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Anime//Manga//Comic Book Fans: ASSEMBLE!!

Started by Kevin Peña, December 29, 2012, 12:42:36 PM

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Superman vs. Goku?


Kevin Peña


Kevin Peña

Ok, if anyone is wondering how fast Superman is: In Infinite Crisis, Superman flew from Earth to the Andromeda Galaxy about 1 hour.

2.5 million light years--> Light moves at 3*10^8 m/s --> In 7.8894*10^13 s (2.5 million years times 31,557,600 s/year) --> Distance of 2.36682*10^22 m--> 1 hour = 3,600 s --> Superman's speed = 6.5745*10^18 m/s = 2.1915*10^10 times the speed of light.


But Goku has instant transmission, so he could get to Andromeda instantaneously...

I can't help picturing Gokup going up to Superman and saying "Imma deck you in the schnozz!" like he did to Freiza (I'm a fan of the Team Four Star DBZ Abridged series)
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Kevin Peña

Well, Goku may be able to travel instantly using IT, but he himself can't do so. If he used IT to get behind Superman, Superman would detect him right away and give him a planet-splitting knuckle sandwich.  :P

Shawn Sunshine

Shawn Sunshine Strickland The Strickalator



That wouldn't actually be Goku, though.  He'd be using the After Image technique, so Superman would be punching nothing but air!

You have me researching this on Google now... way to go :P.
Sometimes I blog things

Of course I'm sane.  When trees start talking to me, I don't talk back.


Kevin Peña

Quote from: EmSchuma on December 29, 2012, 02:51:27 PM
That wouldn't actually be Goku, though.  He'd be using the After Image technique, so Superman would be punching nothing but air!

Well, Superman has very fast reflexes, so the instant that Goku actually appears, he's toast. He'll have to stop using the afterimage eventually.

Also, thanks, Shawn. I found a great article from that site.


Shawn, did they make the video yet?  I'm leaving home soon, but I'm interested in watching when I get home tonight :D

Diana, yes he'll have to stop using afterimage after the first few times but that doesn't mean Goku doesn't have fast reflexes too!  He did fairly well against Jeice and Burter fighting them at the same time.  And then he took on Freiza, where Goku moved so fast that 5 minutes stretched out into 5 episodes!

I also think Goku would fight fair and avoid using Kryptonite on Superman, so that won't work as a weakness.  And the Spirit bomb won't work against pure hearted people... hmmm... Defending Goku is going to get tricky soon...
Sometimes I blog things

Of course I'm sane.  When trees start talking to me, I don't talk back.


Shawn Sunshine

I have been  waiting for the video, i actually found it by subscribing to ItsJustSomeRandomGuy on you tube

Shawn Sunshine Strickland The Strickalator


Kevin Peña

Quote from: EmSchuma on December 29, 2012, 03:12:43 PM
Diana, yes he'll have to stop using afterimage after the first few times but that doesn't mean Goku doesn't have fast reflexes too!  He did fairly well against Jeice and Burter fighting them at the same time.  And then he took on Freiza, where Goku moved so fast that 5 minutes stretched out into 5 episodes!

Well, the afterimage is produced by Goku moving, not using IT, so Superman would be able to catch him.

About that 5 minutes, 5 episodes thing: I have always loathed DBZ for that.

One episode: "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!"
5 episodes later: "AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"

King Malachite

Goku because he can just call on the people of the Earth to use the Spirit Bomb
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"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."

Kevin Peña

Quote from: Malachite on December 29, 2012, 04:46:32 PM
Goku because he can just call on the people of the Earth to use the Spirit Bomb

A exploding planet can't kill Superman, what makes you think a spirit bomb will? Besides, unless Goku has several minutes to build the bomb, he's screwed.


Quote from: DianaP on December 29, 2012, 05:29:46 PM
A exploding planet can't kill Superman, what makes you think a spirit bomb will? Besides, unless Goku has several minutes to build the bomb, he's screwed.

I never watched dragon ball z (although I probably would have liked it when I was a kid) but didn't goku come back from the dead or something? That sounds more impressive than anything super man ever did. Besides, he's not bothered by kryptonite so I'm pretty sure goku could do some kind of spirit bomb / kryptonite combo. Sure maybe he'd need a few minutes but he could hide while he's doing it since super man isn't omniescent.

Kevin Peña

If Goku makes the slightest sound, and Superman would hear him. Plus, Goku wouldn't use kryptonite since he's block-headed and always wants to "beat you at your best."

Also, Goku was brought back from the dead using wishes from the eternal dragons that come from the dragon balls. He didn't do it himself.


The answer is Batman.

Bruce schemed to have the two fight each other so that, in their weakened state, he could easily subdue them both.
Started HRT in October, 2014. Orchiectomy in August, 2015. Full-time in July, 2016!

If you need an understanding ear, feel free to PM me.

Kevin Peña



Quote from: DianaP on December 29, 2012, 05:55:02 PM
If Goku makes the slightest sound, and Superman would hear him. Plus, Goku wouldn't use kryptonite since he's block-headed and always wants to "beat you at your best."

Also, Goku was brought back from the dead using wishes from the eternal dragons that come from the dragon balls. He didn't do it himself.

I don't think superman can listen to everything at once, come on. If anything I think this would be a weakness becuase you could disorient him with different sounds.

Anyway even if there were dragon balls involved I don't think super man ever came back from the dead.

Kevin Peña

Read that article I put up earlier. Superman essentially gave Death the finger. There's a scan of it somewhere.

Besides, did you ever hear of the Cocktail effect? It's the ability to decide what you hear. For example, you can have a conversation on a busy train or at a... cocktail party (hence the name). Superman can hone in on Goku. Even if he doesn't, at his speed, he can search the entire vicinity easily. And if that fails, the spirit bomb only works on evil people, which Superman is not.  :P

And you can't disorient Superman with noise. His super-strong ears' equilibrium isn't easy to disturb.  :)

King Malachite

Then again, Goku has many transformations and he can just call on Vegeta to turn into Super Vegito.  If all else fails, Goku can just turn into an ape and smash Superman.
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"Sometimes you have to go through outer hell to get to inner heaven."

"Anomalies can make the best revolutionaries."

Kevin Peña

Ok, if we're allowing outside help (Goku vs. Superman, not Vegito/Gogeta vs. Superman), then I say Superman should be allowed to take a dip in the sun and grow exponentially stronger. Then he can also call Wonder Woman. Of course, that's not fair, so let's leave it at Superman vs. Goku.  :P

Post-crisis (Weaker version) Superman moved a planet.
