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The Totally New Even More Bad Jokes Thread

Started by Cindy, June 22, 2014, 09:06:08 PM

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I adopted a singing kitty. I have been trying to litter train it. Sadly, everytime I put him in the litter box, he would cry.  So I asked why he always cried when I put him in his litter box. He started singing, " It's my potty and I'll cry if I want to..."

Lady Smith

I have a step ladder, - I've never known my real ladder (sniff).

Dee Marshall

Looking through Google Now this morning I saw a headline from CNNMoney: "Is a '19 Kids and Counting' spinoff still possible", and I thought, " they should make it about Josh Duggar and his sexual misadventures. "

This is bad, sorry.

Then I thought, "they could keep the name."

I'm sorry, I know we're not supposed to post stuff that degrades people, but I had to share it to get it out of my system. Mods, feel free to delete.
April 22, 2015, the day of my first face to face pass in gender neutral clothes and no makeup. It may be months to the next one, but I'm good with that!

Being transgender is just a phase. It hardly ever starts before conception and always ends promptly at death.

They say the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train. I say, climb aboard!


There's two muffins sitting in the oven.

One muffin says to the other muffin, "Is it hot in here or is it me?"

The other muffin says, "AAAAAAAA!!! A TALKING MUFFIN!!! AAAAAAAA!!!

Beth Andrea

This one is so old...

What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?

...Finding half a worm.
...I think for most of us it is a futile effort to try and put this genie back in the bottle once she has tasted freedom...

--read in a Tessa James post 1/16/2017


The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


Female Viagra has been around for's called money!

< not sure if that is even a joke :laugh:>

Beth Andrea

Thank you Dalebert, I needed a good laugh right about now.
...I think for most of us it is a futile effort to try and put this genie back in the bottle once she has tasted freedom...

--read in a Tessa James post 1/16/2017


Respect bacteria. Sometimes its the only culture people have.



Q:What are cats made of?
A:Iron, Lithium, and Neon.


Beth Andrea

Quote from: rachel89 on June 17, 2015, 11:37:55 PM
Q:What are cats made of?
A:Iron, Lithium, and Neon. it in ~15 seconds!

...I think for most of us it is a futile effort to try and put this genie back in the bottle once she has tasted freedom...

--read in a Tessa James post 1/16/2017

big kim

Doctor I think I'm a pair of curtains
Pull yourself together


A man is seeing his therapist and comes rushing into his 8:00 am appointment out of the cold rain. The patient is obviously anxious and afraid. The therapist says "Okay, okay, just calm down and tell me whats going on and we can talk about it." The man eventually collects himself and removes his jacket and takes a seat on an old couch in the smoke-filled room. The therapist says "So can you tell me whats going on, you sound very worried?" The patient says "I had this bizarre dream last night ." The therapist says "go on"  The man says "it started out with me sitting in my mother's apartment watching TV. My mother was preparing supper in the kitchen, I looked in the kitchen and I see her from behind opening the oven and taking out the dinner. I go back to watching the TV and suddenly she calls me and I turn, but instead of seeing her face, I see her face on her body. The therapist says "well,that's interesting,then what happened?" The man says 'I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, and I just lie awake in my bed until I got up grabbed a Diet Coke and came to my appointment." The therapist looks at him and says "A Coke, a breakfast you call that?"



Anyone who visits a psychologist should get their head checked.
