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Time Travel [Or all in the mind]

Started by Anatta, September 24, 2011, 04:06:16 PM

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Kia Ora,

::) Italian scientists believe  neutrinos,  travel faster than the speed of light  :icon_yikes: about 60 nanoseconds faster-give or take a few nanoseconds...

A British scientist believes with this new discovery[so long as it turns out to be correct] there a possibility that man could 'visit the past'...  ::) Interesting  ::) ...

::) I believe there are a few ways to look at time travel, for example as I write this I am in a sense in the future [according to clock [and sundial] time NZ]...Many of you are still experiencing my yesterday ...In fact you could say I'm sending this from your future...

::) Another way to look at time, is what I call 'mind-travel',  the average adult human has around 50 to 60 thousand 'thoughts' per day, the vast majority are either of the past or the future, very rarely do we 'visit home' the  'here and now'-the present moment...So in a sense we are constantly time/mind travelling...

::) So where are you all at when it comes to time or mind travel ?

Is time travel possible ?

If so, would this also mean there's no such thing as 'death' as we know it ?

Please use 'lay person's' terms to explain, we are not all scientists...

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:


My theory is that the neutrinos left Switzerland  ok but as soon as they passed under so called 'Padania' they decided to get out of there as fast as possible hence the anomaly. However aving had first hand experience of italian electrical goods for a couple of decades there could however however be a more simple explanation.

Time travel isn't possible imho, if it were there would be major problems with the existence we presently live in. But there is of course the possibility we are existing in an extremely advanced simulation. Research has shown this is far from impossible and it has been hypothesised it could be a probability.



You are always traveling in time, you are moving to the future. But that could just be relative...
If the universe is expanding at near light speed, then we are also, relative to nothing.
If the universe is always expanding then we should be, too. It's relative.....
You can't go back in time by travelling faster than light. By the time you slowed down, you would be right here again.
You can of course travel as you always do, into the future. That's a pretty good deal.


done a pair of bell bottoms, sandals, head band, a flower in the ear, puff some weed, and there you are woodstock 69, groovy man


Looks like it's all an error anyway. Unfortunately an italian government minister released a statement congratulating Italy on the achievement of having drilled a tunnel all the 700+ kilometres. Stupidity on an industrial scale!

Amazon D

Nothing is impossible

only improbably for the time being

get rid of the conception of time

and anything goes
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE



Consider 'Astral Projection' as taught by the Llamas of Tibet.



Quote from: Brandi Nash on September 25, 2011, 06:36:45 PM
Consider 'Astral Projection' as taught by the Llamas of Tibet.


Llamas are camel-like animal that live in the Andean mpuntains; Lamas are the title for high=ranking Tibetan Buddist priests :laugh:



Quote from: Jen61 on September 25, 2011, 07:09:40 PM
Llamas are camel-like animal that live in the Andean mpuntains; Lamas are the title for high=ranking Tibetan Buddist priests :laugh:

I think it would be exciting to meet an enlightened llama.
"The cake is a lie."


I think it would be exciting to meet an enlightened llama.

Might be hard to find one, they tend to be the scalawags of the animal kingdom, they hang out in bars, date strippers and illegally download music from the internet.  At least all the ones I know.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


What if Santa Claus had flying Llamas instead of Reindeer? Would his mileage and travel time improve? It works for me and I time travel all the time

Llamas are so cute
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


The Vulcan Science Academy (And the Chinese) has postulated that Time Travel is impossible.

I do have a flux capacitor tho! I just need a DeLorean.

But in all seriousness, I cannot confirm or deny time travel. Who am I to say it can't be done or has not been done?


I went to the future yesterday, and it ain't anything to write home about.

Time keeps slippin', slippin', slippin' into the future...

Out of the darkness, into the light.
Following my bliss.
I am complete...


I decided the other day that if time travel were possible, the moment one went into the past, a separate time stream will split out of the one that person came from, and the changes that person (or that person's mere existence in the wrong time) made would not 'alter the future' so much as it would just create an alternate future completely separate from the one the person came from.

Either that, or the universe will do the metaphysical equivalent of dividing by zero.


The key is to time travel while you're asleep, and don't forget to wear a cute hat while riding your time travel Llama
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


We're all time traveling right now, we're just moving in the same direction at the same speed as one another.  ;D

Satellites, not so much. They move through time 38 microseconds faster than the rest of us due to both their speed and greater distance from a massive gravitational object and their clocks have to constantly be reset to compensate for this.

Moving faster (or slower) forward in time is easy, it's changing direction that is the hard part.


Of course it is possible. I have sat in meetings that lasted 30 mins that easily took 3 hours. I come out of the meeting thinking the day had gone and NO. I had gone back in time.



Most if not all of us here have experienced time travel albeit to an infinitesimal degree. It occurs every time one flies on an airliner. Fact, please correct me if I'm wrong.


Time travel is impossible cause time does not actually exist. Time is just a concept we invented to help understand and measure change in the world along with being able to make appointments and know when the shops are open  :P

Moving through timezones =/= Time-travel. Just because one country says it is 6pm and another country says it is 7pm and you cross the border does not mean you have committed some awesome magical action. It means you crossed an imaginary line.


The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M