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SURGICALLY, is it possible to keep the penis and make a vaginal opening?

Started by mynhii, November 20, 2011, 10:51:30 PM

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Quote from: Annah on November 21, 2011, 10:55:14 AM
A surgeon cannot do that. It is physiologically impossible. Removing an arm or a leg is much different than inserting a vagina between the existing penis and the anus.

It's mind boggling that people are still thinking this kind of surgery is possible.

It is more mindboogling that poeople still think it isn't.
It is technically fully possible, the issue is how funtional the vaginal canal will be, not whether it can be created.

By the way, the following linked text taken from a memberpost on Laura's; a Turkish SRS-surgeon, is an interesting read.

An outdraft from the longer text;
QuoteYears ago I met a TS on the net. She demanded from me a genital operation where I had to keep her penis and build a vagina too. I said that it could be achieved technically but that I had to be sure about its ethical and legal side. I had written that to Harry Benjamin Institute. I was amazed when I read the reply from them. Shortly speaking they were telling me that I may operate if I am sure that I can achieve her goal technically and that she will be happy thereafter. Nevertheless I resigned from operating her because I was still not sure about its ethical and legal consequences.



Quote from: Bishounen on November 21, 2011, 09:26:07 AM
Technically speaking, this is possible, yes. The question is how "workable" your vagina will be, as the erectile tissue are likely to block the vaginal opening during erection.
But you will ofcourse have atleast a degree of satisfaction, not any least psychologically.
After all, in the days when the SRS-techniques were still primitive comparing totodays techniques, many T-women were nonetheless fully happy with the result anyways, as it made them happy psychologically.

Anyway, you should try asking around SRS-surgeons about your inquiry and atleast discuss the possibility.
I do know that some of the renomed SRS-surgeons, such as Meltzer, have done experimental surgery before on the patients behalf, so perhaps you could start with him?
Marci Bowers and Mcquinn are two other good surgeons that should have understanding in these matters aswell, as they are both TS.

As for the surgery itself, the vaginal opening would be positioned right below and at the base of the penile shaft, but the opening will lack a clitoris, as the the glans on the penis in this scenario will be left intact.
You will however probably have the surrounding scrotal tissue reconstructed into labias, as the scrotal sack will otherwise be too much in the way for the entrance.
As for the vaginal canal itself, it will need to be made with a Sigmoid Colon-segment.

So again, technically speaking, it is fully possible. The "problem" is to find someone that wants to perform the surgery, and, how functional the vagina will be during erection without getting fully blocked.

But as I said, ask around and don't give up on your dream!

Thank you. According to what you say, if my penis completely relaxes and no longer erect, will it still block the vaginal opening?


Quote from: Padma on November 21, 2011, 05:48:41 AM
There's no reason to assume this isn't a serious question for some people - it's certainly not the first time it's been asked here. People want different things, and it's perfectly valid to find out what's possible.

There is a reason to assume, I was wondering what the use of a penis is when the scrotum has to be removed for making the vagina, I mean it has no function except to pee, it's just hanging there.
Sure, people want different things but is it realistic?


So realistically, we can assume that it's possible to put a penis or vagina just about anywhere you would want to.
This takes nose rings up a notch, I think.

Also considering the number of guys that insist on being the biggest dick head out there, there's a whole nother side of NFL for them to spend their money on. Done right, I'm sure there are doctors that  will equipt you with what you need to squirt 12oz of Budweiser out of the top of your head.


Quote from: annette on November 21, 2011, 06:45:25 PM
There is a reason to assume, I was wondering what the use of a penis is when the scrotum has to be removed for making the vagina, I mean it has no function except to pee, it's just hanging there.
Sure, people want different things but is it realistic?

To be honest, you are not wrong. I do want my penis for the purpose of urination. Of course that isn't the only reason. However, if it has to be all or nothing, I'm willing to lose my penis.


