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Katie Jade’s stuff

Started by Katie Jade, May 20, 2018, 05:14:09 PM

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Katie Jade

(AOT means Ankle Over Top of head (ahem...) in case you wondered) - polite version.
KT :angel:

Post Op Sept 2023...... that took a very long time....
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Katie Jade

So I'm a bit upset tonight, but ill get over it.
Ex picked eldest son up, but instead of bringing him over so we could all talk about various issues (some major..) she decided to take him to her house and miss me out altogether.
I was a bit taken aback by this and hope it isn't a hardening of relations as that would not be nice and I don't want that. Hopefully Im reading too much into this.
So we will meet up tomorrow, at some time, don't know when though.
So all my plans of seeing some colleagues at a steam rally were dropped today waiting for son to let us know when he was coming back and also now again for tomorrow (had rearranged the meet up for tomorrow).
I suppose I had better get used to being 'second fiddle' going forwards, just occasionally its a bitter pill. I so much miss his hugs though.
Well that's enough ramblings again.
Tomorrow I suppose is gardening the dust bowl that is my back garden....

luv n Hugz


:angel: :angel: :angel:

Post Op Sept 2023...... that took a very long time....
  • skype:Katie Jade?call

Northern Star Girl

@Katie Again
Aweee, so very sorry to hear your bad news report.
I trust that you will work through all of this in due time.

You can work out your frustrations by working in your dust bowl garden!!!

Thanks for your update.  Please try yo stay upbeat and positive in spite of the current issues.
Hugs and well wishes.
****Help support this website by:
Subscribing !     and/or by    Donating !

Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single

Katie Jade

Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on August 04, 2018, 06:32:40 PM
@Katie Again
Aweee, so very sorry to hear your bad news report.
I trust that you will work through all of this in due time.

You can work out your frustrations by working in your dust bowl garden!!!

Thanks for your update.  Please try yo stay upbeat and positive in spite of the current issues.
Hugs and well wishes.

Thanks hun, but I am OK,  after all im 56 and life has thrown many curve balls at me and Im still here  ;D

Its just a disappointment at the moment, and you know why from my PMs. Still the sun will rise tomorrow and we will all get on with life. There are many many more that are less fortunate than us anyway so I think Ill look for a support role somewhere. My Grandmother was in the Red Cross for 50+ years, and I am getting a copy of a picture of her riding am Indian Scout Motorcycle at Rudyard Lake in the early 1920s in the UK, cant have been that many around then in England. She never got paid for any work she did, ended up a commander or commodore or something. She lived until she was 99 and 10 months. She was a lovely woman, never spoke about her nursing during the 2nd WW or the English conflicts afterwards. If I can be half the woman she was then I will rest easy for eternity.
Wow- bit deep there, still its my inheritance that should have been all along.
Well enough. Hope Alaska is nice and warm, UK is warmish, not like Portugal/Spain (expected 45-47C..)
I think ill invest in a solar powered air conditioning unit.....or two

Luv N Hugz to everyone


:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:

Post Op Sept 2023...... that took a very long time....
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Katie Jade

Hi everybody,

Well, more updates from my up and down journey

Eldest is back to Leicester , with some of his issues solved, good so far.

Youngest has started driving lessons so Im paying half but not towards the insurance for the Vauxhall Corsa 'C' SX 1.2 (2005 plate) that we bought a few years ago before the separation for the kids to learn to drive in. He's doing well .

Parents have talked to my Uncle and Aunt (my godparents - I am really surprised that they have done this as the seemed to want to not do anything at the moment), and they are saying all the good supportive stuff, but more importantly have in turn told my one and only female cousin, who in turn has sent me a letter so I have called her and have talked extensively with her about me, and she has been so really sweet, supportive and even wants to come over and talk to me face to face. I was somewhat of a help to her as she went through growing up and I hope helped her towards the wonderful life she has now (married to a really nice man, 3 gorgeous kids, and still has her career in Marketing.. cool).
So she wants to be there for me.. And she will be as I love her very much.

Finally, I decided to talk to HR at work.


