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chest sensitivity increasing on T ftm

Started by volka, April 25, 2019, 09:11:23 PM

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hey guys-
I made an account mainly to ask about this but I'm currently almost 8 months on T, and I've been on a prescribed dose until last week when it was raised, but have been in the lower end of the make range since I started. I have a very small chest, but recently I've realized it's gotten a lot more sensitive? I'm preop and the sensation is mainly in my nips, anytime anything brushes against them they're just hyper sensitive and it is awful especially when I'm trying to sleep but even binding, I'm still aware of it. Has this happened to anyone else? Idk what's causing it or if it's because I started sleeping shirtless a month ago bc I got annoyed with shirts clinging to my chest or if it's because my nerve damage from a different surgery is healing or the T,, I'm just confused and wanna know other guys' experiences because I want nothing more than for the feeling to go away

edit: another thing i realized is it could be from the weather getting warmer but still it's making my dysphoria way worse

<dosages removed by moderator>


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it's possible that it's your body adjusting. As your hormone levels change, things will go a bit wierd for a bit. So increased T will decrease your estrogen which might be causing a bit of a panic imbalance in your body. It should settle down but it's worth discussing with your endochronologist in any event.



I don't know what your current dose is, but if it's high there may be a possibility that your body is converting the excess to estrogen.


Yes. They were not particularly sensitive before (despite an endogenous TT of ~80) but after TRT, oh yes... directly connected to downstairs.

In my experience, its not decreased any with time/habituation to the T.

As it may make you feel better, this is not an exclusively feminine thing... there are plenty of men that derive pleasure from their nips as well.

As far as I am aware, my Estradiol has remained around 40's-50's. Typical for still having the ovaries/uterus (they will still be passively converting T into E as long as they remain. It's rather difficult if not impossible to get to male <39 range before getting those bits out). Quite certain that's not it in my case.

Perhaps you should try an 'A-shirt' under your binder, might help. My nips don't appreciate the coarse material of binders either. Or even bandaids or something.



I didn't have that experience with T. I'm post mastectomy now as well so it has almost no effect I can see, the sensation is reduced after cutting all those nerves, to the point that I can feel things touching me but any "extra" sensations there are long gone.
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