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Give up your TV and stop being fed propaganda. I gave up mine many yrs ago and i

Started by Amazon D, December 02, 2011, 05:03:43 AM

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Amazon D

Give up your TV and stop being fed propaganda. I gave up mine many yrs ago and it freed me from even hearing republican or democratic Bull_Hit.

Stop going to the MSM and get your truths from we the people who are suffering the truth.

Keep supporting Occupy in every city and town.

Last of all go to and sign up to be a delegate to your district so we can meet in **Phila Pa in july 2012** for our convention ... There we will vote on our grievences to bring to congress and if they are not acted on we will become our own party elected by the people
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE



I shut off the TV, but they keep sending me propaganda in the newspaper....


everybody's house is haunted


My TV is pumping a pandora christmas radio station fed by an expensive cable connection.

When I move none of it is coming with me.

Shana A

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde



I always find it interesting that 'news' from a point of view people don't agree with is called 'propaganda'... but news/information that posters agree with is called 'information'...

Zaria :)
Then the beautiful eyes of the fair woman open and look love, and the voluptuous mouth present to a kiss – and man is weak.


Quote from: Zaria on December 02, 2011, 11:55:56 PM
I always find it interesting that 'news' from a point of view people don't agree with is called 'propaganda'... but news/information that posters agree with is called 'information'...

Zaria :)

No way Zaria, it's all propaganda. I myself am a diligent propagandist for the gay agenda. :laugh:
everybody's house is haunted


QuoteStop going to the MSM and get your truths from we the people who are suffering the truth.

What does msm mean other than Men who Sleep with Men?
everybody's house is haunted


Quote from: Felix on December 03, 2011, 04:05:14 AM
What does msm mean other than Men who Sleep with Men?

MainStream Media (I think)

+1 vote for getting rid of the TV - it frees up so much time and energy for better things.  And on the rare occasion there is something worth viewing you can find it free online anyhow :)

Plus it enables me to write very smug replies when the TV licensing slimeballs tell me I owe them money :D


Quote from: saint on December 03, 2011, 04:22:08 AM
MainStream Media (I think)

+1 vote for getting rid of the TV - it frees up so much time and energy for better things.  And on the rare occasion there is something worth viewing you can find it free online anyhow :)

Plus it enables me to write very smug replies when the TV licensing slimeballs tell me I owe them money :D

Are you sure?

Anyway I rot my brain just fine with the internet, so the television seems pretty pointless. I really didn't think most people used those machines anymore. I don't know a single person who owns one.
everybody's house is haunted


I don't know a single person who owns one that's under 32" anymore.

At least in my world.  I love movies and like to have them on in the background and I do that a lot.  And it's nice for sports.  I know other people who use them for all sorts of things anymore, their computers, vids, making their own stuff.  But the main media, no.  A lot of that isn't because I'm a better person, its' that I have always been working nights, so never got into that prime time stuff that feeds most of the media.  I never got into watching the evening news because I wasn't home at that time.  Simple as that.

However, my parents were very anti-TV (for their own reasons) and I didn't grow up watching it, so that habit never developed.  My kids were raised without it (we had one, it had a couple of VCRs on it, and the game system, no broadcast/cable) because I very specifically was extremely concerned about two things: 1) I didn't want them to grow up with a huge catalog of manufactured desires and stereotypes in their heads 2) I wanted all their memories to be real, not fabrications - that the things they 'know' they know because they were part of it, not because someone else created a visualization of it for them that they only 'saw' from a removed stand-point.  But I was a weird parent.  They were not just my kids, they were my little experiment too.

There is a certain danger in giving up on msm because those people tend to get their information from "alternative" websites which often presents conspiracies etc as the absolute thruth.
I think the danger comes in when you compare the difference between getting your news pumped into you via TV, and reading it.  Reading allows time for reflection, checking, verification, and contemplation, which give you a very different end product than just having it streamed into your brain.  Reading also allows for comparison between different sources too, while most people who get their news from TV get it from one perspective only, and it's constantly the same perspective.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Quote from: tekla on December 03, 2011, 10:17:33 AM
I don't know a single person who owns one that's under 32" anymore.

At least in my world.  I love movies and like to have them on in the background and I do that a lot.  And it's nice for sports.  I know other people who use them for all sorts of things anymore, their computers, vids, making their own stuff.  But the main media, no.  A lot of that isn't because I'm a better person, its' that I have always been working nights, so never got into that prime time stuff that feeds most of the media.  I never got into watching the evening news because I wasn't home at that time.  Simple as that.

However, my parents were very anti-TV (for their own reasons) and I didn't grow up watching it, so that habit never developed.  My kids were raised without it (we had one, it had a couple of VCRs on it, and the game system, no broadcast/cable) because I very specifically was extremely concerned about two things: 1) I didn't want them to grow up with a huge catalog of manufactured desires and stereotypes in their heads 2) I wanted all their memories to be real, not fabrications - that the things they 'know' they know because they were part of it, not because someone else created a visualization of it for them that they only 'saw' from a removed stand-point.  But I was a weird parent.  They were not just my kids, they were my little experiment too.

There is a certain danger in giving up on msm because those people tend to get their information from "alternative" websites which often presents conspiracies etc as the absolute thruth.
I think the danger comes in when you compare the difference between getting your news pumped into you via TV, and reading it.  Reading allows time for reflection, checking, verification, and contemplation, which give you a very different end product than just having it streamed into your brain.  Reading also allows for comparison between different sources too, while most people who get their news from TV get it from one perspective only, and it's constantly the same perspective.

Totally disagree. Reading or watching will not make any difference for someone that is already a gullible person, nor will it make any difference for the person that is already a self-thinking and rational person.
And, nor will the type of Medial Outlet make any difference for the one that bordes to Schizophrenia either, and thinks that a State in USA will be nuked on a Thursday because Michelle Obama was posing in a red dress in a certain bodily position on a cover of Vogue(Yep, true case, and the person "Warned" people about the coming nuking)

Amazon D

Tekla movies and sports are the biggest propaganda shows.. they keep the mind dumbed down by fulfilling it with excitement or mystery etc etc.. thats not real life.
I'm an Amazon womyn + very butch + respecting MWMF since 1999 unless invited. + I AM A HIPPIE


Mahsa Tezani

I love love love tv. I can sit down and watch Kardashians and the E! channel all day long!

Just because I am that awesome


Every real legend I've ever met was a legend in their own mind first and foremost.  You have to start somewhere, and if you can't sell it to yourself (almost as if it were your birthright), then your never going to convince anyone else to give it to you.  For damn sure on that.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...

Mahsa Tezani

Quote from: tekla on December 03, 2011, 06:42:07 PM
Every real legend I've ever met was a legend in their own mind first and foremost.  You have to start somewhere, and if you can't sell it to yourself (almost as if it were your birthright), then your never going to convince anyone else to give it to you.  For damn sure on that.

Some people take my ego too seriously.... Not you Tekla.

Julie Marie

I accept the entertainment value of movies and sports.  I might also take in a how to or design show to get some ideas.  I'll watch politicians for a good laugh or to pick apart everything they say.  I turn the cynicism on full as soon as I see their faces.

I mute EVERY commercial, have been since I first had a remote with a mute on it.  I also minimize the commercial by checking the TV guide or just get up and do something.

You don't have to stop watching TV, just start watching with a healthy dose of cynicism.   
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.

Rain Dog

I never really wonder or care "what's on", so I canceled all my channels a year ago and haven't watched telly since. But I do like a good movie, so I sometimes take advantage of friends with big TVs.


Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.