I did this with trepidation as I still have quite a way to go, but I did know that it would be unfair on the Company for me to waltz up and say I would be presenting as Katie after the weekend sometime (or that sort of thing).. not good or professional given the number of large projects I am involved in.
I was aware that the HR manager for the site had managed the introduction of a girl some years before, and recently supported an engineer going through the transition, so she would be aware of not only what it would mean for the company, but also the pressure and anxiety this time can give us, if not handled properly.
So I booked 30 mins for a personal discussion yesterday, and we both duly arrived at the meeting room. I gave her the best seat as I'm always polite (well usually anyway  :D).
As I have done in the past, I highlighted that this was a personal and private discussion, but then added that if we both agreed that this would be best recorded, then we would make it official. She still did not know what this was about. Anyway, I am usually direct on subjects concerning me, so I stated that I am trans and that I need to discuss the best way for me to transition in my current role at work and I needed her help. Well after a few seconds, her face changed from mild shock to a beautiful smile and the she was so reassuring, telling me of her previous times helping people transition, and that she understood generally what we have been through and that she wanted to make sure that I got the best transition possible at work. I was so happy to hear this, although as I have known her for almost 5 years, I wasn't surprised as she generally is emphatic towards people with genuine issues. So I told her briefly of my basic story, the trials and tribulations over the years, and my current position. She was so nice. I highlighted that I was out to some carefully selected close colleagues, and that they were concerned but OK with everything, and generally my family were also in this position.
So, we agreed that this would be done at my pace and by agreement only. She said she may want to let one site Director know, so that we were both covered, and that the diversity protocol was followed at the site. She will agree with me who that is over the next couple of weeks, and how we can fulfil and support the company policies.
I am to set up fortnightly meeting to discuss progress and plans as we get set for the big day, as it will be a few or several month off yet, but as I work across most sectors of the company, deeply involved with many people from finance, procurement, engineering, management (all sorts), operations and the suppliers themselves, (the site has about 2000 workers etc) then for my sake we need to have a good strategy.
With regards to acceptance, she saw no issues and that the women in 99% of cases would accept me anyway as most have worked with me and that I was well liked and regarded as a good person anyway.
Last comments from the HR manager was that she was really please that I had chosen to include her in my close friends group at work, and that she would make sure that this will all go well and that I was as comfortable as possible. This caused me to go a bit blubby, and she even apologised for that when she really didn't have to.
So, that bit done and I think it turned out nice, again..

I don't think I can top this lot for a while.

Oh, and going out for a meal with a good friend (a girl like me) on Monday night (its platonic friends with someone who has helped me a lot with my issues this year, so don't worry)

Roll on life  ;D ;D

Feeling good and feeling me (Yay)

Love and hugz

Katie, again

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:

Post Op Sept 2023...... that took a very long time....
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Katie Jade


Just noticed, 7 months HRT - the HR manager said that she had noticed for several months that I was growing my hair, that my face had softened somewhat (less anger wrinkles..) and that I had a permanent slight smile... This is all true.. and this all came together for her now.

Katie, again

;D ;D ;D

Post Op Sept 2023...... that took a very long time....
  • skype:Katie Jade?call


Quote from: Katie Again on August 10, 2018, 04:25:37 PM
> so I stated that I am trans and that I need to discuss the best way for me to transition in my current role at work and I needed her help. Well after a few seconds, her face changed from mild shock to a beautiful smile and the she was so reassuring, telling me of her previous times helping people transition, and that she understood generally what we have been through and that she wanted to make sure that I got the best transition possible at work.

Katie, WOW!!  This is huge news - and congratulations!  You clearly handled this the best way possible.
Assigned male at birth 1963.  Decided I wanted to be a girl in 1971.  Laser 2014-16, electrolysis 2015-17, HRT 7/2017, GCS 1/2018, VFS 3/2018, FFS 5/2018, Labiaplasty & BA 7/2018. 

Katie Jade

Kendra my dear
Well I' m trying to be strong and forceful but extremely empathic esp to our girls and boys
OMG , maybe I will get to be company trans ambassador (its a major Canadian Company) or whatever (if I have time ) lol
Hmmm ..

Katie, Again

:angel: :angel: :angel:

Someone add the  punctuation to my name please :)

Post Op Sept 2023...... that took a very long time....
  • skype:Katie Jade?call



Your latest story is the happiest and most uplifting one you have told to date.

I am literally celebrating for you myself - you have made my weekend!

Enjoy the weekend, the month and life as a whole!

Plenty of hugs to share today.

Pamela  xxxx



Well that was a nice surprise sat here in my lunch break at work, congrats . Hope it all works well and you will be full time before you know it. XXXXXXX Davina
a long time coming (out) HRT 12 2017
GRS 2021 5th Nov

Jill of all trades mistress of non
Know a bit about everything but not enough to be clever
  • skype:davina61?call

Katie Jade


Thanks for all the posts and PM's that you have all sent. So supportive so god bless and thank you all.

Yes was a bit of a "break though" week or two.

