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Benjamin Fulford's world truths

Started by Amazon D, August 05, 2012, 03:02:22 PM

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Amazon D

I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE


Amazon D

His speech tells about how the many crooks / bankers who are now getting arrested is coming true. He also talks about how the asian nations are tired of listening to the untied nations and not having the same equal power that the EU and the USA have. This is really eye opening. Its great because what he speaks about is happening. He speaks about how banks can no longer make fake money with the click of their mouse on their computers. I love how simple he explains this. He also talks about the crazies who want to eliminate 90% of the worlds population and enslave the rest. He speaks how the asian societies are getting sick and tired of the elite bankers and rothchilds etc etc He talks about how he is being protected by the asian societies because he has broadcast the truths.
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE


Amazon D

Benjamin Fulford February 20, 2012 - A March 31 Deadline By The Gnostic "Illuminati" Faction

  here he talks about how certain countries won't pay back the banks due to them being illegal. Also prince Harry will take over for the queen. All money that was faked /  created by illegal banks,  will be deleted.  people in the vatican will not be saved from arrest. The pentagon has agreed to a purge of the bankers. They will also take down the AMA ADA etc etc and eventually, Bush, wolfowitz and rumsfeld etc etc will be arrested.
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE


Amazon D

I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE



Number of billioners in the USA ~400; in China ~ 100; hummm....

Amazon D

I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE


Amazon D

I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE



One fact is certain; anyone who dares to tell the truth or go against the pevailing paradym will be targeted.
Be who you are.
Make a difference by being a difference.   :)



I hate this world. So very very much.

Amazon D

It isn't the world it is satan who gets into peoples minds and distorts them. Hate satan and don't let him get into your mind.. hugs D :)
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE


Amazon D

Video explanation of the golden age coming + St germaine

Change is on the Horizon Part 1 of 3 Dawn of the Golden Age - YouTube part 1
Change is on the Horizon Part 1 of 3 Dawn of the Golden Age

Change is on the Horizon Part 2 of 3 The American Federal Empire - YouTube part 2
Change is on the Horizon Part 2 of 3 The American Federal Empire

Change is on the Horizon Part 3 of 3 The Farmer Claims Program - YouTube part 3
Change is on the Horizon Part 3 of 3 The Farmer Claims Program
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE


Amazon D

Dominoes Are Falling Down part 1/4
Hey Folks,

Taking August off was awesome! I'm a bit more refreshed, and recharged. Time for an update.

Everyone here has heard the doom and gloom, Banks becoming preppers, Govt purchasing more Ammo through weird agencies like the NOAA, and Banksters doing 180's like Sandy Weill (Call him the Lucky Luciano of Finance!), to Carrier's stationing off of Iran, more civil liberties being trashed, etc.

Let me tell you what I think is important.

We just had the coming out party of the Rebellion of the Rest.

The Non-Aligned Nations (The Rebel Alliance of the Rest) have finally emerged from obscurity. The Western Lamestream media, is finally, bitterly attacking them. And you know whenever that happens, that's your FIRST indication of legitimization. Check it out.

Welcome NAM.

The Non Aligned Movement

The NAM Summit, Iran, and Syria: A Coup against the West?

The upcoming summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) will be held in Tehran from August 26 to 31, 2012. The NAM and its summit are mostly ignored in the Atlanticist world of the United States and NATO, but this year's gathering has gotten the attention of the Atlanticists and their press. The reason is that the NAM summit's venue has upset the political establishment in Washington, DC.

Why exactly has NAM, the counterweight to the UN, ruffled the West?

Because the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, who is the USA's selected steward of the UN, is in attendance. As Al Jazeera shows here.

It's not the Iranian agenda that ruffles the Western Empire. It's because the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki Moon's attendance, is an implicit statement that the UN must acknowledge the legitimacy of NAM. NAM is the counterweight to the United Nations. Ban Ki-Moon's attendance means the UN is no longer the sole legitimate arbiter to handle global affairs. This undermines the Western Financial Empire's political mechanism for Global Control.

We've come to The Tipping Point, the biggest one post WW2, and the biggest since the start of the Age of Colonization/European Exploration, from 500 years ago.

A.) The Non-Aligned Movement now balances the United Nations.
B.) SCO, the Shanghai Coorperative Organization, counters NATO.
C.) And the BRICS counter the G6

Check out the contrast in statements from the Western Media and everybody else. Here's an example from the Huffington Post.

Has NAM Become a Sham?

And then from the Korea Herald
In Tehran, NAM gets a new lease on life

And, this is completely connected to the Global Collateral Accounts situation with Neil Keenan, check out the Global Research article on NAM. The relevant quote is here:

Yugoslavian President Josip Broz Tito, Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, and Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser were the three main forces behind the organization's creation. Kwame Nkrumah, the Marxist pan-African leader of Ghana, and Ahmed Sukarno, the leader of Indonesia, would also put their weight behind the NAM and join Tito, Nehru, and Nasser.

