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Three Months and I'm Developing!!!

Started by gina_taylor, May 27, 2005, 02:02:59 PM

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QuoteI am seeing a psychologist who has decades of experience with GID.  There's no way she'd ever tell me I was a TS

Many would.  On my very first visit to the psychiatrist who placed me on HRT and has gone far beyond her obligations to me since.  We talked for a while.  She asked me some very hard and disturbing questions I really did not want to answer, then she talked to me about commitment and if I could see it through to the end regardless of what it would take or the possible harm it could do to my life in personal matters, I told her I could do nothing else regardless.

I had been referred to this psych by my psychologist because of her exerience and knowledge in dealing with Transsexuals with chronic illnesses that were not generally acceptable as HRT patients.  It was to be up to her to do her own diagnoses of me, determine if in her own opinion I was a truely full blown Transsexual who actually had to transition to live a normal life in a normal manner.

Before leaving that appointment with her, she told me straight out that she would be hard on me because of the life risk I would be taking in order to begin estrogen, and that if she in anyway felt I were anything other then Transsexual she would note on that and I'd never see estrogen.  She was very clear on that.

This was through my insurance on Kaiser Permanente and this particular psych was the head of thier Transsexual program in the Bay Area.  She is also Chief of Psychiatry in Redwood City and ChairWoman of the Board of Psychiatry for the Bay Area.  She told me that if she believed I were truely Transsexual and actually willing and wanting to go all the way she would be behind me all the way, but if I weren't she wouldn't deal with me as she treated only Transsexuals and did not have time to waste on prople who could be helped in Standard therapy.

Anyway, she was absolutely clear about it.  She would determine from 17 years of dealing with the transsexual element if I was TS or not and slam the door on my rosy lilly white if I weren't.  This was an important program to her and she truely believes in the needs of the most critically affected people.

Trust me, the ones who deal in the field of Transsexual treatment as a specialty absolutely will tell you if you are or simply someone who needs help of a different nature.  Those that will give you a few interviews and slap a script on you are not at all the same as an experienced specialist.


Your post was fine Gracie, like you noted, I was just responding to the idea that a qualified psych would not tell you what they thought of your condition.  You are totally right that they would not do so at the start of therapy with you and that it is through this therapy that you come to terms with yourself about what you are and are not.

I tend to lean a little or more on topics of therapy and transition and most often am not actually trying to dismantle a particular post but particular ideas which many have come to believe as gospel which are many times wrong.

Often enough those just starting on thier own journeys spend time on  many boards and circles which emphasise that if any therapyst that doesn't get right to the trans issue and qualifies you and writes you scripts for hormones then one should leave and find a new psych, but like you seem to agree, it is a time consuming process to make such a justification before granting hormones which could litterally ruin the life of a person that has simply misread other causes for persuing feminine life and body.

I feel it is important to understand that many of the so called specialists do make oppinions about thier patients and don't write scripts unless it "feels right" to them.  It would be irresponsible to do otherwise.  I just like to keep issues straight, it's not that i'm disagreeing with all areas of a post, just ideas I see displayed at times that reinforce expectations of those who are new to all this and don't always get both sides of a story.

There was nothing wrong with anything you said and I'm truely sorry if I misunderstood how you ment that phraise.  I can be prone to that as I am one of those that are basically insomnic and I'm not always clear minded enough to sort things out in what I read as clearly as I should in the context of how and why it is written, I sometimes only see the direct verbal connection.  It's one of the things I work on, but as an entirety I liked your post and had nothing against it other then a statement I took as what a qualified specialist would or would not do.  Again, I oppologise if I read that statement wrong and I'll try to be more careful about such things.

Never worry about what you have to say here as long as it adhears to the rules.  Issues are often disagreed with and discussed, but we do so as ladies and gentlemen and even in disagreement, things are focused and learned from.  Myself, I'm always ready for a discussion on any issue regardless of my stand on it as I constantly learn things I may not have thought of or encountered.

Keep posting, you have a reasonable and clear projection in your writing and I would imagine have a lot to say, so always say it as you see it.

It's not so much that you need to clarify anything you said as it is to me to better understand what I thought you said.  Again sorry for misreading it, I should not have posted an objection.




I wanted to respond to the idea that the therapist would give a letter on the first time. I think that any therapist that does that, you should get up and run out as fast as you can. I was in therapy for about 4 years and I did have other problems, but we talked about my Trans situation a lot in that 4 years. I did go to one other therapist on my own therapist idea. They had talked before I had seen her and they talked after I had gone twice. She did write me a letter also.
  Another post came up that ask the questions would you rather look fem and not have SRS or would you have SRS and look a little masculine. I took the SRS as I'm very happy at not looking at what I was seeing in the mirror every morning. Now, you might say that no one else sees that, but I do. This is for me and not anyone else. I'm older and the hormones have soften my features a little, but no they can't do it all. I'm lucky as I don't have an adams apple and not a big brow. I do have a prominant jaw though. Oh well. Have a nice day to all.
Love Sheila


You look perfectly feminine to me, Sheila.

And, FtM's generally only have the choice of appearing masculine to the outside world (largely without question after sufficient time on T), yet retaining the original equipment down below. I don't think I'd trade it for daily difficulty passing and the proper equipment, but I sure wish I could have both.



Hi Gracie,

Thanks for reading through this entire post. I hope that you're not blurry eyed.  ;D It has been an interesting journey that I've been on though, and  yes I have definately learned to be patient and I definately have grown wiser. In March my GP has requested that I have an ultra sound done on my kidney. My last blood test showed that there was a small problem, and he just wants to make sure that there is absolutely nothing wrong, and I'm going to ask him if it's safe for me to start taking a proper treatment of hormones.

I'm really glad that you're seeing a well experienced psychologist, but it's up to you to know if you're a TS or not. I'm sure that you're looking forward to getting your letter for starting HRT and then your SRS letter. Be patient though. 8)

I thought about just getting BA surgery myself, but I've read alot of bad reports about it, and I'd rather develop my own and risk less chances.

Thanks for your support Gracie, and I hope that all goes well with you.

Terri, my friend,I've known about your situation for  along time,a nd I do sympathize with you, but I'm a little different. I'm not all that bothered by my male genitals as you are. So either way it doesn't matter. As long as I can look feminine is all that really matters to me. What's between my legs is of less concern to me.  ;D

