely have any eyebrows and have to pencil them in if I want them. Funny how a face looks as if something is missing with no eyebrows. Congratulations on a really successful transition doll face!


Thanks girls.  Although the vid is before and after, I dont feel as if transition is complete by a long shot. I am 13 months in with hopefully more to come.  I hope so anyway (I want bigger boobs! ;D).

Shan, as for the brows, well they are high maintenance.  I have to pluck everyday and they grow back so fast.  I have a very good magnifying mirror and an excellent pair of tweezers!
Hey come and check me out here!!........ ;D

Ms. OBrien CVT

What an awesome transformation!  The boobs will come in their own time.

It does not take courage or bravery to change your gender.  It takes fear of living one more day in the wrong one.~me


Quote from: Joanna on November 12, 2012, 09:27:19 AM
Thanks girls.  Although the vid is before and after, I dont feel as if transition is complete by a long shot. I am 13 months in with hopefully more to come.  I hope so anyway (I want bigger boobs! ;D).

Shan, as for the brows, well they are high maintenance.  I have to pluck everyday and they grow back so fast.  I have a very good magnifying mirror and an excellent pair of tweezers!

Good luck with those boobs! Meantime, the thing that really strikes me is not just how much cuter you look as a woman than a man, but also how much happier, more natural and more relaxed you seem too. Such a happy ending!

Sorry, that's wrong. What I should have said was: such a happy new beginning! :)


My before & after:

Time span of 2011-2012
I'm pre-everything, and I live full time as a student.
"I don't care what you think about me...I don't think about you at all." -Coco Chanel


Still amazing after all this time to see the male morph into female Avatar.


Just makeup, pre-hrt:

Before: after: