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A day in the life of Jessica_k

Started by Jessica_K, January 02, 2024, 04:03:04 PM

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Oh and the hifi forum one week in and 450 members and lots of guests. The old one has tumble weed rolling through it if you get on that is most entry points are not working.

The brand new "A Day in the life of Jessica_k" blog,

**** No act of kindness goes unpunished ****



One veg curry recipe then! Its from What's cooking Indian by Shehzad Husain and has a lot of good ones.
  You can use any veg you want but this is her guide'
300ml oil,1tsp mustard seeds, 1tsp onion seeds , 1/2 tsp cumin seeds, 3-4 curry leaves, 450g onion chopped, 3 med tomatoes chopped, 1/2 red, 1/2 green bell pepper sliced, 1tsp fresh ginger fine chopped, 1tsp garlic crushed, 1tsp chilli powder, 1/4tsp turmeric, 1tsp salt, 425ml water, 2 med potatoes in chunks, 1/2cauliflower in small florets, 4 med carrots sliced, 3 green chillies chopped, coriander leaves , 1 tbsp lemon juice.

heat oil in large pan, add mustard, onion, cumin seeds and curry leaves. Fry till they turn a shade darker.
Add onions and fry at med heat till golden brown
Add tomatoes and bell peppers and stir fry for 5 mins
Add ginger, garlic, chilli powder, turmeric and salt, mix well
Add 300ml water, cover and simmer for 10-15 mins stirring occasionally
Add potatoes, cauliflower, carrots, green chilli and coriander and stir fry 5mins
Add 150ml water and lemon juice stir cover and simmer for 15mins or till veg cooked.

Bit involved but worth the effort, let me know how it goes.

a long time coming (out) HRT 12 2017
GRS 2021 5th Nov

Jill of all trades mistress of non
Know a bit about everything but not enough to be clever
  • skype:davina61?call
    The following users thanked this post: Jessica_K


Thank you so much for this. I will be making it, it was going to be tomorrow but now I am having lunch with Jules, will be next week.

Hugs Davina
The brand new "A Day in the life of Jessica_k" blog,

**** No act of kindness goes unpunished ****



Evening out with the besties.

The evening was really nice, had my favourite Chinese dishes, ordered a lot but eat it all. Kay has now got it that I do not eat meat and ordered a mushroom chow mein instead of a beef or pork so we could share. My chosen main dish was king prawn Hongkong style sweet and sour and starter was salt and chilli soft shell crab. Other bits shared included mushroom rice. Yum.

I mentioned that Sunday Kay was going to Maidstone to visit for a joint birthday party. Kay's son and granddaughter are within a day. I am not invited to this get together. I have not pushed about it only to say Kay and I are going to another family birthday party later, next month so I do not think it's Kay that's the issue here.

So I contacted my friend Jules and luck would have it he was free for lunch tomorrow so it's a date. I will wear a lovely dress and I expect him to wear something smart as he always dresses well.

He is taking me to Port Solent a lovely quay harbour on the Solent a stretch of water between the Isle of Wright and mainland UK between Portsmouth and Southampton it's an area full of restaurants.

I like to call it a date, but it's just a couple of friends meeting. He is lovely though, he could be my toy boy if I was not married and he was not gay lol. A bit of flirting is no harm! He has only known me as Jessica a cis-female.

This kinda asks the question of my sexuality. I am definitely moving towards bi, I like the company of men and pretty sure if the circumstances arose (not Jules) and I ever get to have surgery. I would take it. It will probably never happen but I can dream.

Jessica xxx
The brand new "A Day in the life of Jessica_k" blog,

**** No act of kindness goes unpunished ****



Just to say when you make the veg curry I found mine had a lot of oil in it, 1/3 pint is a lot to start with so up to your judgment.
Have a good day out, myself and Debs used to go out for meals and it was fun with a friend. Maybe I will take her out when the weather is better. Hope you miss any snow.
a long time coming (out) HRT 12 2017
GRS 2021 5th Nov

Jill of all trades mistress of non
Know a bit about everything but not enough to be clever
  • skype:davina61?call


I was going to query that when I was to make the curry Davina, no way would I use 300ml of oil. I would use just enough to fry what needs to be fried. A dash to start and add more if it absorbed. Usually that being fried gives back the oil as it cooks. I always resist adding more oil to mushrooms.

It seems that I have to be careful of fat, the last blood test showed my cholesterol level is 5 and I have a docs appointment to "discuss it" it's rather unfair for a girl that does not drink, does not eat meat and junk food, nor smoke may be requested to give up my only real pleasure a bit of cheese lol

It is also very ironic that the GP is concerned about a borderline cholesterol level but ignores the elephant in the room, the refusal to give me HRT or surgery. I am as most should know by now 71 and I rather spend my last years being myself than prolonging my life with a statin and the agony of not being who I should be.

I do well with my private HRT but I could not retire from work if I wanted as I would no be able to afford the meds or private doc and it will be that that ends my life not Cholesterol.

Jessica xxx
The brand new "A Day in the life of Jessica_k" blog,

**** No act of kindness goes unpunished ****



I have a Presonus 1810c for my recording studio.  I have some Yamaha studio monitors hooked up.  I need to find a small, low fi device with audio in for mixing.  If it sounds good on the nice stuff, and on a low fi, it generally is going to be well mixed.


I think I have mentioned before how I have changed since now being a woman.

That shy guy has gone forever. Jessica is here. But it can get me into trouble sometimes. Saying things perhaps a bit to forward maybe or is it just embracing the world how it is. Them and us.

So I have also mentioned, or have I. I do get confused with what I knew I mentioned and if I had reiterated again after the big loss. Had I mentioned that the company I work for has been taken over by a much larger corporation. This process of becoming an employee of a new company comes under a government law, employment law called TUPE, Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) that basically means that one's new contract of employment is the same, better or equivalent to that of the old company.

Why am I mentioning this and what has it to do with me big mouth. Well each department elects a representative to go to the TUPE meetings to ensure the rules and law is implemented correctly and that the conditions of employment are agreed by the staff. Ok I am going to represent the R&D department with my left wing socialist views and again big mouth I will make sure the staff gets a good deal lol. It also helps that I make myself know to the new senior management having elected myself to go to the Tpz (the new company) curry night with the CEO...

Jessica Xxx

Perhaps a bit more context. The company is Tpz UK part of Tpz a global company group that in turn is owned by a consortium of two of the big players in the defence and commercial satellite field with turnovers in 100's of €bn. A tiny cog in a big machine.
The brand new "A Day in the life of Jessica_k" blog,

**** No act of kindness goes unpunished ****



Kay is away again soon.

Legitimate reason this time. She is off Friday for about 4 days back to Maidstone to help look after the kids while their mum is in hospital and subsequent recovery from a op.

More time for me, and I am not wasting it. Another meeting with Jules. At my place this time. He told me of an old amplifier that he has borrowed that had a minor fault but looking inside he saw quite a mess of DIY/aftermarket mods and was afraid to do the small fix and power it up

I offered to do a PAT test on it for safely and to power it up slowly on my variac. He thought that was a good idea. Not missing an opportunity, I  then I threw in dinner. He could not resist lol. So Friday evening yay.

Going to cook a tarka daal, keeping the meal simple. I will have some nice music streaming on the dansette. I am looking forward to it.

Jessica xxx
The brand new "A Day in the life of Jessica_k" blog,

**** No act of kindness goes unpunished ****



Watching The Repair Shop I have seen some messed up amps fixed, its all above my pay grade! Saying that I did make a "module" to fool my lads R1 into thinking it still had the exhaust flap valve and that worked and have made a circuit up to fool the engine in the hot rod to bypass the EGR valve. Not been able to test that yet.
a long time coming (out) HRT 12 2017
GRS 2021 5th Nov

Jill of all trades mistress of non
Know a bit about everything but not enough to be clever
  • skype:davina61?call


I am having a lay in.

It's 8:11 when I start writing this and I already feel guilty that I should be up. I am still in bed, cuddling my teddy bear and have been here on Susan's since 6:30 catching up and making a few posts. Now I am here in my own blog where I chose what I want to talk about.

It may be obvious, but I am alone again in as much as K has gone for a few days as mentioned in my last post else by now I would be downstairs in the kitching fixing breakfast for her.

I had a lovely day yesterday mixing work and pleasure but it has left me with some work to do before Monday. Meetings and work covered the morning and I started at 8am an hour early. But in the afternoon, I took a break to test drive the Kia electric car Ev6. Ooo I loved it. It's a big car, somewhat similar in size to the X1 but more saloony (is that a word?) but I was at home in it immediately. It did not seem big on the road as it was so easy to drive. I must admit I was a bit apprehensive when I was given the keys and told you can take as much time as you like. I was given a quick basics of the car and off I was to go. I remember driving the X1 for the first time. I found it a bit intimidating which was strange as I had no issues with the larger X3 we had before but I drive mostly my little Kia picanto. That iis an auto too like the X1 so I was at home in the electric car. If I get a choice in April when I become officially a Tpz employee and can get the perk of a salary sacrifice for an all expenses paid (minus the electricity) new e car. This will be the one

When I got back I had to raise a PO and my friend N knows how to do that, in fact everyone gets him to create PO's. This instigated a teams video call, so after brief work we started chatting for an hour lol. I was naughty I was vey obviously flirting with him but he did not notice. Have I lost my powers lol, no he is very naive it just did not register. I knew I was safe.

After that an a bit more work it was time to prepare dinner for my guest who already said they were leaving home. I was cooking a Tarka Daal and he was to provide dessert. It was just after midnight that he left leaving the amp he brought for me to check out. A really lovely evening.

So now it's 8:47 and I am feeling a bit hungry so I will fix me a cheese omelette for breakie and a nice cup of tea,,

Jessica xxx
The brand new "A Day in the life of Jessica_k" blog,

**** No act of kindness goes unpunished ****



It was 9 am when I forced myself out of my warm bed, all behind now as its nearly 10.15 and I have to call in at mums to check her faulty light before going down the workshop. Never mind as its still cold out there.
a long time coming (out) HRT 12 2017
GRS 2021 5th Nov

Jill of all trades mistress of non
Know a bit about everything but not enough to be clever
  • skype:davina61?call


I am one of the lucky ones in that I did not lose everything in the crash of '24. I was still left with a few hundred old posts.

For some reason I decided to look at my old posts today. This is unusual for me as I live for today. I cannot change the past and no idea what tomorrow may bring.

I started with my very first post, pre transition putting in writing for the first time how I felt. Not out to anyone possibly even myself but knew there was something wrong that needed to be righted.

The posts went through all the things I did, my lack of confidence, my little steps to leaving the house dressed as a woman. And the amazing support I got here at Susan's.

I mentioned my coming out to Kay and my despair of not to be able to transition. Well I still have some of those problems now after 5 years. Still cannot be 100% me but I did transition with amazing results, I just had too. My confidence is now through the roof. I read up to jan 1 2019 5 years and a month after that date I started HRT. DIY for a very short period before going private. I had too.

The biggest change apart from those physical attributes is my sexuality. I was adamant in those early posts that I knew who I was. Straight as a male so obviously lesbian as a female. Well that's gone out the window. I am more and more moving the other way. I am definitely bi now, and as I now wholly class myself female moving more and more to being straight again ie preferring men

I love Kay, so much so it hinders my final transitional steps, but it's not sexual love it is a deep platonic love. I often dream now of being with a man. Though I am convinced it could never happen it is still a wonder. I somehow will have to have surgery first and that alone seems unlikely as waiting times on the NHS are currently not in my lifetime. All I can say is no one knows what the future will bring and my story has come a very long way in 5 years and there is plenty of life left

A bit of nostalgia.

