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The before and after thread.

Started by Mahsa Tezani, October 01, 2011, 05:34:29 PM

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Kevin Peña

Oh my gosh, Diana, you look so pretty!  :o


Thank you, Diana!!! lol...really, it means a lot to me. x Di

Kevin Peña

You're welcome, Diana!

(I feel like I'm talking to myself  :laugh:)


Quote from: PrincessDi on February 24, 2013, 08:52:55 PM

I agree with Diana, you look great, Diana! ^_^

*edited for typo :3

Jillieann Rose

You look great.
How long between the first and second photo?
When did you start HRT?
Just curious.


Since it's been 2 years now, here's pics again.



Quote from: Jillieann Rose on February 25, 2013, 05:20:59 PM
You look great.
How long between the first and second photo?
When did you start HRT?
Just curious.

Thank you so much! The first photo is probably 2 years before the second photo. However, in the second photo I am 6 months on HRT.


Quote from: Keaira on February 26, 2013, 01:31:27 AM
Since it's been 2 years now, here's pics again.

An amazing transformation...I can see the real you busrting forth in the recent photos. Congratulations.


Thanks, you've done pretty well yourself. ^_^


I think I've only had subtle changes over eight years, but apparently I look radically different!

It takes balls to go through SRS!

My singing and music channel - Visit pwetty pwease!!!:

Miranda Catherine

Quote from: Carolina1983 on February 19, 2013, 04:58:27 AM
So this is me so far.

My skin has become better :)

Caroline, it's funny, but sad sometimes when a pretty girl like you sees no progress when we see progress in leaps and bounds. I don't see you as a woman fishing for compliments, but I think you started flying from a good base (pun intended!) in that you weren't exactly a masculine looking male, and I see some huge changes in you. You look like a pretty woman, Caroline, stop thinking (and worrying) so much, you pass. Keaira, I see big changes in you too. In fact, I see changes in every single one of us. I think we all need to lighten up a bit on ourselves. It's one thing to try your hardest to look your best, but another thing altogether to find every flaw in yourself, real and imagined. I took about three to four months to start losing the image of that ugly, fat, pathetic, and suicidally depressed male impersonator I saw in every mirror and begin to see the woman I was becoming and am right now and will still be becoming years later. I think the biggest change in me besides losing 64 lbs., (29.1 kilos for you metric girls, lol) is hmmmm? So many things are completely different about me from HRT and living full time I can't even begin to put any level of importance to more than a few, but I know this, I'm really glad that I was given the opportunity to transition to full time only six weeks after I began HRT, because it forced me to watch, listen to and emulate those women I thought were pretty, classy, and/or carried themselves with confidence even if they were overweight or older. It made me see that how a woman looks is but a fraction, albeit a large one, of who we're becoming and strive to be. Also, I've learned that cis women come in all shapes, sizes and behaviors, and for any girl in this particular thread who feels she doesn't pass and never will, go to a mall, sit down to coffee or tea and watch the women who are in there. I wouldn't think of dressing like lots of the women in there, but they don't have the feeling they absolutely have to look like women because they were born female. I also realized early on that being a woman is sooo very different and better than I ever imagined. Living full time forced me to 'grow up' and into being female at all times, because it's who I am now, and this is the life I've happily embraced. But for instance, to go out in public without makeup is something I would never do now, even though I have few worries about passing even without makeup. I don't want to take even one day for granted, because it took sooo very, very long for me to get to the point of living full time that it would be like slapping God in the face after He allowed me to live through three very serious suicide attempts, several heroin overdoses, and at least four other near death experiences. I lived through these things because I was meant to, not from happenstance or just blind luck. I have become on the outside what I always was on the inside, a dyed in the wool. flesh and blood female. The thing I never counted on was being this happy and at peace with myself, God, and the world in which I now live instead of taking up space. I'm sorry for my long winded thoughts, but I crushed, stuffed and bottled up who I really am, along with my needs, prayers, hopes, dreams, pain, hurts and depression for over forty years, telling only my family, my closest friends and a few women I was involved with about who I am, who I wanted to be with and why I was so unhappy. I have a hard time once in awhile even now reconciling my former existence with my present happiness and if I deserve to be here. And the answer is YES! Hugs, Mira
March?>2010, 226 lbs.June 2012, 178 lbs.Nov. 2012, 168 lbs. Jan. 2013, 162 lbs.
These three years have been the best of my entire life
ones I've been able to live without lying
and the only time I've had since the age of twelve
I haven't constantly thought about dying



