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I will never understand why guys get so stupid around beautiful women.

Started by Julia1996, March 26, 2018, 07:47:37 PM

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Hi everyone.  So my brother has been acting a little weird the past week and I finally found out why. First a few nights ago he asked me if I could wax his unibrow. He doesn't have a unibrow. He had exactly 5 stray hairs between his eyebrows that I got with tweezers. Then he asked me if he had big pores. I told him all guys had large pores to an extent and his weren't bad. So he asked how to get rid of them. I told him he could use a mask. He asked if I had one and I gave it to him and told him how to use it. It was really weird because my brother is totally not the type of guy to worry about pores and definitely not the type to use a skincare mask ever.  Then a couple of nights ago he started asking me what style I thought would look good on him if he grew out his hair. That blew me away because I've tried to talk him into growing his hair out many times. He got my dad's wavy/curly hair and I thought it was a shame to just buzz it all the time. Tyler has always wanted buzzed hair. Growing up my dad cut his hair and several times even he had suggested that Tyler let it grow out and that he would take him to a barber shop and he could get a nice new cut. Tyler always said no. I told Tyler if he grew out his hair I would help him find a nice new style. Then tonight he asked me if his hands looked bad. I asked him what he meant and he said because he bit his nails. He does bite his nails but not nearly as bad as other people Ive seen. I told him his hands looked fine and that for a guy he actually had nice hands. Then I asked him what was up with all the concern about his looks lately.

I might have figured it was over a girl! There is this girl Tyler's been lusting after for a while. So have his friends and a lot of other guys. She's very beautiful and she knows it. Tyler finally made a move and asked her out. She told him no. He asked why not and she told him because she liked guys with longer hair, that he had big pores, nasty eyebrows and he bit his nails! What a nasty bitch! I asked Tyler what he said to her and he said he didn't say anything to her. I told him she was just a dumb bitch and asked him why he was even worried about anything she had said. He said he thought maybe if he changed the stuff she had pointed out maybe she would reconsider and go out with him. WHAT?????? I told him I couldn't believe he hadn't told her to get hosed, much less that he was even considering changing any of the stuff she mentioned! I told him he was nuts and that anyone who would just pick him apart like that is an awful person and he didn't need to be around her anyway. I told him there were a LOT of girls who thought he was really hot and who would love to go out with him and I asked him why he would even bother with such a shallow, mean girl. He said because she's extremely hot. OMG, do guys just automatically turn stupid around beautiful girls?? This whole thing just amazes me! Tyler has never lacked confidence where his looks were concerned but because some bitch points out things that totally don't matter he thinks he needs to "fix" them???!! I just don't even believe this. I would love to know that girls name. I would love to offer her a free haircut and then buzz her hair. I wonder how hot all the guys would think she was bald. Hateful bitch!

Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018


Wow, she must be hot.

But seriously, it sounds like your brother has a crush on her, and when you're in that type of state you'll believe all sorts os silly things that anyone on the outside would say was dumb.


Quote from: Julia1996 on March 26, 2018, 07:47:37 PMOMG, do guys just automatically turn stupid around beautiful girls??

I don't know many guys who would take a checklist of stuff from one and tick every box for a date, as they'd probably get suspicious this would be a taste of things to come if you know what I mean.

But then direct criticism (like hers) would probably get them thinking and wondering if she was really right. 

A hell of a lot of (most) men's validation comes from what women think of them or from being able to impress one. It's a bit of a circus to watch, if I'm honest.   
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

Allison S

Hey, maybe she did him a favor and he'll find someone even hotter from her recommendations. I do think it was harsh of her though. Usually a no I'm not interested is enough. If I told every guy that hit on me his flaws I'd literally never shut up. Well, I guess I already don't shut up lol

Ps we all have flaws especially me and I've been rejected too

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Lady Sarah

It's really no surprise. Many guys only have enough blood to operate one head at a time. When they get that lust, they often do not think clearly, as a result.
started HRT: July 13, 1991
orchi: December 23, 1994
trach shave: November, 1998
married: August 16, 2015
Back surgery: October 20, 2016


She is in control and knows it. She propably likes being adored without ever letting anyone get her. She sounds mean. I'd turn my back to her and never go back. But that's me. I made myself a promise at 18 years old. I will never let anyone control me or step on me again. I will chose the people I surround my self with.

To come to that conclusion at that early age, you propably need to have been abused for 18 years and at the edge of suicide.

I have not broken my promise to myself. I use my head and heart when I chose who I want to be with. As friends or partner.



As both female and male, I've always gotten more concerned with my looks when I was interested in someone....It always makes me feel more confident when I take care of myself properly, but I'm just so lazy most of the time.

Unfortunately, it's more of a curse than a blessing, because I get lazy once I get more comfortable with someone, and then I always end up left...So, the trick is to find someone who likes you for you without all the extra work, but I can't really talk, because it's easier said than done.
Steven Lee | 24 | Dog Dad | Beginner Figure Skater | Aspiring Writer

:icon_arrow:Started counseling on June 11th, 2017
:icon_arrow:Received HRT Letter on July 2nd, 2017
:icon_arrow:HRT Consultation with Doctor on July 16th, 2017



There's a Chinese folktale about a man who loved a beautiful but demanding woman.  She kept finding fault with him and doubting his commitment to her.  She made more and more outrageous suggestions about how he could improve himself and prove that he really loved her. 

Eventually, she told him that to prove his love, he should cut off his own legs.  He was so desperately obsessed with her that he did just that.  At last, that seemed to satisfy her.

"You have done everything I asked and proved your love", she said as she skipped towards a nearby bower.
"Run to me and we we shall make passionate love."


Dawn Oday

It just feels right   :icon_hug: :icon_hug: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss:

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First indication I was different- 1956 kindergarten
First crossdress - Asked mother to dress me in sisters costumes  Age 7
First revelation - 1982 to my present wife
First time telling the truth in therapy June 15, 2016
Start HRT Aug 2016
First public appearance 5/15/17



Quote from: MaryT on June 03, 2018, 12:37:01 PM
There's a Chinese folktale about a man who loved a beautiful but demanding woman.  She kept finding fault with him and doubting his commitment to her.  She made more and more outrageous suggestions about how he could improve himself and prove that he really loved her. 

Eventually, she told him that to prove his love, he should cut off his own legs.  He was so desperately obsessed with her that he did just that.  At last, that seemed to satisfy her.

"You have done everything I asked and proved your love", she said as she skipped towards a nearby bower.
"Run to me and we we shall make passionate love."

There are evil, conceited, self absorbed, and narcissistic people in this world.  Beautiful women can be especially prone to this if they've been coddled & pampered as a  little queen bitch all their lives.  Adore from afar, but find someone infinitely more practical. 

My bets are he's not lacking in girls admiring him, he just needs to open his eyes.  Sure they aren't as gorgeous perhaps... but they will be a lot better for you in the long run.