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Faith's Progress

Started by Faith, November 10, 2017, 06:50:17 AM

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Okay Jayne,

UGLY - Unusually Good Looking Youngster!
HRT since 1/04/2018


ugly, oogly, ughly ... one is as one feels and I have too many mirrors to tell me otherwise.
I left the door open, only a few came through. such is my life.



Quote from: Faith on March 21, 2018, 02:54:48 PM
ugly, oogly, ughly ... one is as one feels and I have too many mirrors to tell me otherwise.

Stop it or we'll have Laurie and Michelle come over, slap you, and place you on the frig!
HRT since 1/04/2018



You were asking for that one!


And that was just Jayne!

Wait until Laurie and Michelle get ya!  You'll have the rosiest cheeks in the universe girl!
HRT since 1/04/2018


Quote from: Cassi on March 21, 2018, 03:01:55 PM
And that was just Jayne!

Wait until Laurie and Michelle get ya!  You'll have the rosiest cheeks in the universe girl!
What do you mean "just Jayne". My slaps sting. You looking for one too?

Just Jayne


Quote from: Jayne01 on March 21, 2018, 03:03:52 PM
What do you mean "just Jayne". My slaps sting. You looking for one too?

Just Jayne

LAG - Laughing and Giggling!

It was like meant to be, Jayne's just the first to slap you, not, oh, Jayne slapped you, duh - in my best valley girl accent :)
HRT since 1/04/2018



Since you mentioned it, we could, in honor of you being Just and Fair, call you Just(ice) Jayne and not (ice) like in cold :)
HRT since 1/04/2018


Quote from: Jayne01 on March 21, 2018, 03:00:24 PM

You were asking for that one!

didn't ask for anything, just being pragmatic. saying something doesn't make it so, neither does not saying something, or saying ... umm ... what was I saying? ...

other peoples opinions are their's, I have to live with mine. truth only hurts if you let it.
I left the door open, only a few came through. such is my life.



Quote from: Faith on March 21, 2018, 03:24:19 PM
didn't ask for anything, just being pragmatic. saying something doesn't make it so, neither does not saying something, or saying ... umm ... what was I saying? ...

other peoples opinions are their's, I have to live with mine. truth only hurts if you let it.

Stop it Faith!!!!  You're beginning to make sense to all the voices in my head :)
HRT since 1/04/2018


Quote from: Cassi on March 21, 2018, 03:26:36 PM
Stop it Faith!!!!  You're beginning to make sense to all the voices in my head :)

I had voices in my head once, I threw my hearing-aid away.
I left the door open, only a few came through. such is my life.



Quote from: Faith on March 21, 2018, 03:30:28 PM
I had voices in my head once, I threw my hearing-aid away.

I tried that, they just yelled louder!
HRT since 1/04/2018


And now they just gang up on me :(
HRT since 1/04/2018


Quote from: Jayne01 on March 20, 2018, 02:01:04 PM
Oh i did think of someone else when I wrote that, but chose not to bring the fridge into it.


Uhhh... I can hear you from up here...

Assigned male at birth 1958 * Began envying sister 1963 * Knew unquestioningly that I was female 1968 * Acted the male part for 50 years * Meltdown and first therapist session May 2017 * Began HRT 6/21/17 * Out to the world 10/13/17 * Name Change 12/7/2017 (Girl Harbor Day) * FFS With FacialTeam 12/4/2018 * Facelift and Lipo Body Sculpting at Ocean Clinic 6/13-14/2019 * GCS with Marci Bowers 9/25/2019


another mediocre day. Not mood related but is mood affecting. I'm over-tired.
I'll detail a bit for those in the IT know.

Our Primary Storage SAN. Presents 3xfiber direct connects to Apple workstations for editing, presents 1 to a windows server for network shares to Windows workstations. 6x drive presentations all properly raided with spares spread across 5 enclosures. Sure, data will stay intact if the controllers fail .. BUT YOU CAN'T GET TO IT!!

over 10years old, server 2003 head.

I could stop there for the IT crowd, they know where I'm headed.

5 years ago I started telling them it was old and needed replaced. yeah, right. gobs of quotes, decline, more quotes, decline. why do we need it, we don't care about lost data, can we get something smaller, why does it need redundancy, who needs backups, can we put it in the cloud.. EOL,EOS,OOS .. you guessed it, starting to fail .. SOL. I've had to come in 4 times now to power-cycle the whole thing (with fingers crossed) to bring it back up. OOoooOOO .. more quotes. Wow, good price ... can you get more quotes. SERIOUSLY!!??!! The thing is DYING, replace it already.

