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China/South Korea Trip

Started by Alexthecat, November 12, 2017, 07:30:47 PM

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I am looking for FTM's personal experience with traveling specifically to China: Beijing, Xian, Shanghai, Henan Province and South Korea: Seoul, Pusan. (I don't want to hear about people traveling to places other than what I mentioned)

I have T and needles to worry about. What documentation did you have to cross the borders?

Packer experience for when you needed scanned/pat down. Mine is secured with a safety pin so I'm not sure if it would make the scanners go off and if so is there a back room over there or how would I relay that its just a safety pin?

What is the bathroom situation over there? Is there stalls in every men's room? I assume I don't have to squat in a field like in old movies.

I would be traveling with classmates that do not know I am trans and I would like to keep it that way.
