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Yeson voice feminization surgery

Started by Jennygirl, April 22, 2013, 06:09:10 PM

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Congratulation :) hope things go smoothly the rest of the week :)

"Hands and Feet are all Alike, but Fear still Divides Us."

                                                              "Cry Freedom"


Quote from: misschievous on May 17, 2013, 10:36:30 AM
Congratulation :) hope things go smoothly the rest of the week :)

Thanks, me too! I mean I love Seoul and all.. But- come on, Wednesday! Get here a little faster! ;)


How much did it end up costing all together to fly to korea, surgery, ect?

"Hands and Feet are all Alike, but Fear still Divides Us."

                                                              "Cry Freedom"


Pretty expensive I suppose, still less than Dr Thomas if my memory is correct.

Flight from LAX- 900usd
Surgery- 7400usd
10 day hotel in Myeongdong- 1200usd

Luckily food is pretty inexpensive here, as is the shopping 8)


OOOOOOOOO Shopping Spree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So looking around $10k plus food and shopping. I will have to remember that? While you were there did you price SRS? Is it cheaper to go there?

"Hands and Feet are all Alike, but Fear still Divides Us."

                                                              "Cry Freedom"


Quote from: misschievous on May 17, 2013, 11:08:00 AM
OOOOOOOOO Shopping Spree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So looking around $10k plus food and shopping. I will have to remember that? While you were there did you price SRS? Is it cheaper to go there?

At the recommendation of my endo, SRS is still a ways off for me (early 2015). I haven't researched it at all tbh. Just the surface level stuff.

Anyway with Yeson there are definite perks-- You get to see one of the most advanced and rapidly evolving cities on the planet... Not a bad deal if you ask me! Just want to say again how amazing the staff is, too. They are on top of it.


Quote from: Jennygirl on May 17, 2013, 10:19:38 AM
who had misspelled the word "portfolio" on their sign out front :P they had spelled it "portpolio" lol...

Hi, Jenny,

Your surgery seems to go fine, and I hope you throat will recover very soon.

In modern Korean language, there is no distinction in sound between 'f' and 'p'. They always pronounce as 'p'. In ancient Korean, there was. Similarly, no distinction between 'L' and 'R' sound. On the other hand, there are several Korean sounds that English speaking people can not distinguish.

Air is not so much clean in Seoul downtown area. Air pollution was once notorious in Seoul, but recently it became better (for example, all public buses use natural gas instead of diesel). Still, I hesitate to visit or live in Seoul, because of air pollution there. So be careful in coughing. Fortunately, it will rain in the afternoon of Saturday.

I will fly to Saint Petersburg, Russia, on Tuesday evening with my colleagues. Visiting foreign cities is always exciting!


Just do it.


Thanks Barbie. Yeah I was wondering if the air could be making parts of my cough worse. Still definitely dealing with moments of "foreign body sensation" deep in my throat. I really hope one of the sutures didn't come loose! But apparently that feeling is normal. I am probably just being a worry wart. Have fun on your own trip! Wish we could have met up :)

Ok off topic rant time... Don't read this part of the post if you're just looking for info about Yeson :P

