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Stevi's Saga

Started by Stevi, March 19, 2018, 04:20:15 PM

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While I have had a few glitches with my immediate family, I consider my situation to be among the better ones.  I feel a little guilty when I think about it because I have been so fortunate.  I am saddened so when I realize that so many have experienced so much loss of spouses, mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers.  I know some of your own situation with your family and friends.  I have shed many tears for my sisters and brothers here as I have learned of some relationship being severed.

On the other hand there have been some causes for celebration when one of us has remade or strengthened a connection.  It does not happen often enough, but it does happen.  I am thankful when it does happen.

We share both our sorrows and our joys.  Happy New Year to you and all.  May it be full of joys.




Thank you for the good wishes.

I have taken note of your and your Cassie's happy holiday activities.  I am glad for you both.



An update on my gender marker change,

I had finally gotten Social Security to correct the master record so Medicare would get the correct info on the subsequent syncs.

This morning I called Humana.  They synced their database with Medicare. Now, their records have the correct info, as well.

Next time I am standing in front of a surgery reception desk in a pink flowered dress, they won't have any excuse for misgendering me repeatedly for all the world to hear.

Mission accomplished!


Quote from: Stevi on December 28, 2018, 03:20:22 PM
An update on my gender marker change,

I had finally gotten Social Security to correct the master record so Medicare would get the correct info on the subsequent syncs.

This morning I called Humana.  They synced their database with Medicare. Now, their records have the correct info, as well.

Next time I am standing in front of a surgery reception desk in a pink flowered dress, they won't have any excuse for misgendering me repeatedly for all the world to hear.

Mission accomplished!

Wow that took a while.  Well done Stevi. :)
Paige :)


I had to do the same thing Stevi. I called SSA last week to have them update the master record and then called Medicare earlier this week to update their records and send a new card. And yesterday I called Kaiser member services to update their records and send a new card. If we don't follow up, nothing ever gets done. We have to do their jobs. I would have been fired for neglecting this kind of thing. I repeatedly mentioned to each of them that this is in regards to my name AND gender change. Let's hope I start seeing my new cards show up soon.
Rebirth 06/09/2017. HRT 08/22/2017. RLE 07/14/2018. Name and Gender change 10/19/2018. FFS 09/06/2019. GCS 05/26/2021.



It is absurd that we have to shepard these things through the system.  It is so difficult to do from the outside since we have no idea what the true situation is or how it really works.

I hope my experience with this made it a little easier and a tad quicker for others.

I hope you got it all straight for them and you.

Happy New Year,

Northern Star Girl

Dear Stevi:
I have enjoyed to opportunity to meet you on the Forums.
I have very much enjoyed swapping comments and thoughts with you.
Obviously there are some bumps in the road that all of us experience so we continue to hang on for an exciting ride.

It was wonderful for me to get to know you on the Forums this past year...
I have so much enjoyed your updates as you continue on in your journey.
Thank you for feeling free to share your life events with all of us.   

I am so very happy that I found you and your thread on the Forums this last year and I will be eagerly following your upcoming reports and updates in the New Year in 2019.

Wishing you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR   in 2019...

Hugs and as always, well wishes.

****Help support this website by:
Subscribing !     and/or by    Donating !

Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


Happy new year Stevi!

Wishing you a wonderful 2019, you were one of the first ladies that reached out to me earlier last year and I really appreciate your support. I hope 2019 brings you all the happiness you deserve.





I remember when you burst onto the scene with your troubles like all of us, it seems, have done.  That was only six months ago.  Can you believe it?

Have a joyous year, my friend.  I will be keeping an eye on you from halfway 'round the world.

Love you,



Happy New Year Stevi! I has been wonderful following your thread. I'm looking forward to following your journey through 2019. Wishing you and yours a joyous 2019 girl!!!

Rebirth 06/09/2017. HRT 08/22/2017. RLE 07/14/2018. Name and Gender change 10/19/2018. FFS 09/06/2019. GCS 05/26/2021.



