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Wicca: Questions for You

Started by Shang, March 14, 2012, 08:18:41 PM

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I've recently started researching Wicca (yet again in my life) and I was curious if any of the practitioners on here know of any good books or website for research. I've heard of talking with a practitioner in real life (in person), but I don't live in an area very conducive to that so I'm stuck with online research and book research for now (unless someone on here is willing to "take me under their wing" to help me along, but I've questions to ask before that happens).

Anyway, for anyone who practices (other than the above question):

- How long have you been practicing?

- What made you decide to get into Wicca or were your parents Wiccan?

- How do you feel in regards to deities? Is there just the one (male/female), multiple deities, all deities are aspects of one deities, all deities are aspects of the self, etc.? Why do you think that?

- Are you a solitary practitioner or do you practice in a coven? Why?

- Do you practice a specific type of Wicca (traditional or non-traditional)? Why?

- How have you learned to practice Wicca?

Feel free to add any information!


I've been practicing Wicca for some years now.  I was raised as a non-denominational Christian (My mother was "born-again" at a Billy Graham revival). No, she doesn't know and I see no reason to discuss it with her.

I came to Wicca after first being disillusioned by mainstream Christianity and studying numerous belief systems in an effort to find someplace I could "hang my hat", so to speak. I quickly ruled out atheism simply because I think nature is too beautiful and physics too elegant to have sprung up purely by random chance. For a long time, I called myself agnostic but that didn't fit because I really do think there had to be some creative force behind it all. Wicca has come closer to what feels right to me than anything else.

Even at that, what I follow is hardly traditional Wicca. I am a solitary practitioner rather than being in a coven. A lot of what I do is based in the old beliefs, but modified in ways that make sense to me. As far as deities go, I believe there is just one ultimate creative force, but that it can manifest in various ways, somewhat the way the Christian Trinity is three manifestations of one larger entity. Sometimes, it makes sense to invoke the creator as Lord and Lady or God and Goddess, sometimes it is more fitting to invoke the Mother, Maiden, Crone. It all depends on what your intention is in your Work.

I have nothing against the more Traditional Wiccan ways, they just don't mesh well with my ways of Worship/Work.

I do believe in the validity of the Threefold Law, which says that what you send into the world, whether for good or ill, comes back on you times three. I see this law at work in so many other people's lives... even those who are not Wiccan. It seems to hold true for everyone I encounter.

I also believe in the ethic of the Wiccan Rede. (i.e. If it harms none, do as you will.)  It's a tricky ethic, though. Not only can you not harm anyone else, you cannot act such that you harm yourself, either. It is so easy to harm either yourself or others in unintentional ways that the Rede can actually be quite constraining, so it definitely not a license to just do whatever you want.

I could go on and on, but I need to go offline right now to head to a business meeting. I'll try to come back later and post some resources that might be useful.

Blessed be!

Call me Dana. Call me Cait. Call me Kat. Just don't call me late for dinner.


Thank you for all of the answers!

I have been looking into Wicca for years, but kind of stopped when I dated my ex because he constantly said he hated Wicca and Wiccans.  Now that he's gone, I feel better and can go to what suits me best.

I have decided, whole heartedly, that Wicca is for me and I'm going to commit to it.  I am not with a coven as there are none in my area and I don't always mesh well with others due to social anxiety.  Last night was when I "officially" committed myself, but as a solitary practitioner.

Anyway, I look forward to the information!  I'm always looking for more.

Your Humble Savant

The best resource I've found thus far is Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham. Excellent read and a wealth of imformation.

Like you I'm a recent joiner of Wicca (if that's the right word); my dedication ceremony was this past July. I got into it mostly from talking to my dad (known on Susan's as Connie Anne); she's Pagan. We got started discussing it one day when we were visiting Angel Island, and after that conversation I really felt I should look into it more. I meditated the next morning and found what I would later discover was my spirit ally/guide/whatever word you choose. I usually practice with her (my dad) or by myself; although my dedication was with me, my dad, a close friend of the family and her 8-year-old daughter.

I usually practice alone because I tend to focus best alone. Also I'm very heavily into Chaos magic, and so it's easier to coordinate things when I've only my own needs and wants to consider.

In regards to deities, I tend to believe in several, mostly of Celtic origin (e.g. Danu, the Mórrígán, Lúgh Lamhfada, Cernunnos etc.). Why? Because it's been my experience that there are several.

I tend not to subscribe to any particular brand of witchcraft; I like to mix and match to suit my whimsy  ;D

How did I learn to practice Wicca? Hm. Before my dedication my dad took me through a lower-world shamanic journey to find my secret garden and spirit ally. Since then, I've created my own way of casting a circle and invoking the Goddess and the God based on my dad's practice; other than that it's a learning curve I choose to travel on my own. It's more personal that way, and I like teaching myself things. That, and I'm very much a hands-on learner. I "teach" myself Wicca in the sense that I experiment till I find what works best for me and my purposes.

Hope all this helped!
Blessed Be.
Music = Life
This is not up for debate  :icon_headfones:


omg stop thread rezzing

you're killing my zen!

The OP had their question answered 7 months ago


Quote from: Annah on October 08, 2012, 09:35:06 PM
omg stop thread rezzing

you're killing my zen!

The OP had their question answered 7 months ago

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