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Passing without trying too hard? Who would've thought ?!

Started by Ms Bev, January 25, 2007, 10:50:42 PM

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Ms Bev

My wife and I just returned from a short vacation, one we take every winter at this time of year (the off season at the ocean).  We love the lack of crowds, the peace and quiet, and of course the prices.
This year's trip was a little different from last years.....well....a LOT different as a matter of fact.
My wife sees me through her own filter, and sees me every day.  Not so, other people.
While we were driving, and talking, sharing snacks and chit chat, I said 'please don't freak out if I get maam'ed .....'
'What makes you think you will?' she asked.  'Yes, you look kind of soft, a little pretty in that sweater for a guy....'

That night a dinner, I wore jeans as usual, an ivory-colored cable turtleneck sweater, and my usual lipstick.  It's a color you can hardly tell I'm wearing, it matches my lip color so closely, but it gives a softer, even color.
We had a great time, and pretty good dinner.  Then sure enough, panic time......I needed to use the restroom.
'what's the matter?' my wife said.  Just go, no big deal.
I waited until I knew the mens room was empty, then snuck in like a crazy pee criminal (If you told me 2 years ago I'd be sneaking into a public mens room, I'd call you crazy).  I dashed in, and clapped a stall door shut behind me.  A while later, I snuck back out, and back to my table, unnoticed.
My wife could not for the life of her, understand my worry.  I say worry. was fear.

Anyway, we finished our dinner, I sipped my coffee, gave the waiter the credit card.  He returned with the receipt and card, took the signed copy, smiled and said 'Thank you ladies, have a great night!'

I thanked him, sipped my coffee quietly, and as he walked away, watched my wife's shocked face.  She clapped both hands over her mouth to keep her nervous laughter in. :o

Out in the car she admitted something else:  'when you came back from the restroom, I wasn't sure it was you at first.  I had to stare to be sure!'

When we left the hotel, the gift shop lady told us goodbye.  She gave us a smiling 'good bye ladies!'
Well, I can tell you after that, I went into the ladies room without qualm in the other places we went.  In fact, at a Bob Evans, the waitress and hostess both heard the 'he' pronouns my wife used, heard her call me by my very male name, yet said hi to me and smiled genuinely (I can spot a fake smile every time) when they saw me in the ladies room.  Go figure. the women's clothing stores we went into, I think they probably read me after a few looks, but had no problem with my using the dressing rooms, or helping out.

Next day, I wore a more masculine top, with the lipstick, and was called sir by virtually everyone.
Maybe what people see is what they think they see?  Who knows.
1.) If you're skating on thin ice, you might as well dance. 
2.) The more I talk to my married friends, the more I
     appreciate  having a wife.