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Best SRS/ GRS (M2F) ???

Started by 2124abc, March 30, 2014, 01:28:30 AM

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I think I'm allowed to post this link: it's not intended for porn usage, it's medical stuff, and it's from
But of course you will find TONS of female vulvas searching with Google images (please deactivate the
"safe search" option if is active).
Well, aside some expected case by case variability, that's what I mean when I think of a "natural" vulva.
And that is what I would aim for, if I were a surgeon.
Note in particular those little bends on the sides of the inner labias, giving them almost a rhomboidal
(or "cross") shape. That's almost always the case. And also note HOW ACTUALLY a real clitors is
attached to the point where the labia originate ! It's like a little gland with a little frenulus. No SRS
surgeon (AFAIK) recreates it that way.
Usually they tend to make irreal puffy inner labia, in some cases full of erectile material left in place,
which WILL give troubles to the patient upon arousal. And also a definitely innatural-looking clitoris.
(Ironically, in my case the clitoris is the ONLY thing my surgeon made quite well, unfortunately all the
rest is a disaster or almost)
That just said to point out some details I deem worth specifying once for all :)
As for now I think we have to accept the best compromises they can offer us today, in terms of
functionality (depth, sensitivity and orgasmicity) and least irrealistic look :-|


Mirian, sorry to hear about the results of your SRS. But I don't think all SRS (M2F) will produce the most unnatural looking vaginas, Brassard seems to me the best and looks like he can make relatively natural looking ones, which is good enough for me.


Jenna Marie, I literally just remembered something I wanted to ask you (since you've had SRS with Brassard). If I remember you said you are only with women so maybe you might not be able to answer. But I'm wondering like do you need to clean the vagina out, like spray saline water up there?, because when I'm with guys or there's other liquids in there will those liquids/ stickiness stay up there or just get washed out as soon as I need to urinate?


I don't think I never read of any complaints about Brasshard's work here, so you should go quite
safe to him. I envy you a bit though: I would have never accepted to live such a, say, important experience
(both physically and phsychically) oversea and so far from home !
But I think you could still collect more first-hand experiences from Brasshard's patients here.
So... good luck !


Quote from: 2124abc on March 31, 2014, 08:02:23 AM
Mirian, sorry to hear about the results of your SRS. But I don't think all SRS (M2F) will produce the most unnatural looking vaginas, Brassard seems to me the best and looks like he can make relatively natural looking ones, which is good enough for me.

Simply due to the nature of what they are doing, no surgeon can create a perfectly natural looking vulva/vagina.. Some structures are always going to look a little off, on a close inspection. This is due to limitatons in surgical technique and source materials.

I've never seen a pic of a surgically created vulca/vagina that I thought looked perfectly natural.. A better than average knowledge of physiology and some surgical training highlight the 'isues'..

Jenna Marie

Well, my clit is more or less anatomically accurate as far as I can determine; hooded and connected to the inner labia. I also have no problems with leftover erectile tissue, thank goodness. The impression I have is that I'm well within the range of natal vulvas, and that's enough for me.

As for cleaning, once past the initial surgical period the neovagina will clean itself naturally, just like a cis vagina. Anything left in there (and while I don't have sex with guys, I have LOTS of experience with leftover lube after dilation) will work itself out over the next few hours. Brassard recommends against douching - spraying cleaning solutions in there - after the first two months, since it can disrupt the natural flora of the vagina and cause infections.


Some great info in here. Thanks to all the girls chiming in and especially Jenna for your lengthy and detailed descriptions :)

I was a bit worried too when I saw the part about nerve damage, but now it makes perfect sense!

Time to get this process started! Making a call to Brassard tomorrow

Jenna Marie

Jennygirl : Happy to help! Since I wrote that all up just the once, I don't mind resharing. :) Good luck, and I hope you get a good date!


Thanks! At this point I'm shooting for late September because I don't want to be stuck inside all summer.

I have read that it takes at least 6 weeks before you start feeling pretty normal again (at least normal enough to go to work)?

Also the dilation schedule would be somewhat prohibitive of a full summertime experience I'm guessing? What do you think? If it's not that big of a deal I might do it sooner.

Thanks again Jenna :D

Jenna Marie

Jennygirl : I went back to work at 4 weeks; I wished I'd taken at least one more, but I did OK.

