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Non-Binary Introductions

Started by ativan, October 20, 2011, 04:08:48 PM

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Micah (Alecia)

Hello everyone,

My name is Micah (male) or Alecia (Female) depending on the day it differs, I was born a male but I identify as bi-gender and gender fluid meaning I am in constant flux between male and female. I am sexually attracted to female in both gender roles.Since I was a little kid I have always felt that something was not quite right and it is only recently that I have found the terms to explain what I am going through. The main reason I came to this site was to get answers and guidance as I am still very confused about my genders, I identify as both my and female although like I said some days I feel more female then male and visa versa any help that any of you can give would be greatly appreciated as I am still just trying to figure things out.

Be yourself whoever that may be and forgot what anyone else says.


Quote from: Micah (Alecia) on August 10, 2015, 04:57:39 PM
Hello everyone,

My name is Micah (male) or Alecia (Female) depending on the day it differs, I was born a male but I identify as bi-gender and gender fluid meaning I am in constant flux between male and female. I am sexually attracted to female in both gender roles.Since I was a little kid I have always felt that something was not quite right and it is only recently that I have found the terms to explain what I am going through. The main reason I came to this site was to get answers and guidance as I am still very confused about my genders, I identify as both my and female although like I said some days I feel more female then male and visa versa any help that any of you can give would be greatly appreciated as I am still just trying to figure things out.


Welcome, Micah/Alecia. There are a number of genderfluid people here. I went through a stage like that, though now I've mostly transitioned to female and the male part of me is more of a quiet presence that won't ever let me completely forget it's there.

I hope you find the help you're looking for.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?

Micah (Alecia)

So do I it took an tremendous amount of courage just to get this far. I am so glad that everyone is so supportive I feel so welcome here and I feel I can be my true self.
Be yourself whoever that may be and forgot what anyone else says.

Lady Smith

Quote from: Micah (Alecia) on August 11, 2015, 05:03:47 AM
So do I it took an tremendous amount of courage just to get this far. I am so glad that everyone is so supportive I feel so welcome here and I feel I can be my true self.

The only person you can ever successfully be is yourself.  Welcome to the forum :)

Micah (Alecia)

Words of wisdom to live by thank you lady smith
Be yourself whoever that may be and forgot what anyone else says.


Howdy, all.

I'm Beth/Wally/Gewaltraud and I'm here because I'm confused about myself, my body and a few other things.

Nice to meet you!


Lady Smith

Nice to meet you too, welcome to the forum :D


I'm Sam, though I wasn't always.  I expect a court order by the end of the month so that I can be Sam everywhere. :)

I identify as agender, though for me that means I'm pretty squarely in the middle with the volume turned down.  I have masculine aspects, I have feminine aspects; rarely has one of them dominated to the point where I really *felt* like a woman or a man.  Most of the time I'm me, in presentations that skew a little masculine to make up for my body's female traits.  (I'm fortunate that it also has male traits, just not as many of them.)

Coming out non-binary in my late 30s has been an odd experience, since most of Twitter and the press seems to focus on early-twentysomethings or teenage NBs.  The whole idea is new to me -- I had barely heard of non-binary a year ago, and never questioned my gender until this spring.  My family and friends have all been very supportive, though few of them manage to use the right pronouns most of the time (mostly they're still trying to adjust to the name change).  It's all very friendly, though, and I understand it's a process.

Just looking for advice and support from people a little more familiar with this odd state of being. :)


Micah (Alecia)

Welcome to Susan's Sam, I have only been here a few days and the people on this site have made, me feel more accepted then anyone ever has. you will get great advice from everyone here, enjoy your stay here I look forward to seeing you around the forums

Be yourself whoever that may be and forgot what anyone else says.

Tessa James

Quote from: Torquill on August 17, 2015, 01:50:13 AM
I'm Sam, though I wasn't always.  I expect a court order by the end of the month so that I can be Sam everywhere. :)

I identify as agender, though for me that means I'm pretty squarely in the middle with the volume turned down.  I have masculine aspects, I have feminine aspects; rarely has one of them dominated to the point where I really *felt* like a woman or a man.  Most of the time I'm me, in presentations that skew a little masculine to make up for my body's female traits.  (I'm fortunate that it also has male traits, just not as many of them.)

Coming out non-binary in my late 30s has been an odd experience, since most of Twitter and the press seems to focus on early-twentysomethings or teenage NBs.  The whole idea is new to me -- I had barely heard of non-binary a year ago, and never questioned my gender until this spring.  My family and friends have all been very supportive, though few of them manage to use the right pronouns most of the time (mostly they're still trying to adjust to the name change).  It's all very friendly, though, and I understand it's a process.

