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A letter from my representative and my reply

Started by BeverlyAnn, May 31, 2007, 12:07:05 PM

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From my Congress Critter to me-

Thank you for contacting me to express your opinion regarding H.R. 1592, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts on this matter.

I strongly believe that harsh criminal penalties must exist for violent crimes. Current federal law on the issue of hate crimes restricts the power of federal law enforcement and prosecutors from intervening in a bias-motivated case unless the victim was involved in a federally-protected activity such as serving on a jury, enrolling in or attending a public school, or applying for or participating in employment. If enacted, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act would remove these restrictions. The Act would also add gender, sexual orientation, and disability to the federal definition of potential victims of hate crimes. In essence, this proposal would allow for federal intervention in all crimes of violence motivated by hate or bigotry.

It is important to note that state and local criminal laws currently provide criminal penalties for the violence addressed by this legislation. Additionally, State and local law enforcement agencies and courts have the capability to enforce those penalties and are doing so effectively.

Furthermore, federalizing such a potentially large range of violent crime s is unnecessary and inconsistent with the proper allocation of criminal enforcement responsibilities between the different levels of government. Federal, state, and local law enforcement officials must work together to prevent all crimes--whether motivated by hate, bigotry, lack of respect for other lives or property, or mindless violence--and to fully prosecute those who perpetrate criminal acts.

Although this legislation passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 237 to 180, I opposed the proposal because I believe that all violent crimes are motivated by hate and all violent crime is unacceptable. Regardless of the victim, each reprehensible act should be equally punishable under the law.

This legislation is now pending before the United States Senate. Rest assured that I will keep your views and thoughts in mind should the bill come back to the House of Representatives for further deliberations.

Again, I want to thank you for taking the time to contact me. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of any further assistance on this matter or if you would like additional information on this topic or other issues facing Congress, please visit my Web site at .

Ander Crenshaw
Member of Congress 

My reply to him -

Representative Crenshaw,

First of all, thank you for responding to me regarding my thoughts on the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act or H.R. 1592 and I appreciate your explanation of your opposition to the bill.

However, I must disagree with some points you made in your response.  You stated, "I opposed the proposal because I believe that all violent crimes are motivated by hate and all violent crime is unacceptable."  Sir, you and I both know this is not true.  Yes all violent crime is unacceptable but the majority of violent crime is motivated by greed or by the emotions of the moment, not by hate.  Carjackers shooting their victims or robbers shooting convenience store clerks are not motivated by hate.  Husbands under the influence of alcohol beating their wives or family members assaulting another family member in the heat of an argument are not motivated by hate.  The unsolved murder of transgender woman Bobbie Jo Turner outside of Cordele, GA whose head was literally smashed in with a baseball bat and was accompanied by comments of local citizens saying, "He needed killing" was motivated by hate.  By the way, she was hit so hard that the bat split.

You also said, "In essence, this proposal would allow for federal intervention in all crimes of violence motivated by hate or bigotry."   If you think federal assistance, not intervention, to local police forces is a bad thing, please tell that to the family of Terrianne Summers who was found face down in her driveway on the Westside with a gunshot wound to the back of her head December 12, 2001and whose murder is yet unsolved by the Jacksonville Sheriffs Office.

Representative Crenshaw, I have always respected you in local politics and have always felt that you were a man of honor who put people above "party."  I'm sorry to see you sending out information that sounds suspiciously like it came from a White House position or from the Republican leadership.  I'm sorry to see that you have changed and are putting the "party line" above caring for people.

A disappointed former supporter,

Any suggestions or comments?



First of all, kudos to your contacting your elected official. That is awesome. However, no matter much of a jerk they are, always keep what you say in a positive spin. It may take a few more minutes to think of how to word what you want to say but it will make a world of difference when it is read.

Hopefully, next year you can make it to NCTE lobby day. :)


Here's the reply I got back from my representative:

Quite a bit different than Rep. Crenshaw.

My suggestion, Bev?  Keep on your congress critter, but also put your good where it'll do the most, swaying those who can be swayed.



BeverlyAnn, you made yourself clear and have your facts straight. Keep at it.


Be who you are.
Make a difference by being a difference.   :)



That was a really good reply. It was factual and to the point,  good job!!!

However, I have to disagree with one point.

You said "Husbands under the influence of alcohol beating their wives or family members assaulting another family member in the heat of an argument are not motivated by hate. "

Well, that might not be true. If a husband is heating his wife, that could be motivated by hatred and it's a gender based violence.

Sarah Louise

I also felt your reply (and probably your first letter) was very good and positive.  I felt the reresentative's response was a bit of a "cop out", trying to keep from taking a stand.

Sarah L.
Nameless here for evermore!;  Merely this, and nothing more;
Tis the wind and nothing more!;  Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore!!"