This thing holds the companies world. backup location? .. yeah, right. You read what I go through just for one. apple .. basket .. not just full, it has a hole!!

Primary accounting server/database. High Availability Hyper-V .. woohoo .. NOT!! Half the mirror for the HA is on the SAN .. guess where the other half of the mirror is .. NO WHERE. You think I could get approval for redundancy, jic .. HAH!

So now I am tediously migrating the HA VM's to local storage on the HyperV cluster (3x servers .. nice setup really .. IF I HAD REDUNDANT STORAGE!) .. It's taking forever.

Now it's like, is there a faster way to get the VM servers back up .. umm, no. They have to be offline to go to a completely separate machine. I've waited for years, you can wait a few days.

I think I've spewed enough. Anything left out, you IT peeps can fill in yourselves. For the non-IT folk, more detail wouldn't help you .. I probably already confused you.
I left the door open, only a few came through. such is my life.



Hi Faith!

Just letting you know I'm still here. [emoji846]



Wow Faith it sounfs likeoarf of fun##! Not. When the pain of not changinh exceeds the cost of change, change will happen. Make it hurt. Lesson time.

Sent from my LGL44VL using Tapatalk

April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



I told Jayne I'd go ahead and post an update. Jayne, it'll be a lot of copy/paste of our emails ... with edits.

pasted from over the past few days:

From Jayne:
QuoteHi Faith,
Haven't heard from you in a while, and I see your profile pic is gone. How are you? I hope you are well.

Have you made any more progress with getting a prescription for spiro? It seems like Laurie's visit went well. There were lots of smiling faces all round in the photos you posted. Let me know how you are.


I suppose I should reply .. I'm not dead. I would go to Susan's and my ugly mug stared at me in every scroll, I removed the offending image.

I would scroll around reading things, seeing all the banter .. nope, not me. I don't fit. Making comments is like whispering in a crowd, I was talking to myself. I started by hiding my 'online' status. Not good enough since you can still see it on my profile, so I don't log in now.

I lurk in secret sometimes to catch up a little. Same thing, All kinds of interactions, but none for me. I'm on the outside looking in with the doors and windows locked.

People with attitude posting and they get responses, sorry, got attitude and you've lost me .. not interested. 
People posting their progress .. 'oo, look at me' .. happy responses ... nothing for me.
People posting their problems .. 'oo, look at me' .. consolatory responses ... nothing for me.
I either feel bad because they feel so good or I feel bad because they feel bad and I can relate but nothing to add .. so, nothing for me.

I don't belong there.

Taking my daily estradiol with nothing to stop the testosterone ... it's like a drop pink dye in a  bucket of water. Oo, look .. pink .. then it's gone.
Wheels are spinning and I'm going nowhere.

home life, on the other hand, is well. Lori and I are solidifying more and more. We avoid the negative people in our lives, they aren't worth the time. We get comments from other acquaintances/friends that we're missed. Meh, not worth the negatives mixed in the crowd.

Work is very good as far as experience goes. Those that may disapprove don't show it or can't (due to work policies). Those that are accepting are very nice and helpful. I get comments and complements and hello's from people that wouldn't give me time of day before. 100% fem at work, no dress yet. Someday maybe but my job isn't quite suitable for wearing a dress. If my body shape ever fills out, look out .. although I'll need to find a face mask.

so, overall, my life is ... work .. home .. sleep .. repeat.

**skip Jayne's reply, not for me to paste in**

I still can't tolerate mirrors for longer than it takes to do what needs done. A profile picture is like having a surprise mirror pop up as I scroll around and at the top of every page. I left it up until it became totally unbearable. I think that in itself led me away from the site for a bit. I am thinking of actually logging back in, I don't know. Maybe I have another PM sitting in there. I won't know without actually checking.

I know the E progression. I'm really not that impatient for results from it, I just want RESULTS :) If patience is a virtue, I am currently virtue-less.  Not really. Most of what I feel is not about E/Spiro and/or results thereof .. it's dysphoric. I still feel like a guy parading around pretending. That's in spite of feeling so much better being able to. It makes no sense at all .. except the hair .. ARRGGH .. I hate hair.

The best and worst thing lumped together is our wives willing to work through things with us. On one hand is staying with the one that you love and having that support, the other hand is treading oh-so-carefully to not overwhelm them with our inner beast.

