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Implant ovaries, Fallopian tube and uterus for transgender woman

Started by Smith, October 05, 2010, 11:08:56 AM

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Zebulon Virginia

Could anyone reccomend where/how to freeze sperm in Los Angeles area? (free or cheap, hopefully)


why on earth would anyone want to have that stuff installed? I cannot think of one reason.... tissue typing would also be a major problem not to mention the anti rejection drugs tha one would be one for life which would alos interfere with estrogens.


Quote from: lisanicholeb on December 11, 2010, 08:41:06 AM
why on earth would anyone want to have that stuff installed? I cannot think of one reason.... tissue typing would also be a major problem not to mention the anti rejection drugs tha one would be one for life which would alos interfere with estrogens.

Well, the goal is to function like a natal female, and I understand the desire to possess those organs. But I agree, I wouldn't want it transplanted from someone else. There are way too many complications with transplanted organs, as you mentioned.

Now if they found a way to make me grow them myself, or perhaps grew them from my own stem cells so that it was my own DNA, I might consider it.


A's Transition Journal
Last update: June 11th, 2012
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Quote from: VeronikaFTH on December 11, 2010, 11:30:03 AM
Well, the goal is to function like a natal female, and I understand the desire to possess those organs. But I agree, I wouldn't want it transplanted from someone else. There are way too many complications with transplanted organs, as you mentioned.

Now if they found a way to make me grow them myself, or perhaps grew them from my own stem cells so that it was my own DNA, I might consider it.

I'm a bit confused about the whole rejection of implanted organs thing.  Is it based purely on DNA?  I seem to recall something about using some kind of technique to destroy whatever it is in the transplant tissue that casues it to be perceived as a foreign invader, and then imbuing it woth your own characteristics so it can be transplanted without rejection.  I don't recall if it was just basic DNA, or if mitochondrial DNA matters (which I think you get from your mother or whomever carries you in their womb), but I thought it sounded pretty interesting.  I was just wondering if having our own organs cloned, but deprived of T during development to prevent musculinization, so it would have our own DNA, would be enough to avoid rejection, or if there is more to it.


I believe organ rejection is based on blood type, but I'm not sure.
A's Transition Journal
Last update: June 11th, 2012
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This morning, I was listening radio that nowadays, every candidate of mother could choice what would be the gender of her baby.  The doctor could make what the candidate of mother's wanted.
Is this some kind new hope or something or maybe has related to be possible to implant ovaries, uterus by changing the DNA? 
Be a real female and become a mother ( like any bio woman else) is my big dreaming as TG woman, don't you feel the same ladies?


Idk...but all i know is..i want to give birth in maybe 5 years to my husband or bf baby


Quote from: Smith on April 21, 2011, 01:05:14 AM
Be a real female and become a mother ( like any bio woman else) is my big dreaming as TG woman, don't you feel the same ladies?
and this is one of the things i just don't get...why is having children a 'goal' for so many people? maybe i'm weird but i don't see the point in reproduction from a utilitarian viewpoint -- i mean from an individualised perspective what benefit do you derive from having a kid? you got to put in lots of effort to bring up a kid (or otherwise it is socially regarded as 'bad parenting'), spend lots of money, sacrifice your own fun and privacy, and there is absolutely no guarantee of any financial reward (or companionship) after your kid grows up.
so i can only conclude that whatever desire to have kid (or the satisfaction or joy associated with parenting) is because of some biological instinct hardwired into human brains for the obvious purpose of facilitating reproduction. and the whole sad thing about reproduction is that it is the way of collective immortality -- immortality on a specie level, not individual. in fact it takes a toll on the individual far more than advantage in today's world.
if my theory is true there is no benefit in reproduction for any given individual.
rebut me!
I have a post-op recovery blog now...yeah!


Quote from: YellowDaisy on November 23, 2010, 12:59:38 PM
i don't think i could tell you one genetic female that enjoys having periods and pms.

I don't think any of us would *enjoy* having periods/pms but at the same time, we'd give anything to been born the way we feel we are.....and all the positive and negative that goes with it....including peroids/pms.

Quote from: milktea on April 21, 2011, 10:27:14 AM
and this is one of the things i just don't get...why is having children a 'goal' for so many people? maybe i'm weird but i don't see the point in reproduction from a utilitarian viewpoint -- i mean from an individualised perspective what benefit do you derive from having a kid? you got to put in lots of effort to bring up a kid (or otherwise it is socially regarded as 'bad parenting'), spend lots of money, sacrifice your own fun and privacy, and there is absolutely no guarantee of any financial reward (or companionship) after your kid grows up.

