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My low dose HRT experience (was 9 month low dose HRT)

Started by luna nyan, November 21, 2012, 08:05:19 AM

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Quote from: Lucy Ross on October 09, 2017, 05:05:48 PM
I wonder if massaging would kickstart things for me.

Isn't the point of low dose to avoid starting any changes?


Quote from: AnonyMs on October 10, 2017, 12:16:05 AM
Isn't the point of low dose to avoid starting any changes?

Not necessarily.  Depends on the person. 

But since everyone reacts differently to changes in their hormonal make up, you do not want to just start at the highest dose.  It is not safe.

Some people, just want to quiet the noise, others are not sure about what they want, and others just need to get started.  And for others still, it is about figuring out what works for them and sorting out what they want and need to be functioning and happy.

Me personally, I started HRT with no plans on transitioning, was welcoming of some noticable changes, but wasn't really sure what I wanted in terms of transitioning.  So when I say I had no plans on transitioning.  I do not if I am truly transgender, or somewhere in the middle, or if my gender identity issues are merely symptoms of other psychological issues.

The point is, there are as many different reasons to start a HRT  of any strength/dose as there are people who feel the need to do so.

But please do not try to do it on your own.  Seek professional help in monitoring your health, psychologically and physically.


Lucy Ross

Thanks for chiming in, Myranda, that explains things nicely.

I'd love to dive in to transitioning fully but need to take things at a slow pace.   Seeing a bit of minor physical change would be acceptable for me at the moment; I've upped my dosages slightly, to see what happens.  The veterans at this modify their levels all the time, notice.

Also I'm just curious about these things.
1982-1985 Teenage Crossdresser!
2015-2017 Middle Aged Crossdresser!  Or...?
April 2017 Electrolysis Time  :icon_yikes:
July 12th, 2017 Started HRT  :icon_chick:


Quote from: Lucy Ross on October 12, 2017, 04:13:15 PM
Thanks for chiming in, Myranda, that explains things nicely.

I'd love to dive in to transitioning fully but need to take things at a slow pace.   Seeing a bit of minor physical change would be acceptable for me at the moment; I've upped my dosages slightly, to see what happens.  The veterans at this modify their levels all the time, notice.

Also I'm just curious about these things.

You are most welcome, I am glad I could be of help. 

But also don't let the terms "low dose" ,  "Full dose" , "transition dose" or "medium dose or "half dose" or anything other term like that full you.  What is one person's full transition dose, may be another person's low dose.

Its all about the blood chemistry and how those hormone levels make you, the individual feel.  I have naturally low T, and I'm now on what might be considered by many a full dose of E, but mentally & psychologically, I don't feel any different, not better and definitely not worse.  As you can see from my ticker in my signature, I've been on E now for just over 4 months.  I still have no plans to transition, not sure I want to transition or what I want from all of this.  [though some development upstairs might be nice :) ], but I'm working closely with my therapist and my GD to figure this crazy thing out for myself on my terms.  So I guess in that sense, I am happier now, than I was 9 months ago.



Quote from: Myranda on October 12, 2017, 06:36:04 PM
But also don't let the terms "low dose" ,  "Full dose" , "transition dose" or "medium dose or "half dose" or anything other term like that full you.  What is one person's full transition dose, may be another person's low dose.

I like the terms low dose and full/transitioning, but it don't mean much given that there's no standard dose. I prefer to think of low dose as that dose that's not effective in physically transitioning, and it clearly depends on the individual what it actually is.


True enough, I suppose, a low dose isn't really going to start changing you in any noticible way very quickly.  What it may do, is alter your emotional and mental outlook on things enough to make you comfortable.  But then again everyone is different.



Hi Everyone;
Well its been 7 months since I gave a detailed post on my progress, which I will do soon, but I thought I would recount a session I just had last weekend with my beauty therapist. Basically winter is just ending and with spring in the air, I decided it was about time to get my pre summer waxing underway.  This way I can dump my jeans and pants and get back into summer dresses , short skirts and shorts, plus sleeveless dresses and I even have a boob tube! Anyway  I urgently needed a full leg wax, bikini line (actually a brazilian just leaving a landing strip), underarms and full arms.

Anyway whilst doing the waxing, my beauty therapist commented on how soft my body hair had become and how easy it came off. She was even surprised about my pubic hair. As she said, before it was quite coarse, but now its soft and downy. Also I basically have no hair now on my back except a few really soft ones in the small of my back and on my buttocks (that are almost barely noticeable). I have no hair on my lower legs and on my upper legs, thighs and hips what hair I do have is sparse and very soft. In fact I am finding that I can go without another wax until well into summer.  Mind you I have to admit that I have had 4 sessions of laser hair removal on my décolleté., underarms and tummy down to my pubic bone, so I think that has some effect combined with the estradiol treatments. It will be so great to have no body hair at all.



