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I start taking T and dont get read as male anymore grrrr

Started by millsy, November 06, 2009, 01:51:29 AM

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I just wanted to vent really, before I started T i used to get mistaken for a guy all the time which i really liked, but ironically, ever since i have started binding and started T i keep getting maa'med. I do have wide hips still and a big bust which binding doesnt do much for (thank god chest surgery is less than a month away) but I feel like i am looking a bit  more male, my face has def changed at least. Is it because people dont want to make a mistake and tend to err on the side of female in case i am female and get offended, or what? It's really frustrating! Has this happened to anyone else?  ???


I've gotten that too! Holy crap. I feel like I passed better six months back.


It hasn't happened to me, and I can understand that you find it frustrating! But how long have you been on T for? Have you changed anything else about your apperance?




The same thing happened to me.  I suspect, however, that we just notice the "Ma'ams" more now that we are eagerly expecting "Sir".


Happened to me at the beginning as I got a really puffy face for a bit before. So glad that went away.
"A life lived in fear is a life half lived"


Things like this is why I personally don't insist on taking it... yeah my face is pretty round, I don't have much muscle mass, and my fat distriution is all wack... but I think if I lose enough wieght(fat), and work out really hard everyday(to gain muscle) by myself... I may get a good enough result. Although I know id have to work twice as hard as anyone else, and do it as a lifestyle...
But that's just my opionion at the moment.

Did you change anything about the way you dress or carry yourself? Maybe you got a little too confident and got rid of something?
Gender expression is NOT gender identity.

Defective Catastrophe.


Yah, that's kind of a disappointment, but don't expect it to last for long.  How long have you been on T?  The face puffiness that Myles mentioned did make me look more female for a time...  Went away at around 4 months.

Quote from: ccc on November 06, 2009, 11:24:33 AMbut I think if I lose enough wieght(fat), and work out really hard everyday(to gain muscle) by myself... I may get a good enough result. Although I know id have to work twice as hard as anyone else, and do it as a lifestyle...

That's what I did for about 4 years.  I saw some results, I was stronger than most people expected me to be and stronger than some guys (the ones who don't do much of anything physical), but... lifting weights 3-4 times a week, doing cardio on off-days, and being hyper vigilant about keeping food intake down to 'lean' meats, veggies, no processed anything still kept me looking like... a fit girl.  I perhaps don't have the genetics for it, but I found binding muscle to an estrogenated body to be very difficult.  Lol, now if only I had the same motivation while on T...  that said, I have basically sat on my arse for the past 6 months on T and have a much easier time hauling around 90-lb cement bags compared to when I was working out religiously pre-T.  *shrug*  Not to discourage you, working out and eating well is a good thing to do and it is an improvement, but... unless you have very good genetics and a lot of self-discipline, the changes you do see may leave you wanting more.

You're right about basically having to 'do it as a lifestyle.'
"Be it life or death, we crave only reality"  -Thoreau


I JUST started taking T...and I really wish people came with little lightbulbs on their foreheads that would light up green if I passed with them and red if I was clocked. Today was one of those no-passing days...I woke up and looked at myself in the mirror and my reflection said back to me, "dont count on it", and sure enough I haven't gotten sir'd all day.

I'm worrying about the puffiness I've heard about...and OMFG, my voice needs to drop. Nao.


I'm convinced that the main thing that can be the difference between being read as male or female is confidence. If you just go out as yourself, not expecting to be read either way and just going about your business it's more likely that you'll pass. Trust me I've passed at times when there was no way in hell I should have. I got big moobs, wide hips, an extremely fem shape and a girly voice. Hell I've even passed while wearing a woman's suit which accentuates these features. The key thing was that I didn't try to be girly, I didn't try to be manly. I just went out as myself and let the chips fall where they may.
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