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On being Liz

Started by LizK, March 08, 2017, 05:23:47 AM

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Quote from: AnonyMs on July 13, 2018, 02:27:58 AM
Dr Kim from Yeson in Korea is in Sydney and Melbourne in November. He's extremely well regarded in voice feminization surgery.

Thankyou for that. I may have to see if I can get an appointment if he is consulting
Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


Monday Update

6.2 Km Walk today. With my new tracking software I have discovered that I had been walking 5.7 ks every day so to take it over 6 was not such a huge effort but looks better on paper LOL

Weight loss down to 98.7 so another 800 grams(2lbs) lost. I was a bit disappointed but then I am not really taking a whole lot of notice about what I am eating. I think if I was a little more careful I may get a better result. So for this next week I am going to be care and reduce the amount of carbs I have been eating. I have removed all sweets with the exception of Saturday nights where I allow myself to have a single candy bar or similar treat. I suspect a little more care during the week could make for a much better result. Everything in balance they say...well, we will see at the end of this week....going by my current weight loss I should be around 97.9 but I would like to be somewhere in the 96's by next that is my goal this week

I have a few things on this week, catching up with a friend on Tuesday,  a hair cut and colour on Thursday with my possibly penultimate genital laser session on Friday. I will fit one more laser (maybe 2) treatments before surgery in Nov. It is not nearly as bad as it least now its not...the first few treatments hurt a lot...the last one only got me in a couple of places...ouch!

I have booked and paid for all my accommodation and airfares for November I mean its only 134 days 21 hrs 22 min but who's counting anyway (BWCA) till surgery  ;D. I am now down to getting together the supplies I may need for the two weeks post-op in Melbourne. I don't even know what they are but I am guessing someone will have suggestion as to what you need to take with you.  I am going to do a post separately asking for suggestions from those who have been there before me. I am looking for the practical stuff...the "I wish I had bought a ....... with me"

I have updated the Tripod for my camera to a decent one that has sturdy construction and smooth movements in the ball head. The current one I have is cheaper(cost about $40) and the head is made of plastic. Whilst not too bad if you just want to have somewhere to rest your camera but not great when it comes to fine adjustments. In fact it is almost impossible....I will use the old one for my video camera and not the SLR. . I also ordered the remote for the new camera, I can think of several uses for it already and especially usefull in the Macro Photography I want to do.

So the Challenge is on...I need to lose 1.8 KGs (4 lb) this week to make it into the 96kg range....Ideally I would like to lose 2.8kg (6lb) as this would take me under my goal weight of 96 kgs but I think that is a bit of a big ask...I will update again this time next week.

Take care

Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


Hi Liz,

Congrats on the continued weight loss. Keep up the good work. However, I was a little horrified to read that you have removed all sweets except for the one candy bar on Saturdays! Yes, I have a very sweet tooth! [emoji23][emoji23]

So.....134 days 16 hours 12 minutes to go!!! BWCA? November will be here before you know it. I don't have any suggestions about practical stuff to take with you for surgery but I will follow your new thread should I end up going down the surgery path myself.

I'd love to see some of your macro photography pics. It's something I have always wanted to do but never followed through with it.



Yes cut out the does make a difference ....!! 👍😊


Quote from: ElizabethK on July 15, 2018, 06:43:23 PM
> for this next week I am going to be care and reduce the amount of carbs I have been eating. I have removed all sweets with the exception of Saturday nights where I allow myself to have a single candy bar or similar treat.

I admire your self control!  Every 0.8kg/2 pounds is so significant.  As your health continues to improve that is less weight for the rest of your body to support.  As you continue to persist and earn success toward your goals the next 0.8kg/2 pounds you lose will represent a higher percentage of your total remaining weight compared to the previous 0.8kg/2 pounds.  The math isn't always intuitive, like compound interest.

When we carry a sack full of junk food home we automatically set it down somewhere convenient.  Now imagine carrying that without setting it down for days, months, years... suddenly becomes less convenient, right?  Imagining it that way can help change the decision to pick up a candy bar.
Assigned male at birth 1963.  Decided I wanted to be a girl in 1971.  Laser 2014-16, electrolysis 2015-17, HRT 7/2017, GCS 1/2018, VFS 3/2018, FFS 5/2018, Labiaplasty & BA 7/2018. 