Jessica xxx
The brand new "A Day in the life of Jessica_k" blog,

**** No act of kindness goes unpunished ****



Many hugs my dear.  A loving partner is all most of us want. This interuption and restoration process had me re reading my earlier post too.  A blessing disguised as an inconvenience.  I see where I held so much back as I came through the transition descision.  Perhaps you did too?  My Aunt H eased me into seeing that trans was the real destination.  What a relevation over the years.  It certainly didn't happen overnight!

I'm more at the bi- stage in my sexuality.  Like you I figured lessie from the git go!  My therapist took me through a few exercises that helped me come to grips.  We'll have to see where it goes, yes?  I'll give up sex entirely if it means giving up my partner.  Or give up life if it come to that.
One shouldn't open the book of another's life and jump in the middle.  I am a woman, I'm a mystery.  I still see and hear who I used to be, who I am, who I'm gonna be. - Richelle
"Where you'd learn do to that, miss?" "Just do it, that's all; ... I got natural talent." "I'll say you do, at that." - Firefly
  • skype:damalie?call


Thank you @D'Amalie we do seem to have a lot in common, but then I guess we are just typical of being trans. Specially those of us that started our journey later in life. The baggage.

Part of my New Year's resolution was to put myself first for a change and get on with life changing what I can rather what I cannot. I do not mean I am giving up on anything just choosing the battles that I can win. And with every win I get closer to wining the war. I am concentrating on my friends and supportive relatives rather than feeling down about those that are not.

Confidence yes, sensitive probably too much. I am aware of my thoughts and feel I need to step up and own them and change the negativity.

Strangely I have never had counselling, I have never felt the need. I perform rational thinking, self analyse and provide a solution that works for me. Mistakes yes, but I am not easily persuaded to change my mind unless evidence says otherwise.

I am doing the same thing at work too, I have spent too much time doing a very good job, but not promoting myself. A new company with larger opportunities. I thought at my age I would step back let younger people take the stage, but now I am seeing that a team is likely to be built and I want to lead it. I can be assertive but tended not to be so much but I feel I have the energy to push myself. To do it for me.

Jessica xxx

PS. The HiFi forum that I had belonged to for many years has completely gone now. The WAM is dead long live the MAV.
The brand new "A Day in the life of Jessica_k" blog,

**** No act of kindness goes unpunished ****



I didn't need any therapy, my brain work straight forward! Maybe thats part of being dyslexic ? Black or white,is how I see things and I have the ability to see things in my brain finished before being made like a movie.
a long time coming (out) HRT 12 2017
GRS 2021 5th Nov

Jill of all trades mistress of non
Know a bit about everything but not enough to be clever
  • skype:davina61?call


As this is meant to be a daily blog I have failed. You know you have not posted for a while when you are demoted to the second page of the blogs lol.

Part of my new year start has been to try and be more positive in my posts and only post good things that happen in my life. So that's it for today folks.........

Only joking, the vast amount of my time is the huge pressures of work, working from home so I have not had much me time. I have however been away from home for 4 days this week so that has been great as it's 4 days of me.

When it was booked the options were a single bed room at a price the company was willing to pay and a premium double at double that price and hence would need to be booked into another hotel. I said no problem I take the single room.

I took a very small risk, but I was sure I would be upgraded to the premier room when I get there and I was. Why was I so convinced? Well I use the hotel a lot and I always talk to the staff striking up a friendship at all levels including management and it really pays off, plus I just love to talk to people. So it is a win win, my company saves money and I get a nice room.

I had an easy drive home Friday and brought in a chip shop dinner. Kay had fish/chips/mushy peas I had a veggie burger/chips/beans and we shared a curry sauce. It was lovely, but I now have to go back to the hotel Sunday evening for work again first thing Monday grr. Never mind..

