Hello everyone, my
name.is Jay and I'm 22 years old.
Ever since I was 16, I've ID-d as nonbinary. I had no clue what it was, I just remember feeling incredibly bad about the body I was in. It caused me so much distress; not being able to fit into one neat slot. It's funny though, the way I learned about genders outside the binary.
I found an in-character help blog that used homestuck characters as the blog's theme. I was in the height of my Homestuck fandom days, and decided that I would ask this anonymous person why I felt like neither a boy or a girl. They told me I was probably agender and that gender was a whole spectrum. That there, as silly as it was, was life changing! I researched to my heart's content and found others like me. What an incredible feeling!
Here recently though, I've been having more trouble with my gender. I started to ID with mostly masculine things and feelings, daydreaming about being a boy, but I'm not sure if that makes me trans.
Here's where it gets tricky: Daydreaming and dysphoria have been an on and off thing ever since I've confronted my feelings on gender (which was fairly recently), but it's not a constant thing. I still correct people in online games when they call me a boy and tell them I'm a girl (partially to spite them abt getting their butts kicked by a chick, partially out of habit) and it doesn't feel horribly wrong. Weird? Yes. I still draw myself as a girl, or rather, the girl I wish tp be. Blatantly feminine, happy in my body. That brings me to another point: My hair. It's long, down past my shoylders. And I know that men can have long hair, but I'm sure I'd feel happier with short hair. Perhaps I'm holding out because I'm hoping that forcing myself into a female-shaped box will alleviate these feelings I'm having. Maybe I'm putting too much stock into my appearance bc that's where I believe my worth comes from (ew, I know, but it takes a long time to unlearn). Maybe I'm just scared of wasting all the time I took to grow my hair back out.
If I was trans, wouldn't I have known by now? I have had my moments of trying to pass as a guy and not realizing it in my youth (and being shamed for it, so I shut that idea right down), but I'm not sure if that's "enough"
It also doesn't help that it's very likely that I'm autistic and have a crap sense of self/can't self-reflect to save my life. I really have no clue who I am.
So to make it short:
-I've ID-d as nb since I was 16
-Recently I've confronted my feelings on my gender and have been unhappy
-Sometimes I'll feel very dysphoric and like I'm in the wrong body
-But I still tell people I'm a girl and try to shove myself in a female-shaped box in hopes that it'll make me feel better
-ID-ing as genderfluid doesn't feel accurate anymore, but neither does anything that comes to mind
Has anyone gone through something similar? Am I just being dramatic?