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What Made You Both Happy and Unhappy at the Same Time Today?

Started by V M, July 19, 2012, 09:43:01 PM

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Quote from: justmeinoz on November 22, 2012, 04:56:18 AM
Brownie bites Meghan? If they bite you I reckon they are fair game for eating then. ;)
LOL! They were just sitting there on a napkin so innocently. My coworker said "go ahead, have one...or two...or three" and I said "aww, you're so sweet. Thanks, but I can't eat that! WAAAAY too many calories" then he said "Oh please, you can spare calories, eat some" to which I responded by eating THREE of them. He was laughing and said "text me when you regret eating them" and I picked up my phone after I ate them and texted him :)

King Malachite

Black Friday

I'm happy that I got some of the games I wanted (especially the last copy of WWE 13) and I'm happy that I got into the Black Friday madness scuffle but I'm unhappy because I didn't get UFC Undisputed 3 which was what I really wanted.
Feel the need to ask me something or just want to check out my blog?  Then click below:,135882.0.html

"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


I got to go for a nice bike ride this afternoon and a nice walk this evening. I was able to do these things because I was alone for Thanksgiving.


Still not having the courage to see my GP for a referral to a therapist as I feel so alone and isolated, god I hate having to present as male when I know its so wrong, but I am looking forward to my next LHR session next week as it really has stopped the facial hair growth amazingly well..
Yes I kind of love the pain involved with it in a sick way as it is less than the internal pain I have.
So long and thanks for all the fish


Quote from: Jam on November 21, 2012, 05:36:08 PM
The girl I have a crush on told me she likes me too! And that things haven't been great with her boyfriend in months so she's considering leaving him and not sure what to do.

But...she doesn't know I'm FTM.


Well I told her and she's been really good about it so far. She said she would never stop being my friend because of it and stuff.
But...she admitted she couldn't go out with me now.
I've buried my feelings on this, I tried not to. I tried really hard to cry or just be angry and get ot all out but I just felt sick and wanted to sleep. I've woke up this morning with a smile on my face, I know this will come back and bite me but I guess that's just how I deal with things.  :-\

Adam (birkin)

Aw man, Jam, that sucks so much. I'm really sorry. But it would have been better, in the end, than torturing yourself wondering when to tell her, you know? :( *big hug*


Being able to take my girl for her first motorcycle pillion ride today, through the countryside south of here, and her telling me how fantastic it was.  Then her having to head back to Launceston after a great weekend. 
"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"


Yesterday, my son was very cuddly... when he wasn't trying to stand on my head or running around creating havok.

King Malachite

Quote from: Jam on November 24, 2012, 09:25:34 AM
Well I told her and she's been really good about it so far. She said she would never stop being my friend because of it and stuff.
But...she admitted she couldn't go out with me now.
I've buried my feelings on this, I tried not to. I tried really hard to cry or just be angry and get ot all out but I just felt sick and wanted to sleep. I've woke up this morning with a smile on my face, I know this will come back and bite me but I guess that's just how I deal with things.  :-\

Feel the need to ask me something or just want to check out my blog?  Then click below:,135882.0.html

"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


The hostel manager has allowed me to have my hamster in my flat, unfortunately 2 have died, my ex was looking after them but couldn't go in the room with them because they were causing asthma attacks (so she says), she didn't want them getting cold so she put the fire on full blast, when I went in the room it was like a sauna, I know hamsters come from hot regions but at least it cools down at night for them, in the room they were in it would have been roasting hot 24hrs a day.

After I found them dead I cried for the next few days, I got the survivor back to my flat yesterday & she's very happy


I'm so very sorry to hear that happened, how terrible!

I had a dream the other night where everyone referred to me by proper gender pronouns. For once a dream that wasn't a nightmare. Then I was sad because I woke up and realized it was just a dream.


Yesterday actually, I woke up earlier than usual and couldn't get back to sleep so I decided to do some house chores, color my hair and wax my pits (I was way overdue for both)  :)  No big deal right?

So I've got the color in my hair and vacuumed the floor while it set then went to heat up the wax in the microwave, every things going off like clockwork until I noticed that the wax was a different formula than my usual but thought... "What the heck, I'll give it a try"

Big mistake  :-\   It was much more painful than usual and when I got in the shower the wax wouldn't wash off like it usually does  :(  So then I've got wax all over my hands, armpits that keep sticking together and some of the wax got stuck in my hair  :o  I was miserable and trying to find something that would help get the wax off  :P

Walla! finally! I remembered a make up remover that I didn't care for but still had around... Hooray!!! It worked!!!  :D
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


Yesterday finally replaced the old WII.  Played for some time with the WII fit.  :)

You guessed it,got so involved with it I didn't realize how much time I was on it. (I think it was the skate boarding that got me)  :P
Answers are easy. It's asking the right questions which is hard.

Be positive in the fact that there is always one person in a worse situation then you.

The Fourth Doctor


Happy: My work has created a transition timeline for me.

Unhappy: In the guide the want me to use a bathroom in a different building for the first month. They want to make it so the only restroom I can use is a single occupant one. I would have to walk outside in the cold and rain just to go pee. That actually goes against the laws of my state, so I told them that is not acceptable.

Apples Mk.II

- I looked at my last paycheck and was amazed at the difference compared to the previous one.

- I looked at my nose and saddened about how assymetricral and ugly it is.

So I'm going out, almost at night, to extract money from my account and put it in the account with the savings for FFS.


I was supposed to have a date downtown with a pretty lady today, but she came down with something and had to cancel. :( However, when I told my friend this he suggested we go downtown together instead. I hadn't seen him in months. We went to the outdoor Christmas market, drank mulled wine and ate German food and chocolate, and generally had a great time catching up.


I woke up at about 3:40 this morning and didn't really fall back to sleep until about the time I was supposed to get up. But on the good side, I was able to work out a scene for a book I have in the works.

silly by the seashore

While its kind of nice to have guys say I'm pretty or beautiful, I still wanna stab most of them with a pen cause I know they would not say that if they knew what I was.


Happy: I met a guy at the bar last night. He kept buying me drinks all night.

Unhappy: I have been hung over all day.

Apples Mk.II

Happy: I am fully shaved, as I like it.

Unhappy: I cut myself on a *TMI* really sensitive place.