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The Stephanie Chronicles

Started by steph2.0, September 17, 2017, 11:42:47 PM

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Love hearing about all the positives in your life! <3


Steph, it's good to read about your continuing affirming moments. Keep smiling (and flying high, of course)
I left the door open, only a few came through. such is my life.


Bari Jo

Quote from: Steph2.0 on February 11, 2018, 12:42:08 AM

I'm beginning to love myself. I'm becoming truly happy. The wounds are healing.


I just got caught up on your thread.  It's heart warming to read all these affirming stories.  This phrase at the end sticks out for me.  Being able to feel this way is the whole reason for our journey.  So happy for you Steph.

I can't wait to have a day like you've been having too.  I just get looks and weird smiles, and sir-ed everywhere still.  On the plus side my closet is nearly empty now.  I got rid of almost all my boy clothes.  Anything new I buy will have to be for Bari Jo to hopefully I'll pass a bit more soon.

Bari Jo
you know how far the universe extends outward? i think i go inside just as deep.

10/11/18 - out to the whole world.  100% friends and family support.
11/6/17 - came out to sister, best day of my life
9/5/17 - formal diagnosis and stopping DIY in favor if prescribed HRT
6/18/17 - decided to stop fighting the trans beast, back on DIY.
Too many ups and downs, DIY, purges of self inbetween dates.
Age 10 - suppression and denial began
Age 8 - knew I was different


Quote from: Bari Jo on February 11, 2018, 06:35:52 AM
I just got caught up on your thread.  It's heart warming to read all these affirming stories.  This phrase at the end sticks out for me.  Being able to feel this way is the whole reason for our journey.  So happy for you Steph.

I can't wait to have a day like you've been having too.  I just get looks and weird smiles, and sir-ed everywhere still.  On the plus side my closet is nearly empty now.  I got rid of almost all my boy clothes.  Anything new I buy will have to be for Bari Jo to hopefully I'll pass a bit more soon.

Bari Jo

I've been watching your growth on your thread, too, and it's so cool to watch your progress!

It's a rough ride, so hang on tight and keep arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times. But you'll get there!


Assigned male at birth 1958 * Began envying sister 1963 * Knew unquestioningly that I was female 1968 * Acted the male part for 50 years * Meltdown and first therapist session May 2017 * Began HRT 6/21/17 * Out to the world 10/13/17 * Name Change 12/7/2017 (Girl Harbor Day) * FFS With FacialTeam 12/4/2018 * Facelift and Lipo Body Sculpting at Ocean Clinic 6/13-14/2019 * GCS with Marci Bowers 9/25/2019


Quote from: Steph2.0 on February 11, 2018, 12:42:08 AMI know I'm not supposed to care about external validation and affirmation, but at this point in my transition, that kind of thing is so welcome to hear.
You don't need external validation, but it's okay to enjoy it when it happens.
I'm beginning to love myself. I'm becoming truly happy.
Reading this makes me happy, too!   :D
2015-07-04 Awakening; 2015-11-15 Out to self; 2016-06-22 Out to wife; 2016-10-27 First time presenting in public; 2017-01-20 Started HRT!!; 2017-04-20 Out publicly; 2017-07-10 Legal name change; 2019-02-15 Approval for GRS; 2019-08-02 Official gender change; 2020-03-11 GRS; 2020-09-17 New birth certificate


I am very happy things are going so well for you, Steph.



Quote from: Steph2.0 on February 11, 2018, 12:42:08 AM
After all these years of hating who I was, it's such a change to actually learn that, while I'm far from perfect, I'm doing pretty well.

I'm beginning to love myself. I'm becoming truly happy. The wounds are healing.

Yesss! You've swum the river through the deepest, most dangerous parts. The water is getting shallower now.
This time next year, I want this to be us on the beach with margaritas in hand, just laughing our tails off at whatever sophomoric humor strikes our fancy.