Well pooh, my friend and I had kind of a cruddy moment today and I decided to come back to the hotel alone and cool off a bit. Since I can't talk to anyone about it over the phone, this is really my only outlet. Anyway the crud with my friend has been building for a few days. She's just really not good at understanding the sensibilities and insecurities of trans people, I guess. She's got issues of her own to deal with (digestive problems) that have been making her feel kind of off.. But the biggest difference is our sense of style. Normally we are fine doing our thing together (we've been friends several years) but lately she's been making what she thinks are "suggestive comments" about my style and ends up basically laying the smack down on my self confidence. It is really off putting to hear someone say "well with all that makeup you wear and the clothes you like there is a pretty huge mismatch in age".. 'Suggesting' that the clothes I wear are too young. Erm... What? I am happy with my style, I'm not looking for your "suggestions" unless I ask for them.. Being a foreigner and trying to feel confident as an outsider to this country... Not what I need right now. Plus, I don't even agree w/ her. She went on pretending like she was the style goddess or something and I know nothing about dressing for my body type.. Bickering how so and so girl has no hips (but acutally also tiny shoulders I said) and how so and so girl has large shoulders (but acutally has big hips, too- I said). I guess my feelings are exacerbated by the limitation of not being able to respond in any way other than text- so I've just been trying to hold a lot of it in the past couple of days. Like, here is another example that has happened daily.. I'm getting all glammed up to go out, and when I'm done I would look at her for even just a nod of approval. I get nothing. She just says "well we have totally different styles..." shakes her head and looks back down texting someone on her phone. I know not a big deal right? Wrong I guess... It started really getting to me. I like having approval, is that so wrong?

Ok rant over. La, la, la!!


Quote from: kyh on May 18, 2013, 04:48:50 AM
That must be so frustrating... If I were you I'd have a really hard time not raising my voice with her... You have an iron will!

And you're never too old or too young to dress and look the way you want.

On the bright side, at least you're not completely alone in Korea right? Though maybe with her rude remarks it'd be better to just be alone at this time?


And now she comes back acting like nothing ever happened- so I dont even know if it's worth saying (I mean typing) anything to her... Prolly not I suppose.

Thanks kyh for hearing out my little vent mode. I'm sure I'll figure something out with her... Probably a combo of patience and selective indifference ;)


Quote from: Jennygirl on May 18, 2013, 04:32:16 AM
But the biggest difference is our sense of style. Normally we are fine doing our thing together (we've been friends several years) but lately she's been making what she thinks are "suggestive comments" about my style and ends up basically laying the smack down on my self confidence. It is really off putting to hear someone say "well with all that makeup you wear and the clothes you like there is a pretty huge mismatch in age".. 'Suggesting' that the clothes I wear are too young. Erm... What? I am happy with my style, I'm not looking for your "suggestions" unless I ask for them.. Being a foreigner and trying to feel confident as an outsider to this country... Not what I need right now. Plus, I don't even agree w/ her. She went on pretending like she was the style goddess or something and I know nothing about dressing for my body type..

Genetic women know better than us in fashion and style. My wife also complains when I wear too bold clothes such as tube tops in summer. Fortunately I am usually in dull mode at home. I also like clothes for teenagers, because they are far less expensive than adults', and moreover look prettier and sexier. I prefer miniskirts, while my wife recommends relatively long skirts. I purchased several miniskirts, but I occasionally wear them. And, my wife took them to wear at home. I do not complain, but the fact is that they are mine, not hers.

For security reason, I will not wear high heels in Saint Petersburg. Just in dull mode. It is always nice to be precautionary in foreign cities at first.


Just do it.

kira21 ♡♡♡

Quote from: barbie on May 18, 2013, 06:03:29 AM
Genetic women know better than us in fashion and style.

Not really so as a rule, but probably fair enough as a generalisation. Look how many men dress women in fashion. I do this a lot and I see *nothing* wrong with *any* picture of Jenny.   Take it for what it is, opinion. Get a few opinions if it worries you (not that I think it should at all) and then accept that sometimes peoples opinions may vary.

I also have friends who talk like that to me and others. It's like they have no tact. I try not to ask them about things too, unless I am completely prepared for their *opinion* delivered in a verbal boxing glove.

Its pretty much all you can do.

Hugs :-)


I think she is probably trying to help. she probably thinks that she knows more about it than you, being a cis woman. I am sure she was checking out different fashion trends since she was a baby. Parents teach that to girls early with barbie dolls. She is probably wants to help you transition and feels fashion is the best way she knows how. I am not saying that she does or doesn't know more about fashion than you. I know when time comes for me to go full time I will be depending on a few of my friends to help me with fashion and find the best look for my personality.

"Hands and Feet are all Alike, but Fear still Divides Us."

