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The All New 'Before & After Topic (v 3.0)

Started by Jennygirl, July 02, 2014, 05:49:20 PM

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Jessie Ann

Quote from: Snöfrost on November 18, 2015, 03:30:32 PM
Been on HRT for 3 years now, and made a new timeline video

Beautiful, just beautiful.  ❤️

Sharon Anne McC


Archlord. Kelsey, and others:

If I may repeat here, I had one certain way to eliminate shadow before and during the midst of electrolysis:  I plucked out my facial hairs.  I could do my entire face in about one hour while watching TV during the evening before bed; sometimes I did it on a Saturday morning to get a fresh, clean face for weekend efforts.  My results could last from a few days to more than a week.

I could go out without the need for facial base make-up to cover the shadow.

There were the benefits that it damaged the hair root and it built my pain tolerance for the electrolysis so she could set the device on a high setting and zap more hairs per session.


'V', you did exactly what I did.  I began public transition by getting dressed and driving to another city where I would fill the gas tank.  Later, I'd muster the nerve to get postage stamps at the Post Office machine or munchies at a quickie mart.  Then I walked along the central city streets to window shop; the plate glass worked as a mirror allowing me to watch if someone was watching me with a good glance or a bad glance.

Getting out and about built my confidence.  With confidence, passing became easier and easier so that I challenged myself to eventually go as the new female me to places that knew the male predecessor me; no one gave me a second look.

My biggest success was attending an outdoor Christmas day holiday event at a church (not my own) where the security officer knew my male predecessor personally and last saw that male 'me' in October.  I chatted with that guard for a minute or two as I entered as Sharon; he made no reaction as if he recognised my female 'me' as my male predecessor 'me'.  Wow!  Proof that I can do it.

Look at my timeline; this did not happen for me over-night, but took months and years to build my confidence.


Everyone looks hot!  Yes, it is amazing what we can do.

(You can see my pictures posted at Reply #1632.)


1956:  Birth (AMAB)
1974-1985:  Transition (core transition:  1977-1985)
1977:  Enrolled in Stanford University Medical Center's 'Gender Dysphoria Program'
1978:  First transition medical appointment
1978:  Corresponded with Janus Information Facility (Galveston)
1978:  Changed my SSA file to Sharon / female
1979:  First psychological evaluation - passed
1979:  Began ERT (Norinyl, DES, Premarin, estradiol, progesterone)
1980:  Arizona affirmed me legally as Sharon / female
1980:  MVD changed my licence to Sharon / female
1980:  First bank account as Sharon / female
1982:  Inter-sex exploratory:  diagnosed Inter-sex (genetically female)
1983:  Inter-sex corrective surgery
1984:  Full-blown 'male fail' phase
1985:  Transition complete to female full-time forever
2015:  Awakening from self-imposed deep stealth and isolation
2015 - 2016:  Chettawut Clinic - patient companion and revision
Today:  Happy!
Future:  I wanna return to Bangkok with other Thai experience friends





Sharon, thank you for the kind words and post. I do distinctly recall your photos and story from earlier - very inspiring! One thing you said that gave me a chuckle, is plucking while watching TV. Maybe I'm not coordinated enough, but I could see that being a total disaster for me!! Did you use a mirror, or all by feel?? I'm impressed either way. Right now I am having laser done on my face, so no plucking allowed since it disrupts the growth cycle, but they say to expect 10-15% reduction each treatment with possible slowing and thinning of what remains. Seems like an eternity at 4 weeks between each session! As for your method with plucking and channel surfing, maybe I'll try it on my chest? I am sort of at a stand still at the moment... 27th I plan to break the news to my wife, and will hopefully have a better long-term trajectory after that weekend (for better or worse).

My name is Jordin, or you can call me Kelsey, whatever floats your boat! Don't be shy to message me if you want to talk, always up for meeting new people :)


Sharon Anne McC


What a way to spend Thanksgiving Day - last-minute preparations for your tell.  I wish you all well and success.