I am so pleased to have you as a traveling companion on this journey of ours.  It is good to chat with you and all of our friends along the way.

A joyous year to you,


Time for a bit of an update.  I have been lurking around the various threads here on Susan's Place to keep an eye on all of you.  I've been quiet though.  Sorta pushing things around in my head.  Been busy with some travel up to New Jersey.  Had some "billable hours" stuff to do.  Made some visits to Penny's family.  I was welcomed with open arms.   We spent a few days at our daughter's place while she and five of her friends took a three day cruise to Nassau.  While she was out of the house I did some tile work in her kitchen and smeared some paint on the walls for her.

On the lawsuit front, things have had a small glitch.  I had not heard anything from my attorney since the beginning of the month.  I sent off a couple of emails but I did not get any response.  Uncharacteristic of my attorney.  I made a phone call to the firm this afternoon.  I learned that my attorney is in the hospital.  I don't have any details   The attorney working with her got back to me with the bad news.  That attorney did forward the latest revision of the complaint for my perusal.  So, things are not as far along as I had hoped but they are continuing to move forward.

Penny is still struggling with health issues.  It has been established that she has severe sleep apnea.  She is due to go back on Sunday evening so they can hook her up to some equipment to determine what she needs in the way of treatment.  CPAP machine is in her future.  Today she had a visit with her PCP and came out of the office in a state.  The doctor has prescribed for a diabetic condition and high cholesterol.  She is not a good patient.  She does not take criticism or pills well at all.  I want her to feel well.  I will do anything I can to help her.  But I can't fight with her to force her to do what she won't do.  For now, she seems to be resigned to doing what the doctor has told her to do.  We will see.

Then there is me.  I am doing pretty well.  I feel good physically.  I am struggling to get back to my exercise regimen.  I have put on a few pounds, well, more than a few.  I am good mentally except for one little nag that has been irritating the back of my mind for about four months now.  I have been trying the non-op route for my wife's sake.  I am becoming less and less satisfied with that choice.  I seem to be getting by without any misgendering, no second glances, welcomed into the female circles.  But, I don't feel completed.  I feel like an impostor, sometimes.  So much so, I have begun to research my surgeon option and insurance coverage.  On the one hand, hoping that I can get GRS without blowing up the savings account and on the other hoping there is a wall so high and wide and thick before me that I can't conceivably do it so I don't have to broach the subject with Penny.

Yeah, I haven't discussed this with Penny, yet.  I am finding this to be as daunting as my revelation of being a crossdresser way back when.  From that day on, I have been "changing the rules", her phrase, as I have found that, today, I need more than I had thought I did yesterday.  This is a tad more radical than pierced ears.

I have learned a little.  I have spoken to several living real people with my insurance provider.  What I have learned so far is that they will cover the surgery with the usual deductibles.  I, supposedly, have documentation enroute to me that confirms that.  I don't know how far I can trust this information.  The people on the other end of the conversation had no idea what vaginoplasty is.  They insist the PPO will pay for it.  Sounds way too easy for me.

I have looked into surgeons, as well, and I am leaning toward Dr. MacPhee.  Her practice is here in North Carolina.  About a three hour drive.  She doesn't accept my insurance but her staff has indicated they will help me navigate the reimbursement maze.  I have seen a number of positive reports from her clients. 

It seems there might not be any walls that are impenetrable.  So, I have a very deep conversation ahead with my therapist this coming Friday.  Do I really need to do this?  Will it truly fix what still ails me?  I need to get that sorted out before I go any further.

Is everybody else having a good time?


Quote from: Stevi on January 25, 2019, 08:26:10 PM

It seems there might not be any walls that are impenetrable.  So, I have a very deep conversation ahead with my therapist this coming Friday.  Do I really need to do this?  Will it truly fix what still ails me?  I need to get that sorted out before I go any further.

Is everybody else having a good time?

