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mtf how old were you when you began to transition?

Started by Shawnna, March 18, 2018, 06:21:34 PM

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Quote from: Alanna1990 on March 21, 2018, 02:46:22 PM
I envy you so much, I began 10 years later  :laugh:

it took the doctors 6 months to actually prescribe me the pills, when it finally happened I was 27.

Your 20s are still young enough to get excellent results from hrt. If it hadn't been for my dad I would probably have had to wait until age 18. He called many endos and gyns until he finally found a gyn willing to give a 17 year old hrt. She required a letter from 2 therapists, interviewed me, then my dad by himself. Then she had like 4 different documents he had to sign giving his consent. My dad wanted me to start hrt asap because he wanted my whole transition done as quick as possible. He had researched trans kids and read that the younger a trans kid starts blockers and hormones the better the result


Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018
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You're dad sounds like he ROCKS!! I hope you know how lucky you are to have a dad that went to those lengths for you. Something tells me you do though. Your post made my heart swell with happiness for you!

Finally started the process of becoming who I really am on the inside! 5/20/19


Quote from: Lexxi on May 22, 2019, 11:24:17 PM

You're dad sounds like he ROCKS!! I hope you know how lucky you are to have a dad that went to those lengths for you. Something tells me you do though. Your post made my heart swell with happiness for you!


Oh yes, I know how lucky I am to have him. He also paid for my SRS. I am surprised my dad has been so accepting and loving with me. He was a Marine and is now  a cop. He's a gym rat and pretty much your stereotypical masculine guy. But he never tried to force masculinity on me. I had such a tantrum when he tried to take me to get my hair cut that he just gave up when I was 6. He started cutting my hair himself. But he allowed me to keep it shoulder length. When it went past my shoulders he would cut it but he never cut it shorter than my shoulders. He let me wear gender neutral clothes in any colors I wanted and he even let me have both pink and purple sheets and bedspreads. When I was 12  I talked him into letting me wear mascara and eyebrow pencil. I told him I would look more normal if my lashes and brows had color. After he knew for sure I was trans he wanted me to transition and have the surgery as soon as it was possible. He said he wanted me to transition and have surgery while I was young so it was all behind me and done so it wouldn't be an issue when I got older.

I'm surprised my dad was and is so accepting. It's not that he isn't loving, he totally is, it's just that considering he's such a masculine guy and the fact my grandpa and uncle are so un accepting of LGBT people I'm just surprised my dad is so accepting. He was also very young when he raised Tyler and I. He was 17 when Tyler was born and 19 when I was born. But my dad and I have always been close. He considers me his child, not he and my mothers child so I think that has a lot to do with him accepting me so easily.  When I was born my mother was freaked out that I was albino. She considers it almost as a deformity actually. I found out fairly recently from my grandma that my mom wanted to put me up for adoption after I was born. But my dad told her that wasn't going to happen. So she told him it was up to him to take care of me then, and she absolutely meant it. It was my dad who fed me, changed me, bathed me and got up in the middle of the night to feed me. I have no memories of my mom doing anything for me growing up. I only remember my dad doing everything for Tyler and I both. Considering he was only 19 and had a 2 year old and an infant to take care of, he was and is a very good father. I would think someone that young wouldn't be very patient with with  a 2 year old and an infant but my dad was.  He never spanked or hit us and never did when we got older either. My mom once told me I was a very needy and clingy child. She said I always wanted to cuddle with my dad or be in his lap and she didn't know how he could not just push me away. He never did that but the very few times I ever tried to get in my mom's lap she did push me away or pick me up and put me on my dad's lap. I guess it doesn't matter why my dad has always been so loving and accepting with me. Whatever the reason I am very lucky to have him. I did ask him why he had been so accepting of me being such a fem child. He said he didn't know why I was so fem and so unlike my brother but that was just how I was and he knew nothing he did would change it. He said all trying to force masculinity on me would do was make me miserable and make me hate him and that he couldn't stand the thought of me being miserable and unhappy or me ever hating him.

Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018
    The following users thanked this post: Sarah B


12 but it was rough and took about 10 years to complete. Family was Furious for the longest time but eventually came around.


Every day is a totally awesome day
Every day provides opportunities and challenges
Every challenge leads to an opportunity
Every fear faced leads to one more strength
Every strength leads to greater success
Success leads to self esteem
Self Esteem leads to happiness.
Cherish every day.




77.5, I'm now almost 79;

Best Always, Love
Veteran - US Navy                                       Arborist, rigger, climber, sawyer
Trans Woman 13 Apr 18                               LEO (Cop)
Living as female - 7 years                             Pilot
Start HRT san's AA's 27 March 2018              Mechanic
Borchiday completed Friday 13 Apr 2018        Engineer Multi Discipline
IT Management Consultant                            Programmer
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Semi Retired                                                Still Enjoy Being a Kid, Refuse to Grow UP
Former Writer / Editor                                   Carpenter / Plumber / Electrician
Ex-Biker, Ex-Harley Driver                             Friend of a Coyote
Ex-Smoker 50 years and heading for 100

Sarah B

Hi Everyone

I was browsing Susan's and obviously I found this old thread, although I have mentioned before when I changed my life around, I will mention it here as well and a brief summary.  So without further ado:

  •   I change my life around in Feb 1989 I was 30 years old.
  •   Started HRT Mar 1989.
  •   Working and living as a female since Feb 1989
  •   I had SRS in Feb 1991

Words cannot describe how happy my life has been since Feb 1989.

Love and Hugs
Sarah B
Official Greeter
Be who you want to be.
Sarah's Story
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Gina P

For me 60! I had always considered I had time to transition at some point, latter.... 60 was an eye opener and I finally said, I just can't wait any longer if I wanted to enjoy what's left of my life. And I've never been happier!!!
    The following users thanked this post: Sarah B


I was 62 and finally, my life began.
My Life is Based on a True Story.,247442.0.html

Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything.
Maybe it's about un-becoming everything that isn't really you,
so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.

2017 - GD Diagnosis / 2019 - Full time / 2020 - HRT / 2022 - Legal Name Change /
2024 - Voice Training
  • skype:.?call
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