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Lower Spiro, Raise Estrogen To Compensate?

Started by 8888, March 11, 2012, 06:43:34 AM

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I want to start injecting estrogen. I'm getting really bad dry skin from Spiro (I think). It's got to the point where handling paper/tissue feels like nails on a chalk board. I want to halve my Spiro dosage but need to compensate somehow, is raising estrogen by going on injectables a good idea? How would I tell, without lab tests, that my testosterone is still low?

Does anyone know ways to add moisture to your skin from inside out?



Drink water.

You're supposed to drink alot of water daily anyways. The recommended amount is calculated by taking your weight (in lbs), and dividing by 2. The result gives you the amount in ounces you're suppose to drink. For example, a 140lb person should drink a daily amount of 70oz of water. That's about 3.5 bottled waters per day.

You are taking a diuretic (spironolactone). Therefore, you should drink more. How much more? IDK but I just know it's more.
To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.



Have you consider an orchi?

As far as increasing the estro dose, orally or IP, to "compensate" for a lower spiro, the idea is flaw as the actions of spiro and estrogen are not the same. The thinning of the skinin is due to the estro not the spiro

The drink plenty of water is a good thing, but in America we put to much weight on it. Your body will tell you when you need to drink.

The only thing that can thicken your skin is testosterone :(  Use plenty of lotions to keep your skin moist, and for certain activities wear silk gloves.



You're saying I should be drinking 95ish ounces of water?   That's not happening ever.

Catherine Sarah

Quote from: 8888 on March 11, 2012, 06:43:34 AM
How would I tell, without lab tests, that my testosterone is still low?Thanks.

Simple. You can't.

To then commence a regime of injectable estrogen, of an unknown strength, and perhaps unknown origin, on an unknown and further more, incalculable method, is tantamount to playing 'Russian roulette' with yourself.

Is your journey really worth that risk?? If you were to die later this year as a direct result from the plethora of complications that are listed on the applicable medications, would it have been worth it?

What in particular, do you have against lab reports and observation/remediation by appropriately skilled personnel?

Please don't get me wrong. I'm not being argumentative. I'm just somewhat bemused with a culture that pervades this community where some people want to play with things that can't be bought. Once your health is 'screwed'; it's 'screwed.' You can't buy it back. What you are attempting is a complex bio physical function, that requires precise monitoring and revision to ensure optimum effectiveness, and minimum adverse reaction.

Please consider your health and well being, plus that of your circle of influence, whom may be left somewhat distraught should anything go wrong.

Thank you

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I weigh 130lbs so thats a little shy of 2 litres which doesn't seem that much. Right now I'm only drinking around 1 litre a day, which is hard enough. All I drink is carbonated water and milk, I don't like the taste of tap water and tea I always leave. I can go the full day without drinking anything, and most of the time I have to make a consious decision rather than listen to my body tell me it's thirsty.

I heard somnewhere that estrogen lowers your sex drive, so I assumed they both work hand-in-hand.

I don't have anything against lab tests, it's just my psychiatrist won't refer me to an endo, and neither will my GP so I stopped seeing them. I've decided to keep hormones a secret just incase I decide not to transition, and that decision is solely based on how my body physically reacts to hormones. My health was already screwed before, that's why I started taking them but all they improved was fat on face and acne.


Quote from: 8888 on March 11, 2012, 01:00:36 PM
I weigh 130lbs so thats a little shy of 2 litres which doesn't seem that much. Right now I'm only drinking around 1 litre a day, which is hard enough. All I drink is carbonated water and milk, I don't like the taste of tap water and tea I always leave. I can go the full day without drinking anything, and most of the time I have to make a consious decision rather than listen to my body tell me it's thirsty.

Carbonated water is fine. You just need to drink about 65 oz of it a day (plus whatever is lost during the diuretic processes caused by the spiro). Water (as long as there is no sodium in it) is very important to skin health.

Keep in mind that the lack of testosterone leads to a decrease in sebum (the oil you feel on your skin) production. Sebum is important in hydrating the skin and the lack thereof is why women tend to have drier skin than men. If you're going a full day without drinking water, then no wonder your skin is dry. The lack of water in your system and sebum being secreted is why most of us tend to have very dry skin.

Spiro sucks :( I wish I had no testicles so I wouldn't need to take it lol!
To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.