Hi Stevi

It can be a very daunting decision as to whether or not to progress to surgery. In my very limited experience talking it out is a good idea. You do not have to make any decisions  but talking out your feelings about this may in fact unwittingly lead to the decion you need to make.  There was always some part of me that knew where I was going however I would not allow myself to do what I needed to for such a long time. When I left my hometown in 1981 I had already thought through a "plan" of how to go about becoming a woman without really accepting that I could do it. This took me some 30 plus years to execute due to a number of reasons...mainbly not trusting my own judgement nor listening to the "inner me" I spent so much time in denial couched as one excuse or another.

I hope you are able to arrive at your decison I certainly have no regrets about mine. Thanks for the wonderful update and I hope Penny can overcome her health issues as I bet that is concerning you.

Take care

Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


Thanks Liz,

I know I need to do a lot more thinking over on this.  My biggest fear is that this sense of being an impostor is not really rooted in my incongruous genitals.  I fear there is something more "I" related about it.  To go forward with the surgery and still not have the issue resolved would be a disaster for me, for my wife and for us.

I want to get the problem resolved ASAP but I know I need to be cautious and deliberate about all of it.



What's up, Stevi?, you ask,

Well, let me tell you a little of what has been going on.

Over the past couple of weeks, there have been a host of emails among my siblings and myself.  I am not sure if I have told you all before about the "Sister Letter."  For some background, it was a chain letter that circulated from sister to sister with each reading the contributions of those who preceded and then replacing their own prior contribution with a new one.  It was not strictly a sister letter in that it included their in-law sisters, my brother's wives and Penny, my wife.  When one of my brother's wives passed rather suddenly, her daughter took her place in the missive.  Since the letter came through the house for my wife's contribution, I knew what the girls were saying to one another because she shared it with me.  I was a bit put out, but back then they did not know about me and my secret sister status.  Still, the implicit assumption of none of us "boys" being interested in the details of their lives and not welcome to share with them hurt a bit.  Anyway, the letter got stuck in somebody's inbox and couldn't find its way to the outbox.  As a result, my oldest sister sent out a search party email for it.  At the same time she asked if there might be a better way to to get family information distributed.  One of the sisters-in-law suggested doing it by email.  There was some discussion of the logistics.  As I surreptitiously watch by way of my wife's emails, I could see they needed some help so I suggested they do a family newsletter distributed by email.  I suggested that one person (I offered up myself, if no one objected.) compile self-reported news into a periodic newsletter to be distributed to one and all with a legitimate claim to be member of our flock of crazy people.  Well, they took me up on my offer.  So, I have begun my duties as the first editor of the Jones Family Newsletter. 

My first order of business was to put the Sister Letter to bed.  I have sent out portions of it to everyone who had not yet seen all the contributions of the others.  So now, that chapter is closed.  Now to putting together an introductory issue of a newsletter and an email list for its distribution.

On another front, my lead attorney has had some health issues come up.  She has begun chemo for a lymphoma.  Her prognosis is good, I am told. Tthat did slow things down a bit with getting the complaint ready for filing.  Today, I got an email from the other attorney on the team.  She tells me the complaint should be filed with the court tomorrow.  Next step after that is to see that the defendants are served.  From that time, they will have 30 days to respond to the discovery documents.

I have not shaved my face since Monday morning.  I have an appointment, my first, with an electrocutioner tomorrow morning.  I have not been able to get our lives into a steady-stay-at-home routine up until now.  I regret not having done this way back while I was still not out, but it is what it is.  I will see if I can put together a routine where I shave before UU fellowship on Sunday morning then let it grow until Wednesday for another session in the electric chair.  My therapy and group sessions are on the first Fridays and I will attempt to do other appointments on Thursdays or Fridays and maybe Mondays, in a pinch.  Hopefully that will minimize the forays of the bearded lady.

In my last therapy session, most of my time was spent with the subject GRS.  Should I or shouldn't I?  Given the irreversibility, not to mention the costs, financially, impact on my wife, recovery time and the risk involved given my age irrespective of my above average condition for a woman of my age, I need to very sure it will cure what ails me.  My dysphoria is not non-existent but it is not overwhelming, either.  Not having GRS, not having a female body, as I think I said before, makes me feel incomplete.  But, is that all it is that is giving me that sense?  I am still trying to figure it all out.

