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Birth of the Devil II

Started by Alicia, October 27, 2005, 02:13:55 PM

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Birth of the Devil[/i][/u]
II Down a Bloody Path [/i]

Chapter 1[/i]

As the Airship flies towards land over the cold ocean. The Devil still clinging to the ship covered in snow..awaiting the ship's arrival. The ship accents toward a nearby airport and lets it's landing gear out. As soon as the ship is above land, Shiva lets go of her grip and swings rapidly at the ship as she flies away from it. The blade hits one of the Gas caps and sparks from the blade hitting the metal sets the open gas whole ablaze. Shiva hits the ground and rolls scraping and wounds form from the force and speed >-bleeped-< hit. The Airship's wheels touch the ground as it is on fire and cannot keep balance. The side door could be seen as it opens slowly. Before it could open enough for someone to escape the ship explodes. Smoke, fire, scrap metal flies everywhere. Alarms sound all around the airport as it begins to go on lock-down. Fire Fighter's rush to the ball of flames and begin in attempt to put it out. Police arrive at the scene and search the perimeter. One of them finds Shiva's body lying on the ground bleeding from her side and arm. Her legs bare from her the flames. Her only clothing that remain are her black top with her sleeves burnt away and very little legging from her pants.

Officer Jacob: *puts his fingers on her pulse area and notices she is still alive.* I got a pulse, get a med team here stat! *He yells as he continues to take her Pulse and check for serious wounds.*

Shiva: *Is discomforted by all the noise around and starts to sit up. The officer tries to keep her down on the ground but she sways him away. The officer backs off and Shiva begins to stand as she grips her scythe as a crutch*

Officer Jacob: You need to stay still! You are injured! *he stands up and notices the discomforting look on her face..seeing her ears twitch back and forth * What are you?

Shiva: *Her ears point in his general direction and she swings her scythe killing the officer. She begins to walk forward where most of the sound is coming from. She hears the fire fighters yelling and begins to run at them. She quickly slays one with a swift upward slice. The others see her kill their comrade and aim the hose at her. Shiva hears the shift in movement and quickly jumps up and kills the holder of the hose with a quick downward slash. She continues on her killing spree down the airport path, heading towards the towers.*

All seems loss as the Devil unleashes her Rampage. Countless people begin to die, no where to run, no where to hide...the Devil's wrath will take your life....

Chapter 2[/i]
Begging a demon...

The year is 4120...A world that has truly progressed in technology and life. In a world so advanced some still yearn for the old days. They live primitively within their area. This area has become it's own independent continent. A demon wonders this continent in search for an Honorable death..and has yet to find it.....

Mina: *as she walks with bandages for clothing and tight white pants, her Giant sword swings from side to side on her back as she holds it with one hand. Her long black hair flows in the breeze as she stares blankly in the distance. She stops on a cliff top and a small town is in view. As she walks towards the small town she continue to repeat the same lines to herself over and over again.* "I live to kill, I kill to die...I live to kill, I kill to die...why won't I die..*She grips her sword's handle tightly* Is there no challenge at all?! Is the world all to week?!"

The sun hits high noon as she reaches the town and goes into a nearby inn. The Innkeeper is startled to see such a warrior. The Cold expression in her eyes strikes fear down his spine. He stutters to her and begins to point to the sign in sheet and begins to talk about fee's.

Mina: *Her expression never changes as she takes a pen and where it says name she writes: "Nanashi" and leaves money to cover two nights. She never acknowledges the Innkeeper. She takes a key as she walks up to find her room.*

The Innkeeper is very pleased to have been paid so much. He begins to examine the money and finds that they are stained with blood. Out of panic, he calls the police. When he hangs up the phone he notices blood on his fingers from the money. He begins to panic at the site of blood and runs into the bathroom to wash his hands.

About 30 minutes after the Innkeeper phoned the police they arrived and begin to question him.

Policeman1: You said she had a weapon? What kind was it? Does she look dangerous? What is her name?

Innkeeper: *begins to rub his hands together nervously* She had a huge sword and she held it with one hand behind her back. Her name is on the Inn sign up..o-over there *he stutters as he points his finger at the clipboard on the counter* She never looked at me directly..

The second officer picks up the clipboard and begins to skim it for the most recent name. He lets his hand down and says with a serious tone. "Nanashi means no name in Japanese...."

Policeman1: I'm going up to see what's up. Stay here and you may want to radio back up. *he says as he begins up the stairs. As he gets to the top of the stairs both radios go off*

Radio: H–shhh–help! We hav–have some... thing killing everything–shhhhhh–some—help—plea–send---- Northern shor–airport! Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*the radio signal goes dead*

Both officer's look at each other in shock.