Yes, as I frequently comment, if you both took a marriage vow of 'for better or for worse', then your 'for better' is about to begin as you transition.

There was the time when laws obligated the best of marriages destroyed for lack of marriage equality.  Nowadays, there is no longer that destructive mandate; marriages can survive and flourish knowing that the transitioning partner is getting 'better'.


Oh, yeh, I used one of those hand mirrors.  I began the whole plucking process over time and then eventually all at once hoping that a gradual change would not attract attention going from a face with shadow to a clear face.  In other words, I started on the neck - not immediately noticeable.  Then a few days or week or so later to the sides and cheeks.  More time and got the chin.  Eventually around the mouth.  Then kept current once a week or so full-face - clear face and no shaving.

There was no laser during my time - electrolysis only.  My electrologist did comment about the growth cycles but was not too concerned for me and any disruptions since my schedule was spaced and she always had plenty to zap until I did reach the point when I no longer did pluck because what she removed cleared my face until the next visit.

You saw where I was at 1981 (shadow and bad shaving that ruined my skin) and then at 1985 (all gone).  It was not too bad.


The billing agent (at my medical center where I go for primary care and endocrinology) who knows about me recently confided to me she is trying to get rid of her mustache.  She asked me for a good electrologist.  A friend from our transsexual group gave to me an experienced electrologist who  has been doing ts clients for 30 years.  That will make her happy.


I needed to do nothing for my body hair - it all went away through hormones and anatomy.  I understand that there are hormones that either stop or restrict male pattern body hair growth among the standard protocol 'cocktail'; maybe your endo or primary can help you there.

I also understand nowadays there are tweezing devices that pluck multiple hairs as you go along on a pass over them and using them are not as painfull as waxing the way it removes so many at one rip - those are your erector pili muscles that you are destroying (the smallest muscle of human anatomy, yet so strong).


1956:  Birth (AMAB)
1974-1985:  Transition (core transition:  1977-1985)
1977:  Enrolled in Stanford University Medical Center's 'Gender Dysphoria Program'
1978:  First transition medical appointment
1978:  Corresponded with Janus Information Facility (Galveston)
1978:  Changed my SSA file to Sharon / female
1979:  First psychological evaluation - passed
1979:  Began ERT (Norinyl, DES, Premarin, estradiol, progesterone)
1980:  Arizona affirmed me legally as Sharon / female
1980:  MVD changed my licence to Sharon / female
1980:  First bank account as Sharon / female
1982:  Inter-sex exploratory:  diagnosed Inter-sex (genetically female)
1983:  Inter-sex corrective surgery
1984:  Full-blown 'male fail' phase
1985:  Transition complete to female full-time forever
2015:  Awakening from self-imposed deep stealth and isolation
2015 - 2016:  Chettawut Clinic - patient companion and revision
Today:  Happy!
Future:  I wanna return to Bangkok with other Thai experience friends



Quote from: Snöfrost on November 18, 2015, 03:30:32 PM
Been on HRT for 3 years now, and made a new timeline video

Omg girl beautiful transition! You were gorgeous before hormones and now you're even prettier :)
Started HRT on September 1st, 2015.

Monica Jean

Before, 20 months ago
Filled with pain, numbness, alcohol and low-level anger that appeared as biting sarcasm.  Not a fun life:

15 months after the start of transition, 14mo HRT today
I'm much happier now.  Pain replaced with levelnes, numbness replaced with the ability to feel a full range of emotions, hardly want a drink these days.  Life is much more challenging yet so much more better!

I'm 45.  You can do this!!!



Quote from: Monica Jean on November 23, 2015, 12:28:42 PM
Before, 20 months ago
Filled with pain, numbness, alcohol and low-level anger that appeared as biting sarcasm.  Not a fun life:

15 months after the start of transition, 14mo HRT today
I'm much happier now.  Pain replaced with levelnes, numbness replaced with the ability to feel a full range of emotions, hardly want a drink these days.  Life is much more challenging yet so much more better!