Northern Star Girl

Dear Liz.... it was great to read your last weight loss report.... are getting closer to your next stated goal of 96kgs

Weight loss like you are doing takes fierce determination and focused willpower for sure!!!
Keep on keeping on and we are all rooting for you. 

Thanks for keeping your thread updated and satisfying your readers and followers like me.
Hugs and well wishes,
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             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


Quote from: Jayne01 on July 15, 2018, 11:56:57 PM
Hi Liz,

Congrats on the continued weight loss. Keep up the good work. However, I was a little horrified to read that you have removed all sweets except for the one candy bar on Saturdays! Yes, I have a very sweet tooth! [emoji23][emoji23]

So.....134 days 16 hours 12 minutes to go!!! BWCA? November will be here before you know it. I don't have any suggestions about practical stuff to take with you for surgery but I will follow your new thread should I end up going down the surgery path myself.

I'd love to see some of your macro photography pics. It's something I have always wanted to do but never followed through with it.


Hi Jane

Thankyou I am ok with where I am but like anyone losing weight would always like to have lost more I don't know if my photography is up to the display standard but having a focus and purchasing the right equipment is a good place to start. I will share anything I think is noteworthy, but don't hold your Breath

I was sitting here thinking today that I remember when I paid the deposit and picked my surgery date asking especially for November...(did I mention that the month is symbolic? oh yeah it is, but I digress) which was 18 months away at that stage. I had noticed my new signature ticker today saying only 4 months until surgery...the notion that it is real still blows my mind.

Quote from: Drexy/Drex on July 17, 2018, 04:43:21 AM
Yes cut out the does make a difference ....!!

:'( no carbs  :icon_yikes:...I know how bad they are if you are trying to lose...carb =sugar = fat...or something like that

Quote from: Kendra on July 17, 2018, 06:58:16 AM
I admire your self control!  Every 0.8kg/2 pounds is so significant.  As your health continues to improve that is less weight for the rest of your body to support.  As you continue to persist and earn success toward your goals the next 0.8kg/2 pounds you lose will represent a higher percentage of your total remaining weight compared to the previous 0.8kg/2 pounds.  The math isn't always intuitive, like compound interest.

When we carry a sack full of junk food home we automatically set it down somewhere convenient.  Now imagine carrying that without setting it down for days, months, years... suddenly becomes less convenient, right?  Imagining it that way can help change the decision to pick up a candy bar.

I don't know about my self control but if I was any good at it in the first place I probably wouldn't need to diet at the moment LOL Thank you for the kind words. I have not looked at my weight loss in the sense of the weight loss compounding your loss percentage, so with each loss a larger percentage of overall weight loss is achieved...but of course it does. One of the things that has also become obvious to me is that if I want the curves I am going to need to create them...if I lose some weight it will change my silhouette so that it is far more feminie at first will never look that way while overweight...apart from all of that there are the obvious health benefits. I want to be as fit as I can be for the next few months.

Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on July 17, 2018, 10:27:06 AM
Dear Liz.... it was great to read your last weight loss report.... are getting closer to your next stated goal of 96kgs

Weight loss like you are doing takes fierce determination and focused willpower for sure!!!
Keep on keeping on and we are all rooting for you. 

Thanks for keeping your thread updated and satisfying your readers and followers like me.
Hugs and well wishes,

Thankyou Danielle for the kind words.

Yes it does take determination but I also know how much good this is doing me, I can feel it. I was down to 96 Kgs this time last year when the awful thing happened with my brother and I ended up somewhat depressed. I began to put on all the weight I had lost as I resorted to emotional eating. I think I have crawled out from under that blanket of depression now and am more able to manage the pain and ager the incident caused.

Once again that you all for the encouragement

Today I pushed myself a bit harder and managed to get my walk up to 7kms (4.3miles) which is just about at my limit. I need to show some care that I don't overstep the physical capabilities of my hip.

