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Melting down

Started by Adabelle, June 23, 2011, 04:00:24 PM

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Hey everyone,

After nearly 3 weeks of being full-time, I'm sitting her in "boy mode" today. I'm so depressed, and sad, and crying I just don't know what to do. I feel like such a mess at the moment and I don't know why.

I've been having a hard time sleeping the last few nights and I think that adds to the stress. Last night even when I did finally fall asleep I was woken up twice by bad dreams, and then a few other times by misc things. I slept in to try and make up for it - luckily I'm working from home today so I can flex my schedule a little.

I just feel so overwhelmed at the moment for some reason. I don't know what it is, or how to stop it. I don't know where to find the courage to do this. I mean I'm an absolute retard because I don't have a single person in my life that's not supportive at the moment. EVERY SINGLE PERSON has affirmed me, has said that I'm a beautiful person. Even my wife to this day remains at my side (although our future is unknown and I think she might leave me eventually, maybe she's just worried about me.)

Anyway, I'm still riddled with self doubt. Like I read those stupid articles that say some people are "real" transsexuals and others aren't "real" transsexuals and it makes me doubt whether I'm a real one. I mean, I've never really felt comfortable being a boy, I've never felt anything "inbetween" I have always thought I should be a girl, but now that I've been full-time for a few months I'm also feeling like I haven't found myself yet. Part of it seems fake to me to be honest. I feel a little like a clown. I don't even totally recognize myself.

But certain aspects of it feel really right. I mean the last few months have been beautiful in some ways. And I've been grateful for the changes mental and physical. I'm finding strength for the first time in my life in the last year or so to lose weight, I'm healthier, and in many ways happier. I'm not jealous of other girls any more because I am one. I'm not compulsively driven to sexually relieve myself anymore, which is such a relief. No dysphoria about any of that anymore. No more wanting to find some escape from being so depressed about not being a girl. I feel better in that sense.

But on the other hand I just am really dreading something. Something is missing from this - from my transition, and I don't know WTF it is. I rack my brain and can't find it, I can't figure it out. I just get anxious about transition, and feel like I don't have the strength or courage to do it. I wake up in the middle of the night sometimes and I'm like WTH are you doing? This is major, are you absolutely sure you have to do this? And my answer is that I don't know. I feel like I do, but I also doubt myself and am so freaking scared and overwhelmed. I mean hormones aren't play things, surgery is MAJOR (and freaks me out majorly), and then there's the whole coming out thing, and living as a girl which I'm so new to and feels a little overwhelming too. Like I'm not doing something right. Like after living my whole life of feeling like I was a fraud as a boy, that I'm not doing a very good job as a girl either.

Finally I guess this morning I got out of the shower and just said eff it, maybe wearing boy clothes will help me feel better (!???). I took my HRT (like I've religiously done from day one), but I put on boy clothes. But it's an empty escape to be honest. It doesn't change anything. I still feel messed up, and I still sit here crying and feeling all sorry for myself and confused. I'm just faking it with these boy clothes on, it's all fake.

I can pretend I'm a boy, but I don't think I am one. I think I'm a girl, but something isn't right right now. I'm so scared and pathetic. ;( I don't want to stop, or go back, but I'm so freaking scared to go forward.


Madelyn, you are a bit further in this journey than I am, but as I said in your other thread, we are so much alike it's scary. I know how hard this can be. I know these doubts and fears you are talking about, and they can mess with your mind in ways not many can understand. Of course it would be easier in some ways if we wouldn't transition and save all the hassle, but I am quite sure our soul would die slowly but surely.


Thank you both for your replies.

This being in boy mode today just feels so empty. It's like, if I was to even take a break what would I go back to? Being a boy feels unnatural and sad to me. I'm also afraid of the on-again-off-again HRT thing, and even when I went off my Spiro for a month to store sperm I was miserable. I was so glad to start back up. The lab actually bumped up my appointments because I was begging them to make it go faster.

The idea of pausing, or going back scares me too, and depresses me. I just feel caught in the middle somewhere.

Val, when you stopped did you write about it? I want to hear more about that. Stopping just scares and depresses me. I feel like my anxiety and fear would be replaced by depression and despair like I had before.

Anne. I'm so glad you have some of the same thoughts as me. But also remember you are your own person with your own transition too. I hope my instability today doesn't scare you.


You sound "real" to me.  Yes it's scary as hell, and I well remember.  A lot of us go through the same thing at first; know that you are not alone.  We want to be sure that what we are doing is right, and it's all so unfamiliar.  These feelings will pass, eventually.  Like Valerie said, "let it happen where you cant stop it. You'll know when its the right time."

Girls rule, boys drool.
If I keep a green bough in my heart, then the singing bird will come.