I'm 45.  You can do this!!!

Hi Monica Jean
Congrats look wonderful..... I I'm 57 and just starting I know I have ups and downs ahead but I'm so excited and have never felt so alive.....thanks for an inspiring post!

Jessie Ann

Quote from: Monica Jean on November 23, 2015, 12:28:42 PM
Before, 20 months ago
Filled with pain, numbness, alcohol and low-level anger that appeared as biting sarcasm.  Not a fun life:

15 months after the start of transition, 14mo HRT today
I'm much happier now.  Pain replaced with levelnes, numbness replaced with the ability to feel a full range of emotions, hardly want a drink these days.  Life is much more challenging yet so much more better!

I'm 45.  You can do this!!!

I'm 54 and I just started this year.  So nice to see how happy some of us older ladies can be after a lifetime of struggles.  Yes we can do this!!


"Been on HRT for 3 years now, and made a new timeline video "

great job


Pretty! You have a Meagan Fox type of look. Once you get laser/electrolysis and grow your hair out, I think you'll easily pass.

Btw you were quite handsome in your pre-transition photo! ;D .

Quote from: archlord on November 18, 2015, 12:15:22 PM
I tried to get a closer shave and to apply a little councealer on upper lip beard zone ( i applied it once, waited 30 min and applied another time).  My face is all natural except this (no foundation, no mascara,  no eyeliner, no blush, no lipstick, really my face).

is it better for the shadows? :)



1 Year!  ;D

2012 I think?


After one year I'm finally starting to feel comfortable with myself; now if I could just grow some boobs that would be great! not even a A cup yet  :'( wish i upped my dosage sooner but oh well.

Lady Smith





Quote from: QuestioningEverything on November 25, 2015, 08:08:05 PM
1 Year!  ;D

2012 I think?


After one year I'm finally starting to feel comfortable with myself; now if I could just grow some boobs that would be great! not even a A cup yet  :'( wish i upped my dosage sooner but oh well.
wonderful transformation so far. Hugs

Sent from my Mariah's iPhone using Tapatalk
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.
I am also spouse of a transgender person.
Retired News Administrator
Retired (S) Global Moderator


At the suggestion of a friend here are a few photo's.

First one is the oldest digital photo that I have of me from sometime in 2010 or so. I was at my heaviest then at least over 260 odd pounds. I hated getting my picture taken as my face was always big and puffy.

I can't imagine looking like that now or how I lived with myself back then.

This was around August 2013

As I guy for some reason I always looked sleep in photo's. And could never seem to look happy even when I felt happy. I did lose a lot of weight between 2010 and 2013 and was hovering around 195-200lbs at that time.

I know I posted this one a few months go but

This was February of this year most likely the second darkest time in my life. Heavily drinking, letting myself go and generally mad at the world. Very rarely would people want to talk to me as I looked rather intimating.

I'm not going to post my eariler photos when I started going out as female. As my makeup skills were rather bad and I cringe looking at them.

Taken on September 21/2015 the day I changed my maker to female on my drivers license.

Taken the middle of October had the makeup game down just over using eyeliner.

A week and a half after starting HRT

Taken three weeks after starting HRT

I can already see some changes!!! Also weight now is 165lbs!!



This has been the hardest and most rewarding thing I have ever done.  It has also broken my heart in many ways.  I know whatever happens I can never go back to being that guy.


The losing weight parts of the couple of above posts really show how determined people can be to change themselves into their dreams... it's really fantastic!  [Cue crazy Shia LeBouf:  ""]



Quote from: Oliviah on November 27, 2015, 10:41:32 AM
This has been the hardest and most rewarding thing I have ever done.  It has also broken my heart in many ways.  I know whatever happens I can never go back to being that guy.

Indeed, a great achievement. How much weight have you lost?

Just do it.


Quote from: barbie on November 27, 2015, 03:04:27 PM
Indeed, a great achievement. How much weight have you lost?


Around 130.