Quote from: mynhii on November 21, 2011, 06:44:27 PM
Thank you. According to what you say, if my penis completely relaxes and no longer erect, will it still block the vaginal opening?

You are welcome. :)
No. If the penis would manage to be non-erect, then the vaginal opening would be fully "open" and penetrable.
It is when the erectile tissues in that area is filled up with blood that they swell to such a degree that they would be blocking the entry.
Peerhaps it would be possible in some fashion to go around that issue somehow, however, but that is something you will have to discuss with the pressumed surgeon, if/when it comes to that.

Ask every SRS-surgeon you can find about your wish; eventually you will sooner or later find someone that will probaaly agree to do it, BUT be sure to then check up the reputation of that surgeon, personal accounts, results, experiance and such, so that you know that you are under skilled and professional hands.
There are also renomed Thai-surgeons that have performed SRS upon several patients that have not been "diagnosed transsexuals", so to speak, so you could always try around there aswell.


Quote from: annette on November 21, 2011, 06:45:25 PM
There is a reason to assume, I was wondering what the use of a penis is when the scrotum has to be removed for making the vagina, I mean it has no function except to pee, it's just hanging there.
Sure, people want different things but is it realistic?

Alot of people that have had Orchidectomies would strongly disagree with you, as a removal of the testicles doesn't affect the sensation of the penis, nor removes the erectile abilities. The erectile abilities only decreases ,but doesn't go away totally.
There are many castrated T-persons that are capable of performing penetrable intercourse including orgasm.

In other words, no need at all to remove the penis aswell just because the testicles are gone.

By the way, "functional Eunuchs" in ancient times was favored by many females as they could perform long intercourses without pre-climaxing, and, ofcourse, without any risk of impregnating the female.



Quote from: Bishounen on November 22, 2011, 11:04:01 AM
By the way, "functional Eunuchs" in ancient times was favored by many females as they could perform long intercourses without pre-climaxing, and, ofcourse, without any risk of impregnating the female.

They sure would NOT have been the ones that worked at the Chinese Emperors Court... and there where MANY.
Not a single male was allowed in the forbidden city without being castrated (only the emperor) – those eunuchs' penis WAS removed to prevent intercourse (with the empires...).

Some say: "Free sex ruins everything..."


I am castrated and I still get strong enough erections that I could use it for penetration if I wanted to.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'


Quote from: Bishounen on November 22, 2011, 10:55:18 AM

Ask every SRS-surgeon you can find about your wish; eventually you will sooner or later find someone that will probaaly agree to do it, BUT be sure to then check up the reputation of that surgeon, personal accounts, results, experiance and such, so that you know that you are under skilled and professional hands.
There are also renomed Thai-surgeons that have performed SRS upon several patients that have not been "diagnosed transsexuals", so to speak, so you could always try around there aswell.

Good luck with that. No reputable SRS surgeon will even think about placing a penis, a vagina and a rectum all within five inches of each other. No one.

Put me to the test and prove me wrong. Find a surgeon who is licensed (in any country) who will do it and I will admit I am wrong. Getting a response from a doctor who will pay to put a human ear on a cat doesn't count. The doctor has to be licensed in her or his country and under a somewhat good reputation (i.e, a back alley "Doctor" doesn't count).

So prove me wrong and find a doctor who will do this; because as it stands, I am under the firm belief that no sane doctor would even entertain the idea. Not because of having both a penis and a vagina...but because it is not physiologically viable.

So prove me wrong. Not from your words but from a doctor's.


Don't judge a book by its cover! My lifes been like a country song! True love, amazing grace, severe heartbreak, buckles, boots n spurs! I 've been thrown off the bull a couple times, I keep getting up and dusting myself off! Can't give up on my happily ever after!


Quote from: Axélle on November 22, 2011, 12:34:51 PM
They sure would NOT have been the ones that worked at the Chinese Emperors Court... and there where MANY.
Not a single male was allowed in the forbidden city without being castrated (only the emperor) – those eunuchs' penis WAS removed to prevent intercourse (with the empires...).