>>snip not forum worthy comments<<

Speaking of work ..
   Yesterday I was walking down the hallway and coming the other way was a woman anchor that's been there 25+ years, very pleasant person, anyways .. always polite when our paths crossed. Smile and hi, that was the limit though. yesterday as she came up next to me, me ready with the smile and hi ... she reached out and grabbed my shoulder to stop me and said, "I've been meaning to tell you. I just loved that pink top with the grommets on the shoulders that you wore." WOOT .. big grin, yep, one of my favorite tops :)
And then today. I got up, picked out the top I wanted to wear and put it on. OOP, the jeans I wear with them is in the wash .. hmm, grab the slacks on the dresser ... hiphuggers. Away I go. I was at work before I realized that the top is a short-torso top .. over hiphuggers. I was showing midriff all day. Not exactly work appropriate and definitely out of my comfort zone.
**insert note: I did get one comment of "I'm jealous of your flat tummy" ... umm, OK?? :P**

I can't fault anything at work for allowing me to be .. me.

**skip Jayne's reply, not for me to paste in**

"The lady in the mirror" (should be a book or movie title) ... I've seen her. That side glance, peripheral vision, etc. Makes it all the harder when you look and see she's not there. Emotion Explosion. My single biggest dysphoria is my looks. I can handle 'male' attributes (physical) to a point (hide them), I don't have any problem with 'male' traits. To me what you like and like to do is not male or female except in how you perceive yourself. "I am a man who likes to ... " "I am a woman who likes to ...)

HAIR. I'm lucky in that regard. My hair is thick, straight (slightly wavy) and holds shape. If I comb it a certain way when wet, leave it alone to dry, it's set for the day that way. Slightly thinning center-front. Hopefully E will slow or stop that. I don't think I'd like unmanageable curly hair. I'm lazy and that sounds like too much work :)

Lori is still struggling with 'her man' disappearing. I try to ease it by removing all makeup as soon as I get home. I also dress more androgynously ... although, for some reason, clothes don't bother her. Dresses do, but not at home. She likes me in the dresses that I wear around the house, out to public ... nope. I think that's due to perception. In public it would mean two women together and not a man & a woman. Maybe in time and since I'm not comfortable in public that's an easy compromise.
**Laurie, I'm leaving this comment in for you. I almost edited it out**
I wore a dress 2nd day that Laurie was visiting, she made no comment at all. I wish she had said something .. anything ... good or bad just for a peer review. I didn't wear it to make a point, I just felt like wearing it.

If I was simply a cross-dresser there wouldn't be any marital stress at all.

That sums up most of it. and I'm tempted to erase it all. I hope I edited out what needed to be and left nothing offending in there. I'm sure some Laurie person will moderate it for me ... since she's stuck reading the whole thing ... :D
I left the door open, only a few came through. such is my life.



My friend Faith,

Thank you for posting that. You don't want to believe it, but your friends really do care and want to know how you're doing.

Beyond that, your thoughts echo many that I've been having lately, and it's so helpful to be reminded that I'm not alone in how I feel. Especially the problem with the mirror...

I'm moving past those bad feelings now (I have a lot of catching up to do here), and you will, too. Having such positive feedback at work is a wonderful thing. As you know, my situation limits such interactions, and I'm a little envious.

I don't really have any words of wisdom that you'd want to hear right now, other than I'm out here, I'm your friend, and I'm listening.

Hopefully you'll find "something for you" in what I wrote.


Assigned male at birth 1958 * Began envying sister 1963 * Knew unquestioningly that I was female 1968 * Acted the male part for 50 years * Meltdown and first therapist session May 2017 * Began HRT 6/21/17 * Out to the world 10/13/17 * Name Change 12/7/2017 (Girl Harbor Day) * FFS With FacialTeam 12/4/2018 * Facelift and Lipo Body Sculpting at Ocean Clinic 6/13-14/2019 * GCS with Marci Bowers 9/25/2019


Faith, I'm glad you have chosen to come back online. I am always happy to chat with you in private as we have been, but I think there is benefit in hearing from other people too. We each have a different way of looking at things and it is very likely someone else can offer something that I cannot to help you. We are all here to help each other.

Laurie, when you read this, please refrain from pulling your slap trigger. Slaps don't always help. I think Faith needs some hugs right now.


Take care Faith. We are here for you.
