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Intersex brain?

Started by Alex02, July 14, 2011, 01:01:30 PM

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Hey all, I'm new to Susan's Place.  I registered because I wonder, if my brain can be intersexual, even if my body seems to be not?

I hope I don't offend anyone with that (although I heard some intersexed people wouldn't like that idea...).

I'm somehow feeling intersexual, but my endocrinologist told me, I seem to be 100% female (XX chromosomes, hormones, etc). By the way, I am already 23 so it shouldn't be a symptom of puberty or else, and my behavior and traits have always been a strange mix of feminine and masculine.

I realized being transgender one and a half year ago, and since then am living as a female-to-male crossdresser, trying to be read as a boy (average chance of passing 50/50).

I'm queer in a rather funny way, as I am attracted to people on a wide range of the gender spectrum: From butch-lesbians to gay men and everything in between - but not to any straight non-transgender (somehow heterosexuality just absolutely turns me off...).

The crux of it is: Whatever person I'm attracted to - I feel to be the same gender as them!
That's easy with female gendered, because my body matches - but when it comes to male gendered or androgynes I get highly dysphoric about my body.
I get the feeling I miss a penis and sometimes I'm even having very vivid daydreams about feeling an erection and whatnot.

It's a hell lot of confusion, but I don't want to get any transgender medical treatment, for my feelings are ever changing and I greatly fear to injure my quite healthy body.
I tried different labels for myself – like quenderqueer or gender-fluid - but it just feels not quite right.

Recently I read and watched everything I find about intersexuality and hermaphrodites and got the impression to be familiar with it.

I know I should be glad to not have experienced such a hard live as many interexual people (both my parents and my doctor are cool with my behavior so far - guess, they just don't take me serious....).

But still... I find myself thinking: I'm sort of intersexual and why doesn't my body show it?

So, that's me and my questions.
Do you think I could call myself intersexual by brain?

And what the f*** can I do about it? Should I go to a regional intersex support group or would I offend them?

Thanks for reading my wall of text and looking forward to your answers :)
Greets, Alex

P.S.: Sorry, if any of my english is wrong, I'm german.

kate durcal

The brain has many sexual dimorphic areas or centers. This dimorphis has been shwo not only to be anatomical but also phisiological. Certain information flow pathways seem to be unique to each gender. Current research shows that nobody's brain is 100% male or female. So, the anwer to you question is yes; iyou may have people wtih  brains with an almost 50% mixture of male and female structures, and thus you may call them an intersex brain.


Right now, they can medically detect that you are intersex through chromosomes, sexual organs, dna, etc.

At the present time, they are currently conducting tests to see if there is a biological explanation behind transsexual thinking (they don't really label it as intersex).

There's some promising studies out there at the moment but nothing is yet conclusive enough to be warranted as gospel truth. But its getting there!


Thanks for your answers :)

I think I'm going to opt for a full-time masculine role soon, but without any medical treatment.
I'm positive the combination of female body and masculine role will fullfill the butch-lesbian inside me as well as the gay boy, too.




Im interesexed.

& my brain is wired in such a way as i do not think as a boy or a girl in the normal way. i did not see male & female as most do.
I can not seperate my self in to a thinking patten like most people,  as a male or female .

So if you join both to gether & think as one then youll understand where i come from.  it make no difference if your xy, xx, xxxx ,or any no of combos it makes no difference,  to me at all. & each of us is very different in many ways,

So enjoy who you are , dont let any one tell you different.

Hi. from New Zealand, Im a woman of difference & intersex who is living life to the full.   we have 3 grown up kids and 11 grand kid's 6 boy's & 5 girl's,
Jos and i are still friends and  is very happy with her new life with someone.