Correct, as the ancient Chinese removed the whole package including penis-shaft aswell and not only the testicles. Basically the Chinese did a full Penectomy in Hijra-style, so for very logical reasons, they would not have been very suitable for intercourse, no.

However, Eunuchs in ancient Greece and specifically, The Roman Empire, were castrated by only removing the testes, and hence very favored by females, as the penis itself usually remained fully functional, which allowed them to have full intercourse but without risk of impregnate the female.
Or, as the one duscussion from those times goes about a female engaging in those activities; "Do you ask, Panychus, why your Caelia only consorts with eunuchs? Caelia wants the flowers of marriage – not the fruit."

QuoteGood luck with that. No reputable SRS surgeon will even think about placing a penis, a vagina and a rectum all within five inches of each other. No one.

Put me to the test and prove me wrong. Find a surgeon who is licensed (in any country) who will do it and I will admit I am wrong. Getting a response from a doctor who will pay to put a human ear on a cat doesn't count. The doctor has to be licensed in her or his country and under a somewhat good reputation (i.e, a back alley "Doctor" doesn't count).

So prove me wrong and find a doctor who will do this; because as it stands, I am under the firm belief that no sane doctor would even entertain the idea. Not because of having both a penis and a vagina...but because it is not physiologically viable.

So prove me wrong. Not from your words but from a doctor's.

Thanks for the luckwishes. :) However I am not the one to have this surgery, but, thank you anyways for wishing me the best. :)

However unfortunately, your further text in your post contains a selfcontradiction; Firstly, you state with a matteroffact-tone that no reputable doctor will perform the surgery- then you end the post by saying that you hold the firm belief that no-one will- Hence revealing that you basically don't know at all but only states you personal opinion that no-one would do it and that the surgery is "impossible", as that is what you want to think.
In short, you are holding on to the the firm belief that no one would do it, therefore you have already made you standpointout of opinions.

Not to be rude, but, that being said, I have no interest nor obligations in providing proof, as the naysayers are not the persons that this procedure concerns, but, the creator of this thread.
Hence, I have basically only obligations to him, not to people that wants to argue about the topic because it upsets their values too much.
And advicing him to ask as many surgeons Worldwide as he can, will not do any harm whatsoever, even if it would result in him getting the cold hand by each and everyone of them.



well, as I stated, I will believe it when I see a Doctor who say they will do it. Other than that, the point is mute.

Pica Pica


As for the issue itself, I can't imagine you could convince the kind of doctor you'd want to do the job, to do it.

Personally, I'd prefer less crowded trouser then more, but hey.
'For the circle may be squared with rising and swelling.' Kit Smart


Quote from: Pica Pica on November 23, 2011, 11:52:54 AM

As for the issue itself, I can't imagine you could convince the kind of doctor you'd want to do the job, to do it.

Personally, I'd prefer less crowded trouser then more, but hey.

Thank you for the warning. I know that if I'm not a true transsexual, it'll be extremely difficult to get my desire done. However, that is the future issue. Now I only want to know if what I want is anatomically possible. From all the answers here, I think I know what can be done, so I can meditate my next steps.
I really appreciate all opinions and honesty. Thank you, everyone.


Quote from: Pica Pica on November 23, 2011, 11:52:54 AM
As for the issue itself, I can't imagine you could convince the kind of doctor you'd want to do the job, to do it.

Best answer yet.
"The cake is a lie."