Notice Indonesia's leader, Sukarno (Dutch spelling is Soekarno) of Neil Keenan's Collateral Accounts? I feel that Sukarno's ghost is guiding the Final Freedom of the World. We are finally at the tipping point of the complete end of the Age of Colonization.

What's left now is to free our White Brothers and Sisters from the Western Financial Empire.

It's time for y'all to join the PARTY!

Course, no positive action goes unanswered. Expect an equally negative reaction from the opposition. For starters, we have a third US Naval Aircraft Carrier heading to the Gulf off of Iran. We know what they're trying to do. And I'm not worried about that...

Continued in Part 2/4
"You think you can just escape? Walk out of this world like it's some bad movie? It's too easy to make like a bird. To flap your wings as you chicken out after causing all these problems. The tough part's walking. Taking what comes along and walking right through it. That's what real people do."- Eikichi Onizuka, GTO


Now writing in the geo-political/world financial crisis column for the DNA Newsletter.

Dominoes Are Falling Down part 2/4
Contd. from Part 1

Because they're out of time. We're talkin 3 months left. The indicators that they're out of time is everyone is strapping down the ships for the worst financial storm of all time.

Startling Evidence That Central Banks And Wall Street Insiders Are Rapidly Preparing For Something BIG

So, here's the question to ask, since I've been seeing this for at least 7 years. Why are they acting now? Let's dissect this.

The first item concerns massive gold purchases by Soros and others because they're alarmed. I'm calling bull$hit on that one. More like they've been buying gold quietly, and now they're doing some PR to get the rest of the herd in, and then they'll dump. Classic pump and dump scheme.

The 2nd one is also classic hide the dump, pump the chumps. But most retail investors left stocks for some time. The only players are Central Banks and Big Banks. It's a game of musical chairs now.

The 3rd item I consider irrelevant. Because those same employees of the government, need to get a paycheck. No paycheck, no work. And the situation is becoming no paycheck.

Here's what's relevant. I've been waiting for more confirmation of Drake, and while I started getting excited early on, I think we're either being played for fools, or the lamestream media is covering up as much as possible.

Cover up or not? You decide.

Lamestream says no arrests:

Too Big To Jail: Wall Street Executives Unlikely To Face Criminal Charges, Source Says

Alternative Media says yes:

The lawsuits for the LIBOR scandal are piling up. Lawsuits Surge in Libor Rate Scandal

Former UBS Traders Offered Deal in Libor Investigation

I'm leaning towards there won't be publicizing of it, but we won't really know till the last minute. That's actually fine by me, because remember my original thesis is that for the system to clear up, and for the cabal to get taken down, Derivatives, all 1 Quadrillion of em have to be wiped out. In case you forgot, head to the beginning of this thread for my thesis on the Asian Dragon Family Chess Match.

I think it's more interesting this way too.

And now the good stuff. Dominoes! No, not the pizza. That's crappy pizza by the way.

1.) Domino one is falling! Everyone should've already seen this one.

US Companies Brace for an Exit From the Euro by Greece

That'll nail CDS's of the primary dealers. Every primary dealer of US Treasuries is now screwed.

Compare that to list of banks who are in the Fly by Night Clearing Houses that I analyzed here:

CMEClearingEurope Vacating Commodities Exchange Analysis pt 1

The primary dealers are sacked by lawsuits regarding LIBOR, and the Euro instigated Derivatives collapse. Now y'all understand why I emphasized Derivatives so much?

Cause nuthin hurts more than getting butt raped by your own Frankenstein.

Contd in part 3/4
"You think you can just escape? Walk out of this world like it's some bad movie? It's too easy to make like a bird. To flap your wings as you chicken out after causing all these problems. The tough part's walking. Taking what comes along and walking right through it. That's what real people do."- Eikichi Onizuka, GTO


Now writing in the geo-political/world financial crisis column for the DNA Newsletter.

Dominoes Are Falling Down part 3/4
Contd from pt 2

Which brings me to Domino 2 - Fall of the Big Banks, starting with JP Morgan.

Expect headlines from the rest of the Primary Dealers indicating the scale of their Derivatives losses. And they're getting triply sacked because US Treasuries are a net negative investment. Oh, and no one is going to get bailed out this time around.

You need Treasuries sales to fund money to do bail outs. That requires cash, which is the big reason why Ben Bernanke is about to do QE3 next week.

And the best part is they have to issue Zero Percent Interest Rate money. How do banks make their money? On interest. So if they get Zero Percent interest rate money, with interest rates already practically zero, um, anyone want to guess how they can even pay their operational expenses?