Without sleep there are no dreams, Without dreams we fall apart at the seams


Caroline, it's funny, but sad sometimes when a pretty girl like you sees no progress when we see progress in leaps and bounds. I don't see you as a woman fishing for compliments, but I think you started flying from a good base (pun intended!) in that you weren't exactly a masculine looking male, and I see some huge changes in you. You look like a pretty woman, Caroline, stop thinking (and worrying) so much, you pass. Keaira, I see big changes in you too. In fact, I see changes in every single one of us. I think we all need to lighten up a bit on ourselves. It's one thing to try your hardest to look your best, but another thing altogether to find every flaw in yourself, real and imagined. I took about three to four months to start losing the image of that ugly, fat, pathetic, and suicidally depressed male impersonator I saw in every mirror and begin to see the woman I was becoming and am right now and will still be becoming years later. I think the biggest change in me besides losing 64 lbs., (29.1 kilos for you metric girls, lol) is hmmmm? So many things are completely different about me from HRT and living full time I can't even begin to put any level of importance to more than a few, but I know this, I'm really glad that I was given the opportunity to transition to full time only six weeks after I began HRT, because it forced me to watch, listen to and emulate those women I thought were pretty, classy, and/or carried themselves with confidence even if they were overweight or older. It made me see that how a woman looks is but a fraction, albeit a large one, of who we're becoming and strive to be. Also, I've learned that cis women come in all shapes, sizes and behaviors, and for any girl in this particular thread who feels she doesn't pass and never will, go to a mall, sit down to coffee or tea and watch the women who are in there. I wouldn't think of dressing like lots of the women in there, but they don't have the feeling they absolutely have to look like women because they were born female. I also realized early on that being a woman is sooo very different and better than I ever imagined. Living full time forced me to 'grow up' and into being female at all times, because it's who I am now, and this is the life I've happily embraced. But for instance, to go out in public without makeup is something I would never do now, even though I have few worries about passing even without makeup. I don't want to take even one day for granted, because it took sooo very, very long for me to get to the point of living full time that it would be like slapping God in the face after He allowed me to live through three very serious suicide attempts, several heroin overdoses, and at least four other near death experiences. I lived through these things because I was meant to, not from happenstance or just blind luck. I have become on the outside what I always was on the inside, a dyed in the wool. flesh and blood female. The thing I never counted on was being this happy and at peace with myself, God, and the world in which I now live instead of taking up space. I'm sorry for my long winded thoughts, but I crushed, stuffed and bottled up who I really am, along with my needs, prayers, hopes, dreams, pain, hurts and depression for over forty years, telling only my family, my closest friends and a few women I was involved with about who I am, who I wanted to be with and why I was so unhappy. I have a hard time once in awhile even now reconciling my former existence with my present happiness and if I deserve to be here. And the answer is YES! Hugs, Mira
March?>2010, 226 lbs.June 2012, 178 lbs.Nov. 2012, 168 lbs. Jan. 2013, 162 lbs.

and once again, wow!
that's quite amazingness.