I thought it might be useful to put in an update on my experiences, in that this November, my Australian doctor added Progesterone to my Oestrogen only hormone therapy. For the last 4.5 years I have been on an Oestrogen only regime  taking tablets twice a day. One at night time around 10pm and one in the morning around 10am.  The important thing as explained by my doctor is that over time the amount of Oestrogen was building up in the system and at my last reading was just over 608 (previously it was 280). Apparently anything over 600 is the normal level of a female over 25 years up to Menopause. My doctor has indicated that he would like it up to about 800 to achieve the best level of feminisation. At long last my T Level is now down to below the maximum level of a natal born female (2.5) in that it has fallen to below 1.0 (Current reading 0.9).

Anyway in Australia Micronised Progesterone  - Promethium became available in tablet format about 4 months ago and surprisingly my doctor decided to put me on a tablet (Dosage not specified) per night, with me taking it with my Oestrogen tablet and a normal hot milk drink (not skinny milk). Apparently taken with fatty foods it doubles its absorption rate.

My doctor and pharmacist have explained that for the first 3 months (at a minimum) they want me to take my Progesterone tablet continuously until the Progesterone builds up in the  body. After 3 months the pharmacist has recommended that I switch to a monthly cycle to mimic a natal born female cycle i.e. from Day 15 to Day 30 with my Oestrogen tablet, but not until my body has fully adjusted.

To date I have been on  1 tablet at 10pm for the last 20 days. Already I have experienced the following interesting observations:
1. My fingernails are much stronger and are growing again. For the last 4 years they have been very brittle and rarely grow except the small finger.  I have recently noticed that they look really nice again especially since they have been manicured
2. Unlike other women who have countenance a weight gain issue and urgency to eat, I have found the opposite with actually less urgent need to stuff myself full of food.
3. I have needed to drink a lot more water (and of course this has led to more trips to the loo!)
4. Suprisinly my MPB (male pattern baldness is growing hair back again - I think that may be because of the doubling of my Oestrogen dosage.
5.  I  have gained an 1" on my buttocks and I have an emerging waist. It might be a bit illusionary, but two cis gendered women who know me, but haven't seen me in more than 6 months have separately commented on it.
7. I really have noticed more fullness to my breasts (especially in the upper pole area). It is only very slight, but definitely improving. My areolae are bigger and more pink. My nipples already seem erect all the time, but are now much more noticeable though clothes.
8. I am really sleeping very deeply when I go to bed and getting 7-8 hours of deep sleep, except when the night time temperature exceeds 34C. The Progesterone is very particularly having this effect
9. I have had less sleepy days from the Oestrogen
10.Progesterone also seems to have a role in my skin elasticity. It is even more soft than before.
11. It seems to be causing water retention in my breasts resulting in temporary enlargement
12. I haven't seen this yet, but a girlfriend in Canberra has successfully managed to achieve lobuloalveolar development of her breasts necessary for lactation for her and her partners new born baby (my girlfriend in MtoF TG woman)This has apparently suppressed lactation initiation and triggered lactation upon withdrawal

On the down side I have found that I have been getting constipated a bit and have had muscle cramps especially in my feet, but overall I have felt so much better and more alive.

It's very difficult too put my finger on it how to differentiate this, but I have felt more complete from a womanly point of view.

CIS Girlfriends have noticed that I am far less irritable and much more relaxed. One said "I don't know what has happened recently, but you seem to be so much more feminine and gentle in your  presentation and you see to have a sereneness about you"



Hi Judithlynn,

That's absolutely amazing progress.  I'm very happy for you.  😊   

Quote from: judithlynn on November 27, 2017, 01:25:00 AM
have had muscle cramps especially in my feet.

Whenever I start to get muscle cramps in my legs and feet, I take a bit of salt.  The cramps seem to go away quickly after that.

Take care,
Paige 😊


Progesterone is similar to spiro insofar as it is a diuretic due to its anti-mineralocorticoid properties so more salt might be what's needed, especially considering you're peeing more.
I am not a medical doctor, nor a scientist - opinions expressed by me on the subject of HRT are merely based on my own review of some of the scientific literature over the last decade or so, on anecdotal evidence from women in various discussion forums that I have come across, and my personal experience

On HRT since early 2004
Post-op since late 2005


Its been about 6 months since I posted on this luna Nyan  conversation about low dosage. So here is an update:
I have been on a combined Oestrogen and Progesterone regime now for nearly a year (4.5 years on Oestrogen only). I am on a 14 days Oestrogen only regime (taken twice a day) and 14 days on the combined regime. I take Promethium at night time after my evening Oestrogen tablet. Promethium tends to make me very sleepy and it apparently promotes a relaxed sleep. Since commencing it, for the last 14 days I find that I am emotionally very stable and  just feel very feminine and a lot more relaxed. In fact on those weeks I find myself enjoying life immensely as a woman, buying new clothes, meeting girlfriends, going out looking very feminine in a dress or skirt etc, whereas in the first two weeks, I find I just want to lounge about in jeans, and the grungy look, not bothering with make-up. Its almost as though I feel that I am a complete woman on the second 14 day period. But by the end of the month I find the combined regime very cloying (unpleasantly excessive) and know by then I need to be off it back to my Oestrogen only regime.