Had a great afternoon out with a friend was so great to catch up with her and everything going well we will do it again next week but with camera's as well as coffee.

Did I mention 132 days 16hs 27 minutes BWCA?

Take care

Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


I waited 2 hours this morning to dodge the rain

I eventually gave up waiting in disgust and went down to the park hoping that it had held off all night another hour would be OK...wouldn't it?  :icon_yes:

Off I but not cold, very overcast but no rain, been light for about 30 minutes As I approached the most distant point from my car that I could get, it rained on me and when I finally 10 minutes later I finally got back near my car it stopped,  :icon_lol: I figured what the heck I am wet anyway, so I kept going...rinse and got the exact same place it rained again...hard...with only 800m too go I was not going to stop...wet, cold, irritated and satisfied I finished.....7.2 ks...If I can just stretch that to 8ks(=5 mile = 10,000 steps) I will be happy...... 151 days 16hrs 58 min BWCA? :icon_wave:

Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


Hey liz,

  Good effort if a wet one that made reading it all the better. You will get to that 5 mile point, I know you will because you are just stubborn enough.

April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



Quote from: Laurie on July 18, 2018, 09:49:17 PM
Hey liz,

  Good effort if a wet one that made reading it all the better. You will get to that 5 mile point, I know you will because you are just stubborn enough.


Who Moi  ;D
Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


Quote from: ElizabethK on July 19, 2018, 12:38:49 AM
Who Moi  ;D
Yes dear, you

Sent from my LGL44VL using Tapatalk

April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



Heading out the door to the Laser place. Gonna get my bits zapped!!!!

Actually not only my bits but there are a number of black hairs popped through on my face so will get her to zap them as well. Laser facial these days is pretty easy to take compared to how it was. I can remember it really lighting up my face the first dozen treatments but lucky for me this took care of a large part of my facial hair...lucky me  :D

its 18 weeks left till surgery so by this calculatiuon I will get one more genital zapping before november with the second one being due around the time of the surgery. So I think from a practical point of view I have today and then one more in about 8-10 weeks and that is it. Thank GOODNESS!!!

Hoping so

Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


  I don't want to hear it. Nope not at all. I think you should schedule daily zapping right up to the date of GCS.
April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



I'm guessing you want ringside seats to watch? What's worse, is she convinced me she can do another two bit zapping's before surgery...great!!! Just much for one must have put the hoodoo on me.
Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


Quote from: Laurie on July 19, 2018, 06:15:51 PM
  I don't want to hear it. Nope not at all. I think you should schedule daily zapping right up to the date of GCS.

Liz if you will, I will!

Just talked to my doctor about zapping those pesky hairs!

I'm also very happy that your exercising and weight loss is going well.

"If you go out looking for friends, you are going to find they are very scarce.  If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere."



Oh no!!! not hurt like heck and I was doing my fair share of squeaking...but my face was a breeze and I felt very little...she hunted down the black hairs I had left for her and I am happy with the result.

Its really just @Laurie showing us her sadistic side...we had better be careful I have seen her like this before.  :icon_archery: :icon_evil_laugh:
Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


 I don't have to take all this abuse you know. I think you need so time out young lady. Go stand in a corner. Next time it's the fridge for you.

April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



Oo Liz it sounds painful, only a few more to go hopefully, your countdown is getting exciting.

Congratulations on your walking targets, 8 km is quite a walk, you are motivating me to increase my walks.




I am glad that you gained some inspiration...we all have our challenges. Yes Nicole it is starting to get exciting...I don't usually get excited about much these days...but this surgery is really starting to get me excited for the outcome.

Thanks for stopping by...sorry if I sound a bit muffled but @laurie has put me in the corner...I better be quiet before I get in more trouble

Take care (Quietly)

Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


Quote from: Laurie on July 20, 2018, 12:55:55 AM
I don't have to take all this abuse you know. I think you need so time out young lady. Go stand in a corner. Next time it's the fridge for you.


@Laurie  :icon_blowme: :icon_rolleyes2: (pokes tongue out)
Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019