I'm just curious if anyone can offer me some input on this. I've been going out every day for the past two/three weeks and I want to start looking at buying myself a real running shoe. Now I can't really decide between a barefoot shoe or a normal running shoe. I really like the idea of running barefoot and having a completely (well near completely) natural experience. But I do have some concerns that make me hesitate to get a barefoot shoe.
1. I live in Canada, so it get's cold. Sometimes when it's brisk out (between -1 - -15, as long as it's sunny and not windy or snowing) I like to go for a walk because I really enjoy the cold weather. Will a minimalist shoe still provide me approximately equal warmth as a regular running should would?
2. Because it get's cold, I intend to spend some months indoors using a treadmill in order to avoid running on the paths near my house (which ice over very easily), I can run on a treadmill using a minimalist shoe yes? I've heard you're feet can get hot on a treadmill running barefoot, would your feet get hot in a barefoot shoe since the sole is quite thin?
3. If I train in a barefoot runner will I be able to transfer my speed and distance over to a regular shoe? What I mean is will I be able to run the same distance and with the same efficiency in a regular shoe?
Some stuff about me that might provide useful information for accessing if I should get barefoot runners;
1. I like to run outside, not just on pavement and concrete though, I have access to national parks which involve anything from downfall, grassy hills to rock beds and creeks.
2. I have never run barefoot before or in a barefoot shoe
3. I'm a beginner, the whole world of running is very very new to me, but I'm very enthusiastic.
4. I have an old injury to my right ankle that I've noticed I tend to compensate for with my left calf. I've been working to correct this and not compensate in order to try to strengthen the muscles around my ankle and I've definitely noticed I'm in less pain during and after my walks, as the weeks have passed.
So yeah, hope someone can give me some advice. I'm sorry if any of my questions are stupid, I'm very new to this and I learn best from being able to ask. I also find the more knowledge I have the more motivated I become.
Oh, right now i'm looking at the ZEMgear and Vibram's Five Toe.