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Todays the day....

Started by Samantha_Marie, July 26, 2010, 12:58:29 PM

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I have my first session today at 5 pm, so in about 4 hours I'll be leaving my house. I'm super nervous but excited at the same time. I've already done a free consultation with her, and we discussed several things, she even said during the consultation she'll write a letter to the Dr I have an appointment with this wed that'll allow me to start hormones. So looks like I'll be leaving the meeting today with a letter, just really really scared.

I know I want to do this, I have to do this... but I'm so nervous because now I can't keep hiding it, I'll have to talk to my parents, my dad I'm not concerned about, him and I don't have much of a relationship as it is. Really scared how my little sister will take it, the two of us have always been super close, I even gave her my old My little Pony collection after my dad said I was to old to keep playing with barbies and other girl toys.

The worst part will be my girlfriend, she is so awesome in every way but she has NO idea about this side of me, all that she knows is I'm going to a counselor to try to find out whats going on with me. I feel super selfish not telling her, but I really need her support right now. I don't want to loose her but I don't know if she can handle something like this... She's half mexican half chinese and her ENTIRE family lives in this area and we see them every weekend. Her mother adores me, even her father approves of me so this will be very devastating to her and even them. We've been together over 10 months now and she keeps bringing up marriage. So will need help with how to best tell her here in a few weeks or a month or two at the most. The sooner the better for her but idk. Just not ready to loose her yet.

Anyways, wish me luck!


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'


So wow! How scary it was to sit face to face with someone and explore the woman I am meant to be.

It was really hard to answer when she asked what I'd rather be called, it was a, "This is it" moment. I was startled by how truly excited and giddy I was to answer yes if she asked if I preferred Samantha. Sure I've typed it out on here but this is the internet! To say it face to face with someone else I didn't know...

I'm so excited now, still very very nervous but it's really clicking in that I'm doing this, and the fact that I'll be ABLE to do this!! Money will be super tight, but I can make this work, I may not be able to get any ffs done, nothing more then to get my hairline fixed for a while so I can save up for srs, but I really want to do it. I always knew I did but for so long kept holding out that I'd magically wake up one day and just be happy as I am or having my body finally be right.

No longer, I'm in control of this, I was dealt a hand I didn't ask for but there is a solution for me! Super excited about wed, thats the day I meet my doctor!!



Wow Samantha, a huge step! congratulations girl!

You will look back in a year or two and be simply amazed at what has happened since then.

Well done!


Hey Samantha Marie, you just took a giant step. Keep strong and go for it girl