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What Made You Both Happy and Unhappy at the Same Time Today?

Started by V M, July 19, 2012, 09:43:01 PM

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Quote from: Xhianil on November 21, 2013, 07:31:10 AM
Didn't want to leave bed at all today, i just wanted to stay there and snugle my doggie, sadly though reality came knocking.

Unfortunately, reality can be so harsh. Have a KAT hug, maybe it will help.


Quote from: LordKAT on November 21, 2013, 12:58:39 PM
Unfortunately, reality can be so harsh. Have a KAT hug, maybe it will help.

The BEST kind of hug is a KAT hug!
~ Tarah ~



Quote from: Joules on November 22, 2013, 09:49:05 AM
Yesterday actually:

Happy: I received a priority mail envelope with a certified check from my new house mate!

Unhappy: I was being scammed.  The check was for far more than I had requested as a deposit, "she" requested me to use the extra money to pay for a car by Western Union.  When I presented the check to the issuing bank, they wouldn't honor it, as I had begun to suspect from the quirky nature of the interaction.

Oh that's creepy!


Quote from: Joules on November 22, 2013, 10:02:58 AM
Thanks Shan.  I'm more pissed than anything, I wasted a week fooling around with these clowns.  I do have to give them a bit of credit, the presentation and act had a lot more polish than the usual scam, enough to string me along for a bit.  Guess I'll write it off to entertainment lol.

Hope you didn't give them any numbers or personal info, keep an eye on your account for awhile.


Quote from: Joules on November 22, 2013, 10:11:40 AM
Not much info was given, email (of course), FB account (which is stripped of most personally identifying info), my home address and Skype phone number.  I didn't give out my "utility" account number, it's the one I use for stuff like this and it's kept empty for that reason.

This reminds me of the constant come-ons by the Nairobian prince in my email junk files. Like Mulder said to Agent Scully, "They are out there!" Be vigilant!


Quote from: Joules on November 22, 2013, 10:26:55 AM
I considered it only polite advance notice but maybe the opportunists think it means "easy mark".

No doubt!


Quote from: Joules on November 22, 2013, 10:26:55 AM
those lame junk emails that would only be believed by those with extreme gullibility
Believe it or not, but i have three emails and one (my male stealth one) gets tons but I'm only on YouTube, Xbox live, and Facebook on it, shows how those "protect" your E-mail *rolls eyes*


Quote from: Joules on November 22, 2013, 11:23:36 AM
I have 2 Gmail accounts.  I'm fairly pleased with the filters they have, mostly really effective.  The interface also separates mail by type, having a main, "Social" and "Promotions" tabs which helps avoid wading through that stuff that you might read someday from significant emails involving ongoing communications with real people.

Mine are all gmail too, but the spam gets through.


I went to Mimi's this morning and the waitress totally thought I was a cis-girl! (She was almost 70 but still.) Everything was great and I was totally passing...


I opened my mouth to order a hot chocolate... and she heard my voice...
- Circus Girl
- MtF
- Pre-HRT (for now)
- Call me Maka  ;)

For how could I ever ask someone to love me as a woman for my body, if I can't even love my body as a woman for myself?


Received the "Longest Cry" achievement in this game I'm playing...

...the game is life and the reasons varied. It started with thinking about PJI forcing that girl into suicide watch - we haven't heard much update since... but it just made me angry and sad again... that morphed into being said at my BIL and realizing just how bigoted it is to basically say he wouldn't know what to tell his kids about me... and then most of all at my parents for supporting his decision over my need (the kids are innocent - they shouldn't need to know about this sort of thing.... wait, what? Their uncle being trans and going through transition isn't "need" enough?)

I was thinking of going to church with my parents... don't think I could now - despite that we *are* on pretty good terms right now.

I am thinking of bringing my kids out for lunch and grocery shopping instead (need coffee.... need to cut coffee.... need more coffee :P)
~ Tarah ~



Happy: Yesterday I went to talk to 2 people from a local transsupport group for a schoolassignment I'm doing and stayed there for 3 hours talking to them. The best part was talking to the transman who kept saying I looked exactly like him at my age (he looks awesome now!) and acted like him and... I have a supportgroup but I've never felt this close to them, he just got me and not just on the gender part. It was so freeing and he hugged me in the end, made me cry and then greeted my dad and called me Nathan right there.
Unhappy: For some reason (to good to stay that way I suppose) my brain decided to kill me with anxiety today, I keep remembering flashes of yesterday's conversation and thinking I was dumb or sounded girly or... I mean come on brain! Give me a break okay!