Just looking for advice and support from people a little more familiar with this odd state of being. :)


Welcome aboard Sam.  Nice to have more out of the box thinking around here.  Congratulations for coming out with your family and friends support--thats huge for many of us.  No matter how I change, my history is written and I don't want to deny any part of the past that I lived.  The years of socialization and mixed gender traits I have will remain part of me that I am becoming more comfortable with.  I really like the idea of being free to be our most genuine self.  No one is more qualified to be you! ;D
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013

Lady Smith



Hi Sam, welcome to Susan's. I hope all goes well with the court order. I look forward to seeing you around the forums. I see you already found our non binary forum. Good luck and Hugs

Things that you should read

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.
I am also spouse of a transgender person.
Retired News Administrator
Retired (S) Global Moderator


I'm Dorian, though I haven't decided on the name yet 100%, but this is what I like best so far. I'm a 21 year old demiguy from Sweden, and I'm generally just here to get a feeling of belonging somewhere, talk to other people like me, I guess.

I realised I was not a girl just two or three years ago, and I had never really thought about it before. All of the sudden things just started to feel /not right/ and I didn't want to present fully female anymore. Today, I'm waiting to get my whole transitioning process started so I can finally get my T-prescription. It's not something I thought I would do three years ago but I'm very glad I've come to this decision, I know it's the right thing for me.

Other than the gender thing, I'm a quite colourful and creative person, can be very reserved at times. I love to paint, draw, play guitar. Music is basically my life blood and I have a special fondness for 70's rock and prog. Oh and I have a slight interest in fashion as well, especially vintage stuff. I'm currently studying a few courses at uni, there's a program there for conservation and restoration of art, which I hope to get in to next year.

Very glad to have found this site!


Tessa James

Welcome to the Place Dorian,

We have seen a number of new people signing on in the non binary section here and with all sorts of different ways of identifying themselves.  You do belong simply by being yourself and sharing with us.  This is a safe and supportive place.

We are more than our gender identity and I appreciate your telling us more about your interests.  It serves us well to be creative in expression while still valuing the classical arts.

Congratulations for making a start you feel right about.  Care to tell us more about your sense of being a demiguy?  It is new to some people here I'm sure.  I knew I was not a boy or a man long ago but it took a lifetime to figure out where I did fit.
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013


It basically means that I identify partly as a man, but not fully. It's enough for me to want to transition, but I'm not a binary trans man. Usually I just say that I'm a trans guy but there's more to it than that.

Micah (Alecia)

Welcome Dorian, glad to have you here. I joined this sight for somewhere to belong as well, I identify my gender as gender fluid meaning it switch from day to day and I am never one set binary gender always a mix of the two. At times more male then female and vice versa, I am male born though. I hope you can find some of the answers you are looking for here, I look forward to seeing you around the forum.
Be yourself whoever that may be and forgot what anyone else says.


Until very recently, I'd always considered myself predominantly male (though I did attempt to transition a few years back), only now I can comfortably live in my current skin without the need for any major change because my partner is happy to support me as a genderfluid person, which means that on certain occasions I feel the need to present as a female. Saying this, it's not as if I'll ever be able to pass entirely one way or the other - my physical appearance and personality are too inconsistent to fit into the restricting binary system, not to mention there are years of unintentional damage that have accumulated from during the period I was living in denial. After struggling internally with this problem, I've finally come to accept that my situation certainly isn't unique. Being someone who has dedicated much of their life to helping others through various charities as a volunteer, maybe once I'm entirely satisfied with who I am then I can use the knowledge I've gained to benefit people in a similar situation? In the near future, I hope to finish a book I'm in the process of writing about my journey to find inner peace, plus I anticipate the time will soon come when I can tell friends and family of the conclusion that I reached, finally revealing my true self to them. Perhaps the most important detail that hasn't changed is that I have someone by my side who is prepared to join me in this and whatever life throws at us next. We've endured losses, illnesses, domestic lows and some great highs together. While she begins a new chapter as a university student, I too have decided to start living my life to its fullest, so you can expect to see me around a lot more...


Tessa James

Our wealth of knowledge, diversity and personal experience expands with just about every post here.  Thank you for contributing!
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013


Hi all!

I'm genderfluid, floating somewhere between androgyne, genderless, neutrois and masculine and feminine ends of the non-binary. I'm biologically female and strive for a more androgynous appearance through clothing etc. I'm on my gender journey currently, rather on the beginning.

Tessa James

Quote from: emerry on August 26, 2015, 11:24:45 AM
Hi all!

I'm genderfluid, floating somewhere between androgyne, genderless, neutrois and masculine and feminine ends of the non-binary. I'm biologically female and strive for a more androgynous appearance through clothing etc. I'm on my gender journey currently, rather on the beginning.

And you are very welcome here.  We love explorers and the sometimes fearless adventures we face.
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013