Quote from: SassyCassie on February 11, 2018, 09:09:09 PM
Yesss! You've swum the river through the deepest, most dangerous parts. The water is getting shallower now.
This time next year, I want this to be us on the beach with margaritas in hand, just laughing our tails off at whatever sophomoric humor strikes our fancy.

Pinky swear, sister.


Assigned male at birth 1958 * Began envying sister 1963 * Knew unquestioningly that I was female 1968 * Acted the male part for 50 years * Meltdown and first therapist session May 2017 * Began HRT 6/21/17 * Out to the world 10/13/17 * Name Change 12/7/2017 (Girl Harbor Day) * FFS With FacialTeam 12/4/2018 * Facelift and Lipo Body Sculpting at Ocean Clinic 6/13-14/2019 * GCS with Marci Bowers 9/25/2019


Just living...

In August of 2017 Sue and I attended our second social gathering of the Trans Support group in St. Pete, FL. A group of us went out to a local watering hole afterward, and someone mentioned that there was going to be a concert with the Florida Orchestra when they would be playing the music of Star Trek and Star Wars. A bunch of them already had tickets. It sounded like fun, so when we got home we ordered some.

I was still pretty terrified of going out in public, and it took all my courage to go out to the bar with them. I clearly remember wondering how far I would be in my transition when I attended on February 11, 2018, unimaginably far off in the future. Would I still be terrified? What would I wear? Would I still be dressing androgynously? Would people point and snicker? Would I even have the courage to go at all? Would I have lost all my friends by then? In my darker moments I even wondered would I still even exist then?

Tonight Sue and I met the same group who we'd hung out with that night back in August. We hadn't seen some of them since then. I wore a beautiful floral silk wrap dress and cute ballet flats. And I was completely at ease. In my purse was my ID and credit cards in my own name. I carried the knowledge that I hadn't lost a single friend, family member, or business associate as I'd come out. I moved through the crowds smiling, got my picture taken with some of the Star Wars cosplayers there, sat next to a stranger, stood in line in the ladies room, and had absolutely no trouble all night from anyone. I had an absolutely wonderful time. As me.

The first half of the concert was all Star Trek music, including an orchestral version of the penny whistle theme from the TNG episode The Inner Light, judged to be the most popular episode of that series. I usually tear up when I see it on TV, but the power of hearing it live was too much, and I cried openly. The cool thing is I could do it all unashamedly.

The second half was all Star Wars music. I admit I don't know the movies all that well.  I don't dislike them, but just never got back into them when they started back up with episode 1. But the sweeping majesty of John Williams' compositions harmonized with my thoughts on the journey I'd traveled in the seven months since we'd bought those tickets. The music illustrated the battles, confusion, victories, sad passages, and with the final theme, joyful marching forward into a brighter future that my life has been.

I suppose there will come a time when I look back on experiences like these with fond nostalgia or even wry humor, but while my anxiety is gone, it's all still novel enough that it induces a bit of euphoria. I simply couldn't stop grinning all night, except for the few times when the emotion of the music overcame me.

I was a bit sad when it was over. I didn't want it to end. But then I realized this isn't the end. It's only the beginning of a wonderful new life.

Just living.


Assigned male at birth 1958 * Began envying sister 1963 * Knew unquestioningly that I was female 1968 * Acted the male part for 50 years * Meltdown and first therapist session May 2017 * Began HRT 6/21/17 * Out to the world 10/13/17 * Name Change 12/7/2017 (Girl Harbor Day) * FFS With FacialTeam 12/4/2018 * Facelift and Lipo Body Sculpting at Ocean Clinic 6/13-14/2019 * GCS with Marci Bowers 9/25/2019


Stephanie, just one word comes to mind.  Wow.

Ok more than one word... what you wrote gave me goosebumps. 
(And I'm sort of somewhat vegetarian, am I allowed that?)
Assigned male at birth 1963.  Decided I wanted to be a girl in 1971.  Laser 2014-16, electrolysis 2015-17, HRT 7/2017, GCS 1/2018, VFS 3/2018, FFS 5/2018, Labiaplasty & BA 7/2018. 