                                                              "Cry Freedom"


I you don't want input you don't want it.  I'm mid thirties and I wear younger fashion at home, mostly because I like it and I didn't get to go through that phase as a girl.  When I go out if rather blend in so I go a different fashion direction.

I do think we can all use a trusted cis-female advisor as we play catch up after living life in the wrong gender for some period of yrs.  my cis-female partner gives me advice on the little things all the time.  It's invaluable to me.


This is my response to Jenny's rant:
Many if not all trans women don't dress age appropriately initially, for some it's a phase and for other's it's a lifestyle, but so what? Aren't we all trying to make up for a lot of what we missed in our youth? If it looks good and makes you feel good about yourself then by all means do it and don't worry about what others may think! None of us will be getting a do-over, this is a one shot opportunity so be all you can be and enjoy it. Jenny, you have always looked just gorgeous so I don't get what she is talking about. Perhaps her motives are different than what you think? Look I know that we sometimes out ourselves under the scrutiny of cis female eyes by not dressing age appropriate or time and place appropriately, but my feeling is if you've got it, flaunt it and enjoy being who you are while you have the opportunity. A former girlfriend loved to wear her "Daisy Duke" shorts in the summer, she was 30 and generally speaking cis women don't wear them beyond age 14. So what? She had gorgeous legs and enjoyed seeing the double takes she got from men!


Barbie- while I think it's true most of the time GG's know more about the whole of fashion and proper presentation, they've also had an entirely different (not necessarily better) becoming into their own femininity. Growing up as a girl can be socially harsh, and sometimes this creates phobias or just a general distaste of things that are perfectly acceptable. I think my friend might fall into that category. She has a very minimalized sense for fashion- not that it is bad. It works for her. Just the way she resists anything else kind of illustrates a closed mindedness that kind of bums me out.

Steph- thanks for your kind words about my photos :) Also yes, I think you hit the nail on the head... My friend is known as being rather tactless when she's cranky. There's an ongoing joke (that she has endearingly come to love) where we tell her to "reverse thrusters"... Lol- I think you get the picture. Also, I've never had anyone else tell me I dress too young. The whole start to my current wardrobe was co-picked by some of my most fashion forward cisfemale friends. I couldn't have done it without them! No way. But now I have a very confident feeling about what works and what I like. It just comes down to comfort... That is key for me. I don't leave the house unless I'm comfortable.

Misschievious- yes I do think you are right, too. At first she was just trying to help by making a suggestion about trying a certain style of clothing (loose baggy top commonly found here in Korea now). Then I said that I don't feel comfortable wearing that style because it isn't flattering for my body type (accentuates shoulders, waist & hip disappear completely). That is the kind of stuff I was wearing when I was trying to look androgynous, and for a little just as I went full time. Then I got smart and realized how it was all wrong for my body. Anyway next thing I knew, she was arguing with me about the differences between male/female body characteristics (and fighting me on it like I'm ignorant) which sent me into a dysphoric mind-jam because it's not like she's ever even had to worry about this stuff.

Ashley- YES exactly what I was thinking I wanted to mention in an earlier post. I didn't ask for her input and didn't want it. Especially delivered like that.


Quote from: Shantel on May 18, 2013, 08:50:06 AM
This is my response to Jenny's rant:
Many if not all trans women don't dress age appropriately initially, for some it's a phase and for other's it's a lifestyle, but so what? Aren't we all trying to make up for a lot of what we missed in our youth? If it looks good and makes you feel good about yourself then by all means do it and don't worry about what others may think! None of us will be getting a do-over, this is a one shot opportunity so be all you can be and enjoy it. Jenny, you have always looked just gorgeous so I don't get what she is talking about. Perhaps her motives are different than what you think? Look I know that we sometimes out ourselves under the scrutiny of cis female eyes by not dressing age appropriate or time and place appropriately, but my feeling is if you've got it, flaunt it and enjoy being who you are while you have the opportunity. A former girlfriend loved to wear her "Daisy Duke" shorts in the summer, she was 30 and generally speaking cis women don't wear them beyond age 14. So what? She had gorgeous legs and enjoyed seeing the double takes she got from men!

