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If you could turn back time ..

Started by @Diana, May 11, 2014, 12:34:14 AM

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Whenever I see this thread's title, I get a Rocky Horror Picture Show song stuck in my head.


If I could turn back time.....

I would stop Cher from writing that horrible song.


I would go back to April of 2011 and say "screw the medical bills" for a few weeks and go out of town to see AC on what was their final tour ever. I REALLY regret not doing that.

I chose not to go with gender stuff because...what's the point? What's done is done.


There's two many interconnected F ups, I couldn't fix just one. And even if I did, my lifewould still probably suck. Because by default it doesn't have to suck. I'm lucky in enough ways. But it does. So it always prolly would.

So ya know...this poisons as good as any other. So I'll pass on the time warp.


Thanks, now I can't get Cher out of my head. ;)

I wouldn't waste so many years with that ridiculous homophobic, transphobic, cishet loser I married. Sure, he's a nice guy in many ways, but most of those ways were directed outside of our home. He's kind, chivalrous and generous... but only to friends and strangers; excellent at DIY... as long as it's to improve his parents' house; helpful, supportive and co-operative... but only to his parents; hard-working, dedicated and trustworthy... but only to his parents and his employers.

But to us, his immediate family? Sod us, we've always been at the bottom of his priority list. We made the sacrifices that gave him the time to be such a 'great guy' to everyone else.

So I would've - and should've - divorced him whilst my kids were little. My life would be far more on track now, and my kids would probably find it easier to cope with my transition if I'd done it when they were little.



I would stop my mum taking a wrong turn early one morning that cost us 5 minutes.
An hour later she was dead and I was critical and in intensive care fighting for life after a head on.

She would have left my dad when we were old enough.
She knew my secret and would have helped.
So many things would have been for the better but...

I so miss her she was only 39.

Things went bad and to the worst afterwards.
So long and thanks for all the fish


Quote from: Jenny07 on May 14, 2014, 06:13:12 AM
An hour later she was dead and I was critical and in intensive care fighting for life after a head on.
I so miss her she was only 39.

I'm sorry for your loss. Mine also went far too early.




Quote from: Edge on May 14, 2014, 12:03:09 AM
Whenever I see this thread's title, I get a Rocky Horror Picture Show song stuck in my head.

Its just a jump to the left...
I solemnly swear I am up to no good.

"Oh what a cute little girl, or boy if you grow up and feel thats whats inside you" - Liz Lemon

Happy to be queer!    ;)


Quote from: Laura Squirrel on May 14, 2014, 12:17:17 AM
If I could turn back time.....

I would stop Cher from writing that horrible song.


I can't agree more
As Brett Michaels said Every Night Has its Dawn :)

Jill F

Right now I would have made pizza dough last night so I could make a goat cheese and sundried tomato pie with pesto and pine nuts for myself tonight.  *sigh*

Now I have to get an inferior one delivered.


I would have given all my allowance, christmas and birthday money to my parents and tell them to invest it in Microsoft and Apple stock.


Quote from: Jess42 on May 14, 2014, 12:22:00 PM
I would have given all my allowance, christmas and birthday money to my parents and tell them to invest it in Microsoft and Apple stock.

Oh crap, I want to change my answer XD
On HRT 2 years - Full time 1/7/14
EE-Comp Engineering Student and Cartoon Lover


If I could go back, and make myself come out of mom as a girl, I would not have ended up in the career I'm in.  I'm not saying Mom/Dad would not have let me do what I am doing, they might have.. me being the oldest of my sibs..  I would have had a different relationship with my sister (youngest), I probably would have been better in school, but I would not have, ever, met my wife, had my two kids, and the joy that my family has brought to my life (barring my issues).  But then, I also, would not have hurt them now.

Honestly, if just one thing.. one single thing, one utterance I could have said... 

I would have told my wife, before we were married.