Charlie Nicki

Steph that looks like a lot of fun! :)
Latina :) I speak Spanish, English and a bit of Portuguese.


Quote from: Kendra on February 12, 2018, 12:03:35 AM
Stephanie, just one word comes to mind.  Wow.

Ok more than one word... what you wrote gave me goosebumps. 
(And I'm sort of somewhat vegetarian, am I allowed that?)

Cucumber bumps came to mind, but no longer apply. Avocado bumps?

Eh. I blow gooseberries at you. 

- Stephanie

Assigned male at birth 1958 * Began envying sister 1963 * Knew unquestioningly that I was female 1968 * Acted the male part for 50 years * Meltdown and first therapist session May 2017 * Began HRT 6/21/17 * Out to the world 10/13/17 * Name Change 12/7/2017 (Girl Harbor Day) * FFS With FacialTeam 12/4/2018 * Facelift and Lipo Body Sculpting at Ocean Clinic 6/13-14/2019 * GCS with Marci Bowers 9/25/2019


2015-07-04 Awakening; 2015-11-15 Out to self; 2016-06-22 Out to wife; 2016-10-27 First time presenting in public; 2017-01-20 Started HRT!!; 2017-04-20 Out publicly; 2017-07-10 Legal name change; 2019-02-15 Approval for GRS; 2019-08-02 Official gender change; 2020-03-11 GRS; 2020-09-17 New birth certificate


Quote from: KathyLauren on February 12, 2018, 08:39:56 AM
What fun, Steph!
Incredible fun. I don't go to cons so I don't often see cosplayers, and everyone had a blast with it.

And the music... when watching a movie, the music enhances the visuals, and vision tends to take precedence. Hearing the music directly with no distractions is an entirely different experience. That, along with invoking memories of when I played bassoon in school concerts, made it extremely powerful. And being there as me, with new-found freedom to live it unfiltered, made it sublime.

I watched the entire video of the concert you played in, Kathy, and it made me yearn to be part of that kind of thing again.

Michael Francis, the conductor, actually was playing double bass in the orchestra when many of the Star Wars compositions were recorded for the movies. He told of having light saber fight scenes projected on a huge screen above them while they were recording, and while John Williams himself watched from the balcony. And he had such fun with it all. Referring to Star Trek, he joked that when you have an award winning British Shakespearean actor in a movie, they are supposed to be the bad guy. And for God's sake, don't give him a French name! During Rey's Theme, she came out on stage with a light saber and struck heroic poses. During the Imperial March, Darth Vader came out and forced the conductor off the stage (without touching him) and strutted around until Emperor Palpatine chased him off and took over conducting. Everybody clapped along with the Cantina Band music. And during the finale Star Wars Main Title theme, Michael Francis conducted the orchestra with a light saber. Standing ovations and huge smiles all around.

In the middle of it all it occurred to me that the only thing that could have made it better would be if Cassie and all of you could have been there to share it with me. Well, that and actually having some salt on my pretzel...

- Stephanie

Assigned male at birth 1958 * Began envying sister 1963 * Knew unquestioningly that I was female 1968 * Acted the male part for 50 years * Meltdown and first therapist session May 2017 * Began HRT 6/21/17 * Out to the world 10/13/17 * Name Change 12/7/2017 (Girl Harbor Day) * FFS With FacialTeam 12/4/2018 * Facelift and Lipo Body Sculpting at Ocean Clinic 6/13-14/2019 * GCS with Marci Bowers 9/25/2019


My goodness Steph you're a bundle of energy, I can't follow your thread, let alone imagine your schedule!

Hugs from the chilly Northeast!

p.s.nice starwars posts! I have some recent star wars related stories but they're not pg rated :-)

p.p.s quest diagnostics?? Hrt monitoring?
🌈👭 lesbian, troublemaker ;-) 🌈🏳️‍🌈


Quote from: SadieBlake on February 12, 2018, 11:51:28 AM
My goodness Steph you're a bundle of energy, I can't follow your thread, let alone imagine your schedule!