Heck yes and that's exactly what I do, Auntie Shan :D

I am very happy with the way I dress and there's ultimately nothing [especially] she can say to change it. Maybe if her own daily fashion presentation inspired me at all I would pay more attention, but she just dresses very safely. Not to mention she has a general dislike for all of the places that I shop because she "doesn't fit into the clothing"... She is quite a bit shorter and has a little wider stance and I shop only at trendy thrift stores where most of the good stuff is S/S. However I have a few other girlfriends with her exact body type that shop there and look totally fabulous every day.

In the end, it's not like I'm pretending to know what would be the best way to dress her- nor would I start making comments about it... Unless she asked me to, only then would I offer my opinions.


Quote from: Jennygirl on May 18, 2013, 08:56:37 AM
Anyway next thing I knew, she was arguing with me about the differences between male/female body characteristics (and fighting me on it like I'm ignorant) which sent me into a dysphoric mind-jam because it's not like she's ever even had to worry about this stuff.

Trying to help you pick out your cloths is one thing but that is something completely different. You (at least from the picture) look genuine and beautiful. I hope I look halph that good at 5 months hrt.

"Hands and Feet are all Alike, but Fear still Divides Us."

                                                              "Cry Freedom"


Quote from: misschievous on May 18, 2013, 11:34:43 AM
Trying to help you pick out your cloths is one thing but that is something completely different. You (at least from the picture) look genuine and beautiful. I hope I look halph that good at 5 months hrt.

A lot of us here would agree with misschevious Jenny, you may have to politely confront the cis gal's comments if she persists and find out what's driving her to behave like that toward you. She may even be suffering jealousy pangs, who knows? If she keeps it up you may have to conclude that the friendship has become toxic and take appropriate action because you don't need anyone tearing down your self esteem.


I talked (typed) to her about it this morning.

We both woke up rather early (5:30am) and got to talking. She had an anxiety attack in her sleep and I was unable to sleep from a persistent tickle on my vocal chords. Anyway at one point she actually complimented the dress I was wearing yesterday (saying it looked really good on me)... This is the same dress she was saying looked too young for me yesterday. Haha uh what?

So, I said how it meant a lot because yesterday I was kind of thrown off from our conversation. When I mentioned to her that I had realized she was probably just trying to be helpful, she immediately saw the fault / where she went wrong later in the convo yesterday and apologized. She touched on her general lack of knowledge about fashion and makeup, and she also said some nice things about how I had made such big strides in 5 months time and was now probably "better" than her in both regards. I don't really like the word "better" in that form of speech but I took the apology & compliment to heart at face value :)

So, we are smiling again and things are better than ever. I think we have a greater understanding of each other after this, and the weird part is I didn't even "technically" speak any words, lol. Kind of cool.


Oh yeah, and I'm trying to get into Yeson a few days early for a super quick laryngoscope check because this tickle in my throat has me worried- like maybe the healing got messed up somewhere along the way. I'm almost positive it's normal, but having to wait around til Wednesday is going to kill me. I fly out Thursday and what if something is wrong?

They say not to cough or clear your throat at all especially in these first 7 days because it could pull the sutured area apart meaning a re-operation. I have definitely been driven to doing both (albeit VERY lightly) out of reflex (I panicked trying to stop it from occurring but there was no avoiding it).. at first from phlegm and now from this tickle / foreign body sensation. Which, by the way, kept me waking up on the hour from 2a - 5a last night until I finally said "screw this I'm just going to stay up and drink water" ;)

Luckily Jessie, the English coordinator at Yeson, has been so very nice and helpful answering all of my bothersome questions and reassuring my constant worries about the outcome of my surgery! I don't expect to hear back from her until tomorrow though- they are closed on weekends.