I still need to plan and make sure that it will all succeed, and another 2 or 3 stone in weight loss would help (E is such an evil princess with regards to weight loss..) so Don't expect me to start modelling or beauty queen stuff ever, I have an impossible journey there, I just want to be me and blend in but not hide if you know what I mean.

Luv n Hugz

Katie (Again)

:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:

Post Op Sept 2023...... that took a very long time....
  • skype:Katie Jade?call

Katie Jade

Out and about tonight. Went to the Swan at Fradley Junction, Burton on Trent tonight for a meal out with my good friend Tina. As she has a punishing work schedule, and I'm almost master of my own, we haven't been able to touch base for several weeks. So there was a lot of 'chin wagging', and she was quite amazed at everything I have been doing. She noted that I'm not going out on my own much if at all at the moment. Hmm. Lets see about that.
Well the pub is lovely, and the food good, but as I was driving, no G&T for me, just lime and soda (which I like a lot anyway). She is getting on with RLE and really enjoying it. But there again she is oh so much more outgoing than me.
Usual trepidation walking to car (In fact I was going to cancel it earlier in the day, usual GD stuff in my head, but I decided to try and put an outfit together from my meagre wardrobe and that cheered me up enough to got going), but once that was done  it was plain sailing. No bother parking , taking pictures (Mine are rubbish as usual, so Ill get Tina to send me some of hers), walking along the canal and into the pub. As usual a couple of looks  then nothing more. Anyone coming into the pub looked and moved on. So that was easy. Getting used to it now anyway. There were some youngish kids at the pub, but they were entertained by their mums so as not to focus on us, least that's the way it looked. And Im not being paranoid as that clearly happened. Don't care, its their issue not mine on this occasion.
Scampi and chips after a superb Pea and Mint soup. Well recommended. All that with drink for around £15. Mind you Tina ate half my chips as well as here own. Im sure she has hollow legs with the amount she eats, but I don't mind, chips are nice but should be rationed..
Well I dragged Tina away from 2 lovely ladies at the table next door with whom she had struck up a deep conversation with, about where they were from and where the good pubs are etc, was quite animated at times. When we got outside, a gaggle (?) of geese (Canadians I think) flew in formation at head height straight along the canal, wow that was beautiful to see. I will remember that in the late evening glow of the sun.
So back to my place for a Latte with my new machine.. Then I took Tina home as she lives a few miles away. That was a nice friendly evening.

Dad rang whilst we were discussing the excellent coffee, and has organised for me and youngest son to go clay shooting this Wednesday. Im looking forwards to that. I used to do a lot of rabbiting when I was younger and used to go after water rats with a 20-bore when younger (we lived sort of in the country, with a river bordering our land). Our poultry used to get taken by rats, foxes and badgers often so we had to defend them. Despite looking cute, foxes and badgers are nasty vicious thugs..

So Im OK with a 12 bore although its a long time since I did any serious shooting. Should be fun though.
So that leaves tomorrow - I really should get on with painting my Lounge/diner, and I need to deep clean the carpet as It looks like the previous people have smoked in the room. I prefer not to have that slight old fragrance. Lets see.

Looks like I wont get chance to get the Motorcycle MOT'd this holiday and the nights will soon start rolling in. Maybe next year.

So life goes on, ups and downs, but mainly up.

Here's a pic just taken of me - I've removed all my Jewellery, but I think you can see that I'm quite happy here  ;D ;D ;D

I take my leave then,

Luv n Hugz


:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: ;D ;D :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :-* :-* :angel: :angel: ;D ;D

Post Op Sept 2023...... that took a very long time....
  • skype:Katie Jade?call

Northern Star Girl

@Katie Again
I am so very glad that I stopped to read your update before I am about to sign off for a few hours.   Everything went so well for you.... great time out and about as Katie, and you and your sidekick Tina had such a wonderful time dinner, drinks, conversation, looking at the Canadian Geese, and Lattes for you and Tina at you home. 

.... and we are not finished yet.....   a phone call from your dad to go our bird hunting. Wonderful...  just watch out for the 12 gauge, as you are certainly aware it packs quite a bit more kick that the 20 gauge.   
I was tuning up my 12 gauge last year and loaded it with Magnum buck shot, when fired the barrel rise was almost uncontrollable and if I didn't have the shotgun firmly against my shoulder or body I would have gotten bruises for sure. 
After my 3 1/2 years of HRT I definitely don't have the body mass nor the muscle mass that I once had, so some of the firearms I am practicing with again seem to be like cannons now.