As for the dilation schedule, yes, it will pretty much eat your life for the first two months or so. (...I did have a heck of a time balancing that and a job, yep.) It gets easier from then on, but if you want to be active and out and about a lot all summer, I would definitely delay the surgery and recuperation until the fall. I had my surgery in the middle of the summer, and I pretty much didn't venture outside except for work and quick errands until at least mid-fall. Mostly that was just that I tired easily, though, and had to keep up with the dilation and the rest of the aftercare.


Jennygirl, I'm happy for you, it must be so exciting to be making contact with Brassard about the SRS. I can't wait myself to call him but I have to wait a whole year (maybe a bit more) before I can call him...

Jenna Marie, a self cleaning vagina - also self lubricating - it sounds incredible and I'm dying to get one. The next 365 days for me will be going soooo slowly. SRS is all I can think about really. Thank you so much for answering all my questions. I am sure I will be going to Brassard, but I'll continue researching other docs just in case.

Sorry, did you answer my Q about the breast implants, Brassard does them, so did you have them done with him? And should I delay my SRS (o noo!) so my breasts can fully develop, waiting 3 years or more instead of 1 year (on hormones) then have it all done or have the SRS vagina done then go back to him years later for breast implants? (or just get implants done later in my home country?)

Jenna Marie

I think all the surgeons' vaginas are self-cleaning, to be honest.

Sorry, I skipped the breast implants question because I know almost nothing about it. I ended up 42DDD (so far) from hormones alone; I don't want augmentation. I do hear that it's wise to wait a few years, and I can say that my breasts are still growing at 4 years on HRT, if that helps any. There *was* one woman who was there when I was who had Brassard do implants and GRS at the same time, and she was happy with it, but that's all I know...


Thanks, Jenna Marie, I think I'll get SRS with Brassard in a year and in three or four years (or 5) will fly back to Canada and get implants with him (I don't really think Australian plastic surgeons will do as good a job as Brassard with the latter)

When should I book? Should I book him 5 months before I'm ready (in 7 months from now)? Also, they have a recovery place of residence, right? (like I can't just choose a random hotel for post op, I need to stay at their designated residence, correct? Will I stay there in the days before surgery?)

Jenna Marie

You *want* to stay in the recovery residence; you don't have to, but there's nurses on duty 24/7 and a fantastic cook. It's not a hotel - it's like part of the hospital, only a bit less "hospital like" and more comfortable. Some people stay there the night before surgery - I didn't, but I don't know how they decide who does and who doesn't. :)

I do think his waiting list is about 5-6 months right now, but I don't know for sure. Good luck, though!


Quote from: Jenna Marie on March 31, 2014, 08:18:58 PM
You *want* to stay in the recovery residence; you don't have to, but there's nurses on duty 24/7 and a fantastic cook. It's not a hotel - it's like part of the hospital, only a bit less "hospital like" and more comfortable. Some people stay there the night before surgery - I didn't, but I don't know how they decide who does and who doesn't. :)

I do think his waiting list is about 5-6 months right now, but I don't know for sure. Good luck, though!

Thank you so much!  :) Good luck with everything & happy days...

If I have any more Qs in the future I might ask here, if that's ok with you, you've been the best help.
Thanks again!  :)

mrs izzy

As another Montreal girl I have to say Jenna has it all covered.

Aftercare is the most important thing one has to do. Success will come if you take the time for your body to heal.

Wish you luck. If you do have time before to spend a day in old Montreal and a dinner, it will be well worth the effort. Going there for my 1 year vday dinner.

Mrs. Izzy
Trans lifeline US 877-565-8860 CAD 877-330-6366
"Those who matter will never judge, this is my given path to walk in life and you have no right to judge"

I used to be grounded but now I can fly.


Quote from: 2124abc on March 31, 2014, 07:35:30 PM
Thanks, Jenna Marie, I think I'll get SRS with Brassard in a year and in three or four years (or 5) will fly back to Canada and get implants with him (I don't really think Australian plastic surgeons will do as good a job as Brassard with the latter)

I'd have another look in to the Australian surgeons, at least as far as a BA goes. You seem to have some ideas about doctors and surgeons that aren't quite right. There are 2 surgeons in Aus that do SRS for example.. Neither would be my first choice, but they are here.. And, honestly, any competent cosmetic surgeon can do implants.. A specialist is only required for more interesting cases - like major asymmetry or post-mastectomy reconstruction..