What you're talking about is difference in personality and desire. Yes having kids is a totally different way of life than that of those who never do. Some people want to and others just dont.



Quote from: milktea on April 21, 2011, 10:27:14 AM
and this is one of the things i just don't get...why is having children a 'goal' for so many people? maybe i'm weird but i don't see the point in reproduction from a utilitarian viewpoint -- i mean from an individualised perspective what benefit do you derive from having a kid? you got to put in lots of effort to bring up a kid (or otherwise it is socially regarded as 'bad parenting'), spend lots of money, sacrifice your own fun and privacy, and there is absolutely no guarantee of any financial reward (or companionship) after your kid grows up.
so i can only conclude that whatever desire to have kid (or the satisfaction or joy associated with parenting) is because of some biological instinct hardwired into human brains for the obvious purpose of facilitating reproduction. and the whole sad thing about reproduction is that it is the way of collective immortality -- immortality on a specie level, not individual. in fact it takes a toll on the individual far more than advantage in today's world.
if my theory is true there is no benefit in reproduction for any given individual.
rebut me!

Wow... well to start my 6 year old daughter is my best friend in the world. I have not sacrificed anything, I give it freely because I choose to. I still have privacy, money, and freedom... but I also have TRUE unconditional love. The child/ parent relationship is (my opinion) the only place one obtains true unconditional love. She is also a way for me and my philosophies to live on past my death.
Also, there have been studies done and people with children on average live longer then those with-out

Sorry but at the end of my life my daughter will be the only thing I will have left for this world and to me that is more then enough to make it worth my time and effort.





Quoteto have kid (or the satisfaction or joy associated with parenting) is because of some biological instinct hardwired into human brains for the obvious purpose of facilitating reproduction

Agreed. There seems to be MTFs with a desire to imitate a cis-women in every aspect, and in the process may miss the point of being female in the first place. Fact is many cis-women would rather be male for the dismay of having to conceived. Doctors would be quick to remove the urethra of women whenever they got the chance as an option to prevent cancer. Biological woman is not perfect, the presence of urethra is what prevent many women from hrt after menopause, as a result they cannot prevent aging due to atrophy of ovaries.

The concept of "complete" woman is misleading, its all the matter of mental prospective, one does not need to go through the physical process of child-bearing to feel "complete". To be free of the pain of child-bearing is a blessing, but some failed to appreciate it.

The fun of having a child, can more be translated into distraction of one's original lifestyle. As such one may have less time for oneself, or for one's love ones. But if one really desire a child to fulfill one's maternal nature, adaption is always an option.

As for the purpose of having a child other than maternal instinct [to love and care for someone], I think whatever that purpose may be, would be cruel as far as the child is concerned, as one would be using the child for something, to fulfill one's selfish objective.

If one is contented for having no purpose to have a child and still wants a child, it is recommended for adaption. To risk the health of one's body [like desire to have ovaries and urethal which are sources of cancer risk] in order to be able to conceive is not medically ethical.


agree that missjanealice has made some touching statements. but for pure academic discussion purposes, it seems very coincidental that all our emotions -- unconditional love for your kids, joy in seeing them grow and be happy, etc. -- serve the very effective purpose of propagation of your DNA in the human genome pool, not unlike any other animal or life forms.

so ya, your kid is what you leave to the world when you're gone. more exactly your kid is your effort in the proliferation of your dna to the world's biosphere. and perhaps, just perhaps, all our emotions are just brain circuit clockwork hardwired through ages of evolution to facilitate that.

but really, what benefit do i, as a separate sentient entity, get out of promoting my genes? it's the next best thing but nothing changes the fact that me and my kid are separate existences and we do not share a collective self-awareness. so although our emotional clockwork urges us to have kids, that urge is really only to benefit the specie as a whole and not on the individual.

it's almost 1am and i'm babbling. night...
I have a post-op recovery blog now...yeah!


Quotealthough our emotional clockwork urges us to have kids, that urge is really only to benefit the specie as a whole and not on the individual

In today's over populated society, the same emotional clockwork if not countered by birth-control effort, the effect of over population may drive human to the edge of starvation, and possibly war, which at this nuclear era will be level of total extinction of all species on earth.