That's right. Sell everything, which nails Derivatives in every way shape and form. That's like selling the support beams that hold your house up to save your house. Hilarious! It's incredible how screwed these guys have screwed themselves.

That's hyperinflation with super price deflation. We're not in deflation yet. Gold was the clearest indication of this when it shot up about a hundred bucks over 2-3 days this past week. I've been watching gold and silver since 2004, and even I was amazed at that kind of leap! Course, right now this is tricky cause on one hand you've got Soros, cabal, and the Fed pumping, which means somebody's gonna start dumping!

My recommendation? Stay away from gold, this is getting ridiculous now. Silver's still a better value anyway. Plus with silver is the more silver that gets scooped up, the faster JP Morgan goes under from their naked silver shorts. You got an axe to grind with JP Morgan? Buy some silver, it's like handing them a death by a thousand cuts.

On to Domino 3 - Treasuries, and JP Morgan.

The only reason Treasury interest rates are so low is cause of JP Morgan's Interest Rate Swaps that prop the Treasuries. Everyone's buzzing about China selling and not buying, Russia selling, Japan possibly being the new net buyer. The Asians, with the exception of Japan, have executed their role brilliantly. Once again, JP Morgan comes into play as the counter piece. I would say that JP Morgan and some of the other Cabal Banks, are the Queen of this Chess Match.

Why the Senate Won't Touch Jamie Dimon: JPM Derivatives Prop Up U.S. Debt

Interest rate swaps are now over 80 percent of the massive derivatives market, and JPMorgan holds about $57.5 trillion of them. Without the protective JPMorgan swaps, interest rates on U.S. debt could follow those of Greece and climb to 30%. CEO Dimon could, then, indeed be "the guy in charge": he could be controlling the lever propping up the whole U.S. financial system.

Do the math. JP Morgan got nailed with over 9 billion in Derivatives Losses,

Which means in reality it's more like 10 to 12 billion. Their net income is 18 billion. Knock off 10 billion right there. Factor on top of that even more losses with a Greek Exit. That could go, who knows, at least another 5-10 billion, since a lot of em are CDS's, not just IRS's. That alone wipes out JP Morgan. Let's go ahead and kick a dead horse. JP Morgan has a massive silver naked short position (which is fraudulent) that depends on a low silver price. Fine. Pick up a few and dig your toe into the carcass while you're at it.

Domino 4 -Rebellion of the Rest (NAM) Solidify the Checkmate

China, Russia sound alarm on world economy at APEC summit

Asia and Russia are now consolidating their alliance, which buffers about half of the world from the impending collapse of the Western Financial Imperium. That's self explanatory. Everyone's moved away from the Dollar and the Euro. That's Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

And now we get to mega domino number 5
"You think you can just escape? Walk out of this world like it's some bad movie? It's too easy to make like a bird. To flap your wings as you chicken out after causing all these problems. The tough part's walking. Taking what comes along and walking right through it. That's what real people do."- Eikichi Onizuka, GTO


Now writing in the geo-political/world financial crisis column for the DNA Newsletter.

Dominoes Are Falling Down part 4/4
Contd. from pt 3

Domino 5 - The Rest of Europe's Financial Oligarchs get kicked in the can

This is the best one of em all, and it's how we know that the game is OVER.

Suddenly, Nobody In Europe Wants The ECB Bailout

Here's the money statement. No pun intended.

There is a further uncertainty about the survival of the euro zone, which the Central Bank is mandated to defend. Once the Central Bank loads up further on Spanish and Italian bonds — it has already bought more than 200 billion euros ($256 billion) of European bonds, including 50 billion euros ($64 billion) from Greece — it will find it very difficult to stop its bond buying even if countries do not keep to their promises of reform. To do so would be a form of suicide, because it could set off market panic and force countries to exit the euro, beginning a process with no clear end.

Basically, the ECB is doing to Europe, what the Fed is now forced to do here with QE3. This is the European Central Bank's version of QE3. Do y'all need for me to explain what happens next, or can I assume y'all have been astute and reading my analysis and can figure out what happens to the Euro? The word begins with the letter H. Hint Hint.

My next update will detail what I think is gonna happen in the next three months. We'll see how good I truly am at this stuff. Man! That was NICE taking August off! Let me tell you, it's such a world of difference to pretend to be ignorant of what's going on around the world, and just enjoy the prospects of a new relationship, indulge in some adventures, and build things.

I should do that more often.

Bring back the POPCORN!!!!

All Da Best!
Da Asian Brutha
"You think you can just escape? Walk out of this world like it's some bad movie? It's too easy to make like a bird. To flap your wings as you chicken out after causing all these problems. The tough part's walking. Taking what comes along and walking right through it. That's what real people do."- Eikichi Onizuka, GTO


Now writing in the geo-political/world financial crisis column for the DNA Newsletter.
Two more nails in the coffin of the Cabal

Maybe I should have delayed that update by a few days.