You will feel every emotion you did before beginning transition plus a few more, you will experience more difficulties, you will go through terribly uncomfortable changes, you will sometimes feel like you're doing it wrong, you will feel like a liar at times, you will doubt yourself...  At times, a rational person will reflect upon the magnitude of transition and wonder "WHY THE *&^% am I doing this?!" Some lucky few, who have little to give up for transition, don't need to stress on that so hard.

A good gender therapist will stress the importance of being yourself, no matter what that self may be. I have an androgynous outlook, but a (transssexual) woman is running the show up there. I'm not a fool, I know exactly what's going on, what I'm doing, and I have a good idea of where I will end up (barring some unforeseen event).

My advice is to un-gender it. Whatever is giving you a problem, just break it. Find a girl / boy that does something that boys / girls do and try to apply it, spend some time in the unicorn forest:,57.0.html Their existence gives me comfort... Like everything else, this is all very open to interpretation, especially here in the U.S.


Quote from: Madelyn on June 23, 2011, 05:04:21 PM
Thank you both for your replies.
Anne. I'm so glad you have some of the same thoughts as me. But also remember you are your own person with your own transition too. I hope my instability today doesn't scare you.

I know, I'm just surprised to find someone who is so much like me in this regard. Your instability doesn't scare me because it shows I'm not alone with these thoughts. And we all know that misery loves company :)


Quote from: Madelyn on June 23, 2011, 04:00:24 PM
I just feel so overwhelmed at the moment for some reason. I don't know what it is, or how to stop it. I don't know where to find the courage to do this. I mean I'm an absolute retard because I don't have a single person in my life that's not supportive at the moment. EVERY SINGLE PERSON has affirmed me, has said that I'm a beautiful person. Even my wife to this day remains at my side (although our future is unknown and I think she might leave me eventually, maybe she's just worried about me.)

It's natural to feel overwhelmed by things, honey. We all do. It doesn't make you weak or 'an absolute retard' or anything else, okay? *hug* It makes you human.

Quote from: Madelyn on June 23, 2011, 04:00:24 PMAnyway, I'm still riddled with self doubt. Like I read those stupid articles that say some people are "real" transsexuals and others aren't "real" transsexuals and it makes me doubt whether I'm a real one. I mean, I've never really felt comfortable being a boy, I've never felt anything "inbetween" I have always thought I should be a girl, but now that I've been full-time for a few months I'm also feeling like I haven't found myself yet. Part of it seems fake to me to be honest. I feel a little like a clown. I don't even totally recognize myself.

Never take someone else's opinion when trying to decide who you are. All those articles, they're written by people with the exact same doubts and fears as you, as everyone. And you don't have to justify who you are to anyone, or try and fit yourself in a box someone else has created for themselves. You are who you are, hon. No one can take that away from you or tell you otherwise. Whoever you are, and see yourself as, that's just fine. It's like trying to say whether you're 'normal'. Ask 100 different people what 'normal' is, and you'll get 100 different answers. And if you take a straight average of those, what you get is definitely NOT.

Honey, do you think maybe you're trying too hard to act like someone you think you should be? Because of what you've read or heard or seen? That you have an ideal in your head and are somehow trying to reach that?

Quote from: Madelyn on June 23, 2011, 04:00:24 PMBut on the other hand I just am really dreading something. Something is missing from this - from my transition, and I don't know WTF it is. I rack my brain and can't find it, I can't figure it out. I just get anxious about transition, and feel like I don't have the strength or courage to do it. I wake up in the middle of the night sometimes and I'm like WTH are you doing? This is major, are you absolutely sure you have to do this? And my answer is that I don't know. I feel like I do, but I also doubt myself and am so freaking scared and overwhelmed. I mean hormones aren't play things, surgery is MAJOR (and freaks me out majorly), and then there's the whole coming out thing, and living as a girl which I'm so new to and feels a little overwhelming too. Like I'm not doing something right. Like after living my whole life of feeling like I was a fraud as a boy, that I'm not doing a very good job as a girl either.

*hug* It's very very easy to feel daunted by anything that seems huge and insurmountable, sweetie. What you have to do is to set your sights closer to where you are rather than at the finish line, you know? Like... hmm... when those mountain climber people head off to have a crack at climbing Everest, and they're sat at base camp... what's the first thing they aim for? They don't think "right, here I am at the start and now I'm going to get to the summit... WOAH!! Jeez that's high, I don't think I can do this."

It's more a case of okay, first I'm gonna head for this point. Then from that point I'm gonna head for that point. And then that point. And so on and so forth. Until I get there.

Maybe a way to get over your fear somewhat is to concentrate on things a week at a time? Or maybe even a day at a time? Break everything down into little steps you can manage rather than one huge leap you don't think you have a chance of.

If it helps, give yourself things to look forward to, like... do something you really enjoy on the weekends, and then you can have something to look forward to all week. Or plan a treat for yourself, you know? A favourite meal, or a movie... anything that will give you a goal, something to aim for, a waypoint on your journey.

