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Orchiectomy cost and concerns

Started by Tracey, June 01, 2017, 10:30:10 AM

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I'm looking into an orchi with Dr Oates. I'm on a high deductible, privately purchased insurance plan with a substantial out of pocket limit. Essentially, I'm going to be cutting a big check for this and I was hoping to get a ballpark figure on what it costs. Also curious what the healing/downtime was before returning to work. I do light hand work, but I'm sitting all day. Thanks in advance for any input.

Hugs, Devlyn


Thanks for posting this Devlyn,  I'm very curious to hear the answers.
Paige :)


Mine was pretty easy and cost about $1,200, but that was over a decade ago. I was definitely sore for a few days, and after about a week I was a bit slowed down but not too bad. I would say you could go back to a desk job in a week or so, but if you do anything active I would take several weeks off. Your doctor, of course, can advise you better.


Thanks, hon! It's a  few days until I can ask, so I figured I'd put the feelers out here.

Hugs, Devlyn


Letter and referral are at the surgeon's office, they just called and scheduled my consultation for July 20th.  :)

Hugs, Devlyn


Quote from: Devlyn Marie on June 13, 2017, 12:24:45 PM
Letter and referral are at the surgeon's office, they just called and scheduled my consultation for July 20th.  :)

Congrats Devlyn,  hope it goes well.
Paige :)


Congrats Devlyn. Be sure to keep us that come after you informed with "helpful" information.

April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone


Tessa James

Hey Devlyn, good for you.

I consider an orchiectomy to be a very sound choice for reducing our medication needs and their associated risks and for the comforting permanence it provides.

I had mine over a year ago as a birthday gift for myself.  I respectfully recommend you keep your testicular sack in the event that you ever consider going for GCS where they need that donor material for vaginal lips.  A dear friend had hers about the same time,  at a different place with a surgeon who does the "works" too.  The university medical center charges for her were about 10K.

My charges were about 5 grand but I have a good Kaiser Plan and paid $10.00.  I also recommend you consider having it done with a local anesthetic and sedation as I did.  I mostly "slept" through the procedure, less than an hour, but avoided a general anesthetic with the associated risks, costs and recovery.  My initial recovery was very quick and I was home on the couch within hours.   My pain was well controlled by oral medications, ice bags and mostly laying around for a week.  Sensitivity and the ability to return to work after that varies for individuals but it is easy to recommend two weeks off at a minimum.

The unexpectedly wonderful sense of permanence, no more AAs, no possibility of slipping back has been very reassuring.  I was certain of my decision and gave myself years to consider it.  I am less certain about any next surgical steps but have greater confidence if that choice becomes more obvious.  I am happy for now.

It took some time to recover from years on AAs with some pedal edema and a rebalancing of body fluids.  Very happy to be off those drugs and have a more simple and effective drug regimen for going forward.  So nice to have much less bulk to my shrunken basket and shenis.   I have no need to tuck, can wear what I like and always crossed my legs anyway but now with more comfort.  Your gona love it!
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013


Thanks, ladies! I'm definitely going to give updates as I find things out.

Tessa, great information! I'm extremely needlephobic and have White Coat Syndrome, the idea of NOT sleeping through a surgery horrifies me. I intend to bring that up during the consultation. At work I usually sit but I can do most of it standing at a table as well.

Hugs, Devlyn


Question on my mind, have you been looking at the bilateral surgery or dual inguinal? I've read where some have had inguinal once for a tumor and scrotal later and said the inguinal was actually easier on them as far as recovery went. I am planning on talking with a urologist about both. I know the bilateral is likely quicker and the inguinal may require full anesthesia but no worries about scar tissue for later use.
04/26/2018 bi-lateral orchiectomy

A lifetime of depression and repressed emotions is nothing more than existence. I for one want to live now not just exist!




I had mine done in Mexico during FFS. It was like $600.00 USD. I consider that the best money I've ever spent on a surgical procedure. It had zero impact on my eventual GRS. It was also the first thing I checked when I woke up from surgery too.  ;D
Seriously, I'm just winging it like everyone else. Sometimes it works, other times -- not so much. HRT 2003 - FFS|Orch 2005 - GCS 2017 - No Regrets EVER!


Quote from: EmmaLoo on June 19, 2017, 08:47:48 PM
It had zero impact on my eventual GRS.
Hi EmmaLoo,

That's very interesting.  I've never considered the orchiectomy because so many people say it could negatively affect a GRS.  If you don't mind me asking, who did your GRS?