This $#it just came out. From a LEGAL website.


This page links to the court dockets. The plaintiff is the FDIC. This is huge.

To give you some historical background, the FDIC is a Government insurance agency that makes sure that people's deposits are covered in case a bank goes down. Here's the problem. In the last 4 years, the FDIC had to save several hundred banks due to the financial crisis. The FDIC's operating budget is taxpayer based, and it's limited. And they've blown billions rescuing a ton of banks since 2008.

They're at the end of their rope. The most important of the defendants in the three dockets are JP Morgan, once again, and Goldman Sachs, both of whom violated Texas Securities act of 1933.

That makes this a Quadruple whammy against the Cabal.

1.) LIBOR lawsuit for violation of RICO statute laws against racketeering
2.) FDIC lawsuit for violation of Texas Securities act against fraud and deception
3.) Derivatives losses due to Europe
4.) Treasuries as a net negative investment. Burns cash.

Here's the next big one, and the biggest indicator of all, that the Cabal is done. This also just came out.

$648 Trillion Derivatives Market Faces New Collateral Concentration Risks

In a sad case of deja vu all over again, the over-reliance on 'shaky' collateral and concentration of risk is building once more - this time in the $648 trillion derivatives market. New Clearing House rules (a la Dodd-Frank) mean derivatives counterparties are required to pledge high quality collateral with the clearing houses (or exchanges) in a more formalized manner to cover potential losses. However, the safety bid combined with Central Banks monetization of every sovereign risk asset onto their balance sheet has reduced the amount of quality collateral available; this scarcity of quality collateral creates liquidity problems. The dealers, ever willing to create fee-based business, have created a repo-like program to meet the needs of the desperate derivative counterparties - to enable them to transform lower-quality collateral into high quality collateral - which can then be posted to the clearing house or exchange.

Remember my little investigation into those Fly by night operation Clearing Houses?

What the article is saying is that derivatives dealers have to put some skin in the game. It's like this. You went to Vegas, and you bet on the table. Well, you didn't have cash on you, just a bunch of notes that said, "I owe you dough". So, the dealer (the Clearing House), says you gotta show some skin to play, so you brought in the title to your car. Now, you say that your car is worth 25,000 dollars, which is the price you paid for it brand new. Well, everyone knows that the moment your car leaves the lot, the fair value of it always drops by 25%. On top of that, you've got 100,000 miles on it, so really, that car is only worth 5 grand. But, you put it's value at 25,000. On top of that, you car is only worth whatever a buyer pays for it in the open market. Which could be 3 grand! And that's IF you can find a buyer!

They're using crap, and valuing it unrealistically as collateral to back up their bet. And only a fly by night operation of the Derivatives Clearing House would accept it.

This is a clear indication that the Derivatives bubble is in full on bust mode, because only an idiot would accept this $#!t kind of collateral to make their bets. It's a desperate measure. And, it won't work. Cause really, what kind of collateral will these nuts use? That's right, junk bonds, sovereign bonds (Greek especially! Ahahahaha!) and real estate. Um, anybody check to see how well real estate and bonds have been doing lately?

Yeah, like super crappy.

These guys are unbelievably screwed, and they know it too. Oh man, when you read stuff like this, you know that they know, that they're totally F--ked.

And man, am I happy to see that! Ahahaha!

Just Three Months to Go B!tche$!!
And then it's time to PARTY!!

All Da Best,
Da Asian Brutha
"You think you can just escape? Walk out of this world like it's some bad movie? It's too easy to make like a bird. To flap your wings as you chicken out after causing all these problems. The tough part's walking. Taking what comes along and walking right through it. That's what real people do."- Eikichi Onizuka, GTO


Now writing in the geo-political/world financial crisis column for the DNA Newsletter.
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE



Quote from: Amazon D on August 05, 2012, 03:17:46 PM
He also talks about the crazies who want to eliminate 90% of the worlds population and enslave the rest. He speaks how the asian societies are getting sick and tired of the elite bankers and rothchilds etc etc He talks about how he is being protected by the asian societies because he has broadcast the truths.


Have you read UN Agenda 21? From my understanding of it,part of this may be included in that. (I have read quite a bit of it but of course it's in legal terms,so not being a lawyer some of it is very hard to grasp ) I do also know about the Georgia guide stones. I am not sure how this is all working together yet.

My nephew in the Marines is on a ship somewhere in the Pacific whereabouts unknown.
Answers are easy. It's asking the right questions which is hard.

Be positive in the fact that there is always one person in a worse situation then you.

The Fourth Doctor