If you're not bothered about depth, specifically any depth at all then I'm pretty sure you could get it done. Once your testicles are gone (make sure you're sure, super sure that this is what you want) your scrotal skin can be fashioned/surgically altered to make a very convincing vulva (vaginal opening) though obviously you wouldn't actually have one, a vagina that is. Nor would you have any semblance of a clitoris, certainly not something that would have any sensation because that would still be tied up in your still in place penis. I think I know where you are coming from and I don't doubt you've been turning this whole idea over and over in your head for some time. There's a thousand reasons why... or a few at least  :) I don't know your situation, your age or anything else about you but I have a suggestion that might give you some clarity of thought regarding your desire. This is a little "out there!" and there are those who will say it's BS or just plain stupid but my opinion is that it might help when judged against what you are considering, I'm assuming that's why you're asking?
Taking cross sex hormones, that is hormones that are the opposite off the physical sex that you were born, might well help you to make up your mind about wether making this very no way back change is a good idea or not. Once you have made this decision about wether or not this is right for you or not you might be able to drop the idea and move on with life, or not as the case may be. It could be that if you don't come to a decision about it, it could well take up a lot of your time thinking about and considering it as an option. it could prove to be quite a distraction in life as gender issues tend to be, now there's an understatment for you  ::)
I'm not saying it is but you might well find your desire for this modification is driven in part by your testosterone and your sex drive. The two things are linked inextricably. bringing your T under control should give you some clarity of thought in this area.
Some things to consider and this isn't hear say or rumour. I personally know it to be true.
Removing your testicles will probably leave you impotent. It won't stop you fancying whoever you fancy but it will remove your desire to have sex with them and to a point your ability as well. You might well be able to muster a degree of erection but it wont be as big and it won't be as hard or useable. Viagra may help with this but after a period of time and with no involuntary erections through the day or night if you do use viagra any supplemented erection that you may get might be either uncomfortable or even painful. You will probably retain your ability to orgasm but this won't be the same either. This won't actually bother you too much because after a period of time has passed you probably won't be interested in sex anyway, even on your own. I have no doubt that there will be people who stand up and say it's not like that and in some cases maybe it isn't but you should certainly consider what I have said because if you can step outside of your desire or possibly your fantasy for a while you might see it as possibly a mistake. You could always take a Testosterone supplement to maintain your level and maintain your sex drive and ability but this would be for the rest of your life and if you're planning any kind of androgony or gender change then testosterone is the last thing you'll want in your blood stream unless of course you were born physically female. Oh what a tangled web we weave  ;)
Whatever you decide to do best of luck and I hope ie makes you happy, we all deserve a little happiness eh  ;D
see you on the beach....


Impotence after orchi is purely a phsychological issue.

Been castrated for awhile now and I still get strong erections when I am excited.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'


Smooth: Good point on the sexdrive-thing and the Testosterone. I had an afterthought that I should have mentioned this aswell previously in the thread, but didn't bother with it.

Still, he could do as so called "Mangina-males" do and take Testosterone-replacement; Mangina-males are bio-males that wants to have SRS/Sexchange-surgery, but yet do not have any desire to actually live as a female apart from the SRS.
Those guys generally have SRS because they are gay males that are 100% bottoms and sexually are recievers only and do not want to use their penis in any way, but do want a vagina for sexual reasons.

Many of these guys- after they had their surgery- takes testosterone replacement to keep their male sexdrive intact, which seems to work fine for them.
One such example is Josef Kirchner; He was originally a Male to Female, but detransitioned as he throughout the years realized that being a woman was actually not what he truly wanted, and eventually just felt trapped in the female body all over again, which he eventually, after much soulsearching, decided to solve by detransition into a guy but kept his vagina, which he realized was really the only thing he actually wanted from the beginning- Not to actually be a woman.

There is a board started by him for others like him, which I will link here aswell, in case it would be of interest for the Thread starter;



Quote from: cynthialee on November 28, 2011, 08:32:13 AM
Impotence after orchi is purely a phsychological issue.

Been castrated for awhile now and I still get strong erections when I am excited.

Good point, that is indeed very true aswell.
Someone that have had the testicles removed will never ever loose the sexdrive to 100%, it will only get "milder", but the actual sexdrive will still be there in some fashion.