Our genes are not that perfect to worth propagated, but then if our genes are perfect (eg. immortal), we have lesser need to pass it on, as we don't need offspring to replace us.

Having giving birth to a child is a gift, such a child certainly worth cherishing, it's nice feeling to know you finally have a son / daughter. It is something else when all these does not come by naturally, but is done at a high price in term of the body, mind and financial burden, as the resultant child could no longer be considered a gift [from nature].

Simply having the ability to bear offsprings does not solve society's problem, otherwise many under-developed countries which undergoes starvation would be better off. We are in need of the advancement of science, to cure all diseases, to bestow immortality so as to enable fullest quality of life, without the over-population problem that could inevitably result in wars due to fewer resources available to be distributed fairly. Due to over-population problem, even if science have the cure for old age, one can be sure that the cure would be kept in secret to few selected top government officials, or those with the money or those few who have the first knowledge of the cure. Facts: If human overcome the age barrier, the ability to propagate must cease, to halt population explosion.

As MTFs who gone through great length to achieve the seemingly impossible task of transition, such is the mark of exellence of the human spirit [which overcome the natural birth gender], but to entertain the narrow scope of propagating their own species,  they missed the further challenge against nature, such as old age, they unfortunately push their level to that of ordinary household women whose mindset is centered around family and kids.


To those who wish to have some ovaries cultivated from their DNA... I don't think that stuff is in our script. Male DNA is not meant to create functional female organs. And if we modify the DNA to create it... well, it's no longer ours, so our body won't recognize it anyway. Human body is very complex, and so is pregnancy.

An issue I also haven't seen on the tread is how our brain will interfere with it. Basically, the management of our reproductive system is done by the hypothalamus (a part of our brain), which then releases hormones so that the pituitary gland produces the hormones that are going to stimulate the testicles or the ovaries to do their job. However, considering how males and females are meant to function under very different hormone levels, I'm pretty sure that the hypothalamus is wired to react to male hormone levels. What this means is that even if you manage to get a fully compatible and functioning ovary, you're brain will have no idea of how to make it work! And that part means that unless you want to have a new brain part transplanted, your body will never be able to handle by itself such a delicate process as pregnancy. If we were to make this happen, we would have to manually control the levels of every hormones to a point that there wouldn't be much about it that would be "natural".

wheat thins are delicious

Quote from: tori319 on November 22, 2010, 11:43:53 PM
Do you know how many bio women lack some of these parts? Of course this is medically necessary. And what starts with bio women could be followed by by trans women.

It's not medically necessary that anyone reproduce. 



QuoteEvolution is considered successful when genes create bodies that get them passed on. So, creatures don't have have to be perfect; just good enough. The same applies to consciousness. It doesn't have to be perfect, and in fact, it isn't. There are tons of (what we would consider) shortcuts and blind spots in the human mind that occur naturally.

There is evolution because there is imperfection in which to be evolved and overcome. Whenever defects and diseases are evidence in our species, evolution must go on.  The thing with consciousness and mind, is that it is not subject to evolution, and as such they are the cause for our species to be freed from evolution, its just a matter of time and judging from the short time we arrived at this stage of knowledge achievement, it wouldn't be long before the evolution of our species is finally put to an end.


QuoteEvolution is a natural process. It doesn't have goals or intentions

That's why it takes billions of years for other beings to evolve aimlessly, and fraction of that for human to evolved into civilization. When mind take precedence over body, evolution ceases (the biological state no longer condition what we shall become). We are so close to it yet so far due to certain ignorance among us that resist advancement.

Quotesaying that evolution is trying to eliminate imperfection is like saying that the process of erosion is trying to turn a boulder into sand

Something that evolve don't go on forever, there is a point where it will ceased, the emergence of mind in biological beings is the mark of evolution, it certainly mark its end. Imperfection is the impetus for the species to evolve, when perfection is reached, the process ceases,  that is the level of mental evolution, but the biological evolution necessary precede it. Imperfection entails the biological adaptation, then the mental component, the more intelligent species will always dominate. Imperfection entails less mentally adept, that's necessitate mental evolution, but when intellectual status reached its peak, evolution of mind ceases. Intellectual is not equate knowledge gain, it is matter of mental culture and altitude. A sound mind with mature intellect and culture know itself and know others, it reinforce itself and in others its likeness, is resistance to degeneration (influence of those who degenerate mind to level of biological impetus), is resistance to change of its sound condition (due to evolution of itself)