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What Made You Both Happy and Unhappy at the Same Time Today?

Started by V M, July 19, 2012, 09:43:01 PM

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I got fired today. I'm unhappy because it was not justified and I hate injustice, and of course I need to look for a new job and my financial plans just went out of the window, but I'm happy that I won't have to work in a place where my efforts are not appreciated. 2 years here was an achievement in itself, most people did not "survive" that long.


Quote from: Anne Kaitlyn on August 04, 2014, 04:04:23 PM
I got fired today. I'm unhappy because it was not justified and I hate injustice, and of course I need to look for a new job and my financial plans just went out of the window, but I'm happy that I won't have to work in a place where my efforts are not appreciated. 2 years here was an achievement in itself, most people did not "survive" that long.

Good attitude in spite of it though! You may look back on it eventually and see it as a blessing that caused you to step up out of a hole you were in. Been there before and it always turned out to be that way in retrospect.

King Malachite

Happy- I was going to purchase a Spiderman keychain on Ebay for $4.54 from one seller, but I found the exact same one for $3.50 from another so I got that one and saved $1.04.

Unhappy-  I LOVE purchasing from the first seller so I'm a bit sad that I will be getting this purchase elsewhere.  The first seller actually sold things that were anime/manga/video games/cosplay type stuff while the other seller seem to sell things like NFL shirts, hats, accessories, socks, other words.... non anime/manga/video games/ cosplay stuff.  Buying from the first retailer makes me feel special because a lot of people buy from them and it's cool to know that some of them share my interests, while with the second seller, my purchase is kind of the outlier, lol, but hey, outliers can be cool, especially if it saves me money.  I just wish that the first seller sold it for just as cheap. 

Feel the need to ask me something or just want to check out my blog?  Then click below:,135882.0.html

"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."


Trying to find a reputable hand surgeon. I'm happy to make the potential progress for my hand, proud I was brave enough to ask for a different doctor from the one who slipped up on the left side, but not looking forward to misgendering from the nurses and not being able to lift heavy things for a little while afterward.
everybody's house is haunted

immortal gypsy

I had a blood test this afternoon and not only managed not to faint (very scared of needles) but get out semi reasonably quickly under my own power.

*Reads over post and passes out*
Do not fear those who have nothing left to lose, fear those who are prepared to lose it all

Si vis bellum, parra pacem


My boyfriend's friend's brother and sister-in-law have been asking about me. That's kind of a new thing for me. I mean, they've known my boyfriend for a long time I guess, but it's rare that people are curious about me. It's kind of nice.
We were told that they're confused over the fact that he's dating a guy, the fact that I am a guy, and how old I am. Ouch. Another reminder that I don't pass. Also, his friend outed me as trans without my permission.


My new next door neighbor came over tonight and asked me out. Yes, I was very flattered by this, but I'm into girls and had to let him down easy while watching his groping hands that seemed to want to touch my shoulders and arms. So why am I unhappy about this flattering incident, One his groping and two, I gotta for now anyways til I sell my house live next door to the guy.

Ali :icon_flower:
Full Time August 2009
HRT Dec 27 2013
VFS [ ? ]
FFS [ ? ]
SRS Spring 2015



New therapist and i had a great appointment and we talked for two hours at an 1 hour meeting. She swooned over how i looked...was jealous of my long legs and ches. Bad mojo is no closer to dealing with rejection. She told me to ask my kids to come see her as they have the problem, not I. We shall see..


Unhappy: Alarm clocks, going to work soon
Happy:  Kissing my gf, seeing her at work soon


Quote from: StevieAK on August 08, 2014, 07:58:35 AM
New therapist and i had a great appointment and we talked for two hours at an 1 hour meeting. She swooned over how i looked...was jealous of my long legs and ches. Bad mojo is no closer to dealing with rejection. She told me to ask my kids to come see her as they have the problem, not I. We shall see..

Family is by far the most judgmental, manipulative and obnoxious acting of all the people we have to deal with and it probably doesn't help that they grew up and live in Alaska of all places where their peer group is no doubt rather redneck and your kid's concerns about what others think might be holding them in it's sway.

Jill F

Got my new DL in the mail today.  Yay!

Unfortunately the picture could not have been more unflattering.  It's like, am I REALLY that ugly?  I mean, why is the camera practically on the floor so I have to look down?  I'm all neck and chin(s)...  UGH!!!  Can't wait until 2016 when it expires and I have to get a new one!

Well, there's motivation to drop some weight.  *le sigh*


Quote from: Jill F on August 08, 2014, 04:15:33 PM
Got my new DL in the mail today.  Yay!