Without sleep there are no dreams, Without dreams we fall apart at the seams


Quote from: Miranda Elizabeth on February 26, 2013, 07:08:10 PM
Caroline, it's funny, but sad sometimes when a pretty girl like you sees no progress when we see progress in leaps and bounds. I don't see you as a woman fishing for compliments, but I think you started flying from a good base (pun intended!) in that you weren't exactly a masculine looking male, and I see some huge changes in you. You look like a pretty woman, Caroline, stop thinking (and worrying) so much, you pass. Keaira, I see big changes in you too. In fact, I see changes in every single one of us. I think we all need to lighten up a bit on ourselves. It's one thing to try your hardest to look your best, but another thing altogether to find every flaw in yourself, real and imagined. I took about three to four months to start losing the image of that ugly, fat, pathetic, and suicidally depressed male impersonator I saw in every mirror and begin to see the woman I was becoming and am right now and will still be becoming years later. I think the biggest change in me besides losing 64 lbs., (29.1 kilos for you metric girls, lol) is hmmmm? So many things are completely different about me from HRT and living full time I can't even begin to put any level of importance to more than a few, but I know this, I'm really glad that I was given the opportunity to transition to full time only six weeks after I began HRT, because it forced me to watch, listen to and emulate those women I thought were pretty, classy, and/or carried themselves with confidence even if they were overweight or older. It made me see that how a woman looks is but a fraction, albeit a large one, of who we're becoming and strive to be. Also, I've learned that cis women come in all shapes, sizes and behaviors, and for any girl in this particular thread who feels she doesn't pass and never will, go to a mall, sit down to coffee or tea and watch the women who are in there. I wouldn't think of dressing like lots of the women in there, but they don't have the feeling they absolutely have to look like women because they were born female. I also realized early on that being a woman is sooo very different and better than I ever imagined. Living full time forced me to 'grow up' and into being female at all times, because it's who I am now, and this is the life I've happily embraced. But for instance, to go out in public without makeup is something I would never do now, even though I have few worries about passing even without makeup. I don't want to take even one day for granted, because it took sooo very, very long for me to get to the point of living full time that it would be like slapping God in the face after He allowed me to live through three very serious suicide attempts, several heroin overdoses, and at least four other near death experiences. I lived through these things because I was meant to, not from happenstance or just blind luck. I have become on the outside what I always was on the inside, a dyed in the wool. flesh and blood female. The thing I never counted on was being this happy and at peace with myself, God, and the world in which I now live instead of taking up space. I'm sorry for my long winded thoughts, but I crushed, stuffed and bottled up who I really am, along with my needs, prayers, hopes, dreams, pain, hurts and depression for over forty years, telling only my family, my closest friends and a few women I was involved with about who I am, who I wanted to be with and why I was so unhappy. I have a hard time once in awhile even now reconciling my former existence with my present happiness and if I deserve to be here. And the answer is YES! Hugs, Mira
March?>2010, 226 lbs.June 2012, 178 lbs.Nov. 2012, 168 lbs. Jan. 2013, 162 lbs.

heroin, not even once

Colleen Ireland

I know I've posted in this thread before, but that was a while ago. Now I can TRULY show Before and After.



Woah, Colleen! Big changes :) You look great- I'm so happy for you!

Jillieann Rose

Looking great Colleen.
Lucky girl you have made it all the way.
Hopefully you are mending well.
The posting I made a few pages back is still before and during.
On the bright side my psychologist is working on the letter.
But then I got to save up the money for surgery.
I'm ahead of you in one respect I have been on HRT for 3 years and 2 months now. ;)

Just Ole Me


Looking good!  I am about to start HRT and my hairline is like your before picture. Looks like you had nice hairline growth from HRT or did you do something else to get your hair to come back?


Just trying to find comfort in this "shell" that doesn't fit.  But I am "remodeling" the shell finally!

Colleen Ireland

Minoxidil and finasteride. And I think it's working better post-surgery.


Miranda Catherine

Quote from: Colleen Ireland on March 02, 2013, 07:20:44 AM
Minoxidil and finasteride. And I think it's working better post-surgery.
Congratulations, Colleen!!! You look sooo happy, pretty and fulfilled. I can't speak or anyone else, hun, but you're where I want to be so much! I have to ask you, even though they may be even though they may be too personal and private for you to answer and TMI for some women. But how hard is it to do the actual maintenance of keeping things open in the very beginning and making it functional as you heal? How esthetically real and right does it appear and are you satisfied with your results. Believe it or not, my mom has been intimating that she might pay for my surgery. She's 85 and will leave everything to my brother and me, and since she finally has the daughter she so desperately wanted, she wants me to complete my transition before she dies or has another, even more serious stroke, which frightens me terribly. Anyway, I'm so very happy for you, and again, congratulations!
These three years have been the best of my entire life
ones I've been able to live without lying
and the only time I've had since the age of twelve
I haven't constantly thought about dying