Hugs from the chilly Northeast!

p.s.nice starwars posts! I have some recent star wars related stories but they're not pg rated :-)

p.p.s quest diagnostics?? Hrt monitoring?

Thanks a lot!  Now I can only visualize Steph pacing back and forth beating a drum as the human Energizer Bunny :)
HRT since 1/04/2018


Quote from: SadieBlake on February 12, 2018, 11:51:28 AM
My goodness Steph you're a bundle of energy, I can't follow your thread, let alone imagine your schedule!

Hah. If you only knew. Lots of drowsiness punctuated by very occasional peaks of frenetic activity.

QuoteHugs from the chilly Northeast!

p.s.nice starwars posts! I have some recent star wars related stories but they're not pg rated :-)


Quotep.p.s quest diagnostics?? Hrt monitoring?



Assigned male at birth 1958 * Began envying sister 1963 * Knew unquestioningly that I was female 1968 * Acted the male part for 50 years * Meltdown and first therapist session May 2017 * Began HRT 6/21/17 * Out to the world 10/13/17 * Name Change 12/7/2017 (Girl Harbor Day) * FFS With FacialTeam 12/4/2018 * Facelift and Lipo Body Sculpting at Ocean Clinic 6/13-14/2019 * GCS with Marci Bowers 9/25/2019

Bari Jo

I absolutely love when people geek out like you are doing Steph.  I'd have gone with you if I was in town.  Two Halloween's ago we had Nightmare Before Xmas live at the Hollywood bowl.  It had all the original cast singing along with an orchestra live.  Even Paul Reubans was there.  You are my kinda lady friend.

Bari Jo
you know how far the universe extends outward? i think i go inside just as deep.

10/11/18 - out to the whole world.  100% friends and family support.
11/6/17 - came out to sister, best day of my life
9/5/17 - formal diagnosis and stopping DIY in favor if prescribed HRT
6/18/17 - decided to stop fighting the trans beast, back on DIY.
Too many ups and downs, DIY, purges of self inbetween dates.
Age 10 - suppression and denial began
Age 8 - knew I was different


Quote from: Bari Jo on February 12, 2018, 08:32:28 PM
I absolutely love when people geek out like you are doing Steph.  I'd have gone with you if I was in town.  Two Halloween's ago we had Nightmare Before Xmas live at the Hollywood bowl.  It had all the original cast singing along with an orchestra live.  Even Paul Reubans was there.  You are my kinda lady friend.

It would have been awesome to have you there, girlfriend. I am a bit of a geek, especially with the Star Trek stuff, but I admit that with Star Wars I'm a bit lost. But wow, I had no idea how awesome John Williams' compositions are until I heard them pure. Very powerful!

- Stephanie

Assigned male at birth 1958 * Began envying sister 1963 * Knew unquestioningly that I was female 1968 * Acted the male part for 50 years * Meltdown and first therapist session May 2017 * Began HRT 6/21/17 * Out to the world 10/13/17 * Name Change 12/7/2017 (Girl Harbor Day) * FFS With FacialTeam 12/4/2018 * Facelift and Lipo Body Sculpting at Ocean Clinic 6/13-14/2019 * GCS with Marci Bowers 9/25/2019


Quote from: Steph2.0 on February 12, 2018, 09:17:44 PM
It would have been awesome to have you there, girlfriend. I am a bit of a geek, especially with the Star Trek stuff, but I admit that with Star Wars I'm a bit lost. But wow, I had no idea how awesome John Williams' compositions are until I heard them pure. Very powerful!

- Stephanie


You might enjoy seeing the Star Trek stuff at the Science Fiction/Pop Culture Museum (its name may have changed) in Seattle.  The museum I am thinking of is next to the Space Needle.

Always stay cheerful, be polite, kind, and understanding. Accepting yourself as the woman you are is very liberating.
Never underestimate the appreciation and respect of authenticity.  Be brave, be strong.  Try a little kindness.  I am a brown eyed brunette. 