However during the first 14 days of the month, my Oestrogen levels are generally quite high (I should point out my T levels now are below 0.9). Around about the 12th day of the month I get a sort of PMS. I get very moody, cry a lot at the slightest thing. I even get tummy cramps. My BFF tells me it is probably just physiological (especially when I am staying with her) as there are anecdotal evidence of women synching. The theory behind the syncing of menstrual cycles is that women's pheromones interact when they are in close proximity, causing them to have their period at the same time.

Overall during the second half of the month . my breasts appear to get fuller and more rounded and definitely feel heavier and really fill out my C Cup bras, whereas on my first cycle are less so. My skin is also super-soft on the 2nd part of the month. Also my libido rises on the second cycle and I generally seem to notice men's scent  then. My nails are a lot less brittle and overall stronger. Also  my body hair has become very vellus type and lighter and in some parts especially my décolleté and tummy and pubic region almost completely disappeared (mind you  I have had laser treatment there), but re-growth has been almost non existent.

Since starting on  Progesterone, my buttocks have become quite rounded. I have added about 4" to my buttocks and hips and I have also put on fatty tissue on my thighs and lower abdomen  below the belly button band down to the Pubis.
Overall I really like the results, but I am not sure I could take a full month on the combined regime.



Thanks for posting the update Judithlynn,  I've be on low dose E for almost 2 years.  It's always good to hear the experiences of others with this approach.

Take care,
Paige :)


I really appreciate this thread. It is full of useful information for those of us contemplating taking this path. Please keep it going.
I'm a gender confused guy who lives an hour north of Seattle.
I believe that I was influenced by DES. I have crossdressed in public a handful of times, see avatar picture (enhanced with FaceApp).
I don't plan on transitioning, no GRS, FFS, nor BA.
I consider myself TransFeminine. But reserve the right to change my mind at any time.  ;D

Spironolactone; 7-16-2018
E sublinguals; 10-5-2018
Orchi; 2-15-19
No more Spiro. 



A lot of interesting info here.  I'm planning on starting HRT soon.  I've been on dutasteride for a couple of years for BPH, so I shouldn't need another antiandrogen.  I'm currently a 38A, so I already have a head start on some here, in that regard.
I'm a 65 year old male who has been thinking about SRS for many years.  I also was a  full cross dresser for a few years.  I wear a bra, pantyhose and nail polish daily because it just feels right.

Started HRT April 17, 2019.


Thanks for the update.  Lots of good information.   Good to know!!

Jenny :)

20 November 2018 Got off the fence. 3 December 2018 Initial consult and GD diagnoasis. 28 December 2018 started HRT. 14 Feb 2019 Started Spiro



I'm a 65 year old male who has been thinking about SRS for many years.  I also was a  full cross dresser for a few years.  I wear a bra, pantyhose and nail polish daily because it just feels right.

Started HRT April 17, 2019.

Ricki Wright

Quote from: luna nyan on November 21, 2012, 08:05:19 AM

hydration has become much more important, and if I'm dehydrated, I can develop cramps fairly easily.

Aha!! I got the worst charlie horse (cramp) in my calf yesterday and I could not figure out why that would happen when I am on Spiro, a drug known to make the body retain potassium. I shall drink more water.

I see you. I accept you. I thank you,

At 5 I forgot who I am. Fortunately, who I am protected me all these years until I remembered. Whatever else happens, I will live the rest of my life whole.
My story:,244130.0.html
HRT 07Nov18


Quote from: Ricki Wright on February 26, 2019, 12:16:54 PM
Aha!! I got the worst charlie horse (cramp) in my calf yesterday and I could not figure out why that would happen when I am on Spiro, a drug known to make the body retain potassium. I shall drink more water.

I see you. I accept you. I thank you,

Also make sure you're eating enough table salt. Any food that has a salty taste will work as well. On the site, the most prized food is dill pickles including the juice. If the salt tastes really good, you're not eating enough of it.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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Ricki Wright

Quote from: Dena on February 26, 2019, 12:35:03 PM
Also make sure you're eating enough table salt. Any food that has a salty taste will work as well. On the site, the most prized food is dill pickles including the juice. If the salt tastes really good, you're not eating enough of it.

I read your reply and started salivating uncontrollably. No pickles in the house right now so I found some chips and salsa. Tomorrow: Jar of pickles.

At 5 I forgot who I am. Fortunately, who I am protected me all these years until I remembered. Whatever else happens, I will live the rest of my life whole.
My story:,244130.0.html
HRT 07Nov18

luna nyan

I'm still alive.

Not much to report though.  E levels staying high enough to keep me happy till last month before the next appointment, so at last pellet insertion we increased the dosage.  I'm now sitting on a pellet dosage that is close to a transition dose.

Still no social transition.  Visible physical changes have tapered off so I'm getting away with higher dosages without too much scrutiny.

Mentally things have been steady - quite happily living my life as is.

Physiologically things changes are quite noticeable these days  My testosterone levels are just about non-existant so recovery from hard exercise is poor - I do have to plan my exercise regime carefully to avoid over training.  The biggest issue still is cramping - salt is still my best friend.
Drifting down the river of life...
My 4+ years non-transitioning HRT experience
Ask me anything!  I promise you I know absolutely everything about nothing! :D