Policeman2: Maybe we should go? It could be a terrorist attack..

Policemen1: Did you hear it? Said some "thing" not multiple people *leans against the wall on the stairwell as he looks at his fellow officer* we should radio the station and see if they got that and wait for further orders..

Mina: *walks up behind the officer on the stairs* take me to this thing. *she says as she gives a blank stare forward.*

Policeman1: The Nanashi!! *the officer yelps as he is startled by the warrior*

Policeman2: hahahaha, I know who you are, You're Mina Nanashi, the wandering Demon are you not?

Mina: Who I am or what I am called is of no concern to me. I live to kill and I kill to die..take me to this thing.

Policeman2: heh, it's gonna cost you. You know afterwards we have to turn you in for all the murders you have committed.*he says with a cocky smirk and chuckle*

Mina: *lifts her sword from behind her and swings it and kills the first officer. Blood splatters everywhere. Most of it on her right arm, waste, and face.* If you value YOUR life, I would suggest taking me there now. I do not want my time to be wasted. *She gently takes the sword from the wall and puts it back behind her as blood drips from the blade and onto her shoulder.*

Policeman2: uh..yes Mam...*he stutters as he shakes in fear*

The sun begins to set in the southern continent and rises on the northern. Mina stands on the front of the speed boat the rushes towards the shore of the Northern Continent. Never moving or showing emotion she waits for shore. As the blood drys on her face she smirks with excitement repeating the words...

Chapter 3[/i]
I live to kill, I kill to die......

As the boat nears shore, flames and the distinct smell of blood fills the air. The boat stops just about shore and the officer looks at Mina signaling that this is as far as he goes. She nods and looks forward. She takes he mighty blade from her shoulder and holds it behind her to the side. She Hurls the huge blade as if it were a throwing knife. She Jumps instantly and lands on her sword as it spins. As it spins she runs on the blade and with timing she steps on the blade as it flies forward. She is carried to shore by her own sword and when above land she pushes the blade with one foot and it flips around as she grabs the handle of the blade and lands on the ground.

Mina: *looking around for the most actions and seems to find nothing at this airport* heh, I know it's here..but where? *lifts her sword up straight into the air and swings it downward and hits the ground with mighty force and a huge shockwave tears up the ground*

Shiva: *jumps and rushes Mina with swift and quick attacks*

Mina hits the scythe back and forth blocking most swings by Shiva. When recovering from a block Shiva takes advantage of it and goes for a left slash. Mina Jumps over and backwards to avoid it and they are both at standing still.

Mina: Well, you're no weakling I'll give you that. Heh, I think I may actually enjoy this. There is only room for one powerful being in this world though, so one of us will die..

Shiva: ....blood...*smiles* you...are....the..[/i]

Mina: So you talk. *smirks* If you must know, my eye color is white. Now no more talk..fight me now or I kill you where you stand.

Shiva: *slowly brings her scythe's grip to her hand*

Mina: *Begins to run very quickly with her sword held behind her.*

Shiva:*Hears the massive movement of Mina and Jumps into the air*

Mina: *Jumps as Shiva does and Rams her to the ground*

Shiva hits the ground and tumbles a bit as Mina lands on her feet and continues to run towards Shiva and swings her mighty blade where Shiva. Shiva jumps out of the way at the last minute and lands on a plane's wing.

Mina: Why do you run, do you fear me? Fight me now!

Shiva: *holds her side as her wound from when she was found, has re-opened. Blood runs down her side and her hand is covered in blood.* heh...*grabs her wound and quickly swings her hand out and blood sprays as a screen to block the sight of her from Mina.*

Mina: *Just stands there as the blood hits her face and chest. As the blood splatter's on her she swings her blade upward. Shiva blocks the swing and it sent flying*

Shiva: *lands behind Mina and smacks the ground as she coughs up blood*

Mina: Your wasting my time now. I will just kill you now.

Mina turns around and begins to walk towards Shiva, who on the ground curls up in pain. Time seemed to slow down as a shot was fired from a gun. Mina hears the shot and moves to the side quickly as the bullet hits her left shoulder. Mina screams in pain and she runs to Shiva. She picks her up and begins to run for cover. Mina runs with Shiva in her wounded arm and runs with her blade behind her back.

The Army scouts the area and finds no trace of Mina or Shiva. Devil's of two worlds disappear without a trace. No blood, no evidence of their beings. All that is left of them is the destruction they caused. Deep within the darkness the words of someone could be heard.

"I live to kill, I kill to die..will I ever be at peace...."