Honey, you don't have to act a certain way to be a girl, so whether you're doing a good job of it or not isn't really an issue if you just be you. Because if you're a girl then there's nothing you can do that will say anything else, you know? Heck, go fix cars and get covered head to toe in oil, grease and god knows what else... doesn't take anything away from who you are. Grab a chainsaw and head off into the forest for firewood or something... doesn't make you any less you. Whatever you do, whenever you do it... you do it as you. So there's no way you can do a 'bad job' of it. *hug*

As for strength, just remember how strong you were to get to this point. You have it in you, Madelyn. It never goes away, honey. It's part of who you are, too.
Natura nihil frustra facit.


Thank you everyone. So much.

I am so grateful this site is here. It's so very helpful to me. I'm still feeling emotionally unstable today, my wife thinks I'm having an off day biochemically and that this is normal girl stuff - just my own unique twist on it.

I was in boy clothes for a couple hours today and it really helped me actually. I set up a mirror and just sat on the bed looking at my full body in it. I really studied it. The thing is I realized that I didn't feel like a boy, I was just me with boy clothes on. And I took notice of my body, of the little changes that have happened since starting HRT. And I like them. I like how my skin is smoother, I like my hands, my neck, my face. I like who I am so much more than before.

Anyway, I didn't feel better because I was in "boy mode" - I guess I felt better because I realized that being in boy mode didn't make me feel better, and that was kindof a relief. I was still just me. Not a "boy". I saw what felt like a girl in boy's clothes looking back at me, and I loved her for who she was. I've never loved the image in the mirror as much as I do these days. I was grateful for the person I saw - and I realized that it wasn't because of her clothes.

But I do need to figure out what it means for me to be a girl. I've just spent my entire life doing the boy thing, and even though my transition has felt slow motion for the last 8 years taking baby steps, the last 6 months have been bigger steps in going full time and starting HRT. I think maybe that has made me feel overwhelmed at times. But going back to boy mode doesn't make me a boy - and it just seems like if I stop it's not going to make me feel better either. I just need to figure out how to make it through.

To use your Everest story Sephirah I guess I feel like I'm up on the mountain somewhere, and looking back at the base camp and remembering how comfortable it was and that I didn't have to worry about slipping and falling. But the thing is I'm not a base camper, I'm a climber. But dang, a bowl of chicken noodle soup by the fire sounds good right now.

Anyway. Enough crossdressing for today. Even though this morning sucked I am kinda glad it happened. It gave me the chance to talk to you guys, and also to see that boy clothes don't a boy make. I guess I find comfort in that, and in you guys too. Thank you.


Madelyn, you are a 'real' transsexual because you say you are.  PERIOD.

You are a woman.  We all have 'those' days.  Even our natal sister sometime have the 'ugly' days.  That is what I call the doubt days, the 'ugly' days.

It does get better.  Trust me.


Madelyn! You even drew me out of the woodwork! :p I really need to visit Susans a tad more often.....

I don't know if I can add much to what others have already said here, but I'll try. You've seen me go thru a rough couple of weeks over the past month and most of what you've written here completely sums up what has been bothering me. So if anything, know you're not alone in these feelings at all.

Personally I'm having a very hard time finding who I really am, and an immense struggle to release whom I've tried to be, "him", to allow it to happen. I can very much identify with the feelings of not doing it right and the doubt. What has brought up issues for me is the fact that some seem to dive into this and as soon as they go FT they seem to feel "cured"...weight lifted off them... the whole bit.....but for me, nothing has been like that, it's been a struggle dotted with moments of greatness. When I'm in doubt, I do my best to remember those moments, because I know in my heart they they've been more amazing and real than anything I've experienced in my life before. I also sort of feel like if this weren't who I am, I would've given up the fight long before maybe that struggle is good evidence of how "real" this is.

I know the doubts, and as you know, this being my second go at transiton..... stopping doesn't make it any better..... at least not for me. I went back, and I just ended up 6 years older and twice as miserable as I was before.

Do what you need to do, take your time, don't let your thoughts get the better of you...... and when I'm on a ledge again, give me the same advice :p

Love ya!

~Sara :)


Hi Madelyn

You sounds so very normal to me, believe me everyone had second toughts.
I have transitioned many years ago but like you i had doubts.
When you have to live like a boy, you know you're not perfectly happy but you know how your life is.
With transition started it's all new and you don't know what it's gonna be.
The unknown scares most of us.
Indeed it's major, it will change your life tremendesly but what is the alternative?

Don't mention what is written about real or not real trannies, it has nothing to do with you.
You have your own feelings and those feelings are sometimes confusing but deep down inside you know what's going on with you.

Just take your time for transition, you know for the best what and when to do.
Listen to your inner self, it's the best advicer.

Whatever you decide, i hope you're gonna be happy.