Unfortunately the picture could not have been more unflattering.  It's like, am I REALLY that ugly?  I mean, why is the camera practically on the floor so I have to look down?  I'm all neck and chin(s)...  UGH!!!  Can't wait until 2016 when it expires and I have to get a new one!

Well, there's motivation to drop some weight.  *le sigh*
Unfortunately DL photo's arent ever that flattering and are more akin to mugshots than actual photographs. When I got my gender marker changed this past April 11th on mine I actually for the first time got a halfway decent photo. However my face still looks a bit crooked on it. I think it's the heat used when they laminate it.

Ally :icon_flower:
Full Time August 2009
HRT Dec 27 2013
VFS [ ? ]
FFS [ ? ]
SRS Spring 2015



I got too talkative last night and said some things I regret revealing. It was an excellent conversation though and I am probably worrying about nothing.


The Good: Nice dinner with brother and sister-in-law. He cooked as per usual (Cook as profession ;D) and we had a fun time playing some Rummikub and I did some nail-painting with sister in law. We had lengthy chats on the sofa about our mom, girl Ive dated this week and intimate physical things that are changing for me during transition. I'm not prude, pretty open and feel comfy enough with them so why not? Education makes for understanding and good laughs.

The Bad: Bike issues again, this time a part of my bike was gone/stolen when I wanted to go home....ended up having to borrow one of their bikes. Pretty pissed off because I need to go back again tomorrow

The Ugly: I left at 11pm, so well into night. Got hit on 3 times by guys who said things like "Hey are you" I guess it comes with being/looking female. I anticipated it when I was still living in boymode pre-transition but having anxiety towards violence and sexual harassment I'm going to have to discuss this with people. Sure I shouldnt go back home that late either by public transport or bike but I am afraid its a matter of time before I get forced into (painful) things I dont want just because I ran into the wrong guy and the wrong time
Basically being left at the mercy and common sense of a guy is an experience that frightens and upsets me


A little while ago my second-born and I came home from a weekend church camp. And while I'm glad to be home to my own bed instead of that bunk, I really enjoy the community that only happens that this particular place.


Thinking about a dear friend from several years ago, he was more or less my boyfriend of sorts and I could see the love in his eyes but we were both too afraid to take our relationship to the next level, mostly I was afraid

Unfortunately there was a bit of a language barrier but we communicated through an odd mix of English, French and a bit of Italian

He also had a bit of a temper and got deported for beating the hell out of someone and had an outdated passport/visa

Anyway, sometimes when I'm feeling lonely I make one of the simple meals that he use to make for me

Think I'd be over it after all these years, but I'm not, I still think about him often
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


Quote from: V M on August 11, 2014, 09:53:42 AM
Thinking about a dear friend from several years ago, he was more or less my boyfriend of sorts and I could see the love in his eyes but we were both too afraid to take our relationship to the next level, mostly I was afraid

Unfortunately there was a bit of a language barrier but we communicated through an odd mix of English, French and a bit of Italian

He also had a bit of a temper and got deported for beating the hell out of someone and had an outdated passport/visa

Anyway, sometimes when I'm feeling lonely I make one of the simple meals that he use to make for me

Think I'd be over it after all these years, but I'm not, I still think about him often

Must have been real, cyber hugs for you hon!

Adam (birkin)

Quote from: Edge on August 10, 2014, 03:19:40 PM
I got too talkative last night and said some things I regret revealing. It was an excellent conversation though and I am probably worrying about nothing.

That happens to me a lot and I hate that feeling! Part of me feels relieved to have discussed what was on my mind and still have the talk go well, but part of me feels like that person has seen me naked or something lol.


Quote from: birkin on August 13, 2014, 01:39:44 PM
That happens to me a lot and I hate that feeling! Part of me feels relieved to have discussed what was on my mind and still have the talk go well, but part of me feels like that person has seen me naked or something lol.

I had that same feeling when I talked to my brother and sister in law a few days ago....talking about the more intimate body changes of HRT. They were genuinly interested and it wasnt uncomfy talking about it (Im no prude at all) but still....Ive told them things that you would rarely tell anyone


So I've had a very stressful last few weeks at work. Worked past midnight yesterday without a break for even food as simply crazy. 17 hour day. >:( There is currently a completely inequitable work load in the team which angers me.
I was too tired today to be cranky.

Today as I was going to lunch one of the girls in the team was in tears and I took her aside to a meeting room to let her talk and vent in private. It was a good move and it really made her day to talk to someone who cares. After a bit I asked if I could get in someone more senior so I could discuss her issues further which she really thought was a good idea. I told him about the issues and it was nice to know that he was also aware of them as well. Made her feel so much better about herself and we went and got lunch together and she really appreciated me being there for her.
I felt glad she could confide and I could help.

So long and thanks for all the fish