No, Penny and I have not had a discussion about me having GRS done.  However, from some more comments by her, I am positive she expects it to come to pass.  And, I don't get the sense that is particularly distressing to her.  I'm sure we can have a good discussion when I get it better sorted out in my own mind.

Sorry for the long post,

Northern Star Girl

Dear Stevie:
Yes indeed, I was about to ask "What's up, Stevi"  ....  2 weeks is way to long for your followers to go without updates or even short and sweet postings from you on your thread.

Regarding the Sister Letter, I recall something that you had mentioned about it's in a  "way back when"  post and it's existence and possible consternation to you.    In simple terms, it was GOSSIP, which almost never treats everyone fairly and amicably.

So, you are now the Editor in Chief of the new Jones Family Newsletter !!!   I trust that you are happy with that title and the time consuming duties that are a part of the job.  The good news is that you are in control of the content and distribution.

So sorry to hear about the health issues that your lead attorney is dealing with but it was good to hear that things are about to get serious with the court filing.   I am trusting and hoping that something positive will happen in the next 30 days.

Wishing you well with your electrolysis tomorrow....  going around as a bearded lady is not too desirable for sure.... don't be looking into any mirrors or have any pictures taken of you tonight or tomorrow!!!!   I would imagine that you would not be happy with what you see.

GRS is sometimes considered one of the final big steps in many transitioner's time lines.   I am glad that you are carefully going over all of this with your therapist.
Yes for sure, a serious discussion with your dear wife about your possible GRS is definitely in order.... wishing you well when you bring the subject up for discussion.

Finally, please do not be "sorry for the long post"...
Certainly I am interested in what is going on in your life endeavors and as well I am certain that all of your followers want to read everything that you post.

Thank you for sharing all of your thoughts.   Please don't torture us and make us wait another 2 weeks!!!

Hugs and my best wishes to you.

****Help support this website by:
Subscribing !     and/or by    Donating !

Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single



Thanks for the comeback.  Time has a habit of getting away from us.  I'll try really hard to post more frequently.

I am sorry I gave you the impression the Sister Letter might be gossip.  It certainly was not what is typically envisioned when one talks of gossip.  Each of my sisters told of the events in their own lives.  They didn't dwell on others.  Hard to believe, maybe, but true.  I looked forward to seeing the letter arrive.  It was a way for me to connect with them as a sister and be on the inside, even though they didn't realize I was there.

I am proud of my sisters.  Three of them have PHD's and have specialized in child development and education.  The other two are in management level positions.  They all have their quirks but they are good people.

Danielle, don't think I have taken offense.  I certainly have not.  I just felt I needed to correct any misunderstanding.

Love you, girl,



Hi Stevi,

Congrats on becoming an integral player in the family newsletter. Question, will said letter now be open to the men in the family should they want to participate or will it remain the purview of the female folks? That includes you btw *wink*. Glad to see that you have found a part in it for you finally.
  Good luck on the electrocution sessions. I hope they are not troublesome for you and that you intend to follow the regimen set up by the official electrocuted alumni. Judging by my own rate of progress, I will be an old man by the time my face is done. Oh wait.... I'm already old. *sigh*

April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone




The newsletter is intended for the entire family to receive and, hopefully, participate in, from the matriarch of our family, now my eldest sister, to the beginning reader/listener.  I hope to get some submissions fro some of the younger ones.

I did get a little pushback from one sister who wanted it to be closed to the immediate family members.  A little hard to please that one, sometimes.

Got to get going now.  Need to get a last meal before seeing the electrocutioner.



Dear Stevi! I thought I would check in and say hi. I've been a bit busy the past two weeks so I need to do a lot of catching up. I hope you and your family are doing well. I'll catch up soon.


Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

Rebirth 06/09/2017. HRT 08/22/2017. RLE 07/14/2018. Name and Gender change 10/19/2018. FFS 09/06/2019. GCS 05/26/2021.