Quote from: NathanielM on November 24, 2013, 07:57:56 AM
Happy: Yesterday I went to talk to 2 people from a local transsupport group for a schoolassignment I'm doing and stayed there for 3 hours talking to them. The best part was talking to the transman who kept saying I looked exactly like him at my age (he looks awesome now!) and acted like him and... I have a supportgroup but I've never felt this close to them, he just got me and not just on the gender part. It was so freeing and he hugged me in the end, made me cry and then greeted my dad and called me Nathan right there.

Unhappy: For some reason (to good to stay that way I suppose) my brain decided to kill me with anxiety today, I keep remembering flashes of yesterday's conversation and thinking I was dumb or sounded girly or... I mean come on brain! Give me a break okay!

"Happy" sounds AWESOME ♥ I'm glad you have some good support (too bad you can't go talk to them today, too).

"Unhappy" sounds familiar... don't be too hard on yourself. It's hard to break our old habits when they've been beaten into us by society for so long. You'll get there!!!! (And you don't sound girly to me ;))
~ Tarah ~



Quote from: NathanielM on November 24, 2013, 07:57:56 AM
Happy: Yesterday I went to talk to 2 people from a local transsupport group for a schoolassignment I'm doing and stayed there for 3 hours talking to them. The best part was talking to the transman who kept saying I looked exactly like him at my age (he looks awesome now!) and acted like him and... I have a supportgroup but I've never felt this close to them, he just got me and not just on the gender part. It was so freeing and he hugged me in the end, made me cry and then greeted my dad and called me Nathan right there.
Unhappy: For some reason (to good to stay that way I suppose) my brain decided to kill me with anxiety today, I keep remembering flashes of yesterday's conversation and thinking I was dumb or sounded girly or... I mean come on brain! Give me a break okay!

Nathan, sounds like it was a wonderful experience, you made a valuable connection! I'd be riding high on the afterglow of that event and tell my brain to shut up about feeling dumb or girly. Kudos!

big kim

Happy went birdwatching on the beach
Unhappy it's freezing!


Watching Sailor Moon. I have no clue why but for some reason it makes me dwell on my mistakes. >.>


Watching Dr. Who

I don't know why.

Mother wants to go shopping.

It is way too cold.

I need a shower but there are people in the house.


Quote from: LordKAT on November 24, 2013, 03:51:41 PM
I need a shower but there are people in the house.

Give them dinner and a show!  ;) Just kidding!
I was a child and she was a child   
    In this kingdom by the sea:   
But we loved with a love that was more than love—
    I and my Annabel Lee


Hey, you've reached Lauren's signature! If you have any questions, want to talk, or just need a shoulder to cry on, leave me a message, and I'll get back to you.

Full time: 12/12/13
Started hormones: 26/3/14
FFS: No clue, winter/spring 2014/15 maybe?
SRS: winter/spring 2014/15?


Went shopping with my parents. Mom bought me some makeup & supplies, to her surprise I stayed in the isle the entire time making suggestions as to what we should get and what I already have. I kind of wondered if she wanted to do this just to test the possibility that I'd run off while she got me the makeup and supplies. I actually enjoyed shopping with her as this was the first real time I've ever actually interacted with her while shopping. Next time we'll have to do some clothes shopping. I'm getting a little giddy at the prospect of clothes shopping with my mom :D

The sad part was me being in man mode bleh as we were at the store where my dad works so I didn't want to create any strife for him working there.



Un: My wife and I played the blame game... which involves a back & forth about how it's my fault I didn't come OOTC before getting married. I said something stupid about kid #4 (that didn't happen). Sorry... shouldn't be fighting back, but it's hard not to sometimes.

Happy: It worked out in the end. We reaffirmed our love (such as it may be) for each other. We know it isn't continuing on, but there's still hope that it will begin anew, as a friendship.

Un: That means I'm not asleep yet at 1 am... alarm at 4... (no 5... no 6...).

Happy: I only am going to bed now because she and I bonded a bit... hope it meant something to her, too.
~ Tarah ~