I love your happy and beautiful picture, you look wonderful in your dress, your nicely done hair and that great big smile is so disarming....   VERY LOVELY.

Thank you for sharing your good news post with all of your followers.
Hugs and well wishes,
****Help support this website by:
Subscribing !     and/or by    Donating !

Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single



Glad to see you had another good evening out last night and that you are looking really happy and sounding so upbeat.


Katie's meal reminded of your comments on a previous meal "What the heck is gammon?" but I know you googled and discovered what gammon is. Strange that gammon - the term  - is not used in US but I am sure you still eat it under another name there.

Hugs to you both



Katie Jade

Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on August 13, 2018, 06:09:59 PM
@Katie Again
I am so very glad that I stopped to read your update before I am about to sign off for a few hours.   Everything went so well for you.... great time out and about as Katie, and you and your sidekick Tina had such a wonderful time dinner, drinks, conversation, looking at the Canadian Geese, and Lattes for you and Tina at you home. 

.... and we are not finished yet.....   a phone call from your dad to go our bird hunting. Wonderful...  just watch out for the 12 gauge, as you are certainly aware it packs quite a bit more kick that the 20 gauge.   
I was tuning up my 12 gauge last year and loaded it with Magnum buck shot, when fired the barrel rise was almost uncontrollable and if I didn't have the shotgun firmly against my shoulder or body I would have gotten bruises for sure. 
After my 3 1/2 years of HRT I definitely don't have the body mass nor the muscle mass that I once had, so some of the firearms I am practicing with again seem to be like cannons now.
I love your happy and beautiful picture, you look wonderful in your dress, your nicely done hair and that great big smile is so disarming....   VERY LOVELY.

Dear Danielle, Yes, Im having a good time at the moment. Things are looking quite positive for  me in so many areas. I am glad that you enjoy my random notes about my life. It makes it worthwhile when you know people read and appreciate them.

Dear Pamela, yes, hopefully happiness is infectious so we can all benefit. I have sent a PM to you on your personal question by the way.

Luv n Hugz


:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:

Post Op Sept 2023...... that took a very long time....
  • skype:Katie Jade?call


Hi Katie,

Your post from yesterday sounds like an absolutely wonderful time.  I would have to Uber or something though.  Lime and soda wouldn't do it for me with all those wonderful ales.  ;-)
~~Be kind~~

Katie Jade

Just to make sure you all see, I have changed my Forum name to Katie Jade as Katie Again was confusing some, as Again is not my surname, neither is Jade that's just my middle name. Love my names though, not far enough on to change them legally though (UK law is so bad on this)

Luv n Hugz
Katie (Jade)

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :-*

Post Op Sept 2023...... that took a very long time....
  • skype:Katie Jade?call


I love the name Katie Jade!  It has a nice rhythm to it.
2015-07-04 Awakening; 2015-11-15 Out to self; 2016-06-22 Out to wife; 2016-10-27 First time presenting in public; 2017-01-20 Started HRT!!; 2017-04-20 Out publicly; 2017-07-10 Legal name change; 2019-02-15 Approval for GRS; 2019-08-02 Official gender change; 2020-03-11 GRS; 2020-09-17 New birth certificate


Quote from: KathyLauren on August 15, 2018, 06:17:31 PM
I love the name Katie Jade!  It has a nice rhythm to it.

I do like it too 🌸🌸🌸

"If you go out looking for friends, you are going to find they are very scarce.  If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere."


Katie Jade

Thanks for the nice comments on my name.

Yes it does have a certain something about it for me anyway. A truly soulful name and I so love it. I have been calling myself it for decades.. My mom always said men should have 3 first names and girls 2.. Hmm, well at least Im happy with being me and some close people are starting to call me by my name as well so that's so absolutely cool/ good etc etc
Well im sure you know what I mean. Anyway I definitely need my beauty sleep so I'm of in a sec

Finally, Dad gave me a copy of a pic of my Gran today, astride her "Indian Powerplus", with racing bars in the early 1920s.. OMG I know where my love of bikes comes from.. She also passenger'd in a biplane for fun a few times about the same time.. so cool... She was a nurse for about 50 years with the red cross, Much respect for that...

I wont post a copy of that picture at the moment as it is very dear to me (I have mentioned in earlier posts somewhere. she left us 2 months before her 100th birthday, never was paid for a days work in her life but gave so much for free, what an absolute star), sorry misting up here (blubbing soon) so Ill call it a day.

Luv n Hugz


:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :-*

Post Op Sept 2023...... that took a very long time....
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