Paige :)



I did not have an Orch but I tucked them up inside over 12 years ago and haven't seen them since.  The Scrotal Sack has really shrunken a lot and I was very concerned they would not have enough skin for GCS.  My surgeon however didn't think twice about it. She said it would be fine. I was also concerned about her retrieving them and she said, "no way, we'll get them, they're sayonara" (she has a great sense of humor).  Surgery date: Aug 11th. . .
"friends speak for you when you can't speak for yourself" :)


I'm not getting a vaginoplasty, one of the things that made the decision to go with the orchiectomy easier for me. Thanks for the information, ladies!

Hugs, Devlyn


Congratulations Devlyn.

I can not help on the experience side but I am very interested on your experience.
HRT  5-28-2013
FT   11-13-2015
FFS   9-16-2016 -Spiegel
GCS 11-15-2016 - McGinn
Hair Grafts 3-20-2017 - Cooley
Voice therapy start 3-2017 - Reene Blaker
Labiaplasty 5-15-2017 - McGinn
BA 7-12-2017 - McGinn
Hair grafts 9-25-2017 Dr.Cooley
Sataloff Cricothyroid subluxation and trachea shave12-11-2017
Dr. McGinn labiaplasty, hood repair, scar removal, graph repair and bottom of  vagina finished. urethra repositioned. 4-4-2018
Dr. Sataloff Glottoplasty 5-14-2018
Dr. McGinn vaginal in office procedure 10-22-2018
Dr. McGinn vaginal revision 2 4-3-2019 Bottom of vagina closed off, fat injected into the labia and urethra repositioned.
Dr. Thomas in 2020 FEMLAR
  • skype:Rachel?call


QuoteThat's very interesting.  I've never considered the orchiectomy because so many people say it could negatively affect a GRS.  If you don't mind me asking, who did your GRS?

I'm not sure why that issue of negativity remains about Orchs. In last 15 years, I've never actually read about anyone who had one and then ran into issues with GRS because of it. I'm not saying it hasn't happened, I just haven't read about it and I've been around long enough to know if this was a chronic problem as a prelude to GRS.

I had my GRS done by Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher in Indianapolis. She had no hesitation whatsoever about it and I have 5 1/2"-6" of depth without any difficulty. Dr. G's only comment on the issue was, "No problem, that skin is really stretchy and pliable". She was correct!
Seriously, I'm just winging it like everyone else. Sometimes it works, other times -- not so much. HRT 2003 - FFS|Orch 2005 - GCS 2017 - No Regrets EVER!

Wanda Jane

Good inputs! I'm looking at getting it done in July or August in Plano, TX. Closest to me and I know girls from my local support group that have used Dr. Raphael and have had good results. He does the inguinal with no cuts to the scrotal sack. Downside is full anesthesia and $3500 cash. His group also does GRS so he's familiar with the procedure.


$3500 is a number that I can live with.  :)  Thanks!

Hugs, Devlyn

Tessa James

Quote from: Paige on June 20, 2017, 07:52:00 AM
Hi EmmaLoo,

That's very interesting.  I've never considered the orchiectomy because so many people say it could negatively affect a GRS.  If you don't mind me asking, who did your GRS?

Paige :)

My experience, including recently talking with a GCS team in Phoenix, is that the scrotal sack and penis may shrink after years on HRT and "less use" or far less frequent erections.  My understanding is that the penile tissue available for creating a vagina is a far bigger issue than the scrotal sack that is often used for creating vaginal lips.  Use it lose it may apply to this situation perhaps?
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013


Had my initial consult today. Didn't talk money but I addressed my other questions and concerns. Dr Oates performs all his surgeries on Friday. I can return to work the following Tuesday. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia, and someone will be required to pick me up afterwards. I'm alone up here, so that's going to take some finagling.

He needs letters per WPATH standards, and I have an appointment with a Fenway Health therapist coming up next Tuesday, the 25th to get the first one. I assume she'll refer me to a Psychiatrist for the second one in short order (I'm neither questioning myself nor looking for therapy). Once he receives the letters, it's a couple weeks to get in the operating room.

He doesn't have an issue with orchiectomy before GRS for those looking at that route.

More updates on the 25th.  :)

Hugs, Devlyn