Quote from: kelly_aus on March 31, 2014, 11:38:56 PM
I'd have another look in to the Australian surgeons, at least as far as a BA goes. You seem to have some ideas about doctors and surgeons that aren't quite right. There are 2 surgeons in Aus that do SRS for example.. Neither would be my first choice, but they are here.. And, honestly, any competent cosmetic surgeon can do implants.. A specialist is only required for more interesting cases - like major asymmetry or post-mastectomy reconstruction..

Yeah, you're probably right for the implant surgery, I just heard alot about Australian surgeons using faulty french implants that burst so that's why I wasn't sure.


Hi, everyone. Since this topic's so old I hope you help answer another query I have, well that my parents had when I told them about going to Canada and these are pretty much the questions that are stumping them and they're trying to convince me that going to Canada for this operation is too complicated, but really, the choice is mine.

If you could please help me understand a bit more that would be much appreciated.

1. Being from Australia and going to Canada, if there is a surgical complication, won't there be an issue with my private medical insurance company not being anywhere nearby?

2. If I arrive in Canada a few days early incase of delays, do I need to stay in a residence of my choice or can I stay in the private hospital and then the same after, after surgery how long can I stay in the private hospital before leaving for the airport, or would I have to go back to some hotel?

3. Could traveling on the plane and standing in long lines at airports be painful post op or even dangerous if I get bumped?

4. Could you please remind me, do I need to do dilating in the airport and airplane and if so how would that be possible? If not, will the dilators be safe in the luggage under the plane and what happens if I arrive back in Australia and my whole bag (and the dilators) are gone?

5. Would there be any other issues with being from Australia and having a Canadian operation such as I need to pay extra for Canadian insurance or I get feed or even refused for being a foreigner?

6. Could the cold weather in February or March be dangerous to my new vagina or dilators or to the dilating process while in Canada?

Thank you so much

mrs izzy

Quote from: 2124abc on June 12, 2014, 07:57:49 AM
Hi, everyone. Since this topic's so old I hope you help answer another query I have, well that my parents had when I told them about going to Canada and these are pretty much the questions that are stumping them and they're trying to convince me that going to Canada for this operation is too complicated, but really, the choice is mine.

If you could please help me understand a bit more that would be much appreciated.

1. Being from Australia and going to Canada, if there is a surgical complication, won't there be an issue with my private medical insurance company not being anywhere nearby?any major complication will be done by the doctors. I guess you are talking about Brassard?

2. If I arrive in Canada a few days early incase of delays, do I need to stay in a residence of my choice or can I stay in the private hospital and then the same after, after surgery how long can I stay in the private hospital before leaving for the airport, or would I have to go back to some hotel?normally 1day in advanced you would stay at the residence care unit, but there is a B&B that they suggest that would be extra. Its 2 day in hospital and around 8 days approximately in residence care

3. Could traveling on the plane and standing in long lines at airports be painful post op or even dangerous if I get bumped?as anything like that hard to know. Everyone handles healing different.

4. Could you please remind me, do I need to do dilating in the airport and airplane and if so how would that be possible? If not, will the dilators be safe in the luggage under the plane and what happens if I arrive back in Australia and my whole bag (and the dilators) are gone? you keep the dilators with your carry on for just that reason. They give you letters to help in travel. Dilation is needed but it come down to how you can get it done. If you could get 2 in a 24 hr period I think you could bet back on schedule with little trouble.

5. Would there be any other issues with being from Australia and having a Canadian operation such as I need to pay extra for Canadian insurance or I get feed or even refused for being a foreigner?you could by travel insurance if you feel your home insurance coverage. Check your insurance coverage before you travel. And yes anything with foreigner travel is subject to customs.

6. Could the cold weather in February or March be dangerous to my new vagina or dilators or to the dilating process while in Canada? nope had my GCS in April

Thank you so much

hope this helps some

Mrs. Izzy
Trans lifeline US 877-565-8860 CAD 877-330-6366
"Those who matter will never judge, this is my given path to walk in life and you have no right to judge"

I used to be grounded but now I can fly.