Been chatting to my friend Jules most days. Ok, ok, I am flirting again but it is fun.

I am going to stop here as I want to remain positive.

Jessica xxx

The brand new "A Day in the life of Jessica_k" blog,

**** No act of kindness goes unpunished ****


Maid Marion

Hi Jessica,

I used to have "home away from home."  I'd stay at the same inn in Vermont a couple weekends a year and got to know the innkeeper and chef personally.  They told me that they had a spare room if I ever needed to stay there.

They found out that everyone wanted to eat breakfast at the same time in the morning and head out on their adventure! 
Having them order from a menu wait for freshly cooked meals didn't work for that.



The breakfast Marion, is one of the reasons I like to stay at that hotel, they do fresh cook from the menu and for me it is either eggs royal or cheese omelette, both are good.

As for everyone at once I remember a few months ago, there was only one chef in the kitchen and he was being overwhelmed and people were getting restless and some taking it out on the service staff. I waited calmly and patently for mine to arrive telling the staff member I chat a lot with, that I was fine and it was not anyone's fault, when it arrived it perfectly cooked and I sent my compliments to the chef appreciating all that he did that morning. He came out and thanked me.

The brand new "A Day in the life of Jessica_k" blog,

**** No act of kindness goes unpunished ****



I was a 'dirty stopout' last night not getting home until 1am....

I have a lovely day and it makes up for the rather stressful week. Work has been extremely stressful to the point the commercial delivery manager checked if I was getting too much pressure in his capacity of the companies wellness protocols. I assured him I was Ok

It was a lovely day because I was in the office and I got to meet up with all the guys and gals that I both regularly and rarely see as there was an evening event. This included a girl I see only a couple of times a year but we get on very well when we do. So it was an immediate hug and a chat. I seem always to get on well with people from India.

So why the big office meet up and the late arrival home? Well it was the R&D and commercial division "Christmas meal". A bit early? No, very late. I am in both divisions so I should get 2 meals.

It was strange to be tucking into Xmas fare in February so my options were as normal as possible with a curried lentil soup, salmon and roasted baby pots, and my homage to Xmas, Christmas pud.

There was a lot of mingling and talking to people I rarely see, more so in a social activity so it really was Bril.

I left at 9:30 and dropped off two friends at the local train station and took my bestie home as he lives very close to the office and was not far out of my way. Then I had the near 2hour journey home, ETA about midnight.

Well I got to half way, as I turned onto the A3 I knew I was not going to make it without a break so stopped at a service station and napped for about a hour. Bought some sweets to increase my sugar levels and drove home safely. Another 180 mile round trip to work completed lol.

Well at 1am fully dressed in girl mode from the day out I decided to take the extremely minimal risk of going straight home and not changing. I was right K was in bed asleep so I got to my room, took my makeup off got into my nightie (a concession as we have separate rooms) took me tablets and went to sleep.

What I had forgotten to mention was the mare of a start of the day. K was in bed, asleep? and I take another risk by getting dressed as myself but leave my makeup to do in the car, it saves a lot of time and the faff of changing in the vehicle.

So I went my usual route and stopped to finish to get ready and noticed that I had no jewellery on, forget to put them on after my shower, then I noticed I had forgot my purse as it was out of my bag due to having to pay the dart charge from my journey home tues. Then I realised I had forgotten to take me E tablet and Spiro.

Ok finished getting ready and drove off, did my usual turn around next junction to go to work and realised I was to get petrol so off again the next junction and I thought I will go to the petrol station on the back road and forgot again I had to turn off to get to the other side of the village and ended up in the old village with another detour to get back on track. What a start!!!

In the end I only missed one Spiro tab as I took the E when I got back home. I did not need my purse as I have all my bank cards on my phone and I went jewellery bare for the day.

The brand new "A Day in the life of Jessica_k" blog,

